She Saved Me | Tom Riddle

By _itssamanthaa

588K 19.1K 12.9K

Everyone knows how the story of Harry Potter ends. He destroyed the horcruxes, won the duel, and Voldemort wa... More

Something Strange
The Girl
Tom Riddle or Voldemort
The Next Step
The First Day
First Inspection
Beginning of Summer
Family Dinners
An Adventure
The Pier
Second Inspection
Thoughts & Feelings
The Object
The Trial P. 1
The Trial P. 2
The Wand Complex
Diagon Alley
End of Summer
Classes Begin
Conflicting Conversations
Quidditch Season
Memories & Change
First Match
The Full Story
Threats & Confessions
The Boy
Turning Point
Stand Up
A New Feeling
Facing Reality
Falling Apart
Lasting Effects
Birthday Wishes
An Act of Faith
A Moral Paradox
The Truth
A Celebration of Fear
All Is Fair
One Step Foward
The Idea of Progress
Love and War
What The Future Holds
Quick Update

Return to Hogwarts

9.3K 354 341
By _itssamanthaa

Y'all, ask me some questions about these two, pleeeease!

Also, get ready for some crazy sh*t now that we're back at Hogwarts 🤭


Listen: Without You by Alexandre Desplat

23| return to hogwarts

It was warm and sunny, strange for the time of year in Scotland. Many students were spread around the school grounds enjoying the unusual weather. Ava, Mia, and Liam were sitting near the lake doing various things. Ava was leaning against a tree looking around, Mia was sitting across from her reading a book on unknown magic, and Liam was laying in the grass with his eyes closed.

Ava was lost in her thoughts watching the birds flying over the lake when Mia looked at her suddenly. "Do you believe in soulmates?"

Ava was stuck on what to say for a moment. "I guess I don't really know. What brought that up?"

Mia shrugged, "I just read about how soulmates are an unconsidered form of powerful magic. Apparently it could be a real thing." She went back to the section she read, "it says souls can sometimes have a match, or mate, and when a soul finds it, extraordinary events can occur. These can include anything from healing to protection." She stopped reading again and looked back to Ava. "Sounds pretty interesting."

"It could be, if it is real," Ava said. She laughed when Mia looked disappointed. "I just don't know how to feel about it."

"Sounds like a load of rubbish if you ask me."

Mia rolled her eyes at Liam. "Of course you would say that. You don't believe in anything romantic."

Liam just threw his hands up and placed them across his chest. "What's so romantic about your soul matching another persons? Sounds kind of creepy."

As Mia and Liam continued to bicker, Ava glanced up again at the lake. She was startled when a breeze blew her hair from behind her and she heard her name being called. She recognized the voice, "Ava."

She opened her eyes and sat up from where she was leaning against the window. Tom was standing above her with his hand out. He was trying to wake her up.

"The trolley is going by so I thought you might want something."

"Has it been that long already?" Ava brushed her hand through her hair as she sat up. She looked out the window to see endless grass and hills. "How long have I been asleep?"

"I would guess close to an hour," Tom said with a shrug. He returned back to his own seat and looked out the compartment window. The trolley cart was now in sight just a compartment down from them.

Ava sighed, "I'm sorry for just falling asleep like that." She was still reeling from her dream, or memory she should say. Why would she dream about that conversation?

Tom studied her in confusion when he noticed Ava had gotten lost in her thoughts. "Is everything alright? You seem dazed."

"Oh, do I?" Ava placed her head in her hands for a few seconds to gather herself. She looked up at Tom and smiled slightly, "guess I'm not fully awake yet. I had an odd dream."

He nodded in understanding. "What sort of dream?"

"It was just, I don't know. It was a memory really." She leaned back against her seat to rest her head again. "Just of a random conversation Mia, Liam, and I had by the lake a few years ago. I'm not sure why I dreamt of it."

As Tom was thinking about what to say, there was a knock on their compartment door. They both looked to see the trolley woman smiling at them. Ava got up and opened the door. The woman, a different one than before as Ava later told Tom, smiled at them kindly. Ava bought herself and Tom cauldron cakes and a chocolate frog respectively for the time being.

As they were sitting there for a few minutes in silence, Tom continued their discussion of Ava's dream. "You said the memory wasn't particularly important?" Ava nodded. "Perhaps you just dreamt of it because you'll be back there with them again."

"I guess that could be it." Ava wasn't quite sure if she could believe that. It was too oddly placed for it to just be nothing. Out of all the memories she has with her friends, that's the one that she dreamt of. Tom was probably right and it wasn't anything to think on. Shaking her head slightly and deciding to let it go, she opened the cauldron cakes. "Anyways, did I miss anything while I was asleep?"

Tom hummed in thought. "Not particularly. Some younger students ran by at one point making a fuss over something." He opened a book he was reading previously and thought of something else. "I believe a professor of some sort walked through to observe the compartments. Other than that, nothing."

Ava nodded even though Tom wasn't looking at her. A professor on the train with the students wasn't a common occurrence. Considering they were returning fresh off a war, it would make sense. She imagined Tom's presence also required a higher degree of precaution and security. They didn't want to take any chances. She then began to wonder which professor it might be. "Did you see who by chance?"

"It was a man, but I didn't catch many details." Tom turned the page and crossed his legs as he reimagined the man. "He wasn't old as most are, short hair, slight facial hair, and grey robes. He wasn't anyone to marvel at for sure."

"That's rude, Tom." She said that with exasperation. He needed to understand that he couldn't speak of others like that. "But I think I might know who that was. Unless he has a twin somewhere, it's for sure a returning professor." Stretching out her legs on the seat, Ava made herself comfortable against the window. "I think most of the students will be happy to have him back. He was a good professor."

"What did he teach?" Tom still didn't look up as he spoke, only paying half attention to Ava.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts."

This made Tom look up at Ava. "Interesting." It took him a minute to realize exactly what she said at first. "You said returning?"

"Oh! I don't think I've told you about that yet. We've had a different DADA professor almost every year." She couldn't believe this wasn't brought up before. "No one is completely sure why, but it's been said that a curse is on the position so no one would last in it."

"A curse placed by who?"

"Vol.." Ava stopped herself from saying it. She knew she didn't cut off in time because Tom immediately put all of his attention on her. He stared at her intensely as she swallowed nervously. She wasn't sure if she should say it. Seeing his annoyed expression made her answer anyways. "Voldemort."

Tom paused, "ah." Of course it was him. Knowing Ava was waiting for some kind of response from him and not feeling like entertaining her, he turned his attention back to his book. While it couldn't be helped, he was tired of everything revolving around Voldemort. He was put on trial for his actions, his wand was taken away and restricted, he couldn't go in public without being supervised. It was maddening.


He looked up at Ava to see concern on her face. Concern for him. He both appreciated and hated it. He let out a huff of air and clenched his jaw. A swell of anger was building up in him as he noticed her concern deepen. His breathing picked up and he looked away from her in frustration. He didn't notice his grip on the book become extremely tight.

Ava jumped up from her seat and moved to sit next to him. She placed her hand on his and loosened his hold on the book. "Hey, what's going on?" She grabbed the book out of his hold when he closed his eyes. Once she placed it aside, Ava gripped Tom's hands in hers. "Tell me what's going on in that head of yours."

Tom shook his head slightly. "Everything comes back to him. It will just be the same at Hogwarts. I won't escape any judgment." He jerked away when Ava squeezed his hands in comfort. He suddenly turned to her with a grimace. "Aren't you worried you'll be treated differently? Because of me, you'll be criticized."

Ava looked at Tom sadly, not liking his change in mood. "It doesn't matter." When Tom scoffed and made to pull away completely, Ava gripped his hands tighter. "It doesn't," she said determinedly, "I know the truth and so does my family. You have us and that's what matters." She reached over to smooth his hair back from his face. When he looked at her again, this time less upset, she smiled softly, "it'll take time for you to be accepted, that's all." Knowing he won't say more after the single nod he gave her, Ava untangled her left hand and leaned back against the seat. She then firmly held his left hand in her right and remained there for a while.


It was now evening and the train would be arriving to Hogwarts soon. Tom had just woken up with his head resting against the back of the seat. It was disorientating when he looked out the window to see it was almost dark out. He didn't think he had slept for that long. There was a weight on his left shoulder, which he realized was Ava. She had her head leaning against his arm, asleep, with their hands entwined still. He didn't mind it.

Tom debated on waking Ava up so he could move his arm, but decided to let her wake on her own. He went back to studying the scenery passing by the train. Not long after he felt Ava begin to stir and stretch. He hid a smirk when he realized she had looked at him to see he was awake. She was quick to pull her hand away.

"It's getting dark already? We must be arriving soon."

Tom shrugged as he placed his now cold hand in his lap. He hardly recognized the lands along the way to Hogwarts so he couldn't tell. He didn't remove his focus from the window as Ava rummaged around. He assumed she was gathering her school robes. He didn't feel the need to get his out yet. Out of everything that's happened to him since waking up in this time, he was glad to at least not worry about that. His robes were already marked for Slytherin.

As Ava was setting her robes out, there was a knock on their compartment door. She looked over to see Allison. Smiling, Ava went to open the door and embraced her friend. When she pulled back, Ava asked "what are you doing?"

"Well I decided to see you before we go to our separate houses. We won't see each other until classes at some point." Allison briefly glanced at Tom, "Riddle." Tom gave her a nod back in response but frowned when she looked away. "It took me some time to find you."

"By the time we arrived, half the train was full already. I think farewells took too long with my family." Ava laughed slightly at that. She then noticed what Allison was wearing. "You're already in your robes?"

Allison glanced down at herself then took notice that neither of them were changed. "Of course, we'll be arriving in about twenty minutes."

Ava startled at that, "really? We had fallen asleep and I guess it was longer than expected." She looked over her shoulder to see Tom shrug at her. "We should probably get ready then."

"Yeah.." Allison trailed off to glance between them once she saw Ava's robes laying out. "Just don't change with each other in here. That would be a little odd." She then started smirking when Ava blushed. "Unless you two like that of course."

"Alright thank you," Ava said over Allison to prevent her from saying anything more. "We'll take turns. Now please, you can go. I'll find you later most likely."

"Mhm." Allison just laughed at Ava's embarrassment. "Fine, I'm leaving." She quickly closed the door and left them alone.

Ava stood there shaking her head at her friend. Turning around, she grabbed her robes without looking at Tom who was watching her. "I'll just find somewhere to change and you can use the compartment." Before he could say anything, Ava was out the door and gone.


The Hogwarts Express was just reaching the station in Hogsmeade. Tom and Ava were sitting silently, either looking out the window or watching students pass by their compartment. They were in their robes and more than ready to get off of the train. They had been making small comments to pass the time, but no serious conversation came up. The closer it got to being back in the school, the more uneasy Tom became. No amount of reassurance from Ava soothed him at this point, not that he really wanted it.

There was sudden halt in movement as the train finally stopped. The sounds of students excitedly getting ready to get off could be heard out of the compartment. Ava got up and grabbed her bag and taking out her wand, she shrunk it to fit in her pocket. She only shrugged when Tom raised an eyebrow in question. As she went to open the door, Tom stood and followed her out. They were swept into the crowd of students funneling out of the sides of the train. Tom caught sight of a certain boy with round glasses before Ava grabbed his sleeve to pull him along with her outside.

Ava weaved them through all the first years and older students going to the boats and carriages respectively. She sent a quick wave to Lizzie as she went along with the other first years. She had let go of him momentarily, allowing him regain his composure. As they were searching for an empty carriage to take, they heard voices calling out to them.

Ava turned around, stopping Tom in his tracks as well, to see Mia and Liam catching up to them. "There you two are."

Mia rolled her eyes, "oh don't act like we were the ones to disappear." She then crossed her arms and looked at Ava expectantly. "Last I checked, you were behind us on the train. And then when I turn around, you're gone!"

Ava could only laugh slightly. "I'm sorry, I just didn't want Tom to be alone."

"It's not like he hasn't ridden the train before," Liam interjected sarcastically.

Mia sighed and shook her head. "Whatever, we'll talk about it later." She glanced at Tom briefly, noticing him glaring at Liam. Not wanting anything to start between them, she changed the topic. "So, find a carriage yet?"

They all realized they were standing in the middle of students rushing to carriages to head up to the school. Ava looked behind her to see only full ones before looking around Mia. Her and Liam both caught sight of an empty one at the same time. Sharing a challenging look, they took off for the carriage.

Mia groaned loudly, "seriously you two? Quidditch doesn't start for another month." She shook her head in frustration at the two and looked over at Tom. "They always try to out-do each other. Nevermind they're on the same team or anything," Mia said grumbling as she followed after them.

When Mia and Tom caught up to Ava and Liam, Ava was leaning on the side of the carriage smiling triumphantly. "I told you I run faster than you Liam."

Liam was leaning over to catch his breath. He scoffed, "you had a head start."

"You were standing closer!"

"Merlin's beard, can we just get on and go." Mia yelled this loud enough to where other students stopped to observe. She sent a glare towards a few younger students lingering off to the side, which made them run off.

Ava and Liam both laughed at Mia's irritation while Tom smirked in amusement. They quickly got on the carriage and let it pull them towards the castle. None of them commented on what was pulling them, which Tom found odd. He knew Ava was able to see the thestrals, but wondered if the war the previous year allowed the other two to see them as well. Perhaps he will bring that up another time. For now, he kept his question to himself as the carriage brought them towards the castle.

Tom's anxiousness returned in full force once they reached the school and it was time to get off. Sensing this, Ava made sure to stay by his side in a form of silent support. As they walked with Mia and Liam in the crowd of students, their shoulders brushed occasionally. Each time sent a small jolt through Tom's arm, most likely twitches as a reflex. It's wasn't unusual, either that would happen or he flinched whenever Ava touched him in some way. Glancing at the other students around them, Tom was glad for the school robes being loose enough to mask their closeness.

Lost in his thoughts, Tom didn't realize how quickly the walk went as they were suddenly at the Great Hall. He noticed Mia, Liam, and Ava all slow down to let others pass them. They joined in once the rush was over and the rest of the students entered more languidly. He believed that was done for his benefit so they weren't either first or last to enter. Therefore, he would be able to blend in more. Not that it would matter as most, if not all, knew about him. Either way he'd face judgement.

"Still alright?" Ava's soft voice floated above the noise. She gently nudged Tom without moving too much so it wasn't obvious.

Tom hesitated. Was he? He wasn't quite sure at that moment, especially when he noted multiple students watching them. Yet he forced a small shrug, "for now."

Ava took his word for it even though she knew he couldn't be completely fine. She wasn't oblivious to the watchful stares of students and professors. When they made it to the Slytherin table, she glanced up at the head table. Meeting the eyes of Professor Ravenwood, they exchanged smiles. But it slipped when her focus shifted to the professor next to her, Professor Snape. So she was right, and the rumor was true according to the Daily Prophet. He was alive and back to teaching. That's when she noticed his eyes were trained past her, at Tom. Sitting down, she went to mention it but found Tom staring back at Snape in confusion.

He leaned closer to her to ask quietly, "who is that professor and why is he looking at me like that?"

"That's Professor Snape, he teaches potions." As for the second part, she couldn't exactly answer that. "I'm not sure why. Perhaps he's just..apprehensive, like everyone else?"

Tom finally removed his focus from the professor and went to studying others around him. Mia and Liam were conversing with other students at their table and he could see Allison at the Ravenclaw table doing the same. He didn't believe he'd recognize anyone else until his eyes met with green ones behind round spectacles. Potter. He was watching him intently, no doubt ensuring he didn't cause any problems. He was sitting next to a boy with red hair and a girl with curly hair, his friends he heard so much about. They held each other's gazes until Tom's attention was brought back to Ava when she cleared her throat.

She raised an eyebrow in both concern and question when she realized who he was looking at. He just shook his head in dismissal. That's when they heard the doors open and they looked to see the first years being lead in. The professor guiding them was the one Tom saw on the train briefly.

Mia gasped when she turned around to see. "Is that Professor Lupin?"

"I can't believe they let him come back," Liam said shocked. After the uproar from his presence before, everyone was sure they'd never see him again, teaching nonetheless.

Tom didn't understand what they were referring to, but didn't think it was important at that time. He instead turned his focus to the familiar silvery blonde hair of Lizzie in the line of first years. She was animatedly talking to another girl without a sign of nervousness. He was almost certain of where she would be placed in just a few short minutes. And so, they all sat through the large group of new students being sorted. Slytherin had gained just a few from the first half with most going to Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. But things changed with the rest of the group.

When Lizzie's name was called out, she confidently made her way to the front with a big smile on her face. She showed no sign of intimidation at being in front of so many people. The sorting hat sat on her head for longer than they expected, but after quiet input from Lizzie, the hat decided.


Ava clapped slowly in surprise, but was happy for her sister. She gave her an excited smile when Lizzie sought her out among the crowd. She gave her sister an approving nod as she found herself a spot at the Gryffindor table. Mia and Liam laughed, not at all surprised that the spunky girl ended up in that house.

Ava turned to Tom to see his satisfied smirk. "You knew, didn't you?"

Tom merely shrugged, "I had my suspicions."

Ava laughed, "we always said she took after Emmett too much."

Tom smiled at that, remembering that her brother in fact was also in that house. He was just as unsurprised as she was. Their attention was then taken by the new headmistress for the welcome speech. She introduced new and returning professors, went over mandatory rules, and gave words of encouragement to start the new year fresh. Once she was done, the feast commenced and Tom was pulled back into the familiar routine that brought him an overwhelming feeling of comfort.

AN: this ended up being really long, but I hope that makes up for updating late

With that, I can say that this story will end with about 45 chapters. However, it might end up stretching to 50, we'll see! I do, however, know exactly how it will end 😈

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