By maria_ola

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Welcome to the GRACE ALIVE MINISTRY, your average church built on the word, the faith and the dedication of i... More



70 6 21
By maria_ola


It was Saturday and probably the second to the worst day of Rachel's life ,the worst day was Sunday. Every Saturday for the past two years she had tried to swallow her fears of walking through the church doors of G.A.M on Sunday but the feeling never left. Maybe it  was simply because the feelings of the people never changed either.

Everyone in the community knew her, she was the famous Rachel Carter, high school drop out,voted most likely to never succeed, prostitute, home breaker amongst many other disgusting titles that she held.

No one saw who she was now,the woman with a past whom God gave a future, she was the prodigal daughter looking for a second chance and a way to right all the wrongs she had done in life. And at twenty seven she was no where near her target of making people like her, especially at her church.

There were only three reasons why she remained in this community for so long. One being the fact that she had promised pastor John and his wife that she would someday establish herself in this same community that rejected her. Two because she just knew that this community was her home and nowhere else. Three ,because it was her only way of survival.

After she had given her life to Christ, Rachel had been left jobless, there were no more men to seduce, no more videos to sell,no more strip clubs ,no more source of income. Her friends who she used to work with had refused to help her and more times than normal ,she had been tempted to go back. Until pastor John hired her as the official church cleaner

That was how she got back on her feet, she had cleaned the church and God had cleaned her life. Now she had three jobs . Two as a waitress at restaurants owned by church members and the last as a house keeper for Whosoever was interested.

The pay from these jobs had managed to get her a one bedroom apartment sparsely finished with a second hand sofa, a nice mattress, an old box TV and a fridge you had to kick real hard once in a while to work, along with other things. She was happy and content at least it was better than living on the streets.

Still, Rachel knew she had a long way to go, she was saving up for her education and taking a few night classes but there were other things that bothered her, like the fact that she didn't really have any friends and everyone stayed clear of her especially Hannah, her half sister and also most popular bachelorette in the entire community and at church

Everyone loved Hannah, she could sing,flag dance, cook, bake and still had a good job as a pediatrician at one of the most prestigious private hospitals around. Hannah was everything Rachel would never be...successful and loved and yet Rachel couldn't bring herself to hate Hannah the way Hannah hated her.

Everyone knew that the Carter sisters stayed clear of each other mostly because one was ashamed of the other , in the last two years they hadn't said more than twenty words to themselves and it was getting worse by the week. They were opposites in everything. Hannah had blond hair and Rachel's was jet black , Hannah had blue eyes and Rachel's was brown,Hannah had skin that glowed in the sun and all Rachel could boast of was a pale sickly colour but most of all Hannah was beautiful and Rachel was just plain ugly .

Then there was Riley ,her former best friend and now bff's with her sister. Riley hated her with passion and she deserved it especially after the accident with Riley's father. That was just one of the numerous mistakes she still had to fix .
She looked out the window and thought of her sister, what was she doing now?

When they were little they were inseparable and now they just had to stay clear of each other and everyone knew it was her fault. She remembered the day her parents had brought Hannah home. She and Riley had been playing house when she heard her mother screaming at her father for betraying her. Mother never really liked Hannah and Rachel never knew why until she grew up to discover that Hannah was a product of an affair her father had at work. Hannah's mother died in a car accident with no trace of her relatives and her father as the next of kin she had nowhere else to go but his house.

For her mothers sake Rachel tried her best to hate  Hannah, but none look at the two year old blond still sucking her thumb and five year old Hannah knew that this was the answer to all her sibling prayers.

It was Rachel's love and devotion to Hannah that brought her family back together and soon her mother warmed up to the new family member and everything was back to normal. But she was also the same person who ended up tearing her family apart again...a crime Hannah would never forgive her for.

Tomorrow was Sunday and somehow Rachel hoped that it would be better than all the previous Sundays in the last two years.

Hannah Carter lived for only two things, her happiness and her reputation ,every other thing was just a booster or some necessity that could easily be taken care of. This included her so called best friend Riley and some theological concept that people worshipped called God. Yep,to Hannah Carter they were all nothing but boosters, it was through Riley that she had gotten her job as a pediatrician and through her mock belief in God that she had been made famous in her community.

Living in a well furnished penthouse and having a dream job ,Hannah loved her life and everything that she had become but there was only one problem and that was the fact that she still wasn't married.

At twenty five she had imagined herself already married and expecting her first child but Riley had beat her to it by getting married to the youth pastor himself. Not that she liked joshua, he was definitely not her type but she wanted to be the one to invite Riley to her wedding and not the other way round. Riley was truly a pain in the neck but she was still needed especially if they were going to work hand in hand to make her half sister's life as miserable as possible.

She couldn't wait to change her last name. It was embarrassing to be called a Carter all thanks to her idiot of a half sister who ruined her life and then the family name.

If only she had a chance she would wipe her Rachel off the face of the earth but she would wait patiently, her day of revenge was coming when she would finally get rid of Rachel Carter and take her rightful place as the only child of Mr and Mrs Carter. If there was something else Hannah hated, it was sharing and sharing her parents was something she regretted all her life. She had always wished she the only child.

Hannah was determined that she would find a prince charming who was worthy of her before the end of the year and have a wedding so grand, it will increase her fame to a whole new level.
And she knew just who that prince charming could be
Riley couldn't stop blabbing about the new pastor ,his car and of course his looks. Poor Riley ,too bad she was already married so all she could do was try as much as possible to impress Hannah with the fact that she had been among the first set of people to meet him.

Hannah couldn't wait to introduce herself to  David after the service tomorrow, that was why she went shopping to get a church wear that will make her stand out, it wasn't as if she didn't stand out every other day but she wanted to make sure that whether this prince liked it or not she would be the only princess in his life .

From what she had heard about the  him, he seemed to be the only one who could take the rightful place as her husband, all the other guys she had met wouldn't do.

She needed a guy that was famous, faithful and loving but most of all Hannah needed a guy she could control and if there was one thing she knew since her birth ,it was the fact that whatever Hannah Carter wanted....Hannah Carter got. She was too pretty and too smart for anyone to say No and everyone seemed to know it.

That was why she managed to get hold of her parents inheritance...all of it...every single dime. She left nothing for Rachel.. Let her suffer for the heartbreak she caused them. While her half sister had been traveling around the world being involved in her disgusting escapades...with the help of a few friends Hannah had registered her as dead after her parents death thereby giving her access to all their assets. "Thank you Rachel for disappearing". When Rachel got back she was too tired and too ashamed to ask of anything from her and she made sure that she never got too friendly with her so she wouldn't even have the courage to ask.

Now Rachel was nothing more than some church girl juggling jobs to survive who came once in a while to wash her toilets.

Hannah loved her life and she looked forward to Sunday when she would begin ascending another level in her career. As she sat at her kitchen table gazing at the sunset, she raised a glass of cold juice to herself and said "congratulations Hannah... Mother would have been proud"


Sooooooooo what do you guys think about Rachel and Hannah👩👨

Who's the real princess and who is the prodigal😕😕😕😕😕😕

Would you have forgiven Rachel for all the bad she did if she lived in your community (be realistic)😞😞😞😞😞😞

Is Hannah justified to be angry or is she just throwing tantrums 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒

Will she find love with David or will he be one of those boosters she needs for her reputation😇😇😇

Find out in our next episode of G.A.M drama😉😉😉😉😉😉


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