No escape...

By GeekLordSeven

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I am a 15 year old girl, i was going on holliday with my friends, boy friend and family...but then it went ho... More

Chapter one: The begining
Chapter two: And then there were fewer...
Chapter three: The Lion The bitch and the wardrobe.
Chapter five:Lone soilder

chapter four: the executioner

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By GeekLordSeven

I woke up to a loud noise, of what sounded like banging, drunk, rock and anything you could think of to be honest. I had a terrible headache, and my jaw was bleeding, i had a scar down my left cheek. It appeared that i had been beaten, knocked out and kidnaped, then a door opened, it was a bold man, he was tall and scary, i stood up and approached him

"Hi sir, i think you've got the wron-" Before i could finish talking he hit me across the face, knocking me back on to the ground, he kicked me in the arm and turned me over

"Who the hell do you think you are, charging at me? I should kill yo ass!" Exclaimed the violent man

"Look, please dont hurt me, im pregnant, and inncoent, i haven't done anything to you!" I explained, trying not to sound at all guilty.

"Well, i dont belive that for a moment, the executioner isn't verry happy with you, youl e meating him in a while, ild be propared if i were you, then he swung his fist towars my face

Meanwhile back at the lions den, Andros smashed his fist into the wall

"What the !&%$! Why would they do that? Who are they? We dont even know them! Where have they taken here?" Wondered Andros

Andros was almost going mental, he smashed up the hole den, then Carlos tryed to calm him down but he just turned around and smacked him one, in the face, Carlos hit the floor, his nose was bleeding, Andros realized what he had done, he felt guilty imedeatly  he helped him back up and gave him his last tissue.

Back at the place i was, i was in a big tree house, next to a shed, next to another tree house, i didn't know what to do, and who was the Executioner? I was wondering if i would be safe, if Luke was here i mean, he would protect me, i missed Andros, it was my fault i got taken really, i should have told them i was going outside, but i didn't want to disturb their conversation.

I sat down looking for a way out, i saw the window, it was small, but it was big enougth for me to get through, the light glistened through it, there wasn't much of the light, it had been raining so it wasn't the sunniest of days,i wanted to leave as soon as possible, i hated tree houses, they scared me, ever since my dad left, he used to fix up my tree house, but then he died, he was in a plane crash, presumabely. But one night, i was on the tree house roof, and i fell through it, my brother catched me, if he didn't i would have died. So that bassicaly sums up my fobia of being in tree houses.

i saw the window, it had a chair besides it, i figured if i could work up the strength to smash the window, with the chair, i would be able to jump down, i thought if i bent my legs id probablly be ok, i grabbed the chair and swung it around, i just fell down again, then i tryed for a seccond time, i just hit the wall and the chair collapsed, i grabbed one of the sharp broken chair legs and hid it undernath my t-shirt.

One of the guards walked in, he threatend me

"If you dont clear this up right now, il beat you and your baby, bitch!" He threatened

"Oh, go fuck yourself" I laughed.

He ran towards me so i shoved the chair leg into his shoulder, then booted  him in the leg, as he fell down i kicked him in his head, he was knocked out. I knew he would have a weapon on him, i looted him and underneath his dark heavy leather was a pistol, five bullets and a reload pack. I supposed this could come in handy some time, if i need to use it on someone.

At the den Andros was rounding up all of the weapons he could find, him and Carlos mined themselves a sharp wooden knife, baring in mind Carlos only had one proper leg now, he could always break bones with his wooden one. Then to truly appoligise, Andros walked up to Carlos with a beer behing his back, he tapped him on the shoulder

"What? Stop fannying about, we need to get a move on? Is that that a larger?" Carlos smiled wildly, ive only got four Andros, Kate and Carlos all had one, 10 minutes later they set off to find me.There was a trail, of leaking petrol, from the guys who kidnapped me, they followed the trail, obviously.

Now, when your stuck in a room, and you've been kidnapped by a group of me, what would you do, oh and allso your pregnant? Well, youl know what i did, i smashed the  guards head on the floor

"Now, i call the shots from here, so, il give you one chance before i kill you, Where am i?" i forced him to answer me

"Your about 300 meeters from the place you were last, and the executioner isn't happy with you!" He explained

"Thanks!" I said, as i knocked him to the ground.

Then a load of guards ran in, i hid the gun. They dragged me to my knees, kicked me, then they dragged me into the shed, then they put me to my knees, i was at a man's feet, as i looked up he wore a pair of old boots, black leather jacket and jeans

"You may have been expecting a visit with the executioner, but luckily for you, youve got a visit with me instead, now your going to get hurt, sweet heart!" The man exclaimed rudly

"Shes pregnant sir" Proposed one of the men

"Oh well, you can loose what we lost, my tiger! We lost our baby, youl loose yours!"

"NOOOO! Please!!!"

Andros and Carlos could hear me scream they ran over there, as fast as they could

"Lucy, were coming for you!" They yelled

Then they were stopped by four men, Andros was punched by a big, bolky bloke,Andros looked at him and decked him, he smashed his teeth into bits and stood on his head, the next man ran at Carlos, he ducked and hit him in the belly, he threw him to the floor, they thought they had just won the fight but then they got knocked straight to the floor by the other two.

Then the big man lifted his foot off of the floor and kicked me in the head, i fell back, bleading even more now, the two men walked over to my brother and Carlos

"So you forgot you were messing with the most hardcore, gangstar group in the wild hu? IDIOTS!" They shouted as they stood on their faces, Carlos was badly injured, but Andros just played dead, then the man walked up close to Andros, face hight, then Andros opened his eyes and head butted him, but they then got restrained again.

The men in my room were acting like they were going to kill my baby

"Just you wait till my  brother gets here, he will kill you all!" I defended

They just laughed in my face, one of them even spat on me

I wondered what would happen if i had to stay here for ever, but then there was a loud roar, it was a tiger, it ran in, and charged toawrds me, i knew what i had too do, i pulled out the gun and shot the tiger in the brains, the gun shot silenced everyone for quit some time, then they heared it outside, and all the comotion went silent, they all didn't really know what to do.

Then i woke up, i was next to Carlos and Andros, but not Kate, i had bruises on my face and arms, i knew im Andros seen me he would kick off, big time, then just before he looked at me we noticed Carlos crying in the corner of the cell, it was disturbing actually

"Whats wrong?" I asked him

He was worried about what was going ot happen to Kate, we knew she would be fine.

Andros looked at me


"Its...its fine...its just a sure" I replied to him, trying not to worry him

"Il find them who did this, and i will kill them!" He proclaimed "Have you got any weapons on you?" 

" Yeah, just a pistol and a chair leg?" I told him.

He looked happy for some strange reson, his was bright as a diamond, with his glowing white teeth

"Do you know what this means, we can probablly get out of here, all we need to do is use one of theese weapons on the window and the guard, then we will be free!" 

I handed Andros the chairleg he hit the window with it untill it shattered into reflecting spots on the cell floor. He gave Carlos a leg up the fractored wall, he boosted him untill he was at the top

"Its a bit small!" He cpmplained

"Oh stop winging you big fanny" Andros replied, he jumped over the cell window, he was out, we told him to go and find some way to get the guards to come round and see us.

Carlos was walking round the corner, he was close to a guard, the guard walked around the corner, before he could set his blind eyes on Carlos he had been killed, Carlos then put on his clothes and took his sword

"Ha Dis is off the chain Baba!" He giggled to himself. He walked round the cells and through the wooden doors, this was quit big for people who have been stranded on a jungle, he walked over to the second in commaned

"Brake out at the cell, i repeat brake out at the cell!" He warned

All of the guards came running over to the cells, then the first guard who came close egnouth got stabbed in the head by me! Then they all took a step back

"Ha! Drop the weapon whore!" One of the guards demanded

Then he felt a pistol touch the side of his head

"Do you want to say that louder my friend? Id love to hear it again!" He innforced as he held a gun to the mans head "Now all of you drop the weapons or i shoot him in the brain!"

They all dropped their weapons to the floor, then they all got leaded out by Carlos, they all left emedeately. 

They all got told they have to go to the hall, then we had all the guns it was our victory, our glory, our WAY OUT, we all made them line up in a one behind the other strict rule, if we saw th men who hurt me they would be shot, this wasn't up to me, it was up to my brother, he wouldn't stand for me being attacked, especcialy by a man, he was trying to act like Luke would, and he knew Luke wouldn't ever let it slip, so he found all of the men he hated, and he shot them, he would have asked me who was it out of theese little ***** i didnt really tell him alot of them, i didnt want people to die in my hands

I was feeling very under the weather, so i wallked out and had a breath of fresh air, but then i noticed something, it looked like an old plane wreck, like something had fallen from the sky and blew up, it was burnt, there were bags in it, and their was a few burnt bodies, this muust have been a plane wreck, i knew it was, that must have been how they all got here, how they all ended up in this place.

I came back in and walked over to Carlos

"Psst...Carlos...come here

Carlos followed me ot of the the building and i shown him what i saw, he turned aound and threw up,, four times, he really didn't like dead bodies, then Andros shouted me back in

"Whats going on?"

"We have found an actuall plaine wreck"

He took all of the weapons and told the men if they move they shall die, Andros came out to see us and he saw the plaine wreck, we all wondered why they didn't clean it up, would have been triky i suppose

We were all looking in the plaine wreck, we foun some bags and food, i stored one of the knives in my pocket, also the lighter, but then we saw something verry unexpected, it was in a large blue bag, it had clothes, food and photo's, many photos infact, including a photo of me and Andros and Carlos and Luke, when we were back in europe, not straneded here, we were kids infact, verry young aswell, my mum was in the picture, how could it have ended up in...a plane wreck...that had been here for years BOOM thats when it hit me, i realized this must have been the plaine wreck that my dad was in, as i turned my head i noticed a burned body next to the bag, i started to cry, so did Andros

Then we all felt guns pointing at our backs, the guns were firmly held and loaded, i wriggled around in my pocket, and clensed my hand on the knife, then i turned around and sttabed the man in the head, then the man who was on Andros turned on me, he was about to shoot me but then Andros smacked him in the forehead, he killed him, one punch, then Carloss back butted the man on him And Andros stteped on his head, but then we were outnumbered, a man pointed a gun at all of us he had hsi finger squueased on the triger, he was seconds away from shooting Andros, then i heared the bullet, and heard a body fall to the ground, then i jumped up, i was about to cry untill i realized it wasn't Andros's ody on the floor, it was the man's

Then we heared a whisper

"Shit...its the executioner!"Andros had had enougth of this executoner man, he ran straight to him and smacked him across the face, he hit the floor then he hit him again, but sddenly he realized, the executioner was our dad! 

He sat us down in his main room, he told us how he got here, as we did him, he was faccinated, but also verry shocked to here about Luke, he leaned over the table and hugged me, then he spoke to Andros and asked him why he pounced on him

"Because your fucking men hit my sister!" He told him

My dads face light up bright red, he threw the table over off of the floor, then he grrabed the chairs and threw them at the wall


My dad walked over to me and hugged me, he told me hell never let me go again, i wanted to stay with him for ever, we all wanted to stay, but we couldn't we had to find Katy, she could be anywhere, my dad ordered that all of the soilders come to the hall, he lined them up one by one just like Andros did

"HIM! That man there! He kicked my face!" I encouraged

My dad grabbed him and threw him across the room, he punched him in the testicles and threw the table, then he took him to the fire and forcedhis face into it untill he had melted away.

He did the same to all of the rest, he wouldn't settle untill he killed them all, then when they were all dead he made a speech 

"This is my family! Now they have been offended, an now im offended so i just want you too know, there are two Executioners from now on, Theres my eldest son, Andros and my younger son Carlos" He winked at carlos " Now there is also two women in charge, my two daughters Kate and Lucy, queen's, now Kate is missing, so im going to go away and find her, any problems?" He said his speech

Then one man stepped up, i dont think its realistic, some slutty women in charge?" He protested

My dad pulled out his gun and shot the man in the brain

"Anyone else" 

Then we walked into our chambers

"Look, dad, im pregnant, and we will stay here for the night, but i need to find my friend, i hope you understand." I questioned

He ran up and hugged me, he told me i was making the right coice, he told me luck would have been an amazing dad, we all agreed to sa=tay for the night

"Can i stay for good?" Carlos questioned "Help you out SHEERAN?" (Sheeran is my dad's name)

My dad wa more than happy for him to stay with them, he was glad infact, so we all settled in for our only night of luxory

"Remember when you find her, you come straight back to me, we dont wasnt you fetting hurt again do we, oh and nice slaying by the way, you really know how to kill!"

We all hugged and told eachover we will return and meet again in two days, and if we weren't back by then he would send his men looking for us, so we alll sat down in our beds, they were so comefortable, my dad tried to make me stay but i wouldnt

"What will you call the baby Lucy?"

"Luke!" I replied a second later so thats it for now, untill next time...

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