Good Camping Trip or Bad? You...

By Augustrocks

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Good Camping Trip or Bad? You Decide

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By Augustrocks

It was a beautiful day to go camping. The sun was out the sky was blue and the air smelled great. But what all we thought was a perfect day turned into a horrible night mare.

We went to set up our camp site. With no idea that someone was watching us. It took us about an hour and we had finished setting up our camp site. We got our swimming suit on and went for a float down the river. We were on the river in about 15 minutes. The float was supposed to be only 6 hours long but this float trip was a hole 24 hours.

At first it started out fine but then it turned into horror! We were floating down the river my family and me. When we saw a big storm cloud coming up ahead. We thought that it would only be a little storm so we kept going down the river. BOOM! Everyone jumped as there heard the long thunder. With the thunder it was followed by nig and long streaks of lightning. We were half way down the river and there was no shelter anywhere near. Finally my little sister spotted a cave that was high enough out of the water that we could get in it.

There was just one problem the current kept getting stronger every second. There was no way we could get over to the cave. The storm was pushing us further down the river making it to where the cave was getting farther and farther and farther away. We couldn't get to shore. The current would just not let us move. We were all freaking out we were afraid that one of us would get taken by the river. When we all had those thoughts we tried our best to get to the shore to go to the cave. We had no way of getting there. Finally someone just let go and floated down the river and the current took her to the edge. " Come over hear!" she said, "It's a little more easier to get out!" We all floated down the river to where she was. My dad tried to get out first after 5 minutes he finally got up. he helped everyone else up.

By the time we all got up the storm was getting even more worse there were trees getting torn out of the ground and tents, boxes, even cars were flying all over the place. We were not safe on open land. Everyone prayed for us to be safe and to get to the cave. Once we finally got to where we thought the cave was we climbed down the rock one by one. We found the cave and all crawled in side. It was big enough to fit all of us thank god, but it was very noisy, cold, and wet. Right when we thought we were safe inside of the cave we weren't. Big waves started to come in the cave and got us all soaking wet and the ground started to get all muddy. We had to get out of there but how? We were all terrified and were afraid that this was the end that we would just die right here in this cave. But that didn't stop any one from trying.

Climbing out of the cave was the hardest thing that I have ever done for three reasons. One it was slippery. Two it was Cold. Three there were waves and fish just pouring in at me. We finally reached the top and ran to find some type of shelter. It was hard because we couldn't see anything and the rain started to sting on our skin. There was no shelter we couldn't go in the water and we couldn't go in a cave our at least that one any way and we can't seem to find any other shelter. We were exhausted, hungry, and thirsty. We were all about to give up when we saw a helicopter. There's no way that they could see us we thought. We did everything we could with the last of the energy that we had left. We jumped, ran, screamed just about anything we could. They didn't see us. We needed water and food bad. We had felt like we were about to pass out. We were so scared that we were going to die out here on what was supposed to be a really good camping trip.

Now I was furious we had no shelter, food, or water. We needed at least two of those things. We couldn't and wont drink the river water and there was no way we would go back into that cave. We had to do something. Are only help or so what we thought was are only help was that helicopter. It turns out the helicopter wasn't are only help. Though we couldn't see that well one of us spotted a bear or well at least that's what we thought it was since we couldn't see. We were now completely scared. We have no shelter or food and water and now there's a wild creature coming after us or so we thought it was coming after us. It got closer and closer we didn't know what to do but just to stand there. When it got close it turns out it really was a bear but that is not the point. The bear was all happy and nudging us. We didn't know what to do there was a wild creature nudging us and we had no clue what it wanted. Finally someone spotted shelter the way that the bear was trying to lead us. We were so grateful for that bear.

In less than 10 minutes we reached shelter. It was still damp and all that but this time it won't start sinking into the earth . Yes, it was another cave but a good one this time. Ok so we now have shelter but we still need food and water. We couldn't get any food because it was raining so hard. But there was some water. Surprisingly there was water we drank that water like there was no tomorrow well in this case there might not be a tomorrow. We all lied down to go to sleep or at least try too.

The next morning it was sunny and bright. The birds were singing, there were families going down the river on a float trip and everything was happy all around. But we couldn't find the bears. We looked everywhere and we waited to see if they came back. They never did. We were starting to believe that they were angles sent down here to rescue us from that horrible storm. Well we were all in shock now but we had to go back to camp. We walked back down to the river and started to float down the river again. Now the current was fine and there was no skin piercing rain. The one thing is, is that we didn't have our inner tubes. So instead we just floated down by ourselves.

We reached the end well we reached the end of our float trip that was supposed to end yesterday. We went back to camp packed up are stuff and drove back home.


Thanks for reading. I'm hoping that this story was a little more interesting to all of you and more exciting. This is only my fourth story so It's most likely not to be as good as other stories, but I put my effort into this one. once again I would like to thank you for reading my story and if you like it please fan, comment, and vote. Thank you.

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