Dating The Fame

By _Leahh

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Can Genesis deal with the slander from the media, obsessive stalkers, betrayal and the trust issues? All of t... More

Chapter 1: G Shit
Chapter 2: Drunken
Chapter 4: Don't Mind
Chapter 5: All The Stars
Chapter 6: Cravings
Chapter 7: I Am Not
Chapter 8: The Kiss
Chapter 9: Gardening Tool
Chapter 10: Brother
Chapter 11: Mine
Chapter 12: Meeting the Fam
Chapter 13: Twitter Fingers
Chapter 14: NYC
Chapter 15: Intimacy
Chapter 16: Should've Told You
Chapter 17: Body II Body
Chapter 18: Blondie
My Heart
Chapter 19: Past
Chapter 20: Leaked
Chapter 21: Don't Look Back
Chapter 22: You Should Stay
Chapter 23: Different Now
Chapter 24: Serenity
Chapter 25: The Weekend
Chapter 26: The Awards
Chapter 27: Opportunites
Chapter 28: Controlling
Chapter 29: Desperado
Chapter 30: Tore Up
Chapter 31: Moving On
Chapter 32: Kick off
Chapter 33: Pride
Chapter 34: Monica
Chapter 35: Twenty-Three
Chapter 36: Twenty Three pt. 2
Chapter 37: Timing is Everything
Chapter 38: Mistake
Chapter 39: Chill Bill
Chapter 40: Substance
Chapter 41: Circle of Life
Chapter 42: Holiday
Chapter 43: VA

Chapter 3: Making A Move

3.3K 114 52
By _Leahh


"Have a good day." I grin as I hand the pregnant woman her frosted box of cookies. I watched as she nods and waltz out of the bakery already stuffing one cookie in her mouth.

"So your parents are putting you on a clock?" My coworker, Diamond, asked once the store was empty of customers.

I pursed my lips. "I mean I partially don't blame them because I am tired of this job and these entitled ass customers." I rolled my eyes thinking of the customers I dealt with this morning. "But I just wish I can find a job that satisfies me and them. Then I'll be happy."

"Hi, Welcome in. Feel free to try our samples of Coconut Minis." We both greeted as two couples that walked in. Today being Valentines Day, we were busier than usual with all types of couples getting last minute things.

Diamond shook her head. "Genesis as long as I've known you, which isn't long, you always care about pleasing everybody else. Sometimes you gotta do for you because ain't nobody living for you but you."

I frown at her statement before my manager came around letting me know I was good to go. Sighing I began taking off my apron as I clocked out. Once I grabbed my belongings from the break room I checked my phone for any missed notifications.

Sadly the only notifications I had was my period tracker letting me know I am two days away until the end of my cycle.

Making my way to the parking garage towards my car, my stomach turned at Raheem leaning against my car with a smug of a smile on his lips.

"What the hell are you doing here? I should file a restraining order against your ass." I growled.

Raheem laughed. "Chill, it's not even like that. I came to talk to you woman to man." I scrunched my nose up.

"About what? Rah, you always wanna talk when nothing come out of your mouth but bullshit. Why can't you just leave me alone?"

I never understood how a guy could play the hell out of you, yet annoy you like they never did you dirty in the first place. Raheem not only cheated on me but he manipulated me every time we were together and now it makes my stomach flop just seeing him.

Sometimes I wish I could move out the country so I don't have to worry about seeing him ever again.

"G, I only keep bothering you because I want you to forgive me. I fucked up, I know that but let me make it right." He reached for my wrist as I stepped two feet away from him.

"I forgave you the minute we broke up because I knew if I kept that hatred in my heart that would only be me holding feelings for you." I pointed my white acrylic nails in his face just to aggravate him, "The reason why I blocked you or never respond is because I'm trying to get rid of you in my life. You should do the same."

Raheem nibbled on his bottom lip as his eyes fell to the floor. "Before we started dating, we were best friends and I need that friend right now." He spoke to the floor.

I huffed. "Well you better find that friend in God because he is the only one that can help you." I pushed past him and unlocked my driver side door.

"She's pregnant, Genesis."

I froze and met with his eyes. He seemed more terrified than he was before and his face held an emotion of pain. I know Raheem and his family and he is most likely in no shape to raise a child right now.

Sighing, I nodded towards the car. "Get in."


"Don't change the channel just put it on split screen," I yawned as I laid out on my couch watching Ed, Ed, and Eddie while the boys played 2K.

It's been two weeks since we dropped the Fan of a Fan mixtape which, surprisingly, got alot of positive feedback. Since then I've been itching to get back in the studio and release something else. My sleep schedule is completely off due to being in the studio since three a.m then I had to meet with my PO about my community service. Sometimes it feels like I'll never get out of this mess I caused.

"We still going to the Hills tomorrow?" Mijo asked as him and Jamal set up the game.

I shrugged and unlocked my phone, "Did Ty say they was going?"

"I think so, I know Shad said they was going."

I checked my email seeing the delivery company had sent two emails. The first email read that the edible arrangement was being delivered and the second read that the delivery was rejected. Clenching my teeth, I sighed. I've been attempting everything to get Robyn to talk to me or return my calls. Neither the flowers or the expensive jewelry seemed to get her attention; she'll just ship it back. I've been told to give her time but now I feel like she talks to me when she wants to. Playing games was one of her many fortes.

"Yo...Chris did you hear me?" Tj asked while tapping my arm.

I sat up straight while clearing my throat. "Nah, what happened?"

"I said I'm thinking about bringing Genesis out here as a Valentine gift but I need your help." I furrowed my eyebrows.


Tj smacked his lips. "The girl I brought to the video and club?" He spoke slowly hoping it would ring any bells.

"Oh! Her." I grinned. "She cute, I thought y'all was just friends?" I raised my eyebrow.

"That nigga is in the friend-zone. You saw how he was looking at her the other night? He pussy whipped." Jamal teased causing Mijo to laugh while TJ rolled his eyes.

"Wait, you hit?" I smirked. I would be more surprised than anything if TJ says yes, since she didn't rub off as that type to me. She seems more like a five dates/ninety days type of woman.

"No! Shit I haven't even seen the likes of first base yet but I'm tryna change all that." Tj huffed as he sat up in his seat.

I chuckled as I reached for my pad and pencil. It was something about every time I watch Cartoons that put me in the mood to draw.

"So what's the plan?" I asked while lightly motioning the pencil over the sheet.

"Well I told her to call me when she gets home because she said she was stuck with something, I guess." He waved off. "Anyways, but, I wanted to surprise her with it."

"Wait, hold up, bro." Rob, who was sleep in the chair now sat fully awake, said catching all of our attention. "You think she got the means to just randomly come out here? Like think about her job or living arrangements."

Tj smacked his lips. "Nigga I did. Since Genesis just graduated from college she ain't really got a job right now. Besides from that she's living with her folks searching for a spot of her own."

"So, again, where do I come in?"

TJ turns to look at me, "Well I need you to ask Jasmine to give me a hook up at the restaurant she work at," He explained.

I frown, "That sushi place?" He nods eagerly like it was one of the most brilliant ideas.

I simply frowned upon the idea because the last thing I wanted to do was hit up Jas clingy ass. She's been blowing me up all day wondering what we doing today or if I got her anything. She's becoming desperate for public affection for some odd reason when I'm not down for that. Especially not if there's a chance for me and Robyn.

"Yeah, why not? Genesis said she never had sushi before and I wanna take her in Hollywood."

Tj seemed real eager about this. Which I couldn't blame him since this will the first girl he considers getting serious with in a long time. Not even three months ago we all went through a phase of fucking anything with a pussy.

I smiled. "Alright, I gotchu bro. How long you'll think she'll be staying for?" I questioned causing him to shrug.

"I'm hoping the full weekend. At least from Friday to Monday."

"You going to get her a hotel too? Since you planning everything," Mijo chuckled.

"I considered her staying with me but y'all know my grandmama staying with me for a while. Definitely don't want her around each other just yet." Tj shook his head.

"Oh yeah, how is Mo?" Rob asked as Tj pursed his lips.

"Good, bro, she's coped with the fact that she had to get her leg amputated."

I nodded while checking my phones messages and emails. Still nothing.

"Well you know you two can stay here if you want," I shrugged.

"What?" Tj furrowed his eyebrow.

"It ain't going to be anybody else here other than Rob, probably." I mentioned while closing my notepad.

"Yup." Rob mumbled, non chalant.

"Well let's hope she agrees first."

"Are you nervous over there bro?" Jamal joked while glancing at TJ over his shoulder.

"Shut up. That's why you losing, the Celtics SUCK. Straight garage." Tj growled throwing a pillow at Jamal.

"Aye, don't hate on Rondo now." Jamal flicked him off causing all of them to start the infamous argument.


I sighed as I dragged my feet up the stairs to my room. I constantly keep asking myself; why do I gotta have such a good heart? When Raheem told me she is pregnant I should've left and let him taste the burning smoke of my tires. Now I feel this same burden of regret I did when I found out he cheated on me.

As I laid out on my bed, my phone started to ring causing me to groan.


"Hey, chick!"

I sat up at the familiar voice. "Sevyn, hi! I forgot we exchanged numbers." I giggled.

She snickered on the other end. "I knoww, it's been weeks and I realized you're one of the few girls I actually like being friends with."

"Really, what happened to your friend Jasmine?"

"Girl she only my friend when she's around Chris and the guys. Other than that she don't fuck with me; she's fake and used me for my connections."

"Damn." I shook my head, "So what's up?"

"Well, I called you because I wanted to talk to you about this guy I met a few nights ago."

"Ohh," I gushed. "What's his name?"

"Bobby. He's cute, tall and you know he chocolate; I love me some Hershey dudes." She laughed causing me to snicker. "But the only thing is he told me he doesn't want anybody to know about us."

"But you're tell me....?" She must've really been low on friends.

"Well I needed to tell somebody and mostly everyone out here in LA knows who he is,"

"Oh I get it. Since I'm a nobody you can tell me, mhm, I see now." I teased.

"Girl ignorance is bliss in this type of situation, I swear."

"Yeah, yeah whatever. But I don't know Sevyn you're too pretty to be left in the shadows for some guy." I am in the last position to give anyone advice when it comes to guys yet I'm always giving it.

"I don't know, I kind of like it. With no one knowing it feels like just us two exist when we are together. But—then again—I do sound silly."

I frowned seeing as my advice resulted in Sevyn doubting herself. It was obvious she genuinely likes the guy and I don't want to be that girl. The single girl that in the end everyone feels like she gives bad advice because she's bitter. Which is not true considering I'm comfortable where I am now.

Says every single person ever.

"Well don't listen to me. If you really like him and he makes you feel special then I think you should ride it out. Just to test things out at least," I shrugged like Kanye as if she could see me.

"Yeah, I mean he's—" in mid sentence my phone dinged interrupting Sevyn connection. Pulling my phone away from my ear, it was a FaceTime call from TJ.

"Oh, Sev, let me call you back someone calling me."

Sevyn and I quickly exchanged goodbyes as I clicked over to Tj's call. I found it funny how he never audio calls like a normal person, he always wants to video chat.

"What's up, T?" I grinned as he sat in front of the screen with his elbows propped up and his bottom lip poking out.

"I know you aren't at home and didn't call me."

I pursed my lips. "Oops. I forgot, I've been on the phone with Sevyn since I got here."

Other than Serenity and my cousins, Tj has been the only consistent friendship I've been in. Everyone else I was ever friends with only befriended me cause of Raheem. The status he held as being a point guard on a state winning team made us popular. No one ever genuinely wanted to know about me, only about parties or getting into basketball games for free.

In the beginning, I didn't too much care about it. I actually liked it seeing as everyone knew me. But what I failed to realize is no one actually knew my name. They only knew me as "Raheem's girlfriend' and that slowly started to upset me. Though it hurt me more after college graduation when Raheem and I broke up I realize I had no one. No one that actually liked me for me and that bruised my ego just a little bit.

"If you would've called me you would've known about the surprise I got for you," He grinned. I raised my eyebrow.

"You know I like surprises. What is it?"

He smirked before the screen turned into a pause screen causing me to huff. Laughing to himself, he told me to check my email for what he just sent. Eagerly, I pulled up my computer and loaded up my most recent email seeing his as the first one. All it took was for me to read the preview for my mouth to drop.

Flight AA1607

"Do you see it?" He asked while chuckling. "Happy Valentine's Day."

"Tj, don't play with me." I waved off knowing it was some type of practical joke. I know this boy did not spend his coins on me to fly out there.

"I'm not, G. It's for this Friday and I booked it for the afternoon since you're not really a morning person." He joked as I giggled out of disbelief.

"I can't believe this! Why the hell are you only giving me five days to prepare!"

"Because I got more planned for us on that weekend. It's going to be our official date."

I bit my inner cheek nervously. I never considered actually going out with TJ liked that, I mean he'll always be a friend to me. I'm almost worries that going out with him will ruin the sacred friendship that we have. Then again, TJ isn't a bad guy at all and I would hate to keep brushing him off. One date couldn't hurt.


If it's real let him fly you out 😛. Short but only because I'm too excited for what's to come.

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