She's The Only One I Want (A...

shestheonlyonefanfic tarafından

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South London born and bred, your singing career took off when you were just 13 years old and you had to move... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 18

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shestheonlyonefanfic tarafından


We sat down in our VIP seats, we were right near the front of the stage and Diggy was sat next to us! We all said hi to him and within 5 minutes of our conversation, drums started playing, the audience was calming down. I saw all the camera crew’s cameras placed on and around the stage and some were in the audience. They were gonna capture the whole concert and soon enough release a concert video later in the summer.

Y/N started speaking through the microphone and her voice was heard through the speakers.

Y/N- “You think you’ve seen a show? A big show like this one? Well you haven’t if the Kings and Queens weren’t there to put on the show. Together we’re the Kings and Queens of this and we’re unstoppable

Then a video appeared of her on the huge stage screen in front of the audience. The cameras were recording it. In the video, her mum was recording us with her camera, I remember this because I was there, it was at her house in London when we were 8. 

*on the video* Mum- So what’s your name and what do you wanna be when you’re older?

Y/N- Hi I’m Y/N and when I wanna grow up, I wanna be a performer

Mum- Why do you wanna be a performer? 

Y/N- Because I can sing lots of my songs and I can write loads of songs and I can put on a show for people and it would be the biggest most spectacular show in the world

Mum- Who’s this standing next to you?

Y/N- *looks beside her* This is Nastasia but we call her Stas, she’s one of my bestest friends in the world and I like her a lot. And this is Kasia, I call her Kah, she’s my other bestest friend.

Monica- *runs over with Adrianna* Hey what are you doing?? 

Y/N- We’re making a video with all of us and one day I’ll be famous!

Monica- I wanna be famous too! 

Adrianna- Can we all be famous together?

Y/N- Yeah!! We’re all bestest friends

Nastasia- Will we be friends forever?

Kasia- Yeah, forever. When we’re older we’ll watch this and we’ll all be rich and famous then!

Y/N- Yeah! When we’re older! *video ends*

Y/N- *speaking through microphone* Those four girls are here with me today. They’ve never let me down and we’ve been friends for almost 12 years now. Kasia, Monica, Adrianna, Nastasia, show MSG where you are!

*the girls stand up and the audience cheer for them*

Y/N- I thank these girls for helping me pursue my dreams and not giving up on me on this journey…to think that video was eight years ago and I remember it is crazy, I dedicate my world to you girls….Well let’s kick off this show *audience screams* Let’s get the Queen  out here huh?!

The audience quietened to listen to the beat of the drums  that was really kicking in and there were clouds of smoke on the stage that emerged from either side and in the middle of the stage along with the red and gold strobe lights

Then the Run The World intro started playing and the whole audience knew it was Beyoncé and went crazy when she appeared in the middle of the stage. Cameras were all fixed on her.

Bey- How y’all doing? Y’all ready for this? I don’t think y’all ready for this!! Go!

Her back up dancers unknowingly to everyone were on the floor and they stood up and were dancing with Beyoncé doing all these tribal moves, they were so amazing. She was dancing and singing at the same time and dancing with the back up dancers, she was great

Bey- *singing* Girls! We run this run this! Yeah! Girls! We run this run this!

Bey- Yeah! Y’all know the words right? Let’s go! 

She was singing and dancing around the cameras and the strobe lights were amazing too, this concert was great, when she finished the song she stood at the front of the stage, one arm up with the mic in her hand, all eyes and cameras on her. She looked so powerful, it was an amazing performance, Everyone was applauding and cheering and standing up, I don’t think one person in the audience was sitting down


Just when the whole audience thought Bey was finished, she wasn’t. “Y’all ready for a throwback?” she shouted.

The audience went insane hearing the Crazy In Love intro, Bey was wearing a gold outfit that was a bit like an all in one outifit which was so beautiful

She performed Crazy in love and the lights were flashing and moving around and the whole audience was up on their feet. She really knew how to put on a show, she pointed her mic to the audience at the end of the chorus at the end of the song, the whole audience were singing “uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh oh-no-no” it was insane!

Then End of Time started up with the trumpets and drums. 

Bey- Everybody clap their hands!

*audience claps their hands in time with the music*

Bey- *sings* Come take my hand, I won’t let you go, I’ll be your friend, I will love you so deeply, I will be the one to kiss you at night, I will love you until the end of ti-i-ime

Y/N then came out on stage singing the first line of the first verse, the crowd went crazy over her! The cameras were fixed on her from the moment she came on. She stood next to Beyoncé singing and the whole performance was filmed.

Y/N- Take you away from here..

Bey/Y/N- There’s nothing between us but space and time

Y/N- I’ll be your own little star, I’ll be shining your world

Bey- In your own little universe, I’ll be your girl...

Soon enough the song ended and Y/N thanked Beyoncé and Bey went off stage. 


Y/N started her set of songs, she her songs performed “Shake” and “Hey Hey Hey” and the whole stadium was jumping as she danced and sang, it was great. Her strobe lights were blue and yellow and they were dancing around as she did. She danced and moved around the cameras too as they followed her on stage. 

Then she slowed it down with her songs “Up All Night” and “Last Time” and the audience were singing and miming with her. They were holding glow sticks up and the lights were beautiful, they were really loving this concert. The audience applauded at the end of her first set.

Y/N- Y’all ready for my big brother to come out? *smiles at camera*

The audience screamed so loudly in response, I was almost deaf! 

Y/N- Let’s get Drizzy out here to sing to y’all while I get ready for round 2!

Y/N got off the stage and when she got off Drake appeared in the back of the stage in the middle with the smoke all around him and the strobe lights faded to dark blue and dark green. All you could see was his silhouette. He walked towards the front of the stage while  the intro to Doing It Wrong started up and he started singing with the cameras facing him.

Drake- So cry if you need to, but I can’t stay to watch you. It’s the wrong thing to do. Touch if you need to, but I can’t stay to hold you. It’s the wrong thing to do. Talk if you need to, but I can’t stay to hear you. It’s the wrong thing to do.

I loved this song, the setlist was genius and well put together. The whole audience was swaying with their arms in the air and glowsticks in their hands. It was such a calm atmosphere. The way Drake sang the song made it sound like he’d just through in a break-up, I felt it too good to just be listening and I’m sure the whole audience felt the same. I turned to face Diggy, he was smiling and miming the lyrics with his arms in the air like everyone else. 

The song ended with the Stevie Wonder- Harmonica and Drake put his arms down and looked down. There were around 4 cameras fixed on him at that second. The audience was silent until Over started playing

The audience went crazy as Drizzy lifted his head and started rapping and moving on stage

Drake- *rapping* I know way too many people here right now that I didn’t know last year, who the fuck are y’all?

The whole audience knew the words, and were rapping along with Drake, it was insane, Drizzy was owning the stage, the lights were going everywhere and the stage looked hectic, It was so impressive. Drake was rapping and I looked at Diggy again, he was rapping and noticed me looking at him, he smiled still rapping the words, he was enjoing the show!

The whole audience was jumping, literally, jumping as Drizzy rapped right until the end of the song. 

Drake- Let’s slow it down again, huh? Should we?

*Audience cheers in agreement and excitement*

Drake- *singing* I can tell that money’s got you working, we’ve been talking for so long, now we’re finally here in person. I taste pain and regret in your sweat, you’ve been waiting for me...

Then Y/N appeared at the back of the stage amongst the smoky clouds and walked out on stage in a short green Sherri Hill dress and white heels, singing along to the lyrics with her microphone and 3 cameras watching her. I looked at Diggy again and his eyes were amazed at Y/N’s outfit, he certainly loved it, he was admiring every inch of her!!

Y/N- *singing* All those other men were practice… *pointing at Drake* yeah they were practice…. 

Drake was rapping, and Y/N was dancing and provided backing vocals while she danced next to Drake in front of the cameras and the audience, I was dancing while standing next to Monica. I loved this song.

Drake was rapping the rest of the verse, the hook and the second verse while looking at Y/N, they were good performers! Y/N joined in singing and rapping on the chorus and it was great, He would rap the verses and on the last verse Y/N would join in singing it

Y/N- *singing and walking closer to Drake* *cameras zoom in* I can tell that money’s got you working, we’ve been talking so long now you’re finally here in person, I taste pain and regret in your sweat… you’ve been waiting for me...

Throughout the song they were closer with their bodies, it looked like they had some chemistry going on there, especially it would look like that on the cameras, then they laughed, joined hands and bowed, the audience cheered and then the intro for Karaoke started up and Drake started singing on his cue.


Karaoke’s intro was starting up and Drake asked the audience to try and sing along with him Karaoke wasn’t a love song, it was like a..a reassuring song? Yeah probably. But it’s like they were going through a break up or something.

Drake- *singing to camera* Things have been so crazy and hectic…*points mic to audience*

Audience- *singing* I should’ve gotten back by now!

They were dancing and swaying to the music, Y/N, Drake and the audience. It was amazing, they could really put on a show. The cameras were darting across the stage getting angles at their performance.

Y/N- If you’re looking for a purpose…

Y/N’s voice went to a higher pitch to sing the next two lines of the song was angelic in this song, her voice was so soft and had a softer, more higher tone than in Practice, it was amazing.

Their voices were amazing together, everyone was watching them move around stage and singing softly. They were giving a good performance! They were good performers.

Drake- I was only tryna get ahead, I was only tryna get ahead…

Y/N- But the spotlight makes you nervous *song ends*

Y/N- Give it up for my brother Drizzy everyone!

*audience applauds and cheers*

Y/N- *singing* Time for Round twoooo….

She continued her set singing her songs Different, then Circles and lastly Bass, they were slowish songs, but Bass was more up tempo, the audience loved it and they loved her performing and dancing with her backup dancers. I loved seeing her in that green dress tho…


Once she finished singing Bass, she introduced Cole and He came out on stage in the same place Drake appeared and started rapping along to Power Trip once it started up…, Y/N disappeared backstage to let Cole do his performance

Cole- *raps* Got me up all night, all I’m singing is love songs

The whole crowd applauded at the end of the song, it was a great performance, I was so impressed with Cole’s rapping, he sounded exactly the same on stage as on his albums.

Y/N- *hugs Cole* I’ma leave you all with Cole, do your thing bro! *leaves stage*

Cole- Should I do a Work Out with y’all?

*audience cheers in agreement*

Cole- *straight up now tell me do you really wanna love me forever? *points mic at audience*

Audience- *singing* Oh Oh Oh!

Cole- Or is it just the hit and run?

Cole was rapping Work Out and the audience were joining in with the lyrics and singing along and loving it. When Work Out ended, Cole got Drake back on stage for In The Morning. Cole started rapping the first half of the verse, I loved it, and everyone had their hands int he air again and were swaying and singing along to the lyrics

Cole- Now all my niggas hollering, who was that? Oh boy she bad, nigga what you bout to do with that? I’m finna take you home just sip a little patron, now we zonin. Baby you so fine.. And can I hit it in the morning? *points mic to audience*

Audience- *singing* And can I hit it in the morning?

Cole- Can I hit it in the morning?


I was literally melting at the way Drake would sing the chorus, he had such a sensual sexy voice, I loved it. 

They both finished the song, and Y/N came back on stage in her pinkish-red and gold Sherri Hill ensemble that showed her midriff and she was wearing gold heels with it, she looked so cute.

She thanked Cole and Drake for their performances and then sung her song Broken CD. It was a break up song that was kinda slow but the chorus was slightly faster. 

The intro to All My Love started playing and she then started humming along to the intro. The cameras focused on Y/N and the members in the audience who were swaying

Y/N- I wanna dedicate this one…to my boy. I love you so much, this is for you…

Y/N- *singing* Boy I say these guys ain’t got nothing on ya, anybody try to tell me you ain’t the one for me, they’re out of their minds. I ain’t never looked at anybody else like this, boy I’m so glad you’re mine…I wanna help you with everything, I wanna be with you everyday…boy I wanna…I wanna give you everything…I wanna give you my heart, my soul, my body, my life, my love…All my love. Said I wanna give you my heart, my soul, my body, my life, my love…All my love…

The way she sung the song, It was beautiful, she really sung it from the heart. I looked at Dig, cameras might have been watching him right there and then but he was so warmed by the lyrics. As she sang she looked right at Diggy and he looked right at her in her, they were so in love, awwwh!

After she sung All My Love, Y/N disappeared backstage, the stage was quiet for 30 seconds until we heard a Kanye verse:

You a bad girl and your friends bad too, ooh, we got the swag sauce she dripping swagu…You a bad girl and your friends bad too, ooh, we got the swag sauce she dripping swagu, ooh

Bey- *comes out on stage* I may be young, but I’m ready… to give you all my love. I told my girls you can get it..don’t slow it down, just let it go…

Beyoncé sang the song and got the whole of MSG vibing, singing and dancing along with her, even the lights were dancing with her. Soon enough, J. Cole appeared on stage and started rapping his lyrics

Cole- *rapping* …The boy dropped the keys tryna sneak-a-peek at that body. See this that time of the week, she like to freak-a-leak and get naughty. Therefore I like to thank God and Ice Cube for Friday, cause La-Di-Da-Di… 

The audience were cheering and applauding and screaming and then Cole left the stage when the song ended. Girls Love Beyoncé started playing and the audience went crazy again, they loved this song, I mean, who doesn’t?

Drake- *rapping* Look, I know girls love Beyoncé, girls love to fuck with your conscience….girls hate when niggas go missing and shawty you ain’t no different. *looks at camera* These days it’s hard to meet women, feel like my love life is finished…I’ve been avoiding commitment, that’s why I’m in this position…I’m scared to let somebody in on this… *points microphone to audience*

Audience- *singing* No new friends, no no new!

Drake- You know how this shit go…you got your fair share of admirers that call your phone. You try to act like it’s just me, but I am not alone…but if you’re alone then…

Bey/Drake- Say my name, say my name…

Bey- *sings* If no one is around you, say, “Baby, I love you” if you ain’t running games…say my name, say my name. You actin’ kinda shady, baby, why the sudden change? 

The audience was swaying right until the very end of the song. It was like everyone could relate to that song, I’m not sure not one person was sitting down for this song or at all during this concert.

The song ended shortly and Beyoncé left the stage. The intro to Show Me A Good Time started playing. Y/N came back on stage in her short blue Sherri Hill halterneck dress, she looked amazing! She sang on the chorus of the song walking out on stage

Y/N- *sings* How did I end up right here with you? After all the things that I’ve been through? It’s been one of those days you try and forget about…Take a shot and let it out, let’s get right, now that I’m here, baby, show me a good time

Drake was rapping and Y/N was on stage having a good time, dancing and rapping to some of the lines and singing the chorus and looking at the cameras and running over to fans in the crowd with her cameras and touching their hands

Y/N- How you guys doing? Man, we really put on a show tonight didn’t we….? But it ain’t finished yet…

Drake- *looks at you* It ain’t?

Y/N- Hell no, that was the pre-finale! *smiles at camera*

Y/N- *winks at camera* Everybody put your hands in the air for the Queens and the Kings…we about to close the show MSG!

The intro to Forever Young by Jay-Z started playing and Bey and Cole joined Y/N and Drake on stage once more

Y/N- *sings* Let’s dance in style, let’s dance for a while, heaven can wait, we’re only watching the skies…*looking at camera* Hoping for the best but expecting the worst, are you gonna drop the bomb or not?

Bey- *sings* Let us die young or let us live forever, we don’t have the power but we never say never…Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip, the music’s for the sad man…

Y/N- Forever young, I wanna be forever young…

Bey- Do you really want to live forever, forever, and ever?

Y/N- Forever young I wanna be forever young….

Cole- Hey MSG you wanna help us close this show?!

*audience cheers in agreement*

Cole- Put yo hands in the air… sway em!

*audience sways hands*

The audience was really feeling it, everyone, I mean everyone was on their feet, swaying, glowsticks in the air and singing along, it was one of the greatest things. 

Drake- *rapping* Fear not when, fear not why, fear not much while we’re alive. Life is for living, not living uptight, ‘till you’re somewhere up in the sky…fear not die, I’ll be alive for a million years, bye bye’s are not for legends, I’m forever young, my name shall survive

Cole- *rapping* Through the darkest blocks, over kitchen stoves, over Pyrex pots. My name shall be passed down to generations, while debatin’ up in barber shops. 

Y/N- We run, slung and hung here, showed that a nigga from here. With a little ambition, just what we can become here.. *bends to touch fans in the audience’s hands* and as the father pass the story down to his son’s ear

Bey- We will get younger every year, yeah. So if you love me baby, this is how you let me know…don’t ever let me go, that’s how you let me know, baby

Y/N- *stands back up* Forever young, I wanna be forever young

They all joined hands, and raised their arms up to the ceilings, Bey, Cole Y/N and Drake… everyone gave them a standing ovation, I ran out of words to describe the whole concert, it was spectacular, what a show!!

They joined hands and looked out into the crowd, smiling for the fans and the cameras that had caputured the whole concert. Y/N stepped forward in her blue dress with her mic in her hands breathing so relieved and happy, smiling into the cameras

Y/N- Well there we have it New York! It’s over! Wow…. it’s been an amazing, crazy, fun night. Four costume changes…four sets of music, four artists. Two Kings, two Queens here on stage that have served you. You’ve cheered and bowed down for us, and it’s just amazing.

Y/N- *3 cameras film you speaking* I’d like to thank, my crew backstage, my manager, my publicist, my family, my friends and all the other people who made this happen. A huge thank you… to Queen B, King Cole and King Drizzy for supporting me on this tour and still continuing to support me on tour, you’re the ones helped make this a dream….my sister and brothers, *turns to look at them* I couldn’t have put on a show like this without you guys, I love you all! *they smile at Y/N* *Y/N looks back at the screaming audience* I’d like to thank my boyfriend Diggy, *looks at Diggy in audience* *cameras point to Diggy* yeah I see you baby! *Diggy smiles at you*I love you so much, you make me a better person…! *Y/N blows him a kiss*

Y/N- I’d also like to thank you…my fans… for making this all happen, I’d be nowhere without you right now, you are the reason my music and my career has gotten so far…I love you all… *smiles at camera*

Y/N- Well Madison Square Garden, I’m glad you sold out for me tonight…I’m glad you love a London girl! Thank you for letting the Kings and Queens entertain you on this stage…We be out…Kings and Queens forever…Goodnight New York! *cameras watch you all walk back*

Y/N turned back to face Drake, Bey and Cole and joined them all again, they were all hand in hand. They raised their arms to the ceiling as they walked to the back of the stage and disappeared. The concert was over….

Okumaya devam et

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