Imma Dog Too | Charreigns

By riottsglow

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for·give fərˈɡiv/ verb stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake. Cha... More

WELCOME: Characters
January 5th, 2022
January 23rd, 2022
January 23rd, 2022
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August 7th, 2023
August 7th, 2023
December 22nd, 2023
March 28th, 2026

December 31st, 2022

957 23 27
By riottsglow

Charlotte and Roman were sleeping in bed, around 6:30 in the morning when they felt Roman felt the bed being bounced up and down.

"Mommy, daddy! Wake up," Aria giggled as she continued to jump up and down. Roman groaned as he looked up to see his daughter. "Butterfly," he groggily said. "Why are you up so early?" "It's my birthday, daddy," she smiled jumping on Roman. 

"Jesus, Aria," he chuckled as he held her. "Wake up, daddy. We have to get my birthday party ready," she says. "I know princess," he smiled. "But it's a bit too early. We have to wait for mommy and JoJo to wake up," he whispered.

"But, that's gonna take forever, daddy," she whined. Roman chuckles again. He reaches over to the nightstand on Charlotte's side and gets his phone. "Here," he says giving her his phone. "You have to be quiet though so you don't wake up mommy and JoJo, OK?" She nods as she takes the phone away from him.

3 Hours Later

Charlotte was the first one to wake up. She was four months pregnant and she was starting to show. She heard small snores and turned around to see Aria sleeping on Roman. Charlotte smiled as she took her phone from the nightstand and took a picture:

Charlottewwe just posted a picture:

I wonder why she's sleeping on daddy and what she's smiling about...🙈

I can't believe it has been four years since I got Joe back and got this little princess. I remember I found out I was going to have you twenty minutes before I had a match. I'm just glad nothing happened to you. Sorry, TripleH...😬

But, I wouldn't change anything. Thank you for coming into my life, butterfly🦋 Daddy, JoJo, your new baby sibling and mommy love you, Aria Juliet Anoa'i💜 

*Added the purple heart 'cause I know she'll get upset if I use any other color🙄 Spoiled little princess, thanks, to daddy😂

"You done with the photo shoot?" She heard. She looks up from her phone and sees Roman's eyes half-opened, who was smiling at her. "I only took one picture," she smiles. "She woke up at like 6 in morning, jumping on the bed, telling me it's her birthday," he chuckled as he looked at Aria, sleeping on his chest.

"I heard. I just didn't feel like helping you," she smiled giving him a kiss on the cheek before getting out of bed. "Yeah, because of our new baby girl inside your tummy," he smirks looking at her. "We don't know if it's a girl, Joe. Don't jinx it," she giggles walking into the bathroom.

"If it's a girl, I get to name her," he smirks. "That's not fair. You got to name Aria," she says peeking her head out the door. "But you said you loved her name," he says. "Can I at least get to choose her middle name?" Charlotte asks. "Sure, baby."

"Pam and Ash are coming in about a half an hour and then Becks and Mercedes are coming in an hour. Get ready, babe," she says as she runs the sink water. "How do you have more energy than me and you're pregnant?" He chuckles as he walks in the bathroom. "I'm going to make this pregnancy as calm as possible. Since you're here, it's gonna be a lot easier," she says as she washes her face with the water before turning it off.

"I'm sorry, Ash," he says putting his chin gently on her shoulder. She shakes her head as she wipes her face with the towel. "Don't talk about it. You woke up today and Aria came today too. That's what makes this a special day," she smiles. Roman smiles as well as he wraps his arms around her as he gently rubs her stomach. 

"They're kicking a bit," he says. "That's what makes me think the baby's a boy. Aria didn't start kicking until I was about 6 months and I'm only 4," Charlotte says as she leans her head back on Roman's chest. "I'm sticking with my gut feeling it's a girl. I'm gonna get my 250 soon," he says kissing her hair. She shakes her head. "I always win bets when it comes to the kids. I'm gonna win this time," she says turning around.

"I love how we're betting on our kids like it's an everyday thing," he laughs. "I mean, it's not like we don't. They start it," she giggles.

5 Hours Later

It was around 2 PM and everyone was at Charlotte and Roman's house, for Aria's fourth birthday party. Aria wanted a butterfly theme party, hence the name everyone called her since birth.

"Mommy, where's grandpa?" Aria walked into the kitchen, asking her mom. "He's not here yet, butterfly. But he's gonna come soon, don't worry," Charlotte said. "Who's not here yet?" Roman asked walking into the kitchen. "Hunter. She's worried that he's not gonna show up," Charlotte said. "Aria, turn around so mommy can fix your hair."

"He just called. He said he's like 2 minutes away with Steph," Roman says as Charlotte fixes Aria's hair. "Yay," she smiled as Charlotte finished her hair. The two heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it," Roman said before walking away.

He walked to the door to see Nikki there. "Nicole? What are you doing here?" He asked her slowly. "We need to talk," she says. "Why now?" He said lifting his eyebrow. "Because it's important," she sighs. Roman sighs as well as he closes the door.

She pulls out a paper out of her pocket and hands it to him. He takes it from her and opens it. "Congratulations. You're a father of four now," he hears from her. Roman looks at the picture and starts laughing. "What's so funny?" She says as he looks up.

He continues to laugh as he rips the paper. "That's real cute Nicole," he chuckles. "Why would you do that?" She yells. "Nicole, I'm a father of three. I've seen how ultrasound pictures look like. It says your two months pregnant. We haven's had sex since July," he says throwing the scraps of paper at her. 

"Why does everything have to be about her? Why can't you just accept that this is your baby and you're going to live with this for the rest of your life?" She screamed. "This is not my baby," he screamed. "Do you want me to get my wife to prove it to you?" She scoffs. "Like she'll be any help."

Roman walks back to the house to find Charlotte talking and laughing with Naomi and Lana. She turns her attention to him. "Hey, baby," she smiles giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Hey. I need to steal you for a bit," he said wrapping his hand around her wrist gently. "OK," she says confused as she walks with him.

He takes her outside where Charlotte sees Nicole. "What are you doing here?" She asks. "Congratulations. Joe has 4 kids now," Nicole flashes her a fake smile. Charlotte widens her eyes as she looks at Roman. "Joe, what is she talking about?" Charlotte raises her voice. "Ash, she's lying. Tell her where I was two months ago."

Charlotte looks back at Nicole. "He was with me. And his daughters. Why are you here?" "I told you, Nicole. You're not pregnant. And if you were, it's not mine," Roman says. Nicole groans as she walks down the stairs of the porch and walks away.

"I can't believe she would do that. Especially on Aria's birthday," Charlotte frowns as she looks at Roman. "Hey. What happened to trying to make this pregnancy calm as possible?" He said wrapping his arms around her waist. "How, if she's trying to take you away from me again?" She tears up. "Don't cry, Ash. It's Aria's birthday. We both know the baby's not mine. The only baby that's mine is you, JoJo, Aria, and this one," he says putting his hand on her belly.

She nods as she wipes the tears from falling. "I love you. Thank you for Aria," she says putting her head on his chest. "I love you too. Thank you for Aria," he says before kissing her hair.

1392 words


So, my social studies teacher is literally the devil. Her name is Ms. Perrson(Pierce-sun) and everyone in my team(that's how our school is categorized) believe that she's secretly a Nazi...

ANYWAY, so on Monday, it was a B day, which meant that I had Social Studies before lunch. I asked my friend Emma what we did because she has Social Studies before I do. She said that they watched a movie. I was chill and shit because I knew I was gonna fall asleep during it because I always fall asleep in Social Studies.

BUT, I WAS WRONG AS FUCK! We were watching a movie based on a book called 'The Devil's Arithmetic', I don't know if any of you have heard of it. The beginning was chill and shit until I got confused a little. THE MOVIE WAS BASED OFF THE HOLOCAUST!

If you don't know what the Holocaust is, it's basically when Donald Trump's late twin brother, Adolf Hitler, decided that it was best to kill over 6,000,000 Jews by putting them in Concentration Camps, like Auschwitz.

One, I was confused as hell because we moved on from the Holocaust, like 3 weeks ago and we're discussing the Cold War. Two, I was pissed off because SHE DIDN'T TELL US THAT THE MOVIE WAS GRAPHIC!! 

So, yesterday, it was an A day(we switch off days), which meant I had Social Studies FIRST FUCKING PERIOD! We were going to continue to watch the movie. Y'all, when I say I was scarred, I WAS SCARRED.

There was a scene from the movie where four guys tried to escape and they got caught. Their punishment was getting hunged. THE MOVIE SHOWED HOW THEY WERE GETTING HUNGED AND EVERYTHING! I turned my head real quick because I didn't want to see that. But, Ms. Perrson had the volume FULL UP, so I could hear the guys chocking. I wanted to cry...

There was also another scene where a TWO DAY OLD BABY, her mother, and another woman got killed. It was legit, the saddest, and scariest thing I've ever seen/heard.

So, since I'm nice like that, I kept telling everyone in our team that they were going to watch fucked up scenes. So, one of my best friends, Amanda, had Social Studies while I had Science, which was before lunch.

When my Science teacher said that the class could get our lunches, I saw Amanda walking out of Ms. Perrson's classroom shaking. SHAKING Y'ALL!! I legit walked up to her and asked if she was OK, and she bursted into tears. I was legit so pissed off at Ms. Perrson.

My other best friend, Anna, said that she made everyone in her period watch the hanging scene. Everyone's head was down and like a minute before the hanging scene came up, Anna said Ms. Perrson said: "Heads up, no sleeping."

So, Amanda, Pricilla, and my other friend Sara went to Amanda's guidance counselor during lunch because we do that every Tuesday. She said that she's going to talk to Mr. Ayer(Air) about giving us a pass so that way we can miss Social Studies today.

P.S. Sorry if this is a really long ass rant. I'm just so pissed. AND THERE'S MORE!!

So, I came to school today and Priscilla gave me a pass. I asked her what it was for. She said that Mr. Ayer gave it to her, so that way we don't have to watch the movie and miss the WHOLE social studies class.

So, when Social Studies came, I gave her my pass, and my pass said I can legit go anywhere I want in the school, so I went to the library. I know most of you are thinking: Chelsea. You have permission to go LITERALLY ANYWHERE IN THE SCHOOL and you decide to go to the LIBRARY?

The reason I went there is that the Library Media Center teacher Mr. Gydus, is like a WWE fanatic, like myself and he's pretty chill. And he didn't mind that Priscilla, Sara, and I were there. We just had to clean up. We didn't really do anything. I just listened to music and wrote this chapter and the chapter for Where.

So, when my free period was over, I had lunch, then I had to go back to Homeroom for ATT(Academic Team Time), which is Advisory, basically the only time of the school day where we do our homework.

While I was writing the chapter for this book, Ms. Perrson called me outside. I was like: 'Oh shit. I'm fucked.' She was pissed off and shit saying how I didn't tell her that I was uncomfortable with the movie. I tried to tell her why I left, but this old ass 1950-year-old bitch didn't let me talk.

BITCH WENT AND TALKED TO MR. AYER ABOUT ME 'SKIPPING' CLASS! One, I don't know why she went and talked to him when he wrote me the pass. Two, Mr. Ayer is my next door neighbor, and he was a WWE fanatic, so we're pretty chill.

WHEW!! That's probably the longest rant I've ever made. It was over 800 words. No, I didn't hand count it. I used an online word counter. But, overall, she really got everyone in the team fucked up! 

Oh, and she threw shade at me. She was like: "If you feel uncomfortable with something, the first person you should tell is your teacher". BITCH! It legit looked like she was enjoying all the graphic shit.

Well, I hope you guys liked the chapter! Next chapter will be up soon! Love you all!


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