
By cupsofbliss

35.8K 3.1K 631

Where a misfit skips gym and a goody two-shoes slowly gets roped into doing the same. More

encounter: i
encounter: ii
encounter: iii
encounter: iv
encounter: v
encounter: vi
encounter: vii
encounter: viii
encounter: x
encounter: xi
encounter: xii
encounter: xiii
encounter: xiv
encounter: xv
encounter: xvi
encounter: xvii
encounter: xviii
update, sweethearts
encounter: xix
encounter: xx
encounter: xxi
encounter: xxii

encounter: ix

1.5K 135 26
By cupsofbliss

"Hiya, best friend."

"Sup, G?"

"So, how was the rest of your weekend?"

"Pretty boring compared to Saturday."

"I know, life gets pretty dull when I'm not around."

"Mhm, alright. Whatever you say."

"It's true. I'm just full of adventure."

"You're full of hot air, that's for sure."

"Oh hush."

"So, when did you want me to come over and paint your room?"

"Hmm, I don't know. You could come over sometime this week to get a feel of the space?"

"We'll see."

"Awesome. So, do you have any siblings?"

"Older brother. He's in New York somewhere. I believe he's a photographer."

"Nice. I have an older brother as well. He and his husband are living in the Caribbean. Nice summer vacation spot."

"Cute. I wish my brother was gay. All his girlfriends are.. sluts."

"I'm pretty sure my brother could turn any straight man."

"Well that's interesting."

"Indeed, but I love him. He's really awesome. Travels the world and all that adventure sort of stuff. Takes pictures, but is horrible at it. I think he could use pointers from your brother."

"I'll have to give him a call."

"You do that. Do you ever get to see him?"

"On alternate holidays. He'll be there Thanksgiving, but miss Christmas."

"Oh, I see. Ezekiel, my brother, doesn't visit very often. Usually during the summer we take a trip to visit him. I think he's planning on adopting with his husband sometime soon."

"Awe, so you might have a niece or nephew?"

"Yup. I hope they adopt a girl. I want to spoil her."

"I could see you doing that."

"I'm unpredictable, you don't know what I could do next."

"Alright, hot shot."

"Hey, Ruby?"

"Yes, Garret?"

"I'm glad you came with me this weekend. I had a lot of fun."

"So did I. Thanks for inviting me."

"I definitely think you should come over this weekend though. We can do what besties do: Watch movies, gossip, and eat till we explode."

"Hmm, sounds promising. You might have yourself a deal."

"Awesome. What sort of movies and food do you like?"

"I'm a sucker for horror. Food, well, anything. I'll eat everything. Except jelly beans, licorice, and grape kool-aid."

"Well good thing our movies are all basically horror. I find them interesting. Basically the same for me, but I don't really like any junk food. Fruits, vegetables, and pizza is where it's at."

"Pizza is sort of a junk food. There's grease."

"Yes, but, there is grains which is the crust. Vegetables which could be the sauce and any toppings. Dairy in the cheese. It's very healthy."

"You're so dumb."

"I would have to disagree."

"Okay, 'Mr. I-Have-All-As'."

"One B+. It's in English. I suck at speeches."

"Tell me about it, sister. I bomb those things like it's Hiroshima."

"I like that. A girl who makes World War II jokes. Brilliant."

"Shut it. History class is one of the only classes I actually pay attention to, besides art. I think it's really interesting."

"Completely understandable. The Holocaust is always my favourite topic."

"Right! Did you know that Hitler's mom was going to have an abortion, but was talked out of it by her doctor at the last minute. Like, it never would of happened if she would of went through with it anyways. How crazy is that?"

"Wow, that's fascinating. The future would of totally been different. We might not even of been here if she did get the abortion."

"Exactly. It's crazy how wars start. Like, World War I was essentially started by the murder of Franz Ferdinand. Who knew one guy would start a world war?"

"The world is an unpredictable place, really. We don't know what will happen tomorrow or even twenty years from now. I think it's magnificent. No one has any control over the future."

"I'm in total agreement with you. Of course, you do have a bit of control over your own future, but there are obstacles that will come and change your course."

"You're very insightful, Ruby. Even though you don't like to show it."

"Shut up, G."

"I really enjoyed this conversation, but I gotta run to Anatomy. I'll see you later."

"I'm off to Calculus. Till next time."

"Bye, bestie."

"See you, homie."

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