Cupcakes and Cyanide

By PLHarris2017

88 9 3

Welcome to Ashton Point. One sweet taste could be her last. Charlotte McCorrson has spent her entire life bui... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three

Chapter Two

14 2 1
By PLHarris2017

"WHAT IS WITH you today?" Clair asked as she pulled the car into St. Edwards Point car park. "You've been like a grumpy teddy bear with a thorn stunk in its side since you arrived at the shop yesterday."

Well, you would be too if your mind was clouded with bulging biceps and washboard abs. Charlotte couldn't very well tell her sister that. Frustration simmered, and she felt her chest tighten as the lie rolled off her tongue. "Sorry, my mind's been preoccupied with this cyanide fiasco, that's all."

You're so full of crap, it's a wonder she doesn't call your bluff.

Every time she remembered her visit to Beth's she made another baking mistake. Thoughts of Liam standing there in only his pyjama bottoms scrambled her brain cells. So, he was cute, big deal. He'd flown in for the wedding, it's not like he'd be staying around for long. In the end, Charlotte had remade a total of thirty-five cupcakes. She was lucky Clair had brought extra ingredients.

Clair huffed and threw Charlotte an annoyed glare as she started unpacking Mrs Stevenson's cupcake order from the back of the car. "It would be nice if you would get your head in the game and focus on the job. We need to get these over to the cake table before the guests arrive."

Focus ... Focus. "Yeah, of course." Pride flooded her heart. She taken extra special care to create something spectacular to celebrate Mrs Stevenson's eightieth birthday. "Okay, I can't pick another box up so I'll pop back for the last few once I've delivered these," she said to Clair as she bumped the car door closed with her backside.

"No problem, I'll meet you over there," Clair said and moved off.

Charlotte turned to follow Clair's lead and froze. She blinked several times, positive her eyes were playing tricks on her. It can't be... no, no, no, it can't be. It is. Her cheeks flushed, sending a fiery blush roaring up her face until it felt like she'd stuck her head in a blazing oven.

Mr Washboard Abs himself was walking toward her, his eyes boring right through her. What kind of pun was he going to throw her way today? This is ridiculous. The last think I need is to be distracted by a man, especially one who is just passing through town, when my whole livelihood is at stake. She'd had her fair share of failed romances and she wasn't looking to add another to the growing list.

He smiled and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Charlotte, what a nice surprise."

She blinked a few times and her brow creased, puzzled by his appearance. "What on earth are you doing here?" she asked as she manoeuvred past him toward the cake table. "I thought you would have better things to do than attend an eightieth birthday high tea for a lady you've never met." Her words were laced with sarcasm.

He hastily followed on her heels, staying an unnerving foot from her at all times. "You have a point, but the more I thought about my behaviour yesterday, the more annoyed I got with myself. I couldn't leave it a moment longer without apologising to you one more time. I asked around and they told me this is where I'd find you. So"-he shrugged his shoulders-"here I am."

Unease skittered up her spine. He'd sought her out?

Approaching the cake table, Clair's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend, Charlotte?" Clair said with a smirk as she started unpacking the cakes from Charlotte's boxes.

Charlotte glared at Clair. Since when had he become her friend? "Um," she said as she pitched in and helped set up the display. "This is Liam Bradly. Remember, he was the best man at the wedding? He's going to be house sitting for them while there on their honeymoon."

"Nice to meet you, Liam Bradly. Do you mind holding these empty boxes a moment?" she said thrusting box after box in his direction.


Charlotte's eyes closed a brief moment and she squared her shoulders. "Thank you for your help, Liam," she said taking the boxes from his hands. "But I can take it from here." Turning to Clair, she continued. "I'll pop these back and grab the last few boxes."

She was headed for the car before either could return comment. Well, that was awkward. She was only meters from the car when Liam fell into step behind her. She rolled her eyes and kept walking. "Liam, what is it you want?"

"I told you."

She spun and pulled back, his taut body almost bowling her over. He caught her by the arms and she was besieged with a sudden awareness.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," he said his tone one of sincerity.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and eased her arms from his grip. "Thank you for apologising again but it really isn't necessary. I have my hands full at the moment with everything that is going on with the shop. I'm not looking to get involved with anyone right now."

He held is hands up to halt her mid-thought. "Woah, slow down. I'm in town for a week at the most. I only came to apologise for being a loud-mouth idiot yesterday. Who said anything about a getting involved?"

Charlotte's eyes widened. Her stomach bottomed out and the bitter taste of bile rose to the back of her throat. Can I put my foot put in my mouth any further? His rejection hurt, but then again, she had a knack for jumping to conclusions.


"I am truly sorry for the pathetic joke I pulled yesterday about your cupcakes and just to prove it, I'd love to taste one." His smile was like a release of fresh air.

What's the harm in being friends? She could do friends.

"Sure, why not," she said putting the empty boxes in the car and replacing them with the last of the full ones. "Let's get these over so Clair doesn't have a freak out. Then I'm sure I'll be able to steal one for you. Just don't tell my sister."

He whispered. "I promise." He thinned his lips and made a locking action with a key and threw it over his shoulder.

A hearty laugh erupted from the base of her stomach. "Come with me."

Liam stood to the side of the table while Charlotte placed the last of the decorations around the cupcake display and then stood back, her heart brimming with satisfaction. I do love my job.

"Oh, Charlotte, it's wonderful," Mrs Stevenson said, her eyes bursting with love. She clasped her hands together over her heart. "It's perfect, just as I imagined. You've taken me back to my teenage years dear when high tea was all the fashion."

Adrenaline bled through Charlotte's veins. The love in her eyes was all she needed to pep her spirts up after the disastrous start to the weekend.

"I'm so happy you approve," she said with a smile.

Charlotte's breath caught in her throat as Mrs Stevenson grabbed her in a motherly hug. She couldn't help the surge of longing or sudden tears that burned her eyelids. She'd missed her mum so much since her parents moved to New York a year ago. Her mother was an award winning interior designer and she spent most of her time travelling between New York and Australia. It'd nearly broken her mother's heart to leave her girls behind, but they'd convinced her it was the best decision for her career. Charlotte missed her terribly, but thanks to Mrs Stevenson's hugs, she felt her mother in her heart. Always.

She blinked back her tears as Mrs Stevenson's voice warmed her heart. "That nonsense written in the paper yesterday was utter codswallop. As far as I'm concerned, you make the best cupcakes I've ever tasted and if I had my way, Daniel would have his backside tanned so hard he couldn't sit down for a week."

Charlotte bit her lip containing a giggle that wanted to escape.

"I couldn't agree more," Liam said, startling her.

Mrs Stevenson's attention veered to the deep voice beside them. "Who is your friend, dear?"

Again with the friend business. For goodness sake, I just met the guy last night.

Charlotte cleared her throat. "This is, Liam Bradly. He was Lincoln's best man."

A cheeky smile worked its way across Mrs Stevenson's face. "Ah, yes, of course. I didn't recognise you out of that gorgeous monkey suit you were wearing at the wedding. I must say you're much cuter up close."

Shocked, Charlotte stifled a gasp. "Mavis! What would George say if he knew you were flirting with a total stranger? A much younger stranger."

"Oh, sweetie," Mavis said with a giggle. "I'm old, not dead. George wouldn't care. In fact, he'd probably be happy my eyesight is working perfectly."

Charlotte's gaze locked on Liam's dumbfounded expression and she lost it. She was soon joined by Mrs Stevenson in fits of laughter.

"I know there will be mostly old fuddy-duddies here, but you're welcome to join the party." she said to both Charlotte and Liam.

Liam was quick to answer. "Actually, Mrs Stevenson, if it's all right with you, I thought I might whisk Charlotte away for an early dinner. I'm new in town and thought she could give me a head's up on the best places to visit while I'm here."

Charlotte stood there in utter bewilderment, unsure of how to react to Liam's offer.

"That sounds like a lovely idea. You two enjoy yourselves," she said, throwing her arms around Charlotte once more. In a soft whisper she said, "This one looks like fun. Don't waste a minute, dear. Enjoy yourself." She turned and walked off leaving Charlotte stunned.

"What do you say? Any chance of that dinner? An apology of sorts," Liam said wistfully.

An apology? Of course, it's not like he's asking me out on a date. Humiliation welled in her chest leaving her face riddled with embarrassment. "Um, I'm not sure I can. I'll need to help Clair clean up after the party." Yes, that was as good excuse as any.

Liam frowned. Her gut clenched when he turned on his heel and headed in Clair's direction. Oh, no. I do not have time for dinner.

He returned with a huge smile on his face. Her gut double clenched, and it had nothing to do with dinner and everything to do with the way his smile lit up his face like a firecracker.

"No problem. Clair said there won't be much to clean up and she would take care of it. So how 'bout it?"

He was as determined to have dinner as she was to end the malicious accusations against her cupcakes. She needed to eat, anyway, so why not enjoy good company at the same time? "Dinner sounds good."

Charlotte stared at Liam, who was seated in the chair across the table from her. It was the first time she'd really looked at him, with all of his clothes on. He was relaxed and at ease but there was something in his chestnut brown eyes that pulled her in. In the wrong situation, he would be an intimidating man. Tall and muscular, with strong features topped off by a prominent cleft chin.

"Oh my Goodness, you're so right," Liam said as he ate another calamari ring. His sharp voice startled her. "This is some of the best seafood I've ever tasted."

A thought struck her and nausea pitted itself deep in the base of her stomach. He said he wasn't looking to get involved. Did that mean he was already involved? Why the hell did she feel so on edge? Because judging by her body's reaction, she couldn't deny she was attracted to him and she couldn't afford distractions with this cyanide nonsense hanging over her head.

It's not happening, Charlotte, so you can bury those thoughts right now.

"Told you so," she said taking another mouthful of her salad. "So where in Perth are you from?"

"I live in a town called Dunsborough. You'll find it on the south coast near Margaret River."

"I've heard they have good wine there," she said.

His jaw dropped and his fork froze mid-air. She wasn't even sure he was still breathing. Had she offended him in some way?

"Good...good?" A soft smile curved his lips, his eyes shimmering mischievously. "I'll have you know, we have some of the finest wines in Australia, if not the world."

Charlotte smiled and the butterflies that swarmed her stomach were finally starting to settle. "Is that where you and your girlfriend visit for holidays?" she asked, keeping her eyes focused on her food.

His brow creased. "Girlfriend? What makes you think I have a girlfriend?"

She felt the blood drain from her face. "Um, I... I'm not sure. I guess, I just thought."

"No, Charlotte, no girlfriend. No time for one, I'm afraid. Work takes up most of my time."

She sighed. "Oh." Welcome to my world. "Yeah, I know what that's like."

Silence greeted her response and she'd give anything to know what he was thinking but before she could ask the booming voice of Taylor Swift rocking out Look What You Made Me Do blared out across the restaurant.

"Damn it," she muttered under her breath. "Do you mind?" Charlotte asked, holding up her phone.

"Of course not. Go right ahead."

"Hello," she said, offering Liam an apologetic smile. The unexpected voice on the other end shocked her. Her spine stiffened. "You can't be serious?"

Liam shot her a puzzled look, his confusion evidently growing by the minute.

Her chest seized and she tried to push down the panic that nipped persistently at the base of her neck. She knew she failed miserably to keep the fear from her eyes. Charlotte squeezed her eyes shut and her hand flew to her forehead as she listened to Detective Anderson's voice.

"Did you hear what I said, Miss McCorrson? Mr Hutson is dead and another is in a critical condition in hospital after Mrs Stevenson's gathering today," Detective Anderson said. "While nothing can be proven yet, you are a person of interest and I'll need you to come in for questioning."

"A person of interest? That's ludicrous. I'll come down to the station right now, if that would help sort this mess as quickly as possible," Charlotte said. Liam's frown deepened and he looked at her in question, obviously impatient for an explanation. "That suits me just fine. Goodbye."

"Charlotte, what is it? What happened?" Liam asked.

She swallowed, unable to articulate any sort of response. Her blood turned to ice in her veins and it felt as if all the air had been drained from her lungs. They burned.

Dead. Mr Hutson was dead from cyanide poising and I'm a person of interest? This can't be happening.

Concern etched in Liam's eyes. "Charlotte, you're really starting to worry me now. Please tell me what happened?"

Tears burned her eyes like acid. "That was the police. Mr Hutson is dead."

Liam's features froze, and shock registered bleakly in his eyes. "What?"

"Cyanide poisoning," she whispered. The words slicing her heart like a knife. "And I'm a person of interest. They think he was murdered and I had something to do with it."

"What? Did you even know him?" Liam asked.

She shook her head. "No, not very well. He pretty much kept to himself when he's wasn't doing council business or trying to plan the annual town fete. Although...he had started making waves recently, by bringing high-name businesses from Sydney in to help promote Aston Point. I know it wasn't taken well by some of the locals."

So much for Clair's nonchalant view that this mess will blow over. Charlotte shivered and bile rose in her throat. "You know what this means don't you?"

Liam's brow furrowed.

"It means that someone in town is trying to kill people, people they know and supposedly care about," she said, looking around at the other patrons nearby. What if the killer was sitting right here, in this very restaurant? "Who knows who will be next on their list?"

"Why would someone want to kill anyone in this town, especially someone they know?" Liam asked.

"That's a good question, but I'll be damned if they're going to use me and my business as a scapegoat. Detective Anderson wants me to go in to answer a few questions. I figured the sooner the better." She pushed her chair out and stood, her jelly knees almost gave way. "I'm sorry to cut our dinner short, but if you could drop me at the station on your way home, I'd really appreciate it, since I haven't got my car with me."

Liam threw two twenty dollar notes on the table and stood. "I'm coming with you."

Charlotte's eyes widened. "That's really not necessary. I'm sure I won't be there long. I know this has nothing to do with my cupcakes and Clair will be able to come and pick me up when I'm done." She sucked in her breath, trying desperately not to overreact.

"I know we've only just met but do you really think I'm going to be able to go home and settle in for the night, when I know you're at the police station, answering who knows what questions?" Liam asked through gritted teeth.

She didn't want to be alone and she could do with a friend. She smiled. "I'm sure I'll be fine, but I'd really appreciate the company. Thank you."

"Say no more," he said as he guided her from the restaurant.

By the time Liam had parked the car and they'd headed into the police station, anger had replaced shock and her calm insides were now a simmering cauldron. "This is ridiculous. I'm sure they have no evidence, no proof, that my cupcakes had anything to do with this."

"I'm sure you're right, and it's probably just routine questioning, but what do you say we find out?" Liam said.

"Excuse me, Alison," she said interrupting her conversation. "Detective Anderson is expecting me."

Alison's gaze hardened. She pursed her lips together and raised her eyebrows above her red, strawberry-coloured glasses. "Charlotte. One moment and I'll let him know you're here."

It had only been a few minutes before she heard her name called across the reception area. "Charlotte, thank you for coming down. This shouldn't take too long," Detective Anderson said as he opened the interview door.

Of course it shouldn't take too long. "The sooner we get this sorted the better," she said, through a determined grimace.

His hand shot up and stopped Liam in his tracks. "I'd like to speak to Miss McCorrson alone."

Liam's eyes darkened and a scowl twisted his features. "But..."

Please don't make a scene. Charlotte squeezed Liam's arm for reassurance. "If you just wait here, I'm sure I won't be too long," she said then quickly turned and entered the interview room. Detective Anderson closed the door behind them.


HAT IS WITH you today?" Clair asked as she pulled the car into St. Edwards Point car park. "You've been like a grumpy teddy bear with a thorn stunk in its side since you arrived at the shop yesterday."

Well, you would be too if your mind was clouded with bulging biceps and washboard abs. Charlotte couldn't very well tell her sister that. Frustration simmered, and she felt her chest tighten as the lie rolled off her tongue. "Sorry, my mind's been preoccupied with this cyanide fiasco, that's all."

You're so full of crap, it's a wonder she doesn't call your bluff.

Every time she remembered her visit to Beth's she made another baking mistake. Thoughts of Liam standing there in only his pyjama bottoms scrambled her brain cells. So, he was cute, big deal. He'd flown in for the wedding, it's not like he'd be staying around for long. In the end, Charlotte had remade a total of thirty-five cupcakes. She was lucky Clair had brought extra ingredients.

Clair huffed and threw Charlotte an annoyed glare as she started unpacking Mrs Stevenson's cupcake order from the back of the car. "It would be nice if you would get your head in the game and focus on the job. We need to get these over to the cake table before the guests arrive."

Focus ... Focus. "Yeah, of course." Pride flooded her heart. She taken extra special care to create something spectacular to celebrate Mrs Stevenson's eightieth birthday. "Okay, I can't pick another box up so I'll pop back for the last few once I've delivered these," she said to Clair as she bumped the car door closed with her backside.

"No problem, I'll meet you over there," Clair said and moved off.

Charlotte turned to follow Clair's lead and froze. She blinked several times, positive her eyes were playing tricks on her. It can't be... no, no, no, it can't be. It is. Her cheeks flushed, sending a fiery blush roaring up her face until it felt like she'd stuck her head in a blazing oven.

Mr Washboard Abs himself was walking toward her, his eyes boring right through her. What kind of pun was he going to throw her way today? This is ridiculous. The last think I need is to be distracted by a man, especially one who is just passing through town, when my whole livelihood is at stake. She'd had her fair share of failed romances and she wasn't looking to add another to the growing list.

He smiled and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Charlotte, what a nice surprise."

She blinked a few times and her brow creased, puzzled by his appearance. "What on earth are you doing here?" she asked as she manoeuvred past him toward the cake table. "I thought you would have better things to do than attend an eightieth birthday high tea for a lady you've never met." Her words were laced with sarcasm.

He hastily followed on her heels, staying an unnerving foot from her at all times. "You have a point, but the more I thought about my behaviour yesterday, the more annoyed I got with myself. I couldn't leave it a moment longer without apologising to you one more time. I asked around and they told me this is where I'd find you. So"-he shrugged his shoulders-"here I am."

Unease skittered up her spine. He'd sought her out?

Approaching the cake table, Clair's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend, Charlotte?" Clair said with a smirk as she started unpacking the cakes from Charlotte's boxes.

Charlotte glared at Clair. Since when had he become her friend? "Um," she said as she pitched in and helped set up the display. "This is Liam Bradly. Remember, he was the best man at the wedding? He's going to be house sitting for them while there on their honeymoon."

"Nice to meet you, Liam Bradly. Do you mind holding these empty boxes a moment?" she said thrusting box after box in his direction.


Charlotte's eyes closed a brief moment and she squared her shoulders. "Thank you for your help, Liam," she said taking the boxes from his hands. "But I can take it from here." Turning to Clair, she continued. "I'll pop these back and grab the last few boxes."

She was headed for the car before either could return comment. Well, that was awkward. She was only meters from the car when Liam fell into step behind her. She rolled her eyes and kept walking. "Liam, what is it you want?"

"I told you."

She spun and pulled back, his taut body almost bowling her over. He caught her by the arms and she was besieged with a sudden awareness.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," he said his tone one of sincerity.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and eased her arms from his grip. "Thank you for apologising again but it really isn't necessary. I have my hands full at the moment with everything that is going on with the shop. I'm not looking to get involved with anyone right now."

He held is hands up to halt her mid-thought. "Woah, slow down. I'm in town for a week at the most. I only came to apologise for being a loud-mouth idiot yesterday. Who said anything about a getting involved?"

Charlotte's eyes widened. Her stomach bottomed out and the bitter taste of bile rose to the back of her throat. Can I put my foot put in my mouth any further? His rejection hurt, but then again, she had a knack for jumping to conclusions.


"I am truly sorry for the pathetic joke I pulled yesterday about your cupcakes and just to prove it, I'd love to taste one." His smile was like a release of fresh air.

What's the harm in being friends? She could do friends.

"Sure, why not," she said putting the empty boxes in the car and replacing them with the last of the full ones. "Let's get these over so Clair doesn't have a freak out. Then I'm sure I'll be able to steal one for you. Just don't tell my sister."

He whispered. "I promise." He thinned his lips and made a locking action with a key and threw it over his shoulder.

A hearty laugh erupted from the base of her stomach. "Come with me."

Liam stood to the side of the table while Charlotte placed the last of the decorations around the cupcake display and then stood back, her heart brimming with satisfaction. I do love my job.

"Oh, Charlotte, it's wonderful," Mrs Stevenson said, her eyes bursting with love. She clasped her hands together over her heart. "It's perfect, just as I imagined. You've taken me back to my teenage years dear when high tea was all the fashion."

Adrenaline bled through Charlotte's veins. The love in her eyes was all she needed to pep her spirts up after the disastrous start to the weekend.

"I'm so happy you approve," she said with a smile.

Charlotte's breath caught in her throat as Mrs Stevenson grabbed her in a motherly hug. She couldn't help the surge of longing or sudden tears that burned her eyelids. She'd missed her mum so much since her parents moved to New York a year ago. Her mother was an award winning interior designer and she spent most of her time travelling between New York and Australia. It'd nearly broken her mother's heart to leave her girls behind, but they'd convinced her it was the best decision for her career. Charlotte missed her terribly, but thanks to Mrs Stevenson's hugs, she felt her mother in her heart. Always.

She blinked back her tears as Mrs Stevenson's voice warmed her heart. "That nonsense written in the paper yesterday was utter codswallop. As far as I'm concerned, you make the best cupcakes I've ever tasted and if I had my way, Daniel would have his backside tanned so hard he couldn't sit down for a week."

Charlotte bit her lip containing a giggle that wanted to escape.

"I couldn't agree more," Liam said, startling her.

Mrs Stevenson's attention veered to the deep voice beside them. "Who is your friend, dear?"

Again with the friend business. For goodness sake, I just met the guy last night.

Charlotte cleared her throat. "This is, Liam Bradly. He was Lincoln's best man."

A cheeky smile worked its way across Mrs Stevenson's face. "Ah, yes, of course. I didn't recognise you out of that gorgeous monkey suit you were wearing at the wedding. I must say you're much cuter up close."

Shocked, Charlotte stifled a gasp. "Mavis! What would George say if he knew you were flirting with a total stranger? A much younger stranger."

"Oh, sweetie," Mavis said with a giggle. "I'm old, not dead. George wouldn't care. In fact, he'd probably be happy my eyesight is working perfectly."

Charlotte's gaze locked on Liam's dumbfounded expression and she lost it. She was soon joined by Mrs Stevenson in fits of laughter.

"I know there will be mostly old fuddy-duddies here, but you're welcome to join the party." she said to both Charlotte and Liam.

Liam was quick to answer. "Actually, Mrs Stevenson, if it's all right with you, I thought I might whisk Charlotte away for an early dinner. I'm new in town and thought she could give me a head's up on the best places to visit while I'm here."

Charlotte stood there in utter bewilderment, unsure of how to react to Liam's offer.

"That sounds like a lovely idea. You two enjoy yourselves," she said, throwing her arms around Charlotte once more. In a soft whisper she said, "This one looks like fun. Don't waste a minute, dear. Enjoy yourself." She turned and walked off leaving Charlotte stunned.

"What do you say? Any chance of that dinner? An apology of sorts," Liam said wistfully.

An apology? Of course, it's not like he's asking me out on a date. Humiliation welled in her chest leaving her face riddled with embarrassment. "Um, I'm not sure I can. I'll need to help Clair clean up after the party." Yes, that was as good excuse as any.

Liam frowned. Her gut clenched when he turned on his heel and headed in Clair's direction. Oh, no. I do not have time for dinner.

He returned with a huge smile on his face. Her gut double clenched, and it had nothing to do with dinner and everything to do with the way his smile lit up his face like a firecracker.

"No problem. Clair said there won't be much to clean up and she would take care of it. So how 'bout it?"

He was as determined to have dinner as she was to end the malicious accusations against her cupcakes. She needed to eat, anyway, so why not enjoy good company at the same time? "Dinner sounds good."

Charlotte stared at Liam, who was seated in the chair across the table from her. It was the first time she'd really looked at him, with all of his clothes on. He was relaxed and at ease but there was something in his chestnut brown eyes that pulled her in. In the wrong situation, he would be an intimidating man. Tall and muscular, with strong features topped off by a prominent cleft chin.

"Oh my Goodness, you're so right," Liam said as he ate another calamari ring. His sharp voice startled her. "This is some of the best seafood I've ever tasted."

A thought struck her and nausea pitted itself deep in the base of her stomach. He said he wasn't looking to get involved. Did that mean he was already involved? Why the hell did she feel so on edge? Because judging by her body's reaction, she couldn't deny she was attracted to him and she couldn't afford distractions with this cyanide nonsense hanging over her head.

It's not happening, Charlotte, so you can bury those thoughts right now.

"Told you so," she said taking another mouthful of her salad. "So where in Perth are you from?"

"I live in a town called Dunsborough. You'll find it on the south coast near Margaret River."

"I've heard they have good wine there," she said.

His jaw dropped and his fork froze mid-air. She wasn't even sure he was still breathing. Had she offended him in some way?

"Good...good?" A soft smile curved his lips, his eyes shimmering mischievously. "I'll have you know, we have some of the finest wines in Australia, if not the world."

Charlotte smiled and the butterflies that swarmed her stomach were finally starting to settle. "Is that where you and your girlfriend visit for holidays?" she asked, keeping her eyes focused on her food.

His brow creased. "Girlfriend? What makes you think I have a girlfriend?"

She felt the blood drain from her face. "Um, I... I'm not sure. I guess, I just thought."

"No, Charlotte, no girlfriend. No time for one, I'm afraid. Work takes up most of my time."

She sighed. "Oh." Welcome to my world. "Yeah, I know what that's like."

Silence greeted her response and she'd give anything to know what he was thinking but before she could ask the booming voice of Taylor Swift rocking out Look What You Made Me Do blared out across the restaurant.

"Damn it," she muttered under her breath. "Do you mind?" Charlotte asked, holding up her phone.

"Of course not. Go right ahead."

"Hello," she said, offering Liam an apologetic smile. The unexpected voice on the other end shocked her. Her spine stiffened. "You can't be serious?"

Liam shot her a puzzled look, his confusion evidently growing by the minute.

Her chest seized and she tried to push down the panic that nipped persistently at the base of her neck. She knew she failed miserably to keep the fear from her eyes. Charlotte squeezed her eyes shut and her hand flew to her forehead as she listened to Detective Anderson's voice.

"Did you hear what I said, Miss McCorrson? Mr Hutson is dead and another is in a critical condition in hospital after Mrs Stevenson's gathering today," Detective Anderson said. "While nothing can be proven yet, you are a person of interest and I'll need you to come in for questioning."

"A person of interest? That's ludicrous. I'll come down to the station right now, if that would help sort this mess as quickly as possible," Charlotte said. Liam's frown deepened and he looked at her in question, obviously impatient for an explanation. "That suits me just fine. Goodbye."

"Charlotte, what is it? What happened?" Liam asked.

She swallowed, unable to articulate any sort of response. Her blood turned to ice in her veins and it felt as if all the air had been drained from her lungs. They burned.

Dead. Mr Hutson was dead from cyanide poising and I'm a person of interest? This can't be happening.

Concern etched in Liam's eyes. "Charlotte, you're really starting to worry me now. Please tell me what happened?"

Tears burned her eyes like acid. "That was the police. Mr Hutson is dead."

Liam's features froze, and shock registered bleakly in his eyes. "What?"

"Cyanide poisoning," she whispered. The words slicing her heart like a knife. "And I'm a person of interest. They think he was murdered and I had something to do with it."

"What? Did you even know him?" Liam asked.

She shook her head. "No, not very well. He pretty much kept to himself when he's wasn't doing council business or trying to plan the annual town fete. Although...he had started making waves recently, by bringing high-name businesses from Sydney in to help promote Aston Point. I know it wasn't taken well by some of the locals."

So much for Clair's nonchalant view that this mess will blow over. Charlotte shivered and bile rose in her throat. "You know what this means don't you?"

Liam's brow furrowed.

"It means that someone in town is trying to kill people, people they know and supposedly care about," she said, looking around at the other patrons nearby. What if the killer was sitting right here, in this very restaurant? "Who knows who will be next on their list?"

"Why would someone want to kill anyone in this town, especially someone they know?" Liam asked.

"That's a good question, but I'll be damned if they're going to use me and my business as a scapegoat. Detective Anderson wants me to go in to answer a few questions. I figured the sooner the better." She pushed her chair out and stood, her jelly knees almost gave way. "I'm sorry to cut our dinner short, but if you could drop me at the station on your way home, I'd really appreciate it, since I haven't got my car with me."

Liam threw two twenty dollar notes on the table and stood. "I'm coming with you."

Charlotte's eyes widened. "That's really not necessary. I'm sure I won't be there long. I know this has nothing to do with my cupcakes and Clair will be able to come and pick me up when I'm done." She sucked in her breath, trying desperately not to overreact.

"I know we've only just met but do you really think I'm going to be able to go home and settle in for the night, when I know you're at the police station, answering who knows what questions?" Liam asked through gritted teeth.

She didn't want to be alone and she could do with a friend. She smiled. "I'm sure I'll be fine, but I'd really appreciate the company. Thank you."

"Say no more," he said as he guided her from the restaurant.

By the time Liam had parked the car and they'd headed into the police station, anger had replaced shock and her calm insides were now a simmering cauldron. "This is ridiculous. I'm sure they have no evidence, no proof, that my cupcakes had anything to do with this."

"I'm sure you're right, and it's probably just routine questioning, but what do you say we find out?" Liam said.

"Excuse me, Alison," she said interrupting her conversation. "Detective Anderson is expecting me."

Alison's gaze hardened. She pursed her lips together and raised her eyebrows above her red, strawberry-coloured glasses. "Charlotte. One moment and I'll let him know you're here."

It had only been a few minutes before she heard her name called across the reception area. "Charlotte, thank you for coming down. This shouldn't take too long," Detective Anderson said as he opened the interview door.

Of course it shouldn't take too long. "The sooner we get this sorted the better," she said, through a determined grimace.

His hand shot up and stopped Liam in his tracks. "I'd like to speak to Miss McCorrson alone."

Liam's eyes darkened and a scowl twisted his features. "But..."

Please don't make a scene. Charlotte squeezed Liam's arm for reassurance. "If you just wait here, I'm sure I won't be too long," she said then quickly turned and entered the interview room. Detective Anderson closed the door behind them.

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