Franchise computer education...

By TechnokidsIndia

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Franchise computer education,Computer institution,Computer learning center

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By TechnokidsIndia provides Franchise computer education,Computer institution,Computer learning center in india,K-12 ICT, franchise opportunity is an excellent blend of owning a business in technology education with K-12 instruction (K-12 ICT).


A TechnoKidsindia franchisee must have both adequate knowledge and the right tools to be successful.

This is why we spend considerable time and effort developing a range of resources for our franchisees' day-to-day use. From turnkey marketing materials to a state-of-the-industry online business management system, TechnoKids wants to be there for its franchisees in one form or another, every step of the way.

Technokids business tools include:

M2: Our proprietary TechnoManage-based online business management system that is a one-stop shop for financial, education, and marketing activities.

Marketing materials: Customizable postcards, door hangers, and posters all available online at group prices. Access to high-resolution images and logos 24/7, along with boilerplate art content. Promotional items are also available.

Education program updates: A curriculum that never stops growing and evolving. Franchisees have immediate online access to new worksheets for in-center use.

Customizable Franchisee websites: An optimized corporate website equipped with Technokids-branded micro-sites for each Franchisee to capture local inquiries. Update your information quickly and easily.

TechnoKids Method:

Technokids curriculum covering different age group

A technology project is a set of theme based activities

Project Based learning

High qulity students book


Fully equipped Teachers guides

Ready to use teachers resources

For more details please visit our website or call us at +91-40-65247872.


Business owner


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