The Asakura Sister

By RyuKuroichigo

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My name is Yuki, younger twin sister to Yoh Asakura. As long as I can remember I've always been there for my... More

New in town
Movie night?
A visitor from the north
And so it's begun
the test
Preliminaries part 1
Preliminaries part 2
Meeting Shorty Mcshort shorts
Who's Zeke?
Saving Len part 1
Saving Len part 2
Saying goodbye and meeting zeke
On the road to Adobe Village
On the road to Adobe Village pt. 2
Just a little detour
Hocuspoc U.S.
Basil and the X-Laws
A piece of home away from home
Hints from Leelee lala and the chiefs of the past
Learning from the past. and what do you mean engaged?
Teaming up with the Hunnys
Now everything begins
Training and Betrayal

Overcoming fear

664 19 2
By RyuKuroichigo

In a place full of fire

'so much blood, so much carnage' I thought as I was standing amongst the fire but the fire wasn't feeding on wood like in a campfire. No it was feeding on the corpses of people, living and dead. The living were crying out in agony while the dead had the looks of agony and pain frozen on their faces as they were burned to ash in the blaze.

"join me and you'll never have to witness this" a voice said causing me to look around and I soon found Zeke standing behind me

"but you'll still do this regardless if I join you or not. Should you win the tournament you plan to do this to all the humans and to all the shamans who stand in your way or against you" I said looking around with a saddened look as I suddenly felt like crying as I hugged myself "what good would come from me joining the person who wishes for such pain on the world"

"a reasonable answer but remember this little Yuki I will get you to join me one way or another we are connected after all. You know why we look like each other but you have yet to figure out why our minds are connected and soon you'll learn" he said smirking before the world faded to black and he disappeared

"what" I said looking at where he once was only now there was nothing. All around me there was nothing but nothingness and darkness. "what's going on?" I said looking around "Yoh. Len somebody help me! Rio, Trey, Lyserg!"

"Yuki wake up" I heard someone yell in my ear and my eyes snapped open as I gasped for air and sat up as a bead of sweat fell down my frightened face

"Yuki are you alright" I heard Trey ask

"Yuki" I heard Yoh say from beside me and I hugged him as I started to cry and he stiffened out of concern as he held me close as if wanting to protect me from whatever frightened me to the point of tears. "Yuki what happened" Yoh asked as I started to calm down

"a vision of a future I hope we'll be able to prevent" I said in a hushed ton as my voice was a bit horse and this seemed to make the others a bit protective all of a sudden as Yoh's hold on me tightened a bit

"don't worry we will" Yoh said and the others all seemed to agree

"don't worry Yuki we'll keep what ever made you cry from happening" Rio said

"yeah no worries I'll keep you safe" Trey said

"it's not me that needs protecting it's the world" I said in a hushed tone again

"it had something to do with those memories for another person that you have doesn't it" Len asked and I nodded "don't worry we'll keep this person from obtaining his goal"

"yeah, chloe and I will help too" Lyserg said smiling as chloe nodded

"so will Kori and me" Trey said as he and kori smiled at me

"don't forget us" Rio and tokageroh said with a thumbs up

"you can count us in" Yoh said as Ammidamaru nodded beside him.

"and us as well" Len said with his arms crossed as Bason nodded from behind him

"and me" Sora said appearing beside me "I'll be here for you always we're a team right, that and we're all your friends"

"yeah what she said" Trey said and the others agreed as I smiled and now a tear of joy fell from my eye as I whipped them away

"right, thank you everyone" I said happily

"well since we're all up shall we get going" Yoh said and the others groaned a bit before they gathered their things and we were off.

After awhile things seemed to get a bit chilly for we seemed to have walked in to a blizzard and due to the electrical energies of the storm we may have ended up lost for those energies could very well have tampered with Lyserg's dousing abilities.

But then before Lyserg could try his dousing abilities again

"you don't need to do that" Sora said calmly drawing everyone's attention

"she's right" Ammidamaru said "we guardian ghosts see things you cannot"

"Such as?" Len asked

"shaman" Bason said

"tons of them" Ammidamaru said

"it seems like their all trying to get to the others side of the mountain" tokageroh said

"then we're going in the right direction" I said smiling "see you weren't wrong after all Lyserg just have a bit more faith in your abilities" I said smiling and he smiled back

"yeah watch me get some major air" Trey said as he was snowboarding no his new board but then he landed wrong and managed to end up as a shaman snowball.

"would someone please keep him on a leash" Len said as we all continued on our way

"don't look at me Trey lives for this weather though he seems a bit rusty" Yoh said smiling and I nodded smiling as well

"huh" Lyserg said "trey where'd you go" Lyserg said looking for Trey

Once Trey was found

"next time I want to shred in the middle of a blizzard remind me not to" Trey said

"as if we could stop you" I said smiling and the others laughed a bit at that too.

"ok listen up guys even though we're going the right way if we don't find shelter soon it won't matter" Yoh said and we all nodded

"a few more minutes outside and you'll end up like those snowmen" Ammidamaru said as Yoh laughed nervously and I walked up to the 'snowmen'

"these don't feel like snowmen guys" I said hold out one of my hands in front of a snowman "these are those girls from before" I said calmly


We had managed to find a cave and we managed to start a fire thawing out the Lily five, aka the group of female shamans four of which had names that end with ly the fifth was named Sharona.

But then as the others were talking I felt something and suddenly Lyserg's pendulum flew towards the entrance of the cave

"I know chloe it must be him" Lyserg said running out

"Lyserg no" Yoh yelled and I ran after Lyserg with the others right behind me

But once we reached the cave entrance it looked like the snow had stopped but that wasn't the case for if you looked in the distance it was still snowing it just wasn't snowing here for something was blocking it.

Then we all saw Zeke and some other shaman around him as Lyserg was basically yelling at Zeke preparing to fight him

"Lyserg now's not the time to fight" I said running up to him

"ah Yuki always the one to protect people aren't you" Zeke said but suddenly the images from my dream started to pop up again and my breath started to become uneven. My heart beat started to quicken and fear was evident on my face as I held my head in my hands falling to my knees out of fear

'no' I thought as my eyes were wide

"keep that in mind Yuki join me and you won't ever have to see such things ever again" Zeke said

"what is he going on about" Len said

"don't tell me you're the one that made Yuki cry!" Trey yelled angrily

"trust me I had no intention of ever making her cry but I guess that was the outcome of the vision I showed her" Zeke said "oh well I'll give you all some time to think over things" he said walking away and I passed out

"Yuki" Yoh yelled running over to me.

~in my mind~

'am I really that scared of him?'

'does he really have that much power over me?'

'can I really do anything to stop him?'

'should I even try to top him?'

'is there any point in standing against him?'

'should I join him?'


'no that's enough of that kind of talk.'

'I'm stronger than this.'

'the reason I'm scared is not because of him.'

'I'm scared of what could happen.'

'I'm scared, for I don't want the humans to be destroyed'

'I'm scared of losing any friends I've made, and any friends that I could make in the future.'

'that just means I have more of a reason to fight'

'I have to follow my laws of life after all'

'I will never kill'

'I will protect my friends'

'I will protect my family'

'I will fight to protect the world!'

~back in the cave.~

'huh' I thought looking around and I saw the others as they were talking with Lyserg about how even if nature is on Zeke's side we all still stand a chance. "this reminds me of a baseball saying a friend of mine used to say" I said closing my eyes as the others looked at me

"Yuki your awake" Yoh said smiling

"never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game" I said calmly and the others stopped "in other words don't let the fear of losing keep you from fighting for what you think is right"

"pretty words don't always mean victory" Lyserg said and I looked at him

"well with an attitude like that you've already lost" I said standing up "you've lost to your own fear. Not to Zeke and not to any other shaman. You've lost to yourself to your fear."

"your right" Lyserg said "but"

"No buts" I said crouching down to meet him eye to eye since he was sitting on the ground. "No Ifs, Ands or buts about it got it"

"yeah the only but in it is Zeke's cause we're going to kick his butt" Trey said and I shook my head at that.

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