One Shots

By soccerpro96

16K 303 41


One Shots
Confidence (Camren)
Promise (Camren)
Choice (Cariana/Camren)
Love story? (Camren)
Christmas (Camren)

Goodbye (Camren)

1.6K 42 6
By soccerpro96

Camila’s POV

“Karla, get up!” My mom yelled at me waking me up.

“Mom, its summer.” I say, putting my head back on my pillow.

“You’re going to miss her.” It was then I realized that today was the day. A sudden wave of sadness hit me. Today was the last day I would see her for four months when she came back for Thanksgiving. I felt tears began to fill my eyes, but I couldn’t let them fall. I layed back on my bed, having lost the need to go back to sleep. I had been preparing for this day all summer but now I don’t think I can face it. My best friend was leaving.

No one’s POV


“Ok class, it’s time to go to recess.” The first grade teacher told the class. Camila ran out of the classroom excited to play grabbing one of the class balls that were in a bin in front of the classroom. She was dressed in a new pink dress and pink bow her mom has bought especially for today. She loved wearing bows and was always excited to get new ones. She saw some of the girls from her class talking excitedly and went to join them.

“Hi, my name’s Karla. Do you guys want to play?” She asked.

“Not really.” One of the girls answered.

“Why?” Camila questioned.

“We don’t really play.” The same girl answered.

“Then what do you guys do?” Camila questioned again.

“We talk.” Said the girl.

“But recess is to play.”

“We don’t want to play.” Camila sighed in defeat and walked away. She recognize some of the boys in a group. She went up to them.

“Do you guys want to play with me?” Camila asked innocently.

“No, we don’t like to play with girl. Girls have cooties.” A boy answered. Camila walked away from the group. She sat down with her head down at the edge of the blacktop.

“Hey, are you alright?” A voice said, startling Camila. She looked up to see beautiful green eyes. The eyes belonged to a girl who was a little taller than Camila.

“Not really.” She answered truthfully. “No one wants to play with me.”

“I’ll play.” The girl said. Camila couldn’t help the smile that came across her face.

“Really?” She asked with enthusiasm in her voice.

“Yeah, I’m Lauren.” The girl introduced herself.

End of Flashback

Camila’s POV

"Karla Camila Cabello, get up now." My mom said as she stormed into my room. She stopped when she noticed the tears that had now began to fall.

"Mama, I don't think I can do this." I say in a hushed voice.

"Oh mija, of course you can."

"No mom you don't understand, she's leaving. The girl I have known since first grade is now leaving and I won't be able to see her. I'm so used to seeing her everyday and now I won't be able to see her green eyes or play with her dark brown hair. She won't stroll through the door after softball practice and stay doing homework till she had to get home for dinner. We won't be able to call each other every night after dinner till one of us fell asleep. I won't get to see her play softball every weekend or go out to eat together. She's leaving and I don't think I can take it."

"Mija, I know this is hard but you'll get used to it."

"I don't want to get used to it. I don't want to know a life without Lauren."

"Listen mija, right now you see this big obstacles but what you don't realize is that in relationships, every obstacle you overcome means being closer to the one you love."

"Mami, I don't think I can say goodbye."

"Karla if you don't go say goodbye, you're going to break her heart and I know you don't want that." I realized she was right, I couldn't do that to Lauren no matter how hard it was for me. I hurried to get ready, putting on whatever I could find. I ran to the bathroom brushed my teeth and comb my hair to look acceptable even though I knew Lauren never cared what I wore, she always said I looked beautiful. I ran downstairs and open the door to find a breathless Lauren standing in front of me.

"You didn't come to say goodbye." She breathed out. I looked down thinking of what to say to her, I didn't want to tell her I had wanted to be selfish and not say goodbye because it would hurt to much.

"Have you been crying?" She lifted my face and I looked at her straight in the eyes. Eyes, the window to the soul. They told me everything her mouth couldn't at the moment. She had a look of innocence, vulnerability, and it showed me just how scared she was. I had been so focused on me, that I hadn't thought of her.

"I'm sorry." I finally say.

"Why didn't you come?" She asked full of concern.

“I’m sorry. I just don’t think I can take being apart for so long. The longest we have been apart are the two weeks you left during a summer to go to California with your family and I was so lonely without you. I know it makes me sound like a loser but it’s true. When you’re not around, I feel like part of me is missing and you’re the only one who can make me feel complete.”

“Camila, do you know how worried you made me. When you didn’t come say goodbye, I thought you were breaking up with me. I ran all the way here worried and part of me is relieved that you’re not breaking up with me but heartbroken you feel like you do. Look I know this might be hard at first but I truly believe we can make it work. I believe that our relationship is strong enough to take whatever comes our way and you’re not alone. I feel the same way whenever I’m not around you and I didn’t think I could handle it either but now you’re standing in front of me that this isn’t a goodbye.  I now know that this doesn’t have to be a goodbye because it’s not a forever. This is a see you later because I can’t ever imagine saying goodbye to you. I want you to be part of my life for however long that is. I can’t imagine my life without you and I hope I don’t ever have to see it. I love you Camila.”

“I love you too Lauren.” I then lean in to kiss her. We pull away and she smiles. A car pulls up in front of my house and I see its her parents. “I’m going to miss you.”

“I’m going to miss you too. So see you later?” She says.

“See you later.”


Sorry that I suck at updating, but if you guys asked me to write and gave me ideas it would happen faster. I hope you like this and suggest ideas because I keep drawing a blank except for depressing stuff and I really want them to be together so give me ideas please. -S

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