The Twins

By AnimeFanToTheDeath

12.2K 432 55

The Night before Naru leaves they have a party at SPR. Of course alcohol gets involved and a drunk Naru takes... More

The Twins
Chapter One-Alone
Chapter Three-Regret
Chapter Four-Surprise
Important Announcement!!!
Chapter 5-Explinations

Chapter Two-Help

1.5K 53 5
By AnimeFanToTheDeath

The two adults rushed to the car before speeding to the small apartment complex. They pull up and rush up the steps, bursting through the door and splitting up to find the girl quicker. Then, not even a minute later, Monk calls out for the red haired woman.

"Ayako! I found her!" Ayako rushes in the direction of his voice. Stopping in the doorway her heart flutters as she watches him envelop Mai in a fartherly hug. It was one of the things she loved about him. He was always so careful with Mai, treating her as his own daughter.

Monk looked up, away from the sobbing girl in his arms as she curled into him. His eyes locked on Ayako's and he pleaded with his eyes for her to join the hug. Her feet lead her to the two huddled figures and she dropped to her knees, her arms wrapping around the younger girls waist.

"It's okay Mai. We're here. We'll help you." They muttered those comforting words over and over again. Eventually Mai stopped crying, her chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. She sighed before opening her eyes and shaking off the embrace, reaching for the phone.

"Mai?" Ayako questioned, sitting up on her knees and putting a hand on Mai's shoulder. Mai shook her head.

"I have to tell him." Ayako pursed her lips and sat back down, her arm falling to lay in her lap. She was going to let her try, but if Naru hurt her even more...well let's just say that his little PK trick wouldn't be able to help him.

"Thank you, for staying with me." Mai whispered before dialing the number she had committed to memory. Ayako and Monk watched, their hearts in their throats as the stared at the trebbling brunette in front of them.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

No answer.

"What? Is he not answering?" Ayako asked as Mai stared at the phone, her mind not accepting that they would ignore the phone at this hour. She shook her head.

"No." Monk's face hardens. He now had a new hatred for the boy who had become a close friend of his. All the admiration and respect he had was now thrown out the window.

"Well then we'll just have to take his place!" Ayako jolts the two out of their thoughts with this declaration. She was now standing, her hands on her hips as she stared defiantly at Mai and Monk.

"Wait...what?" The two ask in synch, heads tilting to the side.

"Since Naru doesn't want to be there we will! Monk and I will help take care of you and the baby!" Ayako puts her hands on her hips and grins. Monk starts to grin as tears gather in Mai's wide eyes.

"I-I don't de-deserve you you two!!!!" She gasps out as she throws her arms around them. She pulls back and smiles at them, the tears gone.

"Well at least we know your healthy! You're already having hormone fluctuations!" Ayako exclaims as Monk stares with wide eyes.

"This is supposed to happen?!" Monk asks as his hands tangle in his blonde hair. The two girls giggle at this. He looked so scared!

These next nine months are going to be fun....

~6 Weeks and 4 Days~

I was nervous. You could say that. Ayako was picking me up to take me to my sonogram. They have been helping me out so much, I had no chance of ever fully repaying them.

"Mai! It's time to leave!" I take a deep breath before grabbing my purse and heading out the door.




"Miss. Taniyama?" I stand up with Ayako and we walk to the back room. The nurse then turns to Ayako.

"The paper gown is on the chair, go ahead and change before sitting in the saddle chair." She leaves and Ayako turns to me with narrowed eyes. I snicker.

"What are you laughing at?" She growls out.

"She thought you were pregnant!" Ayako scowls before throwing the paper gown at me. I catch it and start to strip, shivering when the cold air hits my bare skin.

"Are you nervous?" I nod and sit in the chair, staring at the two metal pedal looking things at my feet. Ayako sighs before grabbing my feet and putting them into the correct position. I blush when the door opens and a male doctor walks in. He was handsome, with wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"Hello Miss. Taniyama, I am Dr. Hatake and I'll be performing a full physical and an ultrasound." I nod and he starts. I didn't stop blushing through the whole thing. He checked my breathing and then did a breast exam. I was pretty sure all my blood was now in my face. When he finished he stood and pulled a cart over and set it next to my feet. Then he sat in a chair at the soles of my feet and spread my legs.

I blushed darker and then gasped when he stuck something in me. Ayako glances at me and everything is silent until I open my eyes again and my blush is gone.

"Now let's see what your baby looks like!" I give him a small smile and glance at Ayako, she too was grinning. Our eyes move to look at the black screen before widening when it pops up.

"Congratulations! It looks like you are going to have twins!" He exclaims as he stops moving the wand around. My eyes go wide, tears beginning to form.


"Twins?" I echo as I stare at the black and white screen trying to tell what was what.

"Yep, see these two figures?" He points at two blobs. I nod, a tear falling down my cheek as I stare at my children. Mine and Naru's...children...

"Would you like me to print this out for you?" I nod unable to speak as Ayako lays a hand on my shoulder.

"Mai? Are you okay?" I smile through my tears and look up at her.

"Yes, in fact everything is perfect!" She smiles back at me and we both turn to look at the screen.

~12 Weeks~

We were back at the doctor's office, getting ready to find out the gender of my children. This time Monk was coming with us.

"Miss. Taniyama?" I smile and stand up, Monk and Ayako flanking me. This time I don't have to change into the flimsy paper gown. The doctor walks in and it turns out to be the same one from last time.

"Now lay on the table and lift your shirt up." I follow the instructions and glance at Monk and Ayako.

"This is going to be cold." I nod and then fling when his cold, glove covered hands touch my stomach. That was pretty cold. Then the wand touches my stomach and we all turn to look at the little screen next to and slightly above my head.

"There they are!" He goes on to explain and point out everything we see. From their heartbeats, to their growth development.

"Now let's see if we can tell their gender!" He moves the wand around and then frowns, moving the wand again.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask, starting to panic at his upset expression. He shakes his head.

"No! It's just with the way they are positioned, I am unable to tell you their genders." He explains and I sigh in relief.

"Thank god, I thought that there was something wrong." I smile. He turns off the screen after pressing a button ten turns and grabs something off the printer.

"Here's a picture and would you like a video as well?" Ayako opens her mouth to reply but I cut her off.

"Yes I would." He smiles and leaves the room.

"Why?" Monk asks. I look up at the ceiling.

"When we are able to contact Naru, or even if he comes back, I want him to be able to see the first videos and pictures of our children." I whisper. Tears gather in my eyes as Ayako wraps an arm around me.

"We understand sweetie." I smile and hug her. Monk too, wraps an arm around me.

~18 Weeks~

"Monk!" I was on the couch, reading a book on child care. He comes around the corner.

"Yes Mai?" I blush.

"Can you go to the store and pick up some Dangos and hot sauce?" He grins and nods before heading for the door.

"Thank You!" I call out as he walks away. He just waves a hand over his head as he closes the door behind him. He and Ayako had decided that they would take turns staying over here every week, that way one of them was always with me.

I stand and make my way to the bathroom, cursing the fact that I had a weak bladder now. I relieve myself and then head back to the couch, pausing when a knock sounds. I pause, did Monk forget something and lock himself out?

"Hello?" I freeze, Masako. What was she doing here? I rush to the door and open it, suddenly conscious of my baby bump and messy appearance.

"Hi Masako..." She stares at me wide-eyed and I wave for her to come in, heading for the couch again.

"Wha? How?" She asks, dazed. I blush.

"The night we had a party for Naru, Naru came home with me and we um...we had sex..." I trail off at her stunned face.

"Wait, does Naru know?!" She suddenly shoots up off the couch. Tears gather in my eyes and I once again curse the hormones that come with this gift.

"N-no, I couldn't reach him. I still can't reach him!" I cry out as the tears finally over spill. She gasps and then wraps me in a hug, murmuring an apology.

"It's fine, y-you didn't know..." The tears slowly stop and I sit up, wiping my eyes.

"Mai! I'm back!" Monk walks in the door, a white shopping bag in his hands. I grin and hop off the couch, snatching the bag out of his hands and rushing to the kitchen.

"Oh hey Masako!"

"What was that about?"



~20 Weeks~

I was, once again, going to another ultrasound. The room was a little bit more crowded now. When Masako went home she ended up telling John which in turn, caused me to have four people with me this time.

"Hello again Mai!" The nurses now knew me by name so I didn't have to worry about being called a Miss like an old person. We all shuffle into the back room and I lay down on the table, automatically lifting my shirt up.

"Ah, hello Mai!" The Doctor walks in smiling.

"Hello Dr. Hatake." I reply with a grin. He sits and puts the gloves on.

"Today we'll be checking everything! From their brain to their toes!" He exclaims as he begins to rub the gel on my stomach. I shiver.

"I'm never going to get used to that..." Everyone chuckles and then the screen pops up.

"Could someone please hit the light switch?" The light turn off and we all look at the screen.

"Well they both look very healthy! The brains are developing correctly as well as their other organs and they don't seem to be trying to absorb each other." I smile. Masako and Ayako both place their hands on my arm and smile with me.

"Want to see if we can find out the gender this time?" I think about it before shaking my head no.

"I want it to be a surprise this time." He laughs and turns the screen off.

"Alright, this is your last ultrasound so I hope everything turns out well for the rest of their lives!" He shakes my hand and then hands me a towel to wipe the stuff off.

"Thank you." I get rid of the gel covering my, now huge, baby bump. He hands me the video and picture, smiling.

"Goodbye Mai." I stand and my hands automatically go to support the twins. We head to the car and I glance at my stomach smiling.

"I can't wait to meet you guys..." I whisper as I rub one hand over my bump. Masako and Ayako sit next to me in the car as Monk and John sit up front.

"Mai?" I look over at Masako. To my surprise she was blushing and looking away from me.

"Yes Masako?" Her blush deepens.

"Can, can I feel them?" I smile, the twins have been kicking for about a week and a half now.

"Of course." I take her hand and place it on my bulging belly. Her eyes go wide as the twins immediately start to kick at the pressure. I smile wider as tears gather in her eyes.

"Say hello to Aunty Masako!" The kicks pause before starting up again, causing my to gasp at how hard they were kicking.

"Aunty...Masako?" I turn to look at the medium and nod.

"Yep, and John's an Uncle, Ayako's the Godmother and Monk's the Godfather!"

~25 Weeks~

Lately I've been having dreams. It was always the same thing over and over again.

I was pregnant. Oh my god I was pregnant! I have to tell Naru!!! I take off for the SPR office, suddenly aware that I was being more careful than I normally did. I reach the office and open range door. Lin had just come out of Naru's office. He freezes when he sees me.

"Mai? What's wrong? You're crying." I gasp and raise a hand to cheeks and feel the tears that had fallen down.

"N-Naru...I I have t-to talk to hi-him..." I manage to get out. His eyes soften and he nods, walking over to help me towards the door he hurt walked out of. I nod my thanks and walk in to see Naru bent over a file. He looks up and then stands up quickly.

"Mai." He rushes over to me and wraps his arms around me. I break down into sobs, scared out of my mind.

"Mai, please, what's wrong?" I take his hand and place it on my stomach. His head tilts to the side as he thinks before his eyes widen and he falls to his knees, his other hand coming up to lay on my stomach.


"Pregnant." I nod and he slowly smiles.

"Mai, we're going to be parents."

Crappy dream huh? Naru and Lin are both OOC yet it still makes me cry.

~30 Weeks~

"Okay so if Mai goes into labor what's the plan?" Monk asks as I roll my eyes. Everyone was in my living room going over a plan to get me to the hospital and I was sitting on the floor cross-legged, going over breathing methods.

"We grab the bag next to the door after putting her shoes on her." Masako and John start.

"Then we help her into the car and drive for the hospital, using the map on the dashboard to take the quickest route." Ayako states as she walks in with a tray filled with teacups. She hands one to me and I take it with a yawn.

"Mai you should head to bed, we'll clean up here." I smile before finishing the tea and slowly standing up. Then I head for my bedroom, fall info into the bed and making sure to lay a pillow under my stomach as I lay on my right side. Then I drift off to sleep.

"Mai?" I gasp and sit up, a hand going to support the twins as I look around. My gaze lands on a Naru look-alike. I smile.

"Gene! Wait, I thought you said..." He smiles and then walks over to kneel beside the bed.

"So I'm an Uncle now huh?" Tears gather in my eyes as he leans down and places his ear on my stomach.

"Ye-yeah." He smiles up at me and I break down sobbing. Gene's eyes widen and he stands up, wrapping his arms around me.

"What's wrong Mai?"

"N-na-ru..." I bury my face into his shirt.

"What do you mea-he doesn't know." I shake my head.

"N-no! He he left before I woke up the next morning for England! I-I've been trying to contact him b-but I ca-can't reach him..." I manage to sob out. Gene's arms tighten around me.

"So he made love to you and left before you woke up?" I nod and he gently let's go off me before standing up.

"Lay back down Mai, I'll see what I can do..." I do as he says and when I blink-

I'm awake.

~35 Weeks~

"So do you have any names picked out yet?" Ayako asks as she sits on the couch next to me. I nod.

"If it's two girls I have May and Naomi." Ayako smiles. I go to say the boy names when it suddenly feels as if my legs are covered in liquid. My eyes go wide and I look down.

"Mai?" The door opens and Monk, John and Masako walk in. I look up.

"My water just broke." And then all he'll breaks loose.


"RIGHT NOW!!!!???"

"AHHH!!!!" I just stand up and waddle to the door, slipping my feet into the flats I had set there just for this occasion. Ayako runs by me to the bedroom and I just walk to the closet, grabbing the bag off the doorknob and then head for the car.

"I swear it's like they're the ones having babies." I mutter as I struggle to maneuver myself into the car. I ended up putting a leg in then sitting down after grabbing the handle above the seat. Then I just followed after.

"CRAP WHERE'S MAI!?!?!?" I giggle as they all come rushing out the door, only to stop when they see me in the backseat waving.

"Are you guys coming or what?!" I ask before they all take off running and pile in the car. Monk was driving with Ayako up front and Masako and John were sitting in the back next to me.

"Where am I going Ayako?" He starts to speed down the street.

"Take a left up here." He follows her instructions when all of a sudden my stomach seems to clench and I let out a small scream. The car swerves and I cry out louder.

"Mai!? What's wrong ?!" Monk calls out as he takes a right. The pain that had laced through me passes and I nod.

"Yeah, just a contraction." I gasp out, starting with the breathing exercises. Another one hits me and I clench my teeth, gripping the handle above my head so right my knuckles turn white. Masako stares at me with wide eyes as John reaches over and takes my left hand.

"Just breath Ma-gah!" He winces as I squeeze his hand tighter, another contraction hitting me.

"We're almost there Mai!" Ayako calls back to me as the contraction fades.

"Ha-how much fur-ther?" I gasp out. The car pulls to a stop next next to the hospital.

"Ten feet." Everyone scrambles out and Ayako rushes in to grab a wheelchair for me. Soon I'm in a white room laying on a hospital bed.

"Someone prepare an epidural!" I shake my head and grab the nurses arm.

"No! No drugs-Ah!" She nods before pushing the two males out of the room and pretty much ripping my clothes of and forcing my aching body into that familiar paper gown.




"Monk stop pacing." Ayako commanded irritated. They had been pushed out of the room before the first child came out. Right now though they were waiting for the okay to come in.

Just then a nurse walked up to them smiling.

"You are able to go in and see them now." That was all they needed to rush in.




"Mai!" I looked up from the two bundles in my arms to see my family standing in the doorway. I smile before looking back down at the twins. I had told them to wrap them in white so I could surprise them with the genders.

"Can we?" I nod.

"Guys, meet May and Kamikaze. I'm thinking of just calling him Kaze though." I watch as Ayako and Monk pick up Kaze and Masako and John take May.

"Hey there..." Monk coos as he cradles my baby in his arms. I glance over at John to see him grinning, mumbling to May in English.

Oh Naru....thank you....


And let's stop there!!!! XD so the babies are born, Gene been sighted and Naru is still AWOL! Find out what happens in the next chapter which will be updated on July 7th due to personal problems! XD





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