The Holy Bible Of Danny DeVito

By StrIke_1720

249 3 3

Join us in worship of our lord Danny the Dorit- DeVito, The true eminem More

The Eminem Lord

249 3 3
By StrIke_1720

The beginnings of our lord Danny DeVito was very humble in origin let us start from a few words from the prophet Cube.

                                 "The Lord Danny DeVito has promised us salvation, and he will bring us to it. The Lord will bring us to the secret of M&M's, the lorax, and other supernatural mysteries."

                The Lord has promised us, and so has the Prophet Cube. To go against the Prophet, and Lord, is considered heresay, and will be personnally be delt with accordingly. The lord has promised us love and affection, at the cost of our undying graditude and faith. If you keep his commandments, he will allow your life to be opened to riches, and glory. The lord created the heavens & earth to give us a chance at life. We shall not become Heretics, and refuse his undying love. The Lord has created a prophecy according to the unknown and the known. He has promised us a new life, and a new world, for us to inhabit. We will conquer the world with the help of Danny-DeVito. And we shall not fall.

       The Rise of the church was no mistake. It was meant to be. The Lord has chosen us as his people and we will not fail to represent him. We shall no longer sterotype southerners, or northerners we will unite into one nation, and rule the earth with Danny-DeVito as our lord. The followers of every church shall know the truth of his love. He will establish a definetly non-dictatorship. He will create new worlds for us to conquer, for us to explore. He will add M&Ms to all supermarkets and countries. DannyDeVito shall rule over all, and we must join him, or we will be left behind.

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