Sacrifices ☆H.S☆

By mavel2015

110K 2.3K 269

I do! I do! I do! You only have to say one thing davina, say it right. I do... i do... i... I kept repetin... More

Epiloge 2
Epilogue 3


882 21 5
By mavel2015


I tensed in my spot.

Davina noticed my reaction and looked at me confused as I looked at her in fear.

I didn't know what to say.

She ran to my side and took the phone from my hand, I was so in shock that I actually didn't mind it. She saw who it was and for sure she got mad as fuck but I would explaine latter. I tried to take the phone again but she put on speakers first.

-"Harry?"- The voice asked me again. She looked at me more confused again as I prayed for it to be something different from what I was thinking.


-"Finally, I can meet the one and only... I heard a lot about you but didn't know you, until a few hour earlier of course but couldn't talk to you"

What the hell?

-"Excuse me I don't know you"- I said trying my best not to explode.

-"Oh my bad, the man in the house"- The nerve of the fucker. -"Not that I'm here all the time, just sometimes"

I ran to my office and I took my gun, I checked that it was loaded and I took a few more cartridges, all while he was still talking on the cell phone. Davina followed me around the house.

- "I'm going with you" - she whispered.

- "No" - try but she ignored me completely while she armed herself as well.

- "Where is Mia?" - I asked the guy on the phone. I needed him to keep talking and give me time to get to her house.

- "asleep" - he answered me. - "The poor woman was very tired, she woke up, ate what you left her and went back to sleep"

Since when had he been there? How did he know I had left the food?

she told me, she assured me a thousand times that there was someone there and I didn't believe her.

I ran as fast as I could to my car, I still had the keys in my pocket so I just jumped inside, davina running beside me in the same way.

- "How did you get in?" - I asked. I just wanted him not to keep talking and be distracted with me.

- "Through the door ... you left it open"

I hit the steering wheel and leaned into my seat with my hands to my head. I Left the damn door open.

- "But do not worry, I would have entered otherwise anyway"

-"Why are you telling me all this?"

- "I wanted to meet you, you know who was the great harry after all"

I looked at Davina by my side who looked irritated, annoyed but worried. I knew that it bothered her to know that I had been with Mia all afternoon but I would fix that with her later.


- "Because I've heard a lot about you"

- "Why mia?"

She lived so damned far from me and that made me despair because I did not know how long I could distract him.

- "I don't know, I get paid for this" - that alarmed me. What did he meant pay?

- "what do you mean, who?"

- "That would not be very professional, I can't reveal my clients"

- "But why her idiot?" - I shouted.

- "I don't know ... Harry, people like you and I shouldn't have this kind of relationship, you know, they make things worse, you already have enough people to protect, why that eagerness to add more people to the list" - he said relaxed.

I looked at Davina beside me and a fear filled my soul.

-"What do you mean?"

- "We thought we could get information from the girl, but we did not get anything that we really wanted, the problem is that I had already damaged the gas pipes when the boss came up with the great idea of ​​not killing her.

》The problem is that this is my job, I'm not a detective, I kill and I had to wait all this time and follow her and all this and ugh"

- "You are a damn psychopath"

- "Yes, medically checked but that is not your concern, the good thing is that the girl you know is a good girl, she works, she maintains her parents, she does not deserve it, and it is your fault, you Shouldn't have involved her in your life, do you see what you do? "

-"It's not my fault"

I felt the hand of davina that rested on my thigh and I turned to look at her.

- "It's not your fault" - she whisper worried. - "Do not listen to him my love"

- "Of course it's your fault ... she loved you, really, I know, I know, she cried for you, a lot, for a long time, poor girl, in fact look at it as a favor, I'll do you the favor of stop her suffering "- his last sentence he said it as if it were the most fun thing in the world.

- "Do not even think about putting a finger on her you fucking crazy bastard"

- "She was so sad, she cries all the time, and the poisoning by the gas is going to kill her anyway, there is no turning back, you saw her body is already a disaster, and you have not seen how she really suffers , diarrhea, vomiting, muscle spasms, that really hurts ... but don't worry, she is asleep, she will not know what killed her, I swear it will not hurt her "

I couldn't help but cry.

She told me, she told me there was someone there and I did not believe her. She was so scared and I promised her I would help her and I would not be able to do it, I would not fulfill my promise, I was too far away.

I drove like crazy, changing lanes every second but I was still far away.

- "Please do not hurt her" - I felt pathetic saying it but I couldn't live with the guilt if she died for me. - "I will pay you twice as much as you have been offered but don't do anything to her"

- "I can't" - he said nonchanteletly - "I have a reputation to maintain, what would be of me if I do not comply with my work"

- "Damn it, she is not to blame for anything leave her alone" - I exploded. I wanted to teleport to where she was and get her out of there.

- "I know she's innocent" - I heard the door of a car closing. He was running away. - "But, again, I just do my job" - I heard him sigh as he started his car. - "Let's do something styles, if you manage to get here before the medicine do its effect, I will not bother you again, but if not ... well, I'm so sorry"


- "What are you talking about? What medicine?

He fucking hanged on me.

I hit the wheel a thousand times more while crying but I recovered quickly, I needed to get there.

- "She asked me for help davina" - I said between sobs. - "She told me that there was someone in her house and I didn't believe her, she told me and I ignored her, it's my fault I left her alone with that madman, it's my fault"

- "It's not your fault harry, you didn't know anything" - I listened but I did not look at her. I had to concentrate on the road in front of me.

I was finally approaching, it was a few minutes away. I was very close. I had to get there.

Please don't die.

- "and if he is still there" - davina said by my side.

-"doesn't matter"

- "Harry and if it hurts you, and if he just wants you to go there to hurt you"

- "I will take the risk" - I said decisively. I noticed the expression of pain on her face but I ignored it.

Just three blocks. just a few seconds

I kept the hopes. I did it. I did not let anything get into my head but no matter how much I want something, life always takes it away from me.

A loud explosion rumbled in the whole neighborhood and my heart fell to the floor. I braked abruptly instinctively, making the car skid a few meters until it stopped.

I knew what had happened but I didn't want to look, I didn't want it to hurt anymore.

But I had to do it.

I looked up slowly and saw Davina looking in the direction I knew Mia's house was. I saw the waves of fire and smoke reflecting in his eyes as he watched in shock and her orbs filled with tears.

I didn't want to see. but I had to do it.

I looked in the direction of her house and my own eyes saw what they had already seen reflected in the eyes of another.

The sight became blurred as soon as I started crying.

- "No" - the first one was a whisper almost inaudible that came from my lips and combined with the cries that were beginning to be heard in the streets. but then my denial became stronger.

I was filled with rage, anguish, despair, impotence. I felt weak, stupid and I wanted to die.

It was all my fault.

And she was innocent. I should never have involved her in my life beyond working. my fucking crazy brain made me do this and now she is dead and it's my fault.

I felt when davina's hands were touching me but I was not listening. the screams from outside, my own cries, the voices in my head, I could not hear her.

And I didn't want to see her either, I didn't want to see the pity on her face when she looked at me and told me that everything was fine because nothing was fine. Everything was wrong.

I didn't want to hear it was not my fault because it was my fault. I did not want to see her face and know that the same thing would happen to her and it would also be my fault, and if something happened to her I would die. I could not live with it, she was my everything and if she died I would die with her too.

As I could I let go of her grip and I got off the car on all fours. I needed air, I needed to breathe. I was choking.

It hurt me.

The screams were worse out. the chaos was unbearable. What was happening?

The sound of the sirens hurt and cut my breathing.

I wanted to go. I did not want to be there because it was my fault. It was all my fault, it was always my fault.

I tried to stand up but I couldn't, I fell back on my knees on the floor but I wanted to escape, I didn't want to feel it anymore. I had to go from there, I did not want to hear the screams anymore. it hurt me.

It hurt a lot.

I felt that something grabbed me and pined me to the floor and I panicked.

- "I do not want to be here, please get me out of here" - I shouted. the hands that touched me came to my face and whispered to me but I did not want to see.

I did not want to see her because It was going to hurt.

I just wanted to get out of there, I wanted to breathe, I wanted to get out of there and breathe.

- "Please my love" - ​​Finally I managed to listen to her among the voices. - "Please come with me, please" - she cried.

And probably it was also my fault. I did not want to see it. I do not want to see her cry for me.

I wanted to go to a corner and cover my ears like I used to when Paul hit sonia. I wanted to create my own world and go live there like when Paul beat me. I wanted to hide the pain. I wanted marcel helping me.

I wanted to die.

I tried to flee again but her hands grabbed me again. Why would not they let me go? Why did they make me suffer?

- "Let me go please" - I begged. - "I just want to go" - I shouted.

With all the strength I had, I managed to save myself, and then I could stand up. I opened my eyes. I walked. But fell again.

I felt tired. my throat hurt, I wanted to breathe but I couldn't. I closed my eyes again and concentrated on breathing.

- "Harry?" - the pain in her voice broke my soul. - "Baby look at me please, It's me I won't hurt you, please"

I knew, and I was very sure that she would never hurt me. but I would end up hurting her one day. for what I am, for who I am, for what it means to be close to me.

- "Go away" - I whispered in the middle of my attempts to breathe.

- "No" - she said in the middle of her crying. - "Let me help you my love, please"

- "No" - I said loudly trying to get away from her as much as my tired body would allow me.

- "Look at me love, I just want to help"

- "If you stay with me I'll hurt you"

- "That's not true" - I listened her closer this time. I had stopped trying to escape because my whole body weighed and hurt.

- "yes, it's true" - I said, leaning back to whatever was behind me while controlling my expiracion.

- "No, you will never hurt me" - I cried even more knowing that one day I would hurt her and a lot and it hurt to know that I would do it even if I did not want to. - "And if that were true I'm not going to leave anyways."

I opened my eyes and she was in front of me, beautiful as always and as always crying because of me.

- "Come with me my love" - ​​she begged while the tears rolled down her cheek. the fuss in the street continued but I only concentrated on her. nevertheless I shook my head so she approached. I let her.

She hugged me.

She tooke me in her arms from behind and lulled me while I cried and relieved myself even more. She caressed me while I pressed her against me and cried.

I never wanted to hurt her. I didn't want something to happen to her because of me. but I didn't want her to leave me, I didn't want to be away from her.

I heard her talking to someone and I realized that we were not alone, that all this time we had been in the middle of the street.

- "Do not touch him" - she told whoever was talking to her. -"I got this"

My breathing was much better but it still hurt. In many ways it still hurts me.

- "I love you" - she whispered in my ear making me cry more. - "I will not leave you, if you want to end this you will have to do it, do not ask me to surrender myself first"

As if I had the strength to do that. as if I could leave her.

I pressed her hand in mine to show that I was listening and that I understood and she squeezed me even more.

I wanted to stay there forever.

That that peace never left, that my damn reality never return. That everything be reduced to be in her arms.



I know the chapter's quiet short but It would get better in the next.

I cried writing this 😭😭 like it hurt bad.

But anyways, thank you for reading. If you would like to share I would appreciate it.

Bye 🤗🤗🤗

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