Remember Me (Jackunzel AU)

By Always_Dreaming_xoxo

4.1K 223 261

Jack Frost should have everything. He's the son to a well paid businessman, he had a beautiful younger sister... More

~Part 1~
~Part 2~
~Part 3~
~Part 5~
~Part 6~
~Part 7~
~Part 8~
~Part 9~
~Part 10~
~Part 11~
~Part 12~
~Part 13~
~Part 14~
~Part 15~
~Part 16~
~Part 17~
~Part 18~
~Part 19~
~Part 20~
Thank You 💞💞

~Part 4~

213 11 7
By Always_Dreaming_xoxo

"You can have your call now." a police officer said to Jack after escorting Hiccup back to the cell they were both held in. Hiccup had been taken down as well after trying to get Jack away from the detective. The musicians and Men in the car were all held in separate cells, however everyone could still see each other and hear each other.

"Nah, nah I'm good." Jack replied to the officer. Jack was sat down in the cell looking a bit too relaxed after the entire situation. Hiccup stared at him in disbelief.

"Oh? You're good?" He started "Oh no thank god you're good," he said clearly angry with Jack for getting himself arrested and dragged him along. "I wouldn't want you to be worrying about anything like I don't know being in prison!" He yelled.

Jack stumbled on his works for a second "It was just a messed up situation you know..." He said calmly "These guys," He said gesturing towards the other cells holding the men driving the car.  "There just pussy's"Jack then cupped his hand around his mouth to make a megaphone "You're pussy's!"

The other men got infuriated with Jack and began yelling at him


"Shut up!"


Jack laughed at their reaction and turned to Hiccup who was not impressed. Jack too a breath realizing that his room mate was taking this too seriously, when Jack knew everything would be fine. "There was just no justice" he said hoping to calm Hiccup down.

"No justice. Alright Green Hornet... Lantern... Asshole!" He yelled getting angrier and angrier. "You may not actually be matriculating in school but I? I actually plan on graduating!" Jack sighed as he knew that Hiccup was going to start blabbering on about something, probably something stupid. "You might be having a good time at the book store, playing with your stacks of book, but I would like to have a carer and a wife and a girlfriend," Hiccup went on ignoring the yells from other people coming at him to shut up. "And a divorce and a mid-life stalking crisis and an erectile dis function, and I will thank you if you kept you nihilistic bullshit to yourself!" He finished.

"Did you just say nihilistic?" Jack asked surprised Hiccup knew such a word.

"Yeah I got it off a cereal box." He said. Usually Hiccup would joke about such things but there was no sign of humor in his voice and attitude now.

"Frost! Haddock!" an officer shouted from the outside of the cell to get their attention. A business man was stood next to the officer with a very expensive looking suit on. Jack was confused and looked at Hiccup. The officer opened the cell to let them out and Hiccup jumped at the offer to get out of this hell hole. He turned towards Jack.

"Yeah I called your dad, sue me." He said sly. Jack gave him a very angry look before looking down and walking out of the cell. He starting thinking about what his father is going to say to him.


A blonde girl was in her small comfy house talking with her best friend on the phone. "So she wants a place in the city?" She asked her. "Really?" The blondes father walked into the house drained from the night he had. It was now 8:00 am and the blonde was about to go to school."Alright well i'll speak to you later, bye." she said and then hung up the phone. He father walked into the kitchen to where the girl was and washed his hands.

The girl noticed his hands were a little scratched "What did you say you were going to do when things get tight?" She asked him already knowing the answer.

"What breathe?" He asked

"Yeah, and did you?"

"Yeah, I'm even doing it right now Rapunzel." he said smartly. Rapunzel rolled her eyes and grabbed some toast she had made. "Who was that?" her father, Craig said.

"Merida" Rapunzel replied simply.

"Oh..." He leaned over her and took her piece of toast. "How is she?" He asked.

"She's good." She sighed at her dads typical behavior. "She said her mother can drive me to college."

"Nah i'll drive you." He said picking up his keys and heading out the door to his truck with his beloved daughter.


Jack was pacing back and forth at the reception. He was stricken with boredom from waiting. He stopped and pulled out a cigarette from his packet and proceeded to light it.

"You know you can't smoke in here." The receptionist said to his.

Jack was confused at her statement and looked at, what he thought was an ash tray. "Why-why do you have an ash tray then?" He asked, generally confused.

The receptionist gave him a look that said seriously? "It's a bowl. It completes the room."

Jack looked back and forth between the receptionist and the bowl and had a expression of disbelief on his face. He picked the bowl up and placed it on the receptionists desk. "This is a bowl?" The receptionist just looked at him just as confused as he was but for a very different reason. "Well I'm sorry..."

"Jack..." A women's voice said from the hallway. Jack knew who's that voice was and began to put out his cigarette in the bowl.

"I guess it was just there to tease me." He said before turning his body to the direction of the women. "Hey Jenny" He greeted.

"He's ready for you." She said leading him down the all to familiar hallway. "You OK?" she asked.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Really?" she said, not expecting that answer. Jack nodded his head at her. "You look like hell and you smell like beer and cigarettes." She said plainly referring to Jacks bloody and beaten up face. Jenny knew Jack quite well and Jack saw her as a caring Aunt.

"Thanks Jenny." He said sarcastically.

They reach a well polished door and Jenny knocked a few times "Do you want me to lie to you," she said opening the door for him "This gave him a heart attack."

Jack quickly walked into his fathers office, down the long walk way leading to his desk and quickly got to the point. "I only came to see how much it cost. I'm gonna pay you back."

He father leaned back in his big, office chair "How much what cost?" he asked.

"The lawyer." He said not wanting to deal with his fathers smart comments.

"Huh," His father sighed "That lawyer Jack, cost £450 an hour" Jack sighed deeply and bowed his head in annoyance "Tell me about it."

"Before you say anything else I want to make sure you know that I didn't call you." Jack said spitefully.

"You could do worse than having a father that bails you out of jail. Do you understand that?" He said mocking Jack for what he had just said.

Jack looked back up at him "I don't wanna be bailed out of anything." He said aggressively before walking out of his fathers office slamming the door behind him as he does.


Hey x sorry for the late update. Unfortunately I won't be able to update tomorrow but I will update the next day.

Thank you xx


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