Finally (A Paul Lahote love s...

By Havea_gooday32

50.2K 1K 69

The year was 1844, Naiyah was just a normal Apache girl. Living in her homeland with her family. But that all... More

1. The Beginning
2. The Call
3. The Journey
4. Surprise
5. The Cullen Clan
6. Training
7. Boarder
8. The Phone Call
10. Bella Swan
11. Lean on me
12. The Bonfire
13. The Clearing
14. Make the Jump
15. Run
16. I Promise
17. Rest

9. Home

2.6K 53 5
By Havea_gooday32

{Naiyah's POV}

(Dream/ Flashback)

   It was dark, the sun had just set not to long ago bringing in a nice cool breeze after a long hot summers day. The wind shifting the branches slightly as it blew. It was calming, peaceful like. Which is saying a lot since the tribe is always at war. Everything around me was calm, except for my beating heart. That was anything but calm, I could feel it in my chest, my heart was beating so fast that I was sure it was going to pop out of my chest.

   My feet silently but swiftly ran through the trees, trying to get to the lake as quickly as possible. My hands lifting the front of my skirt up so I wont trip. My long hair was down against my back, swaying as I ran. I slowed down as I got to the edge of the creek. I looked around me before bending down to the water, making a cup out of my hands and getting a drink of the water, it cooled my dry throat. The water ran strong as I looked, it came down from the mountain making it nice a cold. Water is Life, without it my people wouldn't be here. It took care of us, protected us.

   I reached behind me, my water basket on my back. I was sent by my grandmother to fetch more water for my younger sister, she caught a very high fever. Our medicine people say she is strong, no matter how little and young she may be. My medicine women said she need more water, so my grandmother told me to fetch some, but I was already out the door before she could finish the sentence. 

   I lowered the basket to the creek, feeling it up about halfway before I heard a twig snap. I quickly stood up, dropping the basket on the soft sand. My hand automatically going to my knife on my belt. Ready to fight. But I stopped when the person smiled at me.

   My eyes widen as I quickly looked around us to see if there was anyone watching before looking at him again, his smile still on his face. "What are you doing here?" I asked him.

   K'uu-ch'ish smiled and walked closer to me. I backed away slightly. "I saw you run, I was curious where you were going. So I followed to make sure you were safe."

   "I was told to fetch more water for Soon-ts, I did not mean to worry you. But I am fine." I say putting my hands behind my back.

   He nods and leans down to pick up my basket for me. " I did not mean to frighten you Nai-yah," he says quietly, standing in front of me. 

   I nod and take the basket from him. " My father says the men are leaving before the sun rises. And that you are going with them. Is that true?" I ask softly, my hands gripping the basket tightly.

   He stays silent for a moment but answers honestly. "Yes, we leave to fight the Mexicans in the morning. Are you worried for me?" A small grin on is face.

   I chuckled and shake my head, looking anywhere else but those dark brown eyes. I wont admit this out loud but I really was. For him and my father. K'uu-ch'ish has always been someone constant in my life. We grew up together. He was my best friend. Always looking out for me, making sure I'm okay. Making sure I'm safe. 

   "Of course not, I know that you and my father will make it back home safe. He is strong, and so are you. Well that is what my father says." I told him, saying the last part more quietly than the rest.

   He says nothing but looks at me. I looked at him, about to ask what was wrong when he spoke. "Do you remember when we were children, and we made a deal, up in the mountains when I was about to leave for my journey?" 

   I looked at him confused but nod. "I was worried that you'll get hurt or lost, but you promised me that you'll return safe and sound. That you'll make it back for me." How could I not remember that day. I was scared for him that day cause he had come of age to become a man. He was leaving to fight a small battle with the men. I didn't want him to go, but he did.

   "And that I told you that if I did, make it back, that when you went through your ceremony that I'll make you my wife." he said looking into my eyes. I almost forgot that he said that to me. "And you did. You finished your ceremony strong and powerful. That day, I wanted to ask your father for your hand. But I wanted know if you would like to be my wife."

   I was speechless. Most men wouldn't care of the women's opinion. They just ask the father and that's it really. I looked at him with wide eyes. "You want me to be your wife?" Not really  believing what he was saying. "But there are so many other stronger women in the tribe to choose from, stronger than me." I reasoned with him. I didn't want him to make a wrong decision if he really wants me.

   "I don't want any of them, I want you by my side. Always. And I just can't stand around and watch someone else take you from me. I can't lose you Nai-yah." He said with sad eyes. I could hear the anger in his voice when he mentioned someone else trying to take me from him.

   I stayed silent, in shock. He wanted me. He really wanted me. I guess he took my silence as a no cause he began to back away from me. "And you wont. I don't want to lose you either. In battle or to someone else."  I said quickly. 

   His eyes widen, "Is that a yes? Do you really want to be my wife?" His voice held so much affection and worry all at the same time. I smiled and nodded my head. He laughed and scooped me into his arms. My basket once again fell out of my arms as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He spun us around once before setting me back on the ground. Our foreheads leaning against one another. My smile never leaving my face.

   He looked me in the eyes and spoke. "Tomorrow, when I return, I will ask your father for permission. I will ask him if you would be my wife." A big smile on his face. It was impossible for me not to smile back at him. The way his eyes lit up just made my heart sore. I felt like I was flying. That everything will be perfect, for us.

   I unwrapped my arms around him. I looked back at the water basket, surprisingly the water was still in it after two falls. "I'm sorry but I have to go. They must be wondering where I am." I say picking up the basket again. 

   He nodded. "Please be safe walking back."

   I laughed slightly, "Only if you promise to come back to me tomorrow."

   He smiled. "I promise."

(Dream/ Flashback Ends)

   I opened up my eyes. My head against the window as I sat in my room, on my window seat. The window was nice and cool against my cheek. My phone layed on the window sill, where I put it after talking with Paul. I lifted my hand to me cheek and wiped away the tears that fell. It has been awhile since I had a dream about him. But the memory was clear as day. Everything was perfect that night. Everything. 

   I still remember running back to my home with the water in my hands. That later that night my sisters fever went away. That a small smile never left my face. Everything was falling into it's place. The next morning my father and the men left to fight. I remember telling my father to come back home to us. And that if he didn't that I would take care of my mother and sisters. I remembered him smiling slightly at me, looking at me with proud eyes at how strong I've become. After he went up to the front lines, K'uu-ch'ish came up beside me with his horse. His war paint on his face were bright colors, reds and yellows bore into his skin as he wore them pride. Without thinking I tied my black handkerchief around his gun. Black meant protection against evil. It was meant to drive away evil spirits that tried to harm him. I remembered him grabbing my wrist in his hands and giving me his abalone necklace. I held it close to me as they left. My grandmother came up to me and gave me a small smile. She gave me comforting words, told me not to worry so much, that they will be back soon. She was right. When they returned later that day, we lost no one in the battle. Everyone was safe.

   But most importantly, I was to married later that fall to my best friend.

   I sighed to myself as I thought of my past. I try not to think of it to much cause it hurt. It was like a wound to my heart that I knew would never heal. I got up from my seat and made my way to my treasure room. It was full of all my treasure from my past. I went to the far corner of the room and bent down to a large chest. I blew off the dirt that coated the top and opened it. In it layed one of my old camp dresses, my water basket and many other things. I dug though the chest until I found what I was looking for. 

   The abalone necklace still looked good as new. Like I just got it yesterday. The bright green and blue color shone brightly against the light that came through the window. The shell of the necklace was still tied onto the same buckskin that came with it. I smiled softly and tied it around my neck. I looked back into the chest and found my black handkerchief. The material was thin and worn, but still strong. I tied it around my wrist and stood up. Closing the chest before I got anything else out that I didn't need at the moment.

   I head back to my room and looked at my self in the mirror. My eyes were slightly puffy from crying. It wasn't normal for vampires to cry or even sleep, but I did. I don't know why but I did. I was grateful that I did. Crying made it seem like I was actually normal, that I was actually human. But sleeping, I didn't like it as much. Manly because of my dreams, they were always from my past. Something I try really hard not to think about. But I guess I;m grateful for that to, I don't know how the Cullen's do it really. Staying up 24/7 with literally nothing to do. I wonder if they ever get bored, they probably do.

   I wiped at my eyes again and grabbed my phone. Paul and I stopped talking about two hours ago. Our conversations seemed never ending. He talked about his life here in La Push, he talked about his family and friends. It was nice. Having a normal conversations that doesn't involve bloodthirsty new borns. I sighed as I thought of the situation. I looked at the time and saw that it was almost time to meet with the rest of the Cullen's and this Bella girl that seems to have Edward wrapped around his little finger.

   I made my way outside to my car and headed to the Cullen's. Hoping that everything isn't as bad as it seems.

{And that's chapter 9. Sorry for the long wait but my new job is really taking its toll on me. I really hope you guys liked this chapter I really enjoyed writing it now I'm about to give you a history lesson YAY!!!!!!!!!

Okay so in this chapter Naiyah mentions the medicine people, And there are actually multiple people that can have that title. But I'll explain more of that in lager chapters. Okay now the colors, the color black for some people is considered a dark and evil color but to most tribes like the Apahce's it is meant for protection. And when the men went out to wore they really did wear broght colors like yellow, red, green, white and black. But what really brought protection was the shell that Naiyah had in her chest. The abalone means so much for the Apache. But not just abalone but turquoise also.  Another thing is that is was completely normal for many Apache bands to go off to war. Especially with the Mexicans. If I offended anyone I'm sorry  but that is the truth. 

Okay that's it I think but if you have any questions just leave a comment and I will try to answer it to the best of my ability.

K'uu-ch'ish - "oak" or  "having the quality or strength of oak."

Anyway I hope you enjoy the chapter, I blew off actually doing my homework, which I will probably regret later. BYE!!!!!}

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