
By XharoldsbabeX

192K 8.2K 2.8K

Red-eyed vampires have taken over the world and have captured all humans. Or so they thought. Ellie and her s... More

Vacation Styles
Ch. 19 *The Search is On*
Ch 20 *Reading Letters and Lips*
Ch. 21 *Nothing for Me, Something for Her*
Ch. 22 *Three Days*
Ch.23 *Begging for Forgivness*
Ch. 24 *Too Soon*
Ch. 25 *Fights, Friends, Foes*
Ch.26 *Unplanned Escapes*
Ch. 27 *Point Down*
Ch. 28 *Alone*
Ch. 29 *Into the Woods*
Ch. 30 *Brothers*
Ch. 31 *Jealousy Comes From Love*
Ch.32 *Good Terms*
Ch.33 *Black and White*
Ch.34 *No Love, No Life*
Ch. 35 *Sacrafice*
Thirty six
Thirty seven
Very Important
Thirty Eight
Thirty nine
Fourty three
Fourty Four
Fourty Five
Fourty Six
To be continued...


4.8K 176 84
By XharoldsbabeX

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"Esmay! Holy shit! What did they do to you?" I cried out before grasping her arm and sitting down next to her on the bed. She winces in pain and I mutter a "sorry" before removing my touch on her.

"It was my fault. I punched that ass hole in the face." She chuckles, trying to make this situation funny, but in no way do I find this humorous. Not one bit, but I force a smile to ease the nerves.

"You bad bitch." I smirk, making her let out a small laugh. She shuffles into the bed and whimpers before touching her neck.

"Shouldn't all your bites be healed by now?" I look at her wounds with confusion. She has two bites on her neck, three on her arms, and a really bad one on her thigh. My eyes gaze the bruises spread out everywhere on her body and I take in her fat lip and black eye. That Vampo really did a number on her.

She grimaces at me, "Sorry I'm no super human, that heals up all fast. You know this kind of shit doesn't just heal in a day, Ellie." She huffs and rolls her eyes like she always does when she's annoyed.

"Mine healed in like..." I trial off realizing how stupid I must sound. Of course, the guaritore.

"Why didn't they give you any guaritore!" I screech and she looks at me like I'm insane.

"What the hell is gartore?"

"Guaritore." I correct her. "And it's a healing serum; I wonder why they didn't give it to you. Master Harry said that they use it when someone gets bitten really bad, so I don't know why they wouldn't give it to you. What the hell? Why didn't he give it to you! You are bitten so badly, way worse than--"

"Ellie! What the fuck are you rambling about!? Please, just shut up. You're making my head hurt even worse than it is." She groans before rubbing her temples with her pointer fingers.

I quickly apologize and realize I didn't notice that I just, in fact, was babbling on about shit that she probably doesn't even know about. I do wonder why Louis just didn't slip her some guaritore, so that she can heal faster.

Louis voice starts reminiscing in my head and I remember him saying something about, once Esmay is healed they are going to send her to the drainers.

The thought of loosing Esmay again floods my head and my face pales. Esmay notices and her bed makes a squinking noice when she sits up and leans her back on the wall. Her bed doesn't have a headboard like mine and now that I scope more around in the room I notice that this room is nothing like mine at all. Much more small, cheap- dirty even.

"What's wrong?" Her tone becomes more serious and she grabs my arm- bringing my attention to answering her.

"Did Louis tell you?" I lean in and whisper quietly.

"Who's Louis?"

My eyebrows turn, mocking hers- after being confused by not knowing who I'm talking about.

"Okay, what the hell do you know?"

"All I know is I was taken here by those Vampos and then one of them took me into a big house, but I told him to get the fuck off of me. Then he was gripping my wrist even harder. Look." She explained before lifting up her wrist- showing me the mark of fingers left in her skin. "I told him to let me go, but he wouldn't... so I kinda punched him in the face." She muttered the last part, making me grin.

"Anyways, he got so mad at me and did all this shit. All I remember is feeling a lot of pain and I felt really weak.... After that I'm not really sure what happened, its all a big blur."

"Louis is the one that helped you. He told me that he saw Jake.. Jack or whatever attacking you, so he helped you. He told me that Master Harry was going to send you to the drainers, but Louis stopped him and told him he was going to help you recover.... before sending you to, uh, storage."

Her eyes widen, "They're sending me to storage!?" She yells all too loud and I sush her and place a hand over her swollen mouth.

"Yes, but don't worry I have a plan." I say before removing my hand and placing it back into the bed.

"What's your plan then." She brings her voice down to a whisper and looks at me in utter confusion.

"Well, I don't have a total plan right now, but... I was thinking about getting help from Louis so we can escape here. You and I; we can leave and find somewhere new to stay."

She nods her head and I stand up before running my hands through my hair, pacing around the small room. "I suppose we can..... no... I don't know. Maybe.. Okay! I'll ask Louis the way out of here and we can learn the way through the halls and find a way to escape or something, I don't know."


"But, what about Master Harry, I mean he'll probably find out. What if he never let's me out of his sight. Oh shit, I need to go back to the room! He's going to go back in there and realize I'm not there.."

"Ellie!?" Esmay's yelp brings me out of my long train of thinking out loud. I glance over at her still laying on the bed, looking at me like I am completely insane.


"It's fine." She chuckles, "But we kinda have a big problem."

I furrow my eyebrows, "What?"

She pulls her foot that was under the comforter and a jingling sound brings my full attention to it. She pulls on it and a chain attached to the front of the bed resists her from moving her foot.

"Are you kidding me?" I slap my arms at my sides in frustration before letting out an annoyed huff.

"And what about them sending me to storage?"

"Shit!" I groan before falling back onto the rock hard bed as Esmay moves over so that I'm not laying on top of her legs.

After a few moments of silence Esmay finally clears her throat to speak, "Okay, I got it."

I sit up and look at her- keen to know what she's thinking. {A/N Yes, Jen I used the word keen. x) }

"Shoot." I say after she stares at me blanky- still thinking over the plan inside her head.

"You can go get...umm, Kyle and you can--"

"Kyle? Who the hell is Kyle?" I interrupt her before giving her a confused glare.

"The one that saved me or whatever." She mutters and I burst out in laughter at her poor old brain.

"You mean Louis." I manage to say out of my chuckles. "Where the fuck do you get Kyle from Louis?" I start laughing even harder- covering my mouth making the giggles muffled.

"God, Louis whatever. Anyways, you go get Louis and you tell him to get a key to this chain thing. Then, I can stay in your room and hide there until he helps us escape. Wait, why aren't you getting sent to storage like me?"

"Umm.. Well I guess I'm "valuable" to them." I mutter before looking down at my hands.


"Uhh, yeah..." I start to speak, but I hear the door knob to Esmay's door jiggle. We both freeze and look at each other before Esmay whispers for me to go hide. I jump up from the bed before rushing over to a door the was closed on the left wall next to her bed. I looked back at Esmay and she was laying on her back- eyes clustered together. I heard the door start to open, so I quickly swung open this small door, revealing a tiny room with only shelves. I shuffled into the petite closet before trying to close it, but I couldn't. My body doesn't fit in to shut it all the way.

My breath stops when I hear the bedroom door to Esmay's room swing open and hit the wall. I press my back onto the shelves as much as possible before holding the door closed, as much as it would go. It was slightly open- enough for me to see the back of a tall figure. He was hovering over Esmay's bed, silent. His hair was almost black and was perfectly sculpted to his head, slightly longer in the front- formed into a bump.

My hand became weak and the door squeaked from me loosening the grip on it. I cursed under my breath and the man hovering over my sister looked back in my direction. I held my breath in and took in his facial features. He looked much older or maybe it was just the scuffle that surrounded his cheeks and chin. His cheekbones were fully defined and his red eyes were almost as dark as Master Harry's.

He glanced back down to Esmay- forgetting about the noise behind him- allowing me to breath again. I watched as his hand ran over her cheek, causing Esmay to flinch- shockingly opening her eyes at him in fear. Dammit Esmay.

"You." She breaths before shuffling up onto her bed and grabbing the sheets- helping her pull herself to the other side of the bed- away from the vampire. She threw her body off the bed, but whimpered when the chain on her leg wouldn't let her move completely off the bed. She pulled on it, but fell back onto the floor after loosing all balance. Her leg was still on the bed leaving her body in an awkward position on the floor.

The wheels in my head start to turn and I realize this must be Sir Jack Teller- the last Vampo on the list; why else would she be so afraid of him?

I watch the back of the man stalk over to Esmay and I restrained myself from coming out and stopping him because I know it will ruin everything. We will both probably get sent to storage or maybe even the drainers.

Esmay gasped when a hand gripped onto her hair, forcing her to stand up straight. She cried out in pain as her leg was in it's uncomfortable position. The vampire eyed the chain before taking out a key and undoing it, letting her leg free. Esmay didn't take a second before rushing to the door in escape, but he got to her before she could get it open. His hand found her hair once again before forcing her to look at him.

"Stop it, now!" His voice boomed and surprisingly he didn't have an accent like Master or all the other Vampos.

Esmay didn't resist as he opened the door and pushed her out before stepping out after. The door slammed shut and I released my tight palm on the doorknob before letting it open freely. My arms were worn out from holding the door, but I shake it off before running towards the door.

I need to go find Louis, so that he can find out where Sir Jack is taking Esmay. I sure hope that he isn't taking her to storage now. Louis said that they would wait until she was recovered and surely she isn't.

The door creaked open and I only allowed a small crack to show. My eyes peered out and caught the Vampo standing with Esmay in front of the elevator. My eyes widen when I realized that they aren't the only people in the hallways. My eyes watched at least six people walking towards the elevators. I didn't neglect looking into their eyes and seeing that they wern't red at all. They were all humans.

"Hey, you better hurry up or you won't get breakfast." I jumped when a guy with dirty blonde hair-that's perfectly sculpted up the way he put it, stopped in front of the door and noticed me looking out of it. I looked at him unknowingly after I realized he was talking to me.

"Uhh.." I trail off trying to think of something to say.

"Wait, I've never seen you around here. Are you new?" He spoke and my ears didn't miss his strong accent. It almost sounded British, but a little different. I ignored his question and looked over to the elevators that everyone was piling in to. I groaned when I didn't see Esmay or the Vampo anymore. I looked back at the blue eyed boy- he looked much younger than all the other men that I've met here so far. I glared at him for being the reason that I lost sight of them.

I opened the door all the way before stepping out and brushing past my distraction. I fast walked towards the elevators in the hallway that was now completely vacant- besides me and the blonde that I can feel closely behind me.

"So I'll take that as a yes." He said and I turned around to see him picking up his speed so that he could catch up to me. I ignored him once again before pushing the elevator button. To my sucky luck, the doors didn't open immediately and I impatiently waited for them to, while I felt the blonde's presence at my side.

"Well, I'm Luke from Australia." He formly introduces himself, but I only glance at his hand that he's holding out for me to shake, before looking back at the opening elevator doors. I didn't hesitate to step inside and look down at the buttons to press. I glance over the familiar levels to go on, but frooze when I didn't know which one to press.

I don't know if I should go back to Master Harry or go find Louis and tell him that Sir Jack has Esmay in his hands again. I pushed the thought of getting in trouble by Master Harry for leaving his room to the back of my head and quickly choose finding Louis instead. My hand froze again when I still didn't know which level to go on to find him.

A hand covered the buttons from my view as Luke pressed the M.F. It lite up and the doors began to close.

"Master Harry, Vampos, All Slaves, Main Floor, and Lower Slaves." He pointed to each choice and explained. I nodded my head taking in the new information. I stepped back letting the elevator take me up to the Main Floor. I'm sure Louis will be there, hopefully.

The elevator moved awfully slow and the awkward silence grew in the elevator. I looked over my shoulder to Luke, who was already glaring down at me. He quickly brings his eyes to the floor after I grimaced at him for staring at me.

"It's not that bad here, you know?"

I huffed in disbelief and stepped out into the familar big room where the front door sat. Instead of a human standing there before, there was now a bulky vampire with flaming red eyes guarding the door. I feel Luke brush past me and continue his way. I looked back at the vampire by the door and he glared at me with flaring red eyes. I rushed to Luke's side in panic of the stare down and also the reason for me not knowing where the hell to go.

"I'm Ellie, from a shack in the woods." He looked down at me and chuckled at my weird intro.

"Welcome to Shadow, Ellie. It really isn't that bad, trust me."

Luke pushes open the door, leading us through a few more hallways and doors until we finally reach a room that looks much like a cafeteria in a school, but much nicer and not as big. Ten circle tables spread the room and most of the seats were filled.

"This is where we have breakfast before doing our jobs. Come." He grabbed my arm and pulled me to a table that already had two other people in the chairs. Luke and I completed the table and I scoped around the room looking for Esmay.

Big doors swung open I turned around to find a few people pushing out carts before handing everyone a plate of food.

I met the eyes of a human as they set down a plate of fruit in front of me.

"Only sucky thing about Shadow is we have to eat super healthy." Luke leans in and whispers in my ear.

"Oh cause being sucked by a vampire doesn't suck." The blonde next to Luke huffs.

"I think it feels good." The brunette head sitting next to me mutters.

Oh thank god, it's not only me.

"Shut up Len, you're lucky that they compelled you." The blonde says, making the brunette head,Len, roll her eyes.

"Maybe you shouldn't be bad and get in trouble all the time." Len mutters before picking up a strawberry and biting into it.

"Yeah Natalie, you do need to stop. They might even kick you out." Luke says and Natalie whips her blonde hair out of her face in annoyance.

She mumbles something to herself and looks down at her fingernails, but I couldn't catch what she said.

"What's Sir Zayn doing in here?" Len gasps and we all look over to Zayn pushing through the doors. "Last time he was in here, we got yelled at for not.." She starts, but a loud bang occurs and everyone's attention is drawn to Zayn as he stands on top off one of the tables.

The whole room goes quiet as Zayn clears his throat to speak.

"We have a new member of Shadow who happened to slip from our hands. Her name is Ellie and Master Harry is looking for her. She is in big trouble and we need to find her as soon as possible. If you see her contact us immedietly." I hear Luke gasp from beside me and I turn to him with an apologetic look on my face.

"Please don't say anything. I'm trying to find my sister." I whisper to him before standing up from my chair.

Luckily Zayn hasn't seen me yet so I quickly run over to the closest door. I drop my head down to cover my face with my hair. Zayn is talking to somebody below him, so luckily he doesn't notice me leaving.

I know I'm going to have to face Master Harry at one point, but right now I need to find Louis.

I reach a door that hopefully will somewhat bring me closer to finding him. I look back to Luke and he is leaning into the table taking to Len and Natalie. Both girls eyes land on me- wide with furrowed brows. Luke gestured them to stay quiet with his finger over his lip which calmed my nerves.

Thank god. I thought that he was going to tell Zayn that I was in here. I mouth a thank you to him and he smiles before motioning his hand for me to hurry up and go.

I finally open the door, but before I could step through it Natalie's voice echoed into the small eating area.

"Sir Zayn, Ellie's here! She's right there." She yells across the room, causing Zayn to make eye contact with me.

"What the fuck Nat!" Luke screams at the bitch that sold me out.

I didn't stay to see what else happened; I took off on my feet and ran into the door revealing a big kitchen. A tall man with a chefs hat glares at me before I move past him and pick up my pace.

I glance behind my shoulder and my heart beat quickens when I see Zayn running after me. He pushes the cook out of the way, causing him to fall onto the floor and other people in the kitchen gasp.

"Excuse me." I say before bumping past all the other workers in my way.

I reach two huge double doors and push my shoulder into it to give it more force to open. My eyes scan the same familiar huge entry way. Wow this place is like all connected in one.

I picked up my direction towards the elevators that Luke and I came from. My heart drops when the same very built vampire, guarding the front door eyes me.

"Grab her!" Zayn commands and the guard doesn't hesitate to start his way towards me.

I heard them both yell for me to stop, but I didn't. I kept on my way to the elevators. My finger found the button as soon as I reached it. I turned around and pressed my back to the elevator doors. I watch as Zayn and the guard get closer and closer to me. A small rush of hope floods my body when I feel the doors start to slide open. After they finally fully open from their torturous slow speed I whip my body around to get inside. My body budges into someone else and I feel two hands grab either side of my arms.

I swallowed hard before glancing up to the hard chest that stopped mine from entering the elevator. My knees grew weak and my heart caught in my throat as my eyes meet the red eyes owned to Master Harry.

"Ellie." He breaths before forcefully pulling my body completely into the elevator with him. A large streak of pain runs down my back as it hits hard on the back wall of the elevator.

After regaining my balance I looked up to see Zayn and the guard stop in their tracks as they see Master Harry as finally caught me.

"Good job boys. I got it from here." His voice is low and it's even worse not being able to see his facial expression, for I can only see the back of him.

His fingers found the button and M.H lit up on the small elevator wall. The doors began to close and I swallowed hard- loud enough for even Harry to hear. Shit.

Follow me on Twitter!! @1D_gotdat_1thng >>> 30+ Votes and 10+ comments till next Chapter!!! Soo Vote and Comment! Sorry this one took so long!! :)

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