Hetalia Boyfriend Scenarios

By cryaotickun

97.3K 2.4K 2.3K

Slow progress writing BUTTTT Its getting there so check it out if you wanna More

Hetalia Boyfriend Scenarios
How You Met (Allies)
(Axis) When You Hang Out
(Allies) Hanging out -1/2-
(Allies) When You Hang Out -2/2-
~Future Scenarios~
Getting Closer (Axis)
Getting Closer (Allies)
(Axis) When He Talks About You
(Allies) When He Talks About You
How You Met (Nordics p.1)
One Shots???
How You Met (Nordics p.2)

How You Met (Axis)

11.9K 266 333
By cryaotickun

I wanna see how much it takes up since in this one I think I wrote way too much ^//^" sorry!

~~~ Love you, Miss you, MWAH!


You we're walking home from (school/work) exhausted. You have been busy with projects and all the pressure was getting to you. You stared up at the clean blue sky as you took a few deep breaths inhaling the fresh air to help clear your mind. You stopped walking for a moment and closed your eyes with a slight smile enjoying the light breeze, causing your (Hair Color/Length) to brush up from its still stance until... BAM there you were laying on your stomach, your papers from your bag flying everywhere, and cloud of dust blocking your vision.

You coughed the dry air as you swatted your hand in an attempt to fan away the dust. You growled as you narrowed your eyes at a figure standing infront of you. First thing you noticed... he was crying and panicking.

You stared at him confused since he was babbling on in Italian. You slowly let your mind slip away as your eyes trail looking him up and down.

He, on the other hand, was oblivious to you and was looking around paranoid until he held his hand out to you calmly.

"Sorry bella, I-a didn't see you-a there."

You blink out of your trance and take his hand while getting up.

"I-It's okay" You couldn't help but stare at his unnatural single curl. You stared at it for so long, you didn't notice him picking up the papers that had fallen out of your bag and held it out to you.

"Ve~ I'm-a Feliciano Vargas!" He smiled brightly as his curl bounced.

You shook your head out of the trance and smiled back, "I'm (Y/N)! Nice to meet you! If you don't mind me asking, why were you in such a rush?" You took your papers back and put them 'safely' ((More like stuffed them in)) back in your bag. Feliciano's eyes widen as his curl went all wilted.

"I'm-a supposed to be-a training! I'll-a see you later!" He quickly gave you a hug and sprinted off again like he had when he bumped you to the ground.

Germany ((Doitsu!!! *0*))

Being a bartender is fun but, sometimes it sucks. For example, one night you were doing the regular stuff. Flirt with the customers, make their drinks, and make sure they have fun. And a guy threw his drink at you then grabbed the beer hose from behind the counter and started shooting it everywhere at everyone. It was too don't watching security throw him out.

Anyways, you were making drinks and a guy jumped on the counter dancing while slurring the lyrics to the song playing. He then motioned for you to jump up and you did. You two were dancing while everyone was cheering and dancing along until he took it too far. That platinum hair, red eyed ((you better know who i am talking about)) jerk got too close for your comfort and you told him to lay off but, he wouldn't listen.

He groped your butt and right when you were about to whoop his ass, someone had grabbed him and threw him off the counter.  You looked to your 'savior' and saw a tall, muscular, blonde man. You couldn't help but blush, he was pretty handsome.

"Are jou alright, frau?" His thick German accent hitting you like a train.

"I-I'm fine! Thank you, by the way." You smiled. "As a reward, how about a beer on the house?"

He smiled back and nodded," Zhat vould be nice. My name is Ludvig by zhe vay."

"I'm (Y/N)" You giggled and handed him his glass.


You were sitting at home one day, just watching some TV. You were in your (F/C) pajamas eating (F/Food). How can my day get any better then this? You thought to yourself. Out of no where, you get a call which kind of startled you but, you reached for it and answered.


"Konichiwa, is (Y/N) there?"

You noticed his accent and were curious about who this was. How did they know you're name? Why were they calling? Couldn't they have called your manager or something? ((You're an actress ^-^))

"Yes, this is her. May I ask who's calling?"

"O-Oh gomen, my name is Kiku Honda. I'm the creator and director of (F/Anime) and I was calling to see if you'd like to be a voice actor in it." (( Just pretend his accent is there *^* ))

Your eyes widen in shock as your dropped your food on your lap. "W-Wha? Really?!" You processing it and couldn't help but grin and even squeal a bit.

"I would love to!!"

"That's great news! I've been a big fan of yours and it will be an honor working with you." You could just feel a smile when he said that.

You had to drop your phone and squeal into your pillow causing your food to smear onto your couch... good job.

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