Our New Addition - A CreepyPa...

By cinnabunny08

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I'm no longer working on this story. Truth be told, I don't like it. I kept telling myself that once I got it... More

Chapter One - Friend
Chapter Two - Meeting
Chapter Three - Choice
Chapter Four - Training
Chapter Five - Demons

Chapter Six - Found

54 2 0
By cinnabunny08

Everyone downstairs. Now.

Jeff woke to Slender's staticky voice ringing in his ears. Groaning he sat up and pulled his eye mask off his face, tossing it to the side. He finally got out of bed and grabbed his hoodie off the dresser, slipping it over his head as he walked towards the door. He was pretty surprised at how silent he was; he expected to hear some sort of scream from (Y/N)'s room. After all, she didn't know Slender could communicate without the help of a Proxy. Hearing his voice in your head isn't exactly the most pleasant thing to wake up to after all. When he got downstairs the atmosphere changed dramatically.

Everyone was gathered around the Proxies, murmuring softly amongst themselves as they waited for Slender to make his appearance. The Proxies shuffled in place, each one seeming uneasy and worried. Jeff was about to demand some answers as to why he was woken up so early when Slender appeared in the middle of the group, a grim shadow crossing his non-existent face. The murmurs stopped almost instantly.

"I'm sure you all are wondering why I've called you all here." Masky began, voice deep; Slender was using him to speak.

No shit. Jeff huffed, silently listening as Slender continued.

"(Y/N) has gone missing." Masky announced. Shock rippled through the gathered CreepyPastas and they began to talk again, each voicing their fears of what was to come. Sally wailed, hugging Smile Dog tightly while he growled softly with unease.

"Maybe she ran." BEN spoke up above the noise. "Wouldn't surprise me any."

Laughing Jack shook his head, uncharacteristic fear glinting in his normally bright and enthusiastic eyes. "She was sincere when she said she'd stay! I know it!" He insisted. Jeff crossed his arms, watching as Slender waited for the panicked muttering to die down.

"I'm sending out a group to investigate." Masky continued. Both Masky's and Slender's heads turned to scan the CreepyPastas. "...Smile, BEN, Jeff, you all will accompany the Proxies, minus Masky, on their investigation." Jeff gritted his teeth but nodded. Slender seemed to catch the reaction and 'glared' at him before continuing. 

"The rest of you are to remain on high alert. If the demons are aware of our situation, there's no doubt they'll take advantage of it. Do not panic, and continue training." With a nod Slender vanished. Masky stumbled for a moment, holding his head as Hoodie rushed to his side. Masky waved him off, insisting he was fine before walking slowly towards Slender's office. Hoodie turned to Smile, Jeff, and BEN. 

"You three, do what you need to to get ready." He ordered. "We leave in five minutes." Jeff snorted and walked  upstairs with BEN at his heels. 

"Fuck's sake." He hissed softly, going through his dresser drawers to find his knives. "I don't get why we have to do this. It's bullshit, ain't it Smile?" He turned to his beloved dog, who tilted his head in response. Concern laced the canine's gaze, making Jeff growl quietly. "Don't look at me like that. She isn't important. Slender's just... Glorifying her. She's just an ordinary. Powerless. Girl." He hissed each word. Smile whimpered softly. 

"Hey, when you're done venting to your dog, get downstairs. We need to go." BEN poked his head into Jeff's room, earning a sort of heated glare from the other male.  Grumbling, Jeff put his knives in his pockets and walked downstairs. Smile ran past him, more than ready to leave. Hoodie walked out the door as Jeff approached, leading his small patrol through the forest with Toby at his side. 

"So, any ideas on where she is?" BEN asked, looking around. 

Toby shook his head. "None. Thought sh-she must've left late at night, I was awake and downstairs well before dawn. I would've seen or heard h-her leave." He pointed out.  Hoodie nodded, thinking. 

"Why would she leave so late?" He mused aloud. 

"I mean, s-she was dragged into all of this so suddenly. I'd need a break too." Toby replied with a shrug, his head twitching to the side as he moved. 

Jeff snorted. "Oh come on. This is literally pointless. She probably went to tell the police. Y'know, like a sensible person. Wouldn't be surprised if we go home and the manor's been raided by SCPs. Why does Slender care so much about her?" 

"Don't question Slenderman's decisions!" Hoodie snapped suddenly. Jeff was about to snarl something back when Smile howled and ran ahead of them, prompting the rest of the group to give chase. After a few minutes of running Smile suddenly stopped. The rest of the group caught up, pausing to catch their breath. 

The air seemed... Odd. It seemed like it was trying to suck them in to something, but there was nothing there. Jeff could practically feel it tugging at him, urging him to walk towards it. Toby growled. 

"Portal." He reported. "I knew it. Demons took h-her." 

Jeff snorted. "Yeah. She's dead." He said carelessly. He could feel the heat of Hoodie's glare from under his mask, and smirked when the Proxy turned away. 

"Let's head home and report to Slender." He ordered, turning away without waiting for a response. Toby walked dutifully behind him. Resisting a groan of annoyance Jeff whistled for Smile to follow him as he headed home. 


"You're positive?" Masky asked with Slender's deep voice. 

Hoodie nodded warily. "Yes. Smile found her scent, it lead straight to a portal." Slender raised his hand and ran it across the top of his head, Masky doing the same. 

"I see... This is troubling." He murmured. Hoodie looked apprehensive as he continued. "For now, we must train hard and prepare. It's likely that the demons are going to be more... Insistent, as I'm sure they're aware of her importance."

"How long do you think she can wait there?" Toby asked. Masky sighed.

"Not long. We must be fast, but careful." He advised. "For now, tell everyone to remain vigilant. No one leaves the mansion alone." Toby and Hoodie nodded, and they were dismissed and told to return after telling everyone the news. The residents of the mansion were in the living room, awaiting the Proxies' return. When they walked into the room everyone looked up to see what they had to say. 

"(Y/N) has been taken by demons." Hoodie announced. Surprisingly, the gathered creatures stayed silent, though their shock and fear was evident in their expressions. He continued. "Slenderman has advised us to keep training while we work on a plan to rescue her. If you are to leave the mansion at any given time, even for a few minutes, take two or three others with you. In the event that you must leave alone, stay within view of the mansion." He ordered. After receiving nods from everyone, he dismissed them and lead Toby back into Slender's office.


You lifted your head when you heard the door open. Eric stood in the doorway, glaring down at you with a sadistic grin. You instinctively sat up, internally wincing at the sound of chains scraping across the ground as you moved. 

"Hello, pet." He said almost sweetly, walking towards you. You shuffled backwards, only to hiss at the sharp pain in your arm. Or rather, what was left of it. Eric's glare hardened. "Don't move away from me. I thought you learned your lesson earlier today. Perhaps you've already forgotten." Venom dripped from every word, making you whimper. 

"I-I'm sorry..." You whispered, only to cry out when Eric grabbed the chain and yanked you towards him. 

"You better be. I'd hate to cut off your other arm." He snarled. You knew full well that's exactly what he wanted to do. He smiled again and released the chain, kneeling down in front of you. He studied you, feeding off of your fear, taking in the terror in your eyes. His smile turned into a sinister grin. 

"What do you fear, (Y/N)?" He asked. Your eyes widened a little, and he laughed. "Wait. No, don't tell me. I already know." Suddenly the room vanished. You looked around frantically, seeing nothing but darkness. You felt numb and tried to stand, but couldn't. You screamed for someone, anyone. But there was no response. Eric laughed as he watched you struggle against the chains, calling to no one in particular. His eyes glowed brightly, signifying he was using his power. 

You pulled against the chain, trying to stand. You could feel it holding you back, but when you looked around you couldn't see anything. You couldn't feel anything around your neck, yet you could feel it pulling, preventing you from moving too far. Suddenly you saw a pair of faintly glowing blue eyes. They were burning into your skin, terrifying you just by looking at you. Soon they were joined by another pair, then another, and soon at least nine sets of different coloured eyes were staring you down. Blue, green, amber, even white and red. You began to tremble when you realized they were getting bigger. 

No, no they weren't just growing in size. 

They were getting closer. Whatever was there was approaching  you. 

You shuffled backwards, feeling your back come in contact with a sort of wall. Yet nothing was there. As the eyes got closer you began to make out the shapes of humans. But they were horribly disfigured. Some were missing entire limbs, one even had its neck completely twisted around; it was walking backwards towards you. As they got closer you could see their faces. They were missing chunks of flesh on their cheeks or neck, exposing the flesh and muscle underneath. You gagged, getting a clear view of a being's trachea. Suddenly it was hard to breathe. It felt as though cold hands were gripping your throat, cutting off your air supply. You coughed, trying to call for help. The being tightened its grip, prompting you to start trying to claw at its hand. Soon you couldn't breathe at all. You just sat in silence, waiting for the darkness to envelope you. Suddenly everything disappeared. You were back in the room, with Eric kneeling in front of you. You gasped for air and coughed, wincing at the stinging pain in your neck.

"Scared?" Eric asked mockingly, eyes glowing brightly as he fed off your fear. You stared at him, unable to speak. His grin widened. "Now then, let's get you to that chair." 



Sorry about this chapter (and possibly the last one- I h a t e it). I currently have no motivation to write anything, and kind of forced myself to finish this. 

This chapter is mostly a filler chapter. I hope the next one will be longer and less... ew. 

Please bear with me, though. While I don't know how long it will take to get this next chapter out, I'll do my best not to disappoint you. 


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