The Eternal Love story (yami...

Bởi Cutie_pie_Lisa

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In the heart of Egypt, love blooms between a pharaoh and a slave, On the fair land of England, the Grand Duk... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
New Years Edition!!!
Chapter 6
Author's Note :3
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Arigatou Readers!!!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note

Chapter 13

455 20 1
Bởi Cutie_pie_Lisa

Heyo my peeps, I know it has been foreverrrrrrr. But I have been so busy with school and my exams were like right around the corner, also depression had me in its clutches for a while. That and major author's block so please forgive me for being late. Alas, I am finished with high school! Yay me!! Anyways, this time I, my self will do the disclaimer! Yay!!! (Readers:boo!!) Well I am sorry if the cast is too busy to see their fans *rolls eyes*.

ANYWAYSSSSSS, I do not own Yugioh, only the plot and please don't try to steal my ideas, if you want to borrow an idea just ask. That is all you need to do.

Love you guys and thank you for baring with me. Don't forget to vote and comment!!

That's it!

Neko Uzumaki out!~


"So how was your date?", Sakura asked nudging me lightly in the arm. 

I rolled my eyes at her, yet I somehow couldn't help but smile whenever I remember the day out with Yami. 

"First of all, I won't exactly call it a date", I responded and now it was the girl's turn to roll their eyes.

"Oh please, I mean takes you out for break fast, then the arcade, the mall, the museum and after all that to the beach and then you guys went to have dinner at a restaurant.... Oh not forgetting it was only the two of you", Tea listed off as the girls nodded.

"We're only friends, so chillax", I reassured.

"That blush says otherwise", Mia said smirking.

"Let's not forget lover boy over there won't stop looking over here", Ino said nudging her head in the direction of Yami. I looked at where she directed me and saw that he was indeed looking at me, but he quickly looked away upon noticing my stare. Naruto laughed at him and nudged him as he blushed.

"See what I told you?" Tea smirked.

"Maybe the guys are just bothering him just like you guys are bothering me?" I questioned with a shrug.

"G-guys, I-i think you should leave (Y/n)'s privacy alone", Hinata said siding with me.

"Thank you Hinata", I said smiling at raven head girl who nodded in response.

"Oh please, Hinata we're trying to get them to realise their feelings. It's obvious that they like each other", Sakura said.

"Guys, Hinata is right, if (Y/n) says she doesn't like Yami then maybe she doesn't", Serenity said backing Hinata and myself up.

"Ten-ten? What do you say?" Ino asked the tomboy-ish girl.

"Huh? Oh well I think he should make the first move", Ten-ten said then went back to eating.

"The fact remains that they both like each other", Mia said smirking.

"You guys are really persistent you know that?" I asked.

"Just confess to it already", Mia said as everyone else except Ten-ten, Hinata and Serenity agreed.

"Ughhh fine, yes I do have a crush on Yami", I said as they all squealed. 

"Then why don't you just tell him already?" Tea encouraged.

"No way!! And you guys will not tell him anything!" I exclaimed.

"Why? Its pretty obvious that he likes you back!" Mia said.

"I can't.... because he loves someone else", I said a sadly.

The girls all looked at each other in a questioning manner.

"(Y/n) There is something-", I interrupted Tea.

"Besides, Shadi warned me that Yami and Yugi are in danger", I confessed.

Hidden Leaf High School girls gasped as the rest narrowed their eyes.

"How'd you know about Shadi?" Tea asked glaring.

"I met him on a trip to Egypt with my parents when I was a kid... My parents were in Egypt to get some ideas on their new fashion line", I confessed to the group that knew about my secret.

"When did he tell you this?" Mia asked cautiously.

"Before the sport festival, he came to meet me", I replied.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Serenity asked confused.

"It completely slipped my mind, besides I thought Yami and Yugi told you", I answered confused.

"They knew too?", The Konohagakure High School girls looked at us all confused as I nodded.

"Guys what are you talking about?" Sakura asked.

"It's a long story", Tea confessed.

"We got time, we only have half day today", Ten-ten said suddenly interested.

"Fine, well it began...", Tea and the girls went on to explain their experience.

Backing away from the group, I turned around only to bump into a bulk chest.

"Watch where you're going (L/n)", I knew that voice anywhere.

"Sorry about that Sasuke", I answered rubbing my nose as I blushed.

'God (y/n) you even have a crush on him?? Will you make up your mind already??' I thought scrunching up my face.

"Tch The fuck is wrong with you?" Sasuke asked noticing my facial expression.

I quickly apologized thinking that he must have thought I was doing it to him.

"Will you stop apologizing already?" he asked annoyed.

"Sor-" his glare quickly shut me up as I gulped under his death glare.

"What happened? You're by yourself", he asked as I gaped silently at him. He growled at my reaction.

"You care about me?" I asked blushing as he turned red.

"What?!" he asked surprised.

"OH MY GOD YOU LIKE ME DON'T YOU??" I asked shocked as he turned more red. I couldn't help it as I burst out laughing at him, looking up at him I realised that he was fuming at me.

"Sasuke? I was just kidding relax", I said raising up my hands in defense as I sweat dropped.

"Hn", he made a sound and stepped closer to me. He smirked when he saw my fear.

"It amuses me how you can't remember anything", he said looking down at me as my eyes widened.

'The hell?', I chose not to voice my thoughts.

"Don't worry about it Rose, time will soon tell", he said leaning to my ear.

"(Eng/n)~", with that he walked pass me as if nothing happened leaving me standing there confused and in a daze.

"Who the hell is (Eng/n)?" I asked myself.

An overwhelming feeling took over me as I tried to recall any memory associated with that name, but none came to mind, but my heart said otherwise.

'What did he mean that I don't remember?' I thought even more confused.

Meanwhile, Yami looked at me from a distance his eyes narrowed as he saw what happened between Sasuke and I. Only time will tell what really was going on. 'And hopefully my role in the whole drama will be shown to me quick before something bad happens', I thought once more as I remembered Shadi's words.


A knock on the door made me look away from the mirror. "Just a moment!" I called out. "Take your time, no need to hurry", it was Sasuke's voice. After quickly putting on the finishing touches. I walked to the door of my bedroom to greet my fiance. 

"I didn't expect for you to escort me", I said bowing, he returned the bow and placed his forearm out for me to take. I did and we began heading to the ballroom. "Good evening to you as well", he said smiling slightly. I chuckled "You look good for the occasion", I said "Don't I always?" he asked smirking. 

"And the reason for you to escort me is?" I asked. "Mother asked me too. She wants us to stick together in case the Magician shows up again." Sasuke said not looking at me. "Fair enough", I answered. 

The door to the ballroom opened and music filled my ears as we both entered. The door man announcing our arrival as we entered. People bowed and congratulated us on our engagement. We made it to the center. He separated from me and we both stood opposite from each other as he bowed and placed his hand out to me "May I have this dance?" he asked. I accepted it with a bow of my own. "You may", I said as he pulled me in close. One hand on my waist the other held my hand as my hand laid perfectly on his shoulder and we began to dance, the room of people following after us.

I saw Sasuke frowning at something behind me. I frowned. "What is it?" I asked turning around slightly as I caught sight of the King and Queen of The Haruno Kingdom. "What's wrong?" I asked worriedly. Sasuke looked down at me and bend forward kissing my forehead. My eyes closed instinctively. I opened them and looked at him in shock. "Can't I kiss my fiancee?" he smirked at my expression. "You can, but you're doing it wrong", I replied with a smirk of my own. His smirk widened and he began to lean in and as we were about too, we were pulled apart and dancing with another. 

"Well aren't I lucky! Just the person I wanted to talk to!" looking up I realized it was Naruto who I was now dancing with. "Don't look now but Sasuke is killing you with his eyes", Kiba said as he danced passed us with his partner. Naruto chuckled nervously, catching sight of his best friend as I laughed. "Thank you Kiba, that's very attentive of you", Naruto said sarcastically. "Don't mention it!" Kiba called out as he continued to dance.

"So what was it that you wanted to speak about?" I asked "I have a message from the Magician... Be careful of what you are doing (Eng/n). Everything is not what it really seems, at one point you will have to make a big decision", Naruto said seriously as I felt him place a note into the the bow of my dress. "What do you mean?" I asked as the music stopped. He bowed. "What do you mean?" I repeated. "Merry Christmas (Eng/n)", he said and walked away. I was about to go after him but Sasuke came up to my side. "Something wrong?" he asked noticing my slight change in  my demeanor. "Nothing", I answered him as I took his outstretched hands with a smile. 

"Happy Christmas Eve to you all!" Fugaku greeted the guests. I drowned out his next words as Sasuke pulled me way from the crowd. I followed him and we went into the garden. Roses bloomed beautifully despite the cold weather. Sasuke and I left a trail of foot prints in the snow as I followed him to a rose bush. I was confused. He picked a rose, getting pricked by the thorn but he didn't winced at all. I gasped as I saw the small trail of blood on his finger. I was going to reach out but he stopped me. 

"This rose is really beautiful, yet dangerous like its thorns. I often wonder why such a beautiful flower have such dangerous thorns. Tell me, do you care for me?" he asked "I do", I said with honesty. He smiled as he carefully removed a thorn without being pricked again. "Do you want to marry me?" he asked as I sighed nodding "I do", I said causing him to smile more as he looked at me removing another thorn. "Would you love me?" he asked, his finger lingering over the last thorn. "I will", I answered, my eyes not leaving his. He nodded and removed the last thorn.

"A rose for a rose", he said giving me the rose. I winced immediately as I realized there was still another thorn and it pricked me. A small trail of blood leaking from my fingers to the snow. "Do you care for the Magician?" he asked. I looked him in the eye as I smirked taking my pricked finger and removing the final thorn with ease "I don't", I answered as he smiled and hugged me.

The party came to an end and I laid down in my bedroom, the note in hand. I was contemplating whether or not I should open it. The sound of the town's clock broke me from my thoughts. It was midnight. It was Christmas. I sighed and finally decided to open the letter. 

Merry Christmas My Rose~

Forgive me for not being able to visit you this evening but I will be informed about your well being from some of my friends you may have already met them. I have news. Trust no one. I have reasons to believe someone is trying to kill the Uchihas. And that person lives in the palace. Be warned.

Your Thorn, 

The Magician~

I gasped at the words I read. Hurriedly, I got up from my bed and rushed to the door, the letter in hand. 'I have to tell Sasuke!' I thought. As I was about to open my room door, doubts started to take over my mind. 'As far as I know Sasuke and the Magician are enemies what makes me think he would believe the words on this letter?' my hand slowly fell from the door knob. 'But if I don't tell him and something goes wrong he would never forgive me for knowing and not telling him', I thought and with that decision I opened the door and rushed out my room. 

"Going to see the magician again?" an annoyed voice asked behind me. I swiftly turned to see Itachi leaning against the wall. On instinct, I hid the letter. "I'm  actually going to see your brother", I confessed. 

"Both of you are still up?" a voice asked from behind me. I turned to see King Minato. "Your highness", both Itachi and I bowed. The blond man laughed "No need for that! We're family!" The King said nervously laughing as we both rose up. 

"If you don't mind Itachi, I would like to have a word with your sister-in-law", Minato said as he winked at me causing me to blush slightly. "O-of course Uncle", Itachi said and walked passed me, I, of course didn't miss the glare he sent me. I sighed in disappointment. He still didn't trust me and honestly, I don't blame him. Because even I don't trust my self.

"Shall we take a walk?" King asked as I nodded as we began to walk, wondering what exactly he wanted to talk to me about.


"You could've killed me", I said out loud to the 'empty' room. A chuckle rang out as I rolled my eyes at the male that stood on my balcony. "You know I would never try to harm my dear sister", the moonlight shined onto him showing his brown skinned, well built structure and his long white hair. "You placed me into the slave trade for the Pharaoh to rescue me", I said annoyed. 

"You had a choice and don't you dare forget who convinced me to put them there", he growled as he walked into the room. His snarl turned into a smile. "Alas, I have missed you", he said "Atem is more to what we see, Akeifa", I confessed. "You have made the Pharaoh fall for you... I am impressed but such words from my little sister's mouth? Have, you too, began to fall for him?" his face was right in mine. I huffed pushing him away.

"Don't underestimate me Bakura", I growled as he grinned crazily at me. "I trust you sister dear~ It would kill me to kill you if you ever did", he said. "Now what is it that you have learnt so far from living in the palace?" he asked. I looked down with a frown. 

"I have learnt the truth of our mother", I said. I didn't look up, neither did Bakura say anything. "What truth? Our family died in that fire, used as human sacrifice to make these-these items!" I looked up at him as he looked at the millenium item around his neck in disgust. "For what reason? Because our family were thieves!" he growled. "No they weren't Bakura, our mom was a a hero... a secret that this family kept from us both. Our father's crime was falling in love with her. The man that that we took as our father he never was-", Bakura interrupted me.

"Atem told you this?" He asked. "Isis, the high priestess", I answered. His eyes widened "They know?" his expression changed as I shook my head frantically. "Apparently, they think that my brother is dead. I don't think they would have a reason to believe the King of Thieves. Even if they did found out my brother was alive... chances of them thinking its you is quite slim. Don't forget we thought this through before I was placed into the slave trade brother", I said smirking. 

"I wouldn't be so sure, if they knew who your mother was and everything else about your life who is to say they don't know I am your brother", Akeifa growled. I placed a hand over his. "I think you and I both know the answer to that. The Pharaoh wouldn't have dared come so close to me. I wouldn't be vizier now would I?" I asked "Perhaps a ploy to draw you in", I chuckled "Be careful Akeifa, your brotherly side is showing a bit too much", I said.

A knock on the door interrupted us "(E/n)? It's me Isis. Are you awake?" Isis called from the other side of the door. "Speak of the devil... I'll go now. I will be back to later to talk about our plans", he said as I stood up. "Sure, just hurry up", I said waving him off. He paused in his steps and turned towards me swiftly. Gently, he pressed a kiss to my forehead. My eyes widened a bit. "Be careful little sister... I don't plan on losing another family member to this family", he said before he escaped into the night. I smiled softly at the brotherly affection he showed me. It was rare but it happened none the less. 

"(E/n)?" Isis called again. "Come in" I said as I heard my room door opened. "I brought a concoction, the healer sent it... How are you feeling?" she asked as she placed the medicine on the night stand near my bed. "A bit light headed but nothing much." I answered.

She looked at me and gasped. She rushed to my side immediately. "What's wrong? You're crying!" Instinctively, my hand went up to my cheek and sure enough I felt a wet substance on my cheek. "I miss my family", I said as she frowned before she engulfed me into her arms. "Ra has great things in store for you so do not give up", she mumbled. I nodded in agreement. 'I wonder what he does have in store for me....' I thought.

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