My slutty fluff ball

By ashmalaxa

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By ashmalaxa

Taehyung woke up at 7:30 as always with his red hair messy cheeks rosy pink his tail swinging left to right, He got up looked in the mirror then stepped in the bathroom taking his pink top and darker short leather shorts off, he threw them on the floor and got in the shower turning the water on. After shower he just put on some clothes, did his hair and brushed his tail, it was a typical morning routine for tae.
He's clothes were always attractive for other alfas and some omegas even got jealous of his clothes and body. He always wore tops, shorts, long hoodies, fishnets, and all.
He didn't even get bothered when he got stared or looked at in the wrong way, he was a positive person who didn't really got offended on anything.
He took his backpack his lunch and ran in school happily, his autfit pretty much looked like this 👇

(Yes taehyung cross dresses)
(Or whatever it's called)

Taehyung walked in the hallway and took his books out. He walked in class set next to jimin and chatted a bit until the bell rang and the teacher came with a handsome wolf alfalfa following her, he was tall handsome with the sharpest jawline he has ever seen, he hade a small smirk on his lips looking at the classroom, his smirk grew when he sow taehyung, tae turned all red and looked away while jungkook as he heard from the teacher was staring at him smirking. Teacher asked him to introduce himself to class and then she would tell him where to sit.
Jungkook nodded and stared talking in his deep voice that made tae go crazy -" hello everyone my name in jeon jungkook ill be your classmate hope we get along"-he finished talking and turned to the teacher and asked-"can i sit next to the foxy?"-he smirked and looked at taehyung who was blushing madly, teacher looked at him comfused-"foxy? Witch foxy?"- she asked as jungkook pointed at the red haired male that still was avoiding eye contact, teacher nodded and said-"jimin get up and sit next to yoongi, jungkook you can sit with taehyung"- jimin got up blushing and set next to yoongi as the elder was smirking, jimin hade a crush on yoongi since school started and yoongi always thought his flushed face was the cutest thing in the world, they got along but jimin was too scared getting rejected and yoongi was too lazy to ask the younger out, so they never talked cuz jimin would get red as a tomato and yoongi would just smirk at him and pinch his cheek, anyways, jungkook set next to taehyung who was looking out of the window not looking at the other male, so jungkook just simply slid his hand in his ripped jeans and started rubbing taes thick thighs, the other just gasped quietly getting redder and pushed olders hand away looking up at him whispering-"what are you doing?!"-jungkook chuckled and smirked -"just wanted to say hi but you wouldn't mind to look at me so I found another way"- he said and smirk got wider. Taehyung just blushed and looked at the teacher listening hoping jungkook wouldn't be in his gym class...but little fox will be disappointed cuz that's exactly what's gonna happen. Gym class.😏😏😏😏


Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed if you did ...idk do whatever

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