Set Up 2 | Hoshi

By wooziibby

2.9K 85 14

This time it's Hoshi's point of view. Set Up - Kim So-Eun's POV Set Up 2 - Kwon SoonYoung/Hoshi's POV Meant... More

Set Up 2
IMPORTANT! update + news
Part Five


463 14 2
By wooziibby


⭐️Kwon SoonYoung⭐️

I slowly made my way back to the practice room once I had noticed the elevator had stopped. It was easy to hear the laughter coming from all the boys from down the hallway as I made my way there.

Opening the door, it took them a moment to notice my presence.

"Hoshi Hyung!" Chan called out with a smile, raising his arms up in the air before rushing over to me, escaping from whatever Jeonghan was about to make him do. "Glad you're back" He beamed, grabbing my arm. I could tell that meant 'thank goodness you saved me'.

Jeonghan held a phone up and brought it over and brought me into view.

"Say hi to the carats!"

At the mention of the Carat, a smile broke across my face and I waved dramatically into the Vlive.

"Carats! Hi!" Seeing the comment section getting spammed, I laughed. "How are you all? Have you eaten yet?" As best I can, I look at the response and hum as I nod my head. "I'm good also, about to eat before continuing to practice, I want to make sure our next comeback will blow all of your expectations out of the water"

Jeonghan smiled as he laughed.

"I hope you all anticipate our next comeback, we are working very hard for you all" The spam of comments made me laugh once again. "Come on Carats, let's go see who else we can find!" Jeonghan gushed, motioning his hand in front of the camera to the door.

"See you again soon Carats!" I smiled and waved to the camera before Jeonghan began to talk again and excited the practice room. Sending a look to Chan, I raise an eyebrow as he let out a hefty sigh and wiped his forehead off of none existent sweat.  "You okay there?"

"Thank you for coming in when you did"

I nod my head, not bothering to continue to ask why- it was easy to assume.

"Do you just want to get back to practice?" I ask and he dramatically nods.


So that's what we did. We went back to practice until more of the members started to show up. First, it was DK and Seungkwan followed closely behind by Vernon and Seungcheol. Wonwoo and Mingyu came in in their own time but jumped right into practice when they heard the music. Minghao appeared with Jun, who thankfully had food in his hand for me to eat, with Josh finally following along.

"Where's the rest?" I ask as Jun hands me the food, to where most of them shrug and Seungkwan holds up his phone. On it was the live stream.

"Jeonghan-Hyung has Woozi-Hyung cornered in his studio" He almost spat with laughter.

"Shouldn't someone go save him?" Minghao asks quietly, looking around between us all. Again, we all shrug.


"Oh well"

  ⭐️Set Up 2 ⭐️

It was late by the time practice finished. After the amount of time, it took to save Woozi from Jeonghan, we decided to stay later to get in the extra time we missed. Stretching out my body, I watched silently as everyone got their stuff packed away. It was easier to leave in two groups as there were so many of us.

Sitting down and resting on the mirror, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Hearing muffled sounds, I open them again to see Mingyu and Wonwoo sitting in front of me.

"What did the boss want to talk to you about earlier?" Well, that was straight to the point. I just shrug, closing my eyes once again.

"No reason"

"Hyung!" Mingyu whines, patting on my leg. "We know that isn't true, so why aren't you telling us?"

I wave my hand at him, trying to get him to stop talking.

"Shush now"

Mingyu lets out a huff and I hear him stand up. It wasn't long before I can hear him mumbling to Wonwoo.

"Ya Hoshi," Wonwoo's deep voice calls. Opening my eyes, I stare at him as I wait for him to continue speaking. "Whatever is going on must be serious if the boss is involved and wanting to talk to you, so make sure to tell us and keep us in the loop"

I only nod, before looking around at some of the members that were still in the room. Wonwoo got up from his place on the floor and joined Mingyu as they both left the room. Only the performance unit was left along with Seungcheol.

A knock on the door catches all of our attention and Sohee appeared in the doorway. She laughed nervously, as she held her files close against her.

"Can I talk to you for a second Soonyoung-ssi?" I nod silently, standing and following her out of the practice room and closing the door behind me. After we went down the hallway a bit, Sohee turned to me and quickly began to speak.

"You and So-Eun-ssi have a date tomorrow" I raise an eyebrow at her in question.

"Do we?" I ask and she nods.

"Yes, you do! You can decide where" She begins to explain, "Her group has been told that their practice has been cancelled tomorrow and that they have a free day whereas you will skip practice"

"What do you mean cancel their practice? I skip practice?!" I gasp, she simply nods. "How can you just cancel their practice and expect me to skip my own?"

Sohee just sighs. She doesn't bother to send me a look, or to try and fight with me, she just handed me a folder-content unknown- and turned away.

"Just do this okay, we both know it's best not to disobey the boss' orders"

With that, she walked away and almost instantly the boys appeared from the practice room. Seungcheol sent me a stern look, before wrapping his arm around my neck and leading me to the elevators.

"You have some talking to do"

Getting to the car, we all enter and Seungcheol shuts the door behind us. Everyone was silent, it was the type of silence I can't bare. Tapping my foot against the floor, I let out a huff.

"Okay, what is it?!" Seungcheol chuckled to himself, looking over. He shrugged, raising an eyebrow.

"What's there to talk about?" He asks.

"Yeah, hyung whats going on?" Chan laughs, leaning over and looking over the back of my chair.

"The boss just wants some stuff to happen and I have no choice in the matter"

"Does this happen to have anything to do with a certain Kim So-Eun of the new rookie group Ghost?" Seungcheol asks, turning his attention away from me. I kept silent. "So it does"

I continued to keep silent and a small pat on my back made me turn back. Chan smiled slightly.

"Hyung you can tell us, you know we won't judge you in anyway" Letting the breath I didn't know I was holding escape my lips, I look out the window before speaking.

"The boss wants So-Eun and I to fake date for a while"

It was something about not facing them as I spoke that helped. I felt like their gaze would make the truth worse than it already was.

Fake dating.

The words tasted sour in my mouth. I shook my head to myself as the car was silent.

"We have no way out of it, they'll stop her groups debut otherwise" Seungcheol was the first to speak. I could feel all four of their gazes piercing me.

"They really threatened their debut?" I just nodded in response.

"But aren't they set to debut in a few months?" Jun asks, bringing our attention to him and Minghao, who were sitting in the back.


"We need to talk to the rest of the group when we get back, we all need to know this-..." Seungcheol starts to speak.

"Don't!" I can feel as their gazes on me again.


"Let me talk to her first, make sure no emotions are up in the air before telling the rest of the members," I explain, running a hand through my hair. "I need to see how she's telling her members too, they have a smaller group than us and there's also pressure of being so close to debut"

Seungcheol sent me a sceptical look, he had one eyebrow raised and he took a deep breath in before releasing it.

"You know I'm all about there being no secrets in this group" I nod. "I'll give you some time to talk to her and get stuff sorted out, but you will need to tell them when you do"

"Okay" I looked at the other three boys. "This stays in the car okay?" They simply nod.

The car turned silent again and my eyes returned to the window. It was too dark to see anything out of it, but it was better than thinking about the reality of the situation I was presented with.

"Soonyoung-ah," Seungcheol says, making me hum in response. "Don't think of it as fake dating, just think of it as you're getting to know her and you're being her friend"

"Okay, thanks Hyung"

⭐️Set Up 2 ⭐️

I dropped my bag next to my bed before clasping onto it. Out of all the years I went through with training, debut and this new comeback, this was certainly the most longest day I've ever had.

Letting out a huff, I pick myself up and grab my phone from my bag and my eyes catch the folder SoHee gave me sitting inside. Picking up the folder I flip it open to see a bunch of date ideas seemly preplanned for me- us.

A picnic.

A beach trip.

A restaurant.

A theme park- like Seungcheol said, don't treat it as fake dating. Just getting to know her- becoming friends. Might as well make it full for both of us and make it less awkward than it was already going to be.

Flicking through the file some more and some other suggestions of date ideas a piece of paper practically flies out of the folder.

My eyes scan the paper;

Kim So-Eun, 19, South Korea.
Number; 089***********
Address; ** Seoul
Group; Ghost
Position; Singer

They really gave me a profile about her?

I roll my eyes and make sure to type the number into my phone and save her contact.

Folding the piece of paper, I put it back in the folder before shoving the folder in a draw next to my bed that I didn't use nor look in.

Pulling up her number I open a new text bubble. I bite my lip, thinking to myself.

How do I even start a text?

Shrugging my shoulder, I randomly type out a message and hit send before my brain can even function what I'm writing.

Sent- 12:45am
Apparently we have a date tomorrow ;)

It was a few minutes before I got a response and I wasn't surprised with the response I got. Considering I never said who I was.

Sent- 12:47am
Who is this?

I smile slightly, before typing out another reply.

Let have fun with this.

Chuckling to myself I hit send and wait for a response.

Sent- 12:48am
The man of your dreams, your knight in shining armour, the love of your life aka SoonYoung ;)

Sent- 12:48am
Cocky much? Haha :"D But seriously, I have practice tomorrow so I can't go on said date.

I chuckle at the cheek she had to call me cocky. I had to respond to it with some sort of remark.

Sent- 12:49am
I wouldn't call it cocky, I'd call it confident ;) and not anymore...

Sent- 12:50am
Sure :"D...

Sent- 12:51am
I'll pick you up tomorrow morning, so be ready!

I didn't get a response after that, so I just plugged my phone in and let a yawn leave my lips.

Chan enters the room, rubbing his eyes tiredly before getting into his bed.

"Goodnight Hyung"

"Goodnight Chan"

Getting up and going to the bathroom and doing my bed routine, I say goodnight to the boys who were still up and go back to my room.

Minghao has already gone to sleep as well as Chan, but Jun was still up and on his phone.

"Goodnight Jun," I say, getting into my own bed and pulling the covers up. Checking my phone one last time for the night I see there's still no response.

She's probably gone to sleep already.

"Soon," Jun says and I look at him keeping silent as I wait for him to continue. "Make sure neither of you get hurt during this"

What does he mean?

"I will" I respond simply.

"Goodnight Soon" He says, licking his phone and placing down.


Chapter two!!!

I'm sorry there was a bit of a wait, but I'll try and update more. I have a break from college in two weeks, plus I've finished practically all of my work so I should be able to write more.
Please tell me if you liked this chapter!

Remember to comment and vote!
- Kat <3

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