My Lost Puppy(Punk Michael Cl...

By herecomescliffoconda

50.6K 1.1K 245

"You know," I say,"you're like a lost puppy." He smirks and says,"Only in this case, the puppy is in contr... More

Meet Anna Leon
My Mom Warned Me About You
What's That On Your Neck?
Who's Your Friend?
America the Beautiful
Break Her Heart
Try Hard
Secret's Out
Home Sweet Home
Oh Shit
5 Seconds of Summer?
Don't Change
Surprise, Surprise
Kiss Me
new story
Long time no talk

Not Letting Go

1.9K 50 14
By herecomescliffoconda

     The last thing I remember that day is sobbing into Ashton's chest and saying how much I screwed up. I didn't want want him to leave, but he did.

   What I really wanted him to was tackle me to the bed and pepper my face in kisses. I wanted him to hold me in his arms and not let me go until I stopped being stubborn. What I wanted was him to just be here with me. To hold and comfort me as I cry and mope, is what I wanted him to do. But instead, he walked out without a fight.


   I begin to cry harder thinking about that day. It has been a week since he was here last. All the boys have come over and seen me. Every time I ask about Michael, they rub their necks awkwardly and move on with a different topic.

   I don't like being ignored, I want answers. That's exactly what I'm going to get. Even if it takes days, I will get them.

   "Luke," I say suddenly.

   The boys came over to watch a movie and eat popcorn with me. I didn't invite them over, they came by their own. That's usually how it goes.

   "Yes?" he asks pausing the movie.

   All six eyes are on me. I feel a little anxious. I almost back out, but I don't.

   "How's Michael?" I ask twirling my hair around with my finger.

   "Um, this popcorns really good, Anna. How does your mom make it?" Ashton asks lifting up the bowl to show me that its half empty.

   "From the bag," I reply rolling my eyes," now, tell me how he's doing."

   Luke sighs and rubs his eyes as if telling me is the hardest thing he has to do. I am honestly starting to get worried by their attitudes..

    Did he move on? Is he a mess? Or is he unaffected? Why won't they tell me what's going on?

    "Um, Mikey's really, um, bad... To say the least," Cal says for Luke.

   I look up at Calum. He's looking at the wall with his jaw clenched. He can't be that bad.. Can he?

   "What do mean?" I ask sitting up straighter.

   "Well, he hasn't eaten in three days. He barely talks. All he does is mope around in his room," Luke says finally.

   God, he's worse than me. I didn't mean to hurt him that bad. I just wanted him to leave me alone for a day, maybe two.

   "He's been playing his guitar a lot... and seeing this song. We can't understand what he's saying, though," Ashton says running his hand through his hair.

   "He can't finish it without crying," Calum says letting out a sigh.

   "I have to see him," I say.

   "Anna, you don't have to," Ashton says grabbing my hand to stop me from standing up.

   "Yes, I do. I have caused him this much pain. I need to fix it, Ash."

   I change my clothes and tie my hair in a messy bun. My makeup isn't done, but it honestly doesn't matter. I'm just going to apologize to Michael for being a bitch...

   "Let's go," I say grabbing my phone.

   Ashton drives and Calum sits in the front seat beside him. They start talking about some football game that is going down in a couple days. Luke and I sit in the back quietly.

   "Nervous?" Luke asks giving me a small smile.

   "That's an understatement," I reply biting the inside of my lip.

   Nervous habit of mine, I guess. As a kid, I would bite the inside of my lip until it bled and I had sores all over. It got worse after the whole ordeal with my dad.

   "It'll be okay. Mikey will be glad to see you," he says patting my shoulder.


    "Mikey! We're home," Ashton calls.

   Ashton points to his room signalling for me to go in. Before I do, I peek in. The first thing I see is Michael laying on the floor in the fetal position repeating to himself something about how he fucked up. My heart instantly breaks.

   I open the door without making a sound and walk over to his side. I guess he thinks I'm one of the guys because he just shoos me away with his hand. He doesn't even look to see who it is.

   The first thing I do is lay beside him and wrap him in my arms. He feels my hair and his head pops up. I never seen him move so fast...

   "Princess," he says grinning and wraps his arms around me.

   Michael pulls me into his chest and stocks me back and forth. His grip getting tighter each time he rocks. His lips quiver and I feel them on my shoulder.

   "I'm sorry," I say bringing his face up to look at.

    He has bags under his eyes and his face is a whole lot thinner. A lot sadder, too. I feel so terrible for making him this way.

   "No, no, no. Princess, I'm sorry. I'm the one who fucked up big time. I cheated because I was drunk off my ass. I also accused you of sleeping with Ashton," he cries.

   I just silence him with a soft, but passionate kiss. I missed his lips like crazy and now that I have him, that's all I want to do.  He pushes me softly on the floor and deepens the kiss.

   I pull away and wipes the tears from his face. It hurts to see my lost puppy like this. I just want him to be happy and cheerful again.

   "Mikey, its okay. We're okay."

   He gives me another smile before kissing me again. I laugh a little and kiss back. There isn't a better feeling than his lips.

   "You guys okay now?" Ashton asks walking into the large room.

   We pull back and look at Ashton and the other boys. They all have giant smiles plastered on their faces. I nod and wrap my arms around Michael's neck.

   "Yup, we're okay."

   "Is that where you guys have been going?" Michael asks sitting up and pulling me into his lap.

   "It might have been," Luke says scratching his neck awkwardly.

   I giggle and play with Michael's hands. Its great to have him back with me. I missed him like crazy. Not having him there when I went to bed was like hell.

|~This is a filler. Soz for it being crappy! But hey, Anna and Mikey are back together! Whoop whoop~|

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