Turn To You

By LilyAndThePotatoes

25.9K 374 81

Ariel Fielding and Zayn Malik were best friends as kids, but when X-factor ate him up and spit him out as a m... More

Turn To You
Damn it was Good to See You Again
I Wanna Save Your Heart Tonight
Witty Chapter Title
For The First Time
Drama Llama
Tickle fights and Cockblock Tomlinson
Hot and Steamy

Concussions and Things

2.4K 46 11
By LilyAndThePotatoes

(A/N) If you vote I'll give you a cookie 

I tried to struggle under the person’s arms, but to no prevail. Even sitting up was impossible, considering their hold on my shoulders. I peaked open one of my eyes, noticing my once blurred vision was clearing. I fluttered both eyes open now, seeing two amber eyes looking down at me.

“ZAYN JAWAAD MALIK!” I yelled in his face, trying to move but still being hindered by his hands. I realized then how much my head really hurt. Wow, that fall really did some damage.

“Say I’m the best ever,” He said, looking at me with a serious glare, rather than a light hearted grin like either of us would have had as kids. Fear hit my stomach, but I sucked it in, giving him an ‘are you serious?’ look.

“Zayn my head...” I trailed off, trying to move again. 

“SAY IT!” He yelled down at me, catching me off guard. Not once in my twenty-one years of knowing Zayn Malik had he ever once yelled at me. He’d never so much as raised his voice at me, but now here he was, on top of me, screaming in my face. 

Now, I’m not one to cry. I seldom do, and if you actually get me to shed a tear, you really have to do something to hurt me, or die, or something. So imagine Zayn and my surprise when tears leaked from my eyes, and once again I tried to move from under him.

“You’re the best ever,” I mumbled, trying to move. He still didn’t budge.

“Promise we’ll be best friends forever,” He whispered, his lips close to mine. I looked into his deep amber eyes, his thick black lashes like fairies to be wished upon under the moonlight. 

“I... Zayn I can’t,” I said, choking myself up at the words. He released my shoulders and stood up, allowing me to sit up now as well.

He stood facing away from me, unmoving. I stood up, and just as I went to place a hand on his shoulder he turned to me.

In my twenty-one years of life, I had not experienced so much of Zayn Malik as I had today. Tears streamed down his deep colored cheeks, and if you saw the two of us, you’d think maybe I’d rejected his marriage proposal, or killed his dog. 

“Why can’t you just do it like when we were kids?” He asked, his voice choked up. I brought a hand to my mouth, not aware of what I was to do. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and tell him it was all okay. But it wasn’t. I couldn’t just give up all the hurt he’d put me through just like that. Just at a few tears dripping down his perfectly chiseled jaw. 

“You hurt me so much,” I said, my eyes locking onto his, “I called you every day, texted you, everything. Do you know how long you took to remember you missed my birthday? Two months, Zayn. Two goddamn months. You called me the day my cat died,” I paused, bringing my hand up and wiping away a few stray tears, “All you said was, ‘hey babe, sorry I missed your birthday.?’ and then you hung up. You didn’t talk to me, you didn’t try. You gave up, like I was nothing,” I yelled. 

My head was throbbing, and I could feel nausea growing in my stomach from the crying. I was a mess, an honest to god mess and all Zayn could do was stare at me. 

“Ariel I...” He trailed off, his eyes dropping to the floor as he ran a hand through his perfectly quipped hair. 

“Just make it better already!” I yelled, stomping my foot like a two year old, “Like when we were kids! Hug me and call my mom to bring the band-aids. Do something Zayn. Because god dammit I miss you!” I was sobbing now, tears gushing from my eyes so fast I couldn’t keep up with them, “I miss us.” I added, looking him so deep in the eyes I could see his soul.

His beautifully perfect soul. 

Zayn did something unexpected then, and before I could react his lips were pressed firmly against mine, sitting there for exactly twenty-seven seconds. I started counting after the first three. 

I pushed on his chest to get him to release his lips from mine, stepping back a few feet. I looked into his eyes, them looking deeply hurt now. He’d expected me to kiss him back, to embrace him like I had when we were younger. I watched them fall, and before I could speak everything was black. 

I woke up I’m not sure how much longer in a hospital room, and a nurse told all about how I’d fallen and had a concussion and how I was so lucky Zayn was there. 

Zayn. I needed to see Zayn. 

“Is Zayn here, now?” I asked the nurse, sitting up in my bed. A wave of pain flashed over me, but I ignored it. I needed to see him. 

“Ah, I’ll fetch him now,” She smiled, scampering out of the room. I brought my hand up to my head, finding a thin gauze bandage wrapped around it. I winced, how much damage had the fall done? And which one? Before or after Zayn tackled me? 

The door opened again, and Liam, Zayn and Lauren walked in. Zayn stood by the door, while Liam and Niall, who I’d not seen originally, rushed to my side. Lauren stood bad with Zayn as well.

Oh right, we’d had a fight. 

“Ariel! Are you okay? Is your head alright? What happened!?” Niall asked, but he was quickly shushed by Liam, who’d obviously seen the way I winced at Niall’s loud and fast words. 

How hard had I hit my damn head!? 

“Are you okay, love?” He asked, sitting down on the edge of my bed. I smiled at him, placing my hand on Niall’s who was looking frantic. 

If you ever have an ill thought of any of the boys in this band, please dismiss it. They’re honestly the sweetest thing out there.

This fact was proven when Harry and Louis literally exploded into the room wielding a dozen roses and my favorite stuffed rabbit. My eyes locked on the rabbit - Zayn got that for me when we were eight. He’d won it at the fair and “not wanted it.” 

“So sorry we’re late!” Harry said.

“Yeah sorry! Lauren said to pick this up for her,” Louis said, holding up the rabbit. My eyes locked on hers, and she gave me a sweet smile. I smiled back at her - this is why we’re best friends.

“You guys are so sweet,” I grinned, “But can I ask you to leave for a second? I really need to talk to Zayn alone,” I said, looking at him directly. I felt Niall pull on my hand, as well as Liam’s hand on my lower leg. I looked at both of them, giving them reassuring grins. Niall must have still been worried from the part of the night he’d caught me up on. That sweet boy.

They both nodded, and soon Liam and Lauren were ushering everyone out of the room, leaving Zayn and I alone. I held the rabbit closely, taking in his expression as he realized what it was. 

“You still have Mr. Hoppy?” He asked, taking a seat where Liam had once been. I grinned, he’d even remembered its name. 

“My best friend won him for me,” I said, leaning down and kissing the rabbit’s head. Zayn grinned, reaching over and taking my hand. 

“You scared me so much,” He said honestly, “You stopped breathing, and I was so sure I’d lost you before....” He trailed off. I quirked my head, he’d obviously stopped himself for a reason. That cheeky devil.

“Before?” I questioned, leaning as close to him as I could before my head started to hurt. I winced, and knowingly, he stopped me, moving closer to me as well. 

Zayn leaned so close to me, that from far away you’d think we were kissing. But there was a good centimeter between us, allowing me to feel his warm breath against my lips, mixing with mine.

“I love you, Ariel,” He whispered, “I’m so goddamn sorry.” He added. 

I smiled, closing the space between us and allowing our lips to mesh together.

I bet you were all rooting for that too happen, right? For Zayn and I to kiss and live happily ever after? Well, the kiss lasted all of two seconds, before Louis burst in the door yelling, “COCK BLOCK TOMLINSON AT YOUR SERVICE!” 

Our heads whipped toward him, bonking together as this happened.

“Ow!” We both exclaimed. I winced, bringing my hand up to my head. I felt a hand touch my back, and I knew just by the way it fit on my back that it was Zayn’s. Yeah, I knew him that well.

“SHIT I AM SO SORRY ARIEL ARE YOU OKAY SHOULD I GET A NURSE ARE YOU DEAD DID YOU HAVE THE SEX!?” He yelled all in one breath. Why did all of One Direction decide to call it “the sex” today? That’s something my grandmum would call it.

 I looked at him wide eyed, before looking over at the rest of the boys (And Lauren, can’t forget her now can we?) that had filed in, who were laughing uncontrollably. I sighed, resting my head against Zayn’s shoulder.

“OH GOD ZAYN I’M SO SORRY I KILLED HER!” Louis screamed as my eyes fluttered shut. 

“Shh Louis,” I whispered, “You’re ruining the moment,” I smiled, taking in Zayn’s sent. It overpowered the awful hospital sent, which I was more than thankful for. 

“Matchmaker Liam strikes again,” Liam whispered, successfully ruining my happy moment.

“I regret ever thinking nice thoughts about any of you,” I hissed. 


Awe a nice chapter of love and stuff that totally wasn't proof read. Lol I never do oops.

 What do you think will happen next? 

Can I trouble you for a vote on not only this story but my new one, Don’t Wake Me Up?

That would be super awesome and I’ll love you to the moon and back! 

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