In That Moment

By T_Swift22

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*Unedited* "What's so hard about just listening to what I have to say?" I plead. "I know that you would defi... More

Lunch time
A Good Idea?
Beach Fun
Mixed Feelings
Pool Party
All Fun and Games?
The Aftermath
Family Dinner
With All My Heart
Returning to Reality
Gym Class Boos or Blues
Now I Remember Why School's A Bitch
For God Sake Will This Homework Ever Get Done?
Unwelcomed Guests
Dread, Dread, and More Dread
Shooting Stars
Keep Up Slowpoke
Don't Waste Your Time On Revenge
Just Breathe
That Was Close
Detour? More like Camtour
The Most Dangerous Lies Are the Ones You Tell Yourself
I Love You
Now Or Later?
The Beginning of the End
Touch and Go
Lesson to be Learned
Smile Through the Darkness
I Thought I Could Fly, so Why Did I Drown?
The Truth Will Set You Free
It Takes Two To Do The Do
Saved By the Chick-Fil-A
All Is Far In Love and War
Friends Close, Enemies Closer
Red Solo Cup, I Won't Fill You Up
You Got Me There
We Loved with a Love that was more than Love
Ho, Ho, Ho Merry Christmas
The End and the Beginning

The Beginning

411 11 2
By T_Swift22

Darkness, no light whatsoever is all I'm acquainted to. The next second I'm trapped in a glass box, which is filling up with water. I see people all around, talking and chatting like I'm not even existent. No one gives a second thought to me as I begin the slow process of drowning, my lungs having all the air squeezed out.

"Can nobody hear me, I gotta lot that's on my mind. I cannot brea-," I jolt up in my bed gasping for a breath as the rest of the song blares out.

Like always that was just a reoccurrence of my unnerving dream as well as the song I have set for my alarm getting incorporated into it. I looked at the annoying but necessary invention that is the alarm clock flashing the time at me in blinding light. 5:30 right on time.

That's the thing about alarm clocks they never fail unless you have something important going on that you actually have to wake up for. I throw my covers off and take my usual leap off the bed- more like falling in style.

Realization soon hits when I remember it's Friday. I find myself mindlessly checking my phone even though I didn't want to face the hard reality that no one probably texted me.

"Of course not Callie," I scold myself, no one in there right mind would get up now. I quickly change into my all too familiar workout shorts and a tank top. Time for my daily run. I feel giddy, running had always been the only time I was able to push aside my worries and clear my head.

I quietly slip down the stairs and step out the front door without as much as a peep. You could say I'm quite skilled by now.

Once my music is step up and I'm done stretching, I begin at a light slow paced jog. My music is all I'm tuned into, Imagine Dragon's songs are best to drown my demons aka my thoughts out.

My glides pick up considerable becoming smoother and more effortless.

I begin getting lost in my music and find myself singing along. "I cried Babel, Babel look at me now." I'm turning the corner when I run into something hard, which is unusual seeing nothing has been there ever before. I realize I landed on the ground and begin to stand up when I see a hand extended in front of me. I gladly accept hoping it's not some creeper. I look up to his face greeted by the concern in his eyes.

"I'm Josh," he offers a hand to me.

I look down to wipe off the dust from my shorts and reply, "I'm Callie."

"I'm really sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," he looks down ashamed.

I laugh. " no it's alright it's my fault," I reply assuring lot.

" You are quite a good singer, so I got distracted," he states looking at me, "was that Mumford & Sons I was hearing?" He quirks an eyebrow.

"Well thanks, but I'm not and yep Babel one of my favorites from them," I take a sudden interest in my running shoes as I feel a blush form.

"Has anyone told you, you have a pretty smile?" he asks smiling.

"Nope, can't say anyone has, I don't smile much," I reply.

"Well you should it looks nice on you," he states.

"Okay Josh enough flirting let the poor girl continue walking," A boy a little older than Josh comes over.

I stifle a laugh at Josh's rosy face and reply " Running, and I should go I have to get ready for school." I begin to run off.

"Callie wait," Josh calls causing me to turn back around to face them. "This is my brother Will, he's a senior," I nod my head about to turn around again.

"Well aren't you gonna shake my hand, Callie?" Will asks with a smirk. I pull my phone out quick to check the time and see a text from my brother.

I open it and it reads 'Where are you? If you're at a boys house without my permission I swear I will kill you.'

I quickly reply 'Nope out running almost home :) love you too.' I look back up at Will's expecting face.

"I'm sorry how rude of me," I shake his hand "now I must go before my brother murders me."

I begin to retreat back down the street when Josh calls " nice talking to you Callie, I'll see you at school." I could almost hear the smirk in his voice. I almost tripped but I caught myself before I could fall. I go running through my house passing Caleb in the kitchen.

"Where the heck were you?" he questions angry " and what are you wearing?".

"Caleb, I was running and these are workout clothes ever heard of them? Oh wait you don't work out," I retort back.

"Callie it's 6:30 who the heck runs at this time?"

"I do." With that I run up the rest of the stairs. I hop into the shower and continue my normal routine. I run back do stairs all ready looking at the clock, it's 7.

"Callie did you eat before you ran?" he asks.

"Yes I did big brother," I smirk back.

"Okay," he replies.

"Are you driving?" I ask curious.

"Unless you wanna run," he states. I'm about to respond when he says "I was kidding Cal, you're coming in the car." I slump down into my chair in defeat. "You missed mom and dad leave," Caleb states.

"I'm sure they're happy about that," I retort. He just looks at me stunned, oh right he was always the favorite. I get up and go to the fridge to grab my water bottle.

"It's time to go," he says looking at his watch. Knowing him we'll probably get there twenty minutes early.

"Alright I'm just gonna go grab my phone," I call already upstairs. I slip my favorite bracelets on while locating my phone. I lock up behind me and practically jump into the passenger seat.

"You all ready?" he asks putting the car into reverse. I just nod my head and think.

" Do you know a boy named Will in your grade?" I ask not sure where I'm going with it.

"Yeah why?" he looks at me funny.

"Oh well I met him and his brother Josh today," I reply bracing myself for his over dramatic reaction.

" I knew you were at a boy's house," he exclaims his anger rising. I'm pretty sure that one vein in his forehead is gonna start popping out in a second.

"No, I ran into Josh today while on my run, and he talked to me, so to be nice I replied back," I state annoyed.

"Callie," he begins sternly, but I just hop out of the car since we were now parked in the school parking lot. I run to my locker even though I know no where is safe from him seeing as he knows where my locker is.

I turn around to be almost face to face with Josh. "Fancy seeing you here," he says smiling.

"Yeah you too," I reply not bothering to smile. Just then I feel a hand wrap around my shoulder and look up to see Caleb frowning. I can almost see disappointment in Josh's eyes, which seems foreign. He couldn't possibly like me, no one does.

"Josh this is my brother Caleb, Caleb this is Josh," I state to clear everything up anyway. Josh looks more than relieved.

"Nice to meet you Josh," Caleb replies sticking his hand out to him.

"You too," Josh nods.

It's dead silent and just then my stomach decides to make loud dinosaur like noises. They both heard it snapping back to reality.

"Callie," Caleb starts looking angry "you lied to me."

I just pretend to be innocent and say "what?".

"You told me you ate before you ran," he replies his voice tight.

"I-," he cuts me off.

"You can't run on an empty stomach,you know that," he just stared at me sternly.

"It burns more calories," I state innocently.

"You of all people Callie, I'm gonna talk to mom about this," he concurs. My heart drops into my empty stomach, and I feel it twist.

"No don't, it'll only make things more complicated," I plead.

"Promise to eat?" he questions.

"I promise, just don't tell mom," I beg "please Caleb".

"Fine but if it happens again I am," he states. I relax immediately and realize Josh was still standing there. I'm about to speak when Caleb says "I gotta get to class, see you at lunch Callie." I just nod and turn back to Josh.

"What's your first class?" Josh asks changing the subject thankfully.

"Um homeroom,"I reply "what's yours?"

"Same, wanna walk together?" he says.

"Sure," I state not having anything better to do. I take a seat at a desk in the middle of the room. Josh plops down in the one next to me, turning to face me.

"Are you doing alright Callie?" he asks. I could tell he was avoiding the stereotypical 'are you doing okay' question.

"Yep never better," I reply forcing a big smile.

"Alright, well I'm here if you ever want to talk," he states. I could tell he didn't believe me though.

"Okay," I smile again.

"So since it's Friday would you maybe wanna hangout after school?" he asks hopefully.

"Oh sure, I forgot it was friday(a total lie) what'd you have in mind?" I question.

"Maybe go to the beach and boardwalk," he replies excited "I know a place that has amazing ice cream."

My breath caught in my throat at the thought of the beach. "Uh yeah sure that sounds nice," I reply kindly. He just smiles.

"Here put your number in my phone," he states while handing it over.

"Nice phone," I say while putting my number into a new contact.

"Oh thanks," he replies.

"Here you go," I say while handing it back to he's open hand, "so should I have my bathing suit on?"

"Yes unless you're okay with your clothes getting wet," he smiles. I laugh at his comment. I have to admit sitting here looking at him, he is attractive I can't deny that.

"Bathing suit it is," I conclude. He just laughs at me.

"Attention class, I have a few announcements," My teacher states and drones on about them. My thoughts wander to what I just got myself into. Why the beach, how am I gonna manage that? Stupid little Callie, my demons taunt. I hear paper hit my desk and look up to see Ashley, a popular, walk by. I carefully open it as my thoughts scream at me not to. I can feel Josh look at me with a quizzical look on his face.

'Dear No Good Callie,

I see you're adding to your collection of friends, the misfits, but I can't help to notice that he doesn't seem to belong with you guys seeing as he's attractive. Maybe you should stop while you're ahead, so you don't get hurt. Eve if he hangs out with you, I give it a day before he realizes how worthless you are.



P.S going back to old ways I see.'

The audacity she had, but I know she's right. I never have a happy ending. One happy moment, two steps back.

I just folded it back up and put it into my shorts pocket. I look over at Josh to see him staring at me, his eyes laced with concern. I just shrug my shoulders and brush it off. Before I know it the bell rang four classes later, signaling lunch time. Lovely I have to go find my brother.

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