The Family Hart.

Por iReparo

95 3 0


Serenity; Chatper One: Sir. Smith.

95 3 0
Por iReparo

I  stood in the darkness of the night. The only light was from the full moon, that gracefully sat in the dark blue sky, as many beautiful, twinkling, stars settled around it. Large oak tree's surrounded me, hovering over me as if they were watching me. I slowly put one foot in front of the other. The crunching of branches and leafs sounded each time I set my foot down. The cool wind whistled through my bright red hair. The coldness hit my bare pale skin, sending chills through my whole body. Fuck, lost again. I thought. ''Rion won't be happy to know his only little sister had ran away by her self? Now would he?" I heard a voice from behind me speak in a deep demonic tone, as it slowly laid it's rather large strong hand on my small shoulder.

I turned myself around quickly to face the mysterious figure. It was dressed in long black cloak. And the hood of the dark cloak was pulled all the way over the figures head casting a shadow on it's face, preventing me from seeing it's features. Knowing that the mysterious person could attack at any given moment, I fastly slipped my right hand down my thigh to my dagger's  holder. I gripped the black metal handle tight and pulled it quickly out of the black leather straps. Then with my other hand, I laid my hand on the figure's chest and forcefully pushing back making it fall to the ground on it's back. I acted quickly and jumped onto the now laying figure's stomach and held my dagger close to it's neck. My blade was quite sharp, and would defiently cut with ease if it decided to try anything. Slowly with my other hand I moved the hood away from it's face. It revealed a boy, about the age of 17. He was pale with freckles scattered across his cheeks, his striking golden brown eyes shinned in the moon light, his lips pink as they quivered. He had light brown curls for hair, as they also shinned in the light. "Who are you? And what do you know of me and my brother?'' The questions came out quicker than I anticipated, as my silver eyes turned to a crimson red. I felt him gulp agaisnt the blade, but didn't answer. I had then moved my free hand away from the hood, and onto his collar of his shirt, balling it into my fist. "Answer my question, now!" My voice echoed through the tall oaks. He choked up a bit as he hesitated before he began to speak. "I'm Alexander Colson,'' He whispered. "And I was sent out here by..'' He coughed, and I slowly pulled my dagger way from his throat. "By.. who?'' My eyes narrowed at him as I felt a growl purr in my throat. "Sir Smith.. Ma'am.'' He began to shake, as if he was scared of me.

"Really?'' I smirked softly. "He won't give up will he? Sending his people to come and steal me away.." I grunted once again. 

Sir Smith was an older man, in his late twenties. Early thirties. He was about 7 foot tall, long white hair. His face had a youthful handsome glow. He was beautiful on the outside. But ugly on in the inside. And all he ever did, was try to steal me. Why? Because I was the only girl that hadn't fallen all over him. The only girl who could see who he really was. He was so determind to make me fall in love with him. He used charms, spells, roses, basically anything he could get his hands on. This was the 4th time this month he had tried to kidnap me. But he keeps on failing.

"I'm sorry miss. I truley am. But I had to at least come and make an effort to capture you,'' He began to speak while sitting himself up with his arms behind him.''For my family and I are in danger.'' "Family?" I asked a bit curiously, as I slowly raised my eyebrow.

"Yes. Family.. my girlfriend, soon to be wife, and my daughter." He slightly smiled, as I could see there was a bit of pain in his eyes. "Uhm.. Daughter? Wife? You look so young though." I chuckled slightly, trying to brake the tension. "I'm acctually 19. My wife is 18. Our daughter isn't but a couple months old." He whipsered looking up at the moon. "But I can't go back without you. He will kill me, and my family." His voice lowered into the saddiest tone I had ever heard. And honestly, it broke my heart.

I looked at him smiling. "How about this." I began as his head turned to me. "You come back to our Family. And we will manage getting you and your family away from Sir Smith?" He nodded fastly smiling. "That would be, wonderful." His teeth glowed as he smiled. "But, are you sure you can?" I smirked slightly "Am I? My family is the Hart family. One of the most powerful mixed families." I exclaimed hopping up to my feet once again and holding my hand out to help Alexander up. He slid his large hand into my small one. "I will take you back to the families hidden coven. And there we shall talk to my brother about this." I pulled him up off of the ground, helping him wipe off the dirt, leaves and bugs off of his clothes. "Thank you. So much." He said side hugging me. "Thank you? I didn't do anything." I said raising my right eyebrow, and began to walk into the forest, as Alexander followed behind me. "For sparing my life." He laughed. "Psh. No problem?" I laughed back as we both walked deeper into the forest, far away from the light of the moon light. 

As I walk, I glance over at Alexander every once and a while. My instincts are telling me this is probably the stupidest desicions I have ever made. But my heart is saying it's the right thing to do. What would your mother do, hm? Says one voice inside my head. All I could think was, look where it has gotten her. But what if he is good? Says another. He could kill you, even escape and run back to Smith and tell them where you are. My feelings are so conflicted. I'll just take him back to Rion, he'll know what to do. 

I look over at Alexander again, this time he caught me and smiled softly. I smiled back awkwardly, an nodded looking back at the trail. Remembering, I have no idea where I'm going. Maybe if I stay on this path we will get to it.

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