Black Love [SUPERWOLF]

By Bara_O_Shukketsu

55.2K 1.7K 178

The only family he had left. was his Father - or so he thought. Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf nor Super... More

Time of Death
Too Fast for the Eye to See
Affairs Without Much Care
Check Point
Sincerely, No One
Kitchen Knife, What a Bribe
Hunter Gatherer
Family Ties
Hunters, Werewolves and Oh My!

Friends Breed Lies

3.7K 137 6
By Bara_O_Shukketsu

[SUPER WOLF; Nomad Motel]
Sam Winchester didn't ask questions, nor did he offer small chat with the man who had held Stiles' hand far too many times to be considered a 'friend'. Instead, he simply waited for Stiles to speak. But the youngest Winchester lead no hint to give that he'd be speaking soon―in full honesty, he looked more prepared to throw himself out the nearest window rather than dialogue with either he or Derek.

It wasn't until another minute or so had passed, that Derek spoke. "Sorry to intrude, sir." Derek said―a smile so charming, it almost looked wrong on his face―"I was just hoping you and I could have a conversation. Outside, perhaps?"

From the way Stiles' eyes widened and his breath hitched, Sam could tell it certainly wasn't what Stiles had come for. Despite this, Sam gave in to the desire of knowing what is was Derek―of all people―had to say to Sam; the eldest, and soon-to-be-guardian―of Stiles Winchester. "Uh, yeah." Sam agreed easily. Nodding, Derek stepped forward―his eyes briefly meeting Stiles', which held a thousand words Stiles could never say. Not here, at least.

"What did you need to talk about?" Sam asked once they reached the hall of the Motel, Sam, ignoring how soft and oddly feminine his voice sounded.

"Well," Derek chuckled, "Stiles is going to kill me for this later, but, he wanted me to invite you and Dean to dinner."

"Dinner?" San asked, surprised at the offer. "But Stiles said it was... date night."

"Yeah," the younger male nodded, thoughtfully. "But Stiles felt bad for how he treated you earlier, so we decided we can have date night any night, really. I guess when Stiles saw you though he just got nervous; you can probably tell, he doesn't have the best social skills. Always thinks too much." Derek ignored the way he heard Stiles heartbeat from inside the room, pounding profusely against his chest.

"We came here hoping to catch up with you and Dean before you left for dinner, or something. I guess he just got scared to ask when he saw you. I was going to give him his time, but, you saw how that was going."

"You could have just asked. Over the phone, you know."

"Stiles wanted to ask in person," he recovered quickly. "So we asked the receptionist for your rooms and decided to just wait there. Stiles didn't want to rush you and Dean in anyway."

"Well, I can't," Sam admitted, his tone not harsh but warm and sincere. "I am meeting an old friend of mine; from work."

"Oh?" Derek spoke with a mocked interest. "Who?"

"Chris Argent."

. . .

[TEEN WOLF; Stiles' Jeep]
"Dammit, Derek!" Stiles cursed, slamming the Jeep door despite how much he cared for the car, he couldn't bring himself to care. "You had one job! One job! I don't ask for much, I don't. Really. So, how hard is it to watch the freakin' door! Humans do that every day! Hell, some even do it for a living!"

"It must have been the wolfsbane," Derek reasoned. "It was probably affecting my senses."

Stiles huffed, leaning back against the passenger seat with arms crossed. "Humans can do it with normal senses. What did you and him talk about anyways?" he inquired.

"Ugh, I made up some bullshit excuse that we were there to invite him for dinner because you were feeling guilty about how you left things on the phone earler."

"Oh," Stiles nodded his head, pleased. "That's actually a good lie."

Derek merely rolled his eyes, shifting the Jeep into gear. "Stiles, we have a problem."

"I know; I've been telling you that!"

"I know, but you were right, okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"I think the Winchester Brothers are hunters. Sam told me he couldn't come to dinner because he was catching up with an 'old friend'. From work."

"Who?" Stiles asked, despite his reluctance.

"Chris." Derek answered. "Chris Argent."

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