Remorse Filled Love

By SlytherinMadHatter

250K 9.7K 3K

What happens if Harry is so broken after Sirius's death that he gets whisked away to the Marauders era? What... More

Whisked Away
Getting Settled
Saving old, creating new
Malfoy Manor
Changing Relationships
Triggered Thoughts
Saving Peter
A Collaboration
Cunning Harry
A Fateful Death
Waking Up and Explanations
Transgression Stories
Casual Gossiping
Comfort and Invitations
Home Coming and Memories
Coming Together


13.1K 503 274
By SlytherinMadHatter

Harry looked out of the window from the library. He stared at the greyish sky for a minute before his eyes went wide. It was a full moon night. Which meant Remus will face his transformation. He contemplated for a moment before checking whether there was anybody present or not, he changed into his eagle form and flew out of the open window. He soared in the air in the destination of Hogsmead, enjoying the wind, he always enjoyed. It was a pity that he didn't have his Firebolt with him right now. After flying for fifteen minute, he saw the tip of the battered and old building; The Shrieking Shack. He flew and sat at the top of the building. He remembered Remus telling him that shouts could be heard from outside the shack when he transformed. But it was silent. He flew in through an open window. He waited for the Marauders in the room.

Sirius, James and Peter, all in their animagus form, entered the shrieking shack though the tunnel under the Womping Willow, along with Remus. As they entered the room, they saw a large white eagle curled up on the bed with its head under its wing. They looked at each other as though communicating through their eyes. Remus being in his human form till now, reached the bird and stroked its head; making the bird jump in astonishment.

"Sorry, sorry..." he said smiling at the bird.

The bird calmed down at once and nipped his fingers affectionately.

"What are you doing here? I didn't see you here before?" Remus asked as though conversing with the bird.

Suddenly the large bird spread its wings and flew in front of Remus. As though hugging, it flapped the wings around Remus's neck and flew back to his shoulder. Remus giggled in amazement.

"Did it just hug me?" he asked looking at Padfoot. Padfoot barked happily and Prongs grunted in agreement.

The eagle flew and sat on Padfoot's head and gave a happy caw. It looked triumphantly around it.

A squeaking sound attracted its attention. It looked down from Padfoot's head and saw the rat looking up at it with shining black eyes. Instinctively, it picked up the rat and flew to the top of the room.

"Hey, put him down!" Remus shouted. The bird tilted his head as though confused. Suddenly, it unfolded its claws and Wormtail dropped on Prongs' head with a loud squeak.

The bird flew down on one of Prongs' horn and yet again cawed triumphantly. After a few minutes, the room was filled with moonlight, and Harry could see Remus' demeanour change.

He sat silently as he saw Remus change into a hairy werewolf. The rest of the night went as smoothly as possible. They took a trip around the village as Remus had told him they would do after his transformation.

It has been a month since the Slytherins have come to know of Harry's parseltongue ability. Their bullies have become non-existent; their sneers have changed to one of awe. Lucius Malfoy was the son of a death-eater Abraxas Malfoy who was one of the highest in rank. The day he found out that Harry Potter was a parseltongue he owled his father like a perfectly obedient pureblood son. He has got the reply yesterday in which his father has asked him to gain the trust of the boy; an order which he was more than happy to oblige.

"Potter," Lucius called out. He was a bit nervous as he never had to gain anyone's friendship. Everyone was always more than willing to just do him favour any time he even signed. So this was a whole new sphere to him.

Harry was sitting at a corner of the common room. He was planning on a process to get out of Hogwarts so that he can buy an elf. He needed an elf to retrieve the locket from there. He just cannot do it alone. With so many things in his mind he never saw Lucius Malfoy approaching him. When he heard his name he was surprised to see who it was.

"Malfoy, "Harry said. His voice was dripping with confusion.

"I have ordered everyone to start talking to you again." Lucius said the first thing that came into his mind.

Harry raised his eyebrow."Why, thank you. I'm honoured your Highness." He said sarcastically before looking back to the book he was reading.

Lucius was at a loss of words. He was used to people being grateful to him for little things he did for them. Harry was certainly not one of them. He didn't even care about his existence. During the long period in which he was bullied by most of the house members he never came to him for his help like he thought. He was finding him difficult to approach.

"Do you have anything else to say? Or are you about done?" Harry said after a few moments when Lucius made no sign of going away.

"Look, I didn't know that you're a parseltongue or I would have never out casted you." Lucius said in a defending tone.

"When did I accuse you of anything even remotely? I was better off left alone. This last one month has been a Merlin's gift. I prefer it that way." Harry said in a taunting tone.

"You like being alone? Are you a loner or what?" Lucius asked incredulously.

Harry rolled his eyes."Being alone is better than talking with people who think they have done the world a favour just by taking birth." Harry said bitterly and got up and went to his dorms.

Lucius stood there like statue. No one in his life so far has talked to him in such a snobbish way. He was always respected or sometimes worshipped just for being a Malfoy. It has always been like this since he has gained consciousness. But this boy was always far apart from being normal. He had his own personal set of thoughts. Lucius was now determined to make this friendship work.

Lucius Malfoy was rather persistent in his goal. He used every opportunity he got to gain Harry's friendship. After a few days Harry understood the whole agenda of this sudden want to become his friend perfectly. So he decided to act like a perfect Slytherin. He acted as if he has accepted his friendship and now the whole Slytherin body placed him in a rank just next to Malfoy. The Marauders on the other hand was rather stunned by the sudden change in events. Two months ago, the Slytherins bet the shit out of Harry and now they were acting as if he was someone next to Merlin. They couldn't find heads or tail of the whole incident.

It was a Sunday afternoon. The Marauders were sitting beside the black lake, basking themselves in the bright sunlight.

"What do you think must have happened to suddenly change Potter's position from being out casted to now being treated like the king of the Slytherin house?" Sirius asked confusedly.

"I don't know. Everything about this guy is rather confusing. Every time I start deciphering one of the puzzles, he creates a new one of higher difficulty level. It's getting rather frustrating. And he would still not talk to us." James said annoyed.

"Maybe every Slytherins treat him like a king but he never acts like one. He is rather kind to all other houses. Always helps the younger years and talks to everyone respectfully and politely; be it pureblood, half-blood or muggle-born, he talks to everyone in a same way." Remus said.

"The only person I've seen him being rude or taunting is Lucius Malfoy and our precious Wormtail." Sirius started sniggering. Peter huffed and rolled his eyes.

"I'll never understand what his problem is with me. From the moment he met me I've only seen him sneering at me. Merlin knows what I've done to him." Peter said pouting.

Sirius opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by loud screeching sound. They all looked up at once to see the white eagle from the shrieking shack. The eagle flew and perched on Sirius's shoulder. It started rubbing his head at his cheek affectionately. Sirius lifted his hand to pet the eagle while smiling brightly. They were all awed by the beauty of the bird.

"Are you a girl?" Sirius asked in a gleeful way.

The bird pecked on his finger and flew away and sat on the ground facing the black lake as if offended. James, Remus and Peter burst out laughing while Sirius sat there pouting.

"Hey now, how should I know you are a boy? No need to be so offended." Sirius said petulantly. He reached for the bird but it flew away from him and sat on Remus' lap while staring continuously at Sirius.

Remus smiled at the bird as he stroked his head affectionately. He has not forgotten its contribution in making his transformation more peaceful the last full moon night. At the morning when he changed back, the bird has nipped his neck lovingly then flew away. He had an impression that the bird came there to accompany him that night.

"The bird has a special liking for Remus and Sirius. Whenever he comes he goes to either one of them." James said smiling.

The next moment James knew the bird has suddenly flew from his previous place and sat on James' lap with his wings wide spread. He was then partially engulfed in the large wings. James was surprised by its action as were the others. Everybody went silent, just seeing the interaction fascinated. It then closed his wings and stared at James for a long moment. James sweared that he saw the bird's eyes getting wet. James was startled to see its colour of the eye- it was Avada Kedavra green colour. The bird then hopped down his lap and gave a long caw which was a very melancholy note.

"Hey, what happened?" Sirius asked after some time still somewhat stunned.

The bird looked at him for some time from the same place before going to him and nipped his necks softly. And just like that it flew away.

They all sat there silently and tried to decipher its action. They have never interacted with such an animal before.

"I've a fleeting feeling that it's not some normal eagle, rather I think it's an animagus." Remus said after some time.

"I was thinking the exact same thing actually." James said. His voice was still sounding astonished.

"But who can it be?" Sirius asked in an awed voice.

"How many people are there in Hogwarts with green eyes?" James asked thoughtfully.

"I only know two people, Lily Evans and Harry Potter." Remus said with shocked voice.

"It's a boy, so it can't be Evans. So...," Sirius said with wide eyes as well.

They all looked at each other with wide eyes. They didn't know what to think of it.

"Harry Potter..." Peter said quietly.

They sat still for a while trying to wrap their brain around the fact that the boy who they know for just a month, had some weird affection for the whole group. They didn't know where the affection or feeling raised from. They had just seen pure care in the eyes of the bird, who they could swear was the same boy who had been avoiding them for last few days.

Harry sat in the common room, thinking about the words said by James. With all his dear life, he wished to go and tell how he missed him; how much he wanted to be with all of them. But he knew he couldn't. Either they would laugh out at him, or they would run away, thinking that he was trying to get on them intentionally. He didn't have any choice, but to keep shut about his reality. He didn't want them to harm him either. Whoever he had loved or cared about till date,, had either betrayed him, or used him, or turned up to be hurt one way or the other. He couldn't afford to lose any more people in his life. He just wanted them to stay safe.

"Hello, Potter. What are you thinking?" a drawling voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

Harry sighed. "What do you want Malfoy?" he asked without looking at his direction.

"I was just thinking if you would come to Malfoy Manor over the Christmas vacation. My father had invited you over to our feast."

Harry at once thought of denying him. But on his second thought, he decided to consider the invitation. He knew that the Riddle's Diary was in the Malfoy Manor. So this could mean that he could get the second Horcrux from there. And then...

"Okay, I'll come." Harry said giving a genuine smile which actually came from the idea of getting his hands on the diary.

"You will?" Malfoy asked somewhat delighted.

Harry nodded. "Yeah, it's not like I'm doing much the holidays. And moreover...I'm tired from all the chores I have to do in the home. You know, I don't have an elf." Harry said slowly, and looking closely at Malfoy; trying to read his reaction.

He had a proud smile on his face. "Oh, that won't be a problem. In our manor, we have over twenty house elves. You don't have to work over there of course. We can spend all the time with each other." he said.

Harry raised his eyebrows; but forced a smile anyway. "Yeah...thanks...I guess." He said uncertain what to say.

"That's not a problem. And from now on, you can call me Lucius and I'll call you Harry." He said with his proud smirk.

Harry nodded somewhat amused. "Okay; that'll be...easier." he said giving a forced smile.

Lucius put his nose high up and stood up. "I'll see you at dinner then." He said before strutting away.

Harry raised his eyebrows. "Yeah..." he breathed.

It was the day before the Christmas vacation. The Marauders were sitting near the Black Lake enjoying the sunset. Without any doubt, they were still a bit confused about Harry's actions, and the thought nagged at the back of their head all the time.

"You are staying in the Potter Manor this vacation, Sirius. You don't have to go back to the Grimmauld Palace." James said turning to Sirius.

Sirius smiled at James. "James, you don't have to keep me at your place just to save me from my mother." He said shaking his head.

James rolled his eyes. "Sirius, do you think you are a house elf, that I'll keep you? I'm inviting you and you are coming; that's final." James said.

"Okay fine..."Sirius said laughing fondly.

They heard a familiar screech of an eagle. They looked up to see a faint white blob high up in the sky.

"There he comes..."Remus said smiling, somewhat excited.

They followed the movement of the bird. It soared in the wind in a circular motion a few times before giving a sharp dive, as though it had noticed a rat. As it came nearer, they noticed that it had its wings folded.

"What is he doing?" Sirius asked a bit tensed.

They watched with bated breath, as the bird kept falling. Just the moment before it was about to touch the ground, it spread its wings and flew up to sit on Sirius' shoulder.

"Whoa, that was awesome!" James exclaimed.

The eagle gave a proud caw and nudged its head with Sirius'. "Hey there..." he reached out his hand and petted him on his back.

It pecked on his hand lightly. Then, he hopped on his head and started flapping its wings wildly, making Sirius' hair go all crazy.

"Hey, stop doing that. You are ruining my hair!" Sirius said waving a hand above his head.

The eagle flew away before he could hit him and sat on Remus' head. Sirius and James could see the mischievous look in its eyes. James burst out laughing making Sirius glare at him half heartedly.

"That was not fair, bird." Sirius said trying to flatten his puffed up hair.

"I think we should give him a name. We cannot just keep calling him bird." Peter said reaching out his hand hesitantly.

He was in awe with the bird's beauty. He couldn't stop himself from touching his wings lightly. Surprisingly enough, the bird didn't flinch back. It looked it his forwarding hand cautiously, and then leaned its head a bit forward as though accepting the gesture. James, Sirius and Peter watched surprised as the bird willingly took the hand on its head.

Remus, very eager to see what was happening, tried to look up by tilting his head back. And as the bird was sitting on his head itself, it lost its balance and fell down on the grass behind Remus with an angry screech. They all started laughing as the bird flapped its wings to stand up on its legs.

Peter reached a hand to help the bird up. As it stood up on its leg, it flew up and sat on Peter's shoulder. They all tilted their heads in confusion.

"I think we should call him Olympian." Peter said with a smile. Olympian nudged his head with his, as though thanking him and flew to James' lap. As James looked at him smiling, he saw that bird had somewhat similar expression from the previous day. It kept looking at him for few more moments before spreading his wings and engulfing him in a bird-y hug. James immediately raised his hand and hugged him back careful, not to crush his wings. It leaned his head on his chest, and stayed that way for a moment.

"Are you sad, Olympian?" James asked. Olympian rubbed his head in James' chin as though saying yes.

Then, he hopped to Remus' lap and nudged his head on Remus' nose, making Remus giggle. It then rubbed its beak on his cheek affectionately.

"I'll miss you too, Olympian." Remus said smiling as though understanding his gesture. Olympian gave a soft caw and flew off his lap.

It then proceeded to Sirius. Hoping on his lap, he gave Sirius a hug same as James. But before Sirius could return the gesture, it flew on his head and flapped his wings violently making Sirius' hair go in all direction yet again. Sirius gave a cry.

"You...What's your problem with my hair?" he said.

Olympian gave a happy caw and then soared away in the sky. They looked at the retrieving bird in the sky.

"He knows very well that you are over possessive with your hair." James stated smirking.

"Yeah...he already seems to know everything. I'm not surprised." Sirius said still trying to flatten his hair.

"I think Potter is a Quidditch player." Sirius said.

"Yeah, and a very good one at that; you have to mind that he's a Potter." James said proudly.

"You are sounding like a proud father." Remus pointed out smirking.

James narrowed his eyes. "Shut up," he deadpanned.

"I think he came here to say his goodbye for the vacation. " Remus said somewhat wistfully.

"But why do you think he always gets that look in his eyes whenever he comes to me? The look is a mixture of sadness and pure happiness." James said confusedly.

"Maybe because after a long time he met someone whom he could call his own. You are somewhat his brother you know." Peter said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, maybe..." James said after a few moments. A smile was etched on everyone's face.

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