
By IM26C4U

189 11 8

Her life is far away from perfect. Her past experience with drugs has left her in ruins. More


189 11 8
By IM26C4U

I dared to look back into the cold, snake-like eyes that were staring at me with such disgust. He made it feel like it was just me and him, but I could feel 50 sets of eyes glued to me, not daring to blink. Giving me one last menacing look, he spoke in a clear voice, "Guilty," and slammed down his mallet, harder than necessary, before giving me a wicked smile. Without a second to lose, a big, sweaty policeman rushed to my side and grabbed my arm leading me towards the doors. "Ow," I muttered. "Shut up," he replied, as he tightened his grip on me. I could hear everyone i passed letting out a sigh of relief, what did they think? That I would attack them? I smiled at the thought of me attacking a man, what could I do? I was just a seventeen year old girl. A woman by the door gasped, a bit too dramatically, and whispered to her husband, "Look at the way she's smiling! She's insane, they should put her down!" My smile widened, put me down? what was I? A rabid animal? I winked at her as i passed and that completely set her off. "GET HER OUT OF HERE. DID YOU SEE THAT? DID YOU SEE THAT, PAUL? SHE WINKED, THAT DISGUSTING LITTLE-" She cut herself off, i suppose she was trying to find the right noun to call me, but it took too long, and i was out of the courtroom before she could spit it out at me, what a shame. Between the two of us, she was clearly the one that was insane.

I could hear the policeman that was dragging me chuckle, "find me funny now, do you?" I said, playfully. "Didn't I tell you to shut up?" He said, angirly. I knew that he didn't want me to answer back, but I'll be locked up for so long, I wanted to have a little fun. "Why, as a matter of fact, yes you did," I said. He tightened his grip on me, I didn't even think that was possible, I'll definitely have a bruise now. "Then, shut up." He replied, firmly. I smiled, "Yes, sir." He swung open the police car door and threw me inside. "Someone's fiesty," I said, teasingly. He didn't reply, I guess he was tired of telling me to shut up. I heard a laugh beside me, I turned to see a boy around my age. He had wavy light brown hair, and there was so much of it, it was flawless. His hair was covering his eyes but i saw a hint of green. "What, are you mesmerised by my looks?" He said, flipping his hair and giving me a wink. Now I could see his eyes, they were like a sea green, absoloutely beautiful. I laughed, "Please, don't flatter yourself." I replied, in the same tone. "Will you stop flirting and shut up? Or i swear to god, i can make your death look like an accident," The officer said, before starting the engine. "My name's Jake," the boy whispered, and then turned around to stare out the window, he looked so fascinated by it. Maybe it was because he wouldn't be able to see it ever again, just like me. And without thought, i turned my head to take in what mother nature had to offer for the last time.


The car ride seemed so fast, despite the fact that the officer had gone to a drivethrough to get donuts and coffee. Apparently, policemen actually do eat a lot of donuts, he gobbled three down in ten minutes. I tried to take in as much of fresh air my lungs could get, and then before I knew it I was in my cell. My new home.

I'd been in here once before, this same exact cell. My mom had once called the cops on me, she thought that I had killed my baby brother. I didn't. I loved him to death. My mom was always so drunk, she left him in the car one day, and it was burning, and i mean burning, the temperature was 103 degrees, hottest summer ever recorded. And poor little Isaac suffocated to death, i missed him so much. I still remember his laugh, it was the most precious thing in the world. I didn't feel like crying though, I never did. Not now, not then. i don't know why, losing Isaac was the worst thing that had ever happened to me, I was twelve the last time I saw him. "Hey blondie!" An officer called, "Looks like you got yourself a cell mate for the time being. Don't get too comfortable, he'll be gone soon enough," He said, as he threw Jake inside. "And no funny business, we got cameras, we'll know your every move." He added, harshly. "It's okay, she's not really my type," Jake said, and then turned around to stare at me. The policeman stomped his way to his chair and then tilted his hat above his eyes, i knew he was fast asleep when his head drooped down. "Well at least there's no rent," Jake said, happily. I just nodded, how can someone who was trapped in here be so chirpy? I took a look around the cell, there was a toilet on the right hand corner, facing outside- perfect. The bars of the cell were all rusted, there was a disgusting looking bunk bed to my left. I walked my way towards it and stared at the initials scratched into the metal. "This is a dump, huh?" Jake said, I didn't reply, even though Jake was beside me, I felt so alone. So far away from the world. "Hey, we won't have company for a long time. I don't know about you, but I'm gonna be in this place for more than just a couple of years.' He said, he didn't sound so happy, and that made me feel better, I wasn't locked in here with a total nutcase. "You're right," I said, surprisingly i sounded better than i was. "So, what's your name again?" He asked, still looking around the place. It took me a while to take in what he said, "hm? Oh, Angelina." I replied, staring at him. What the hell was wrong with him? He said he was going to be locked in here for a long while, and he looked so fascinated by the place. "An-gel-i-na. Hm, that's a lot of syllables. I think I'll call you, Angie." He said, now staring at the top bunk. Angie. Only my brother called me Angie. Without noticing i sat down on the bed and stared at my feet, trying to get rid of the lump in my throat. Jake bounced down next to me, i wonder what he was in for, i hope it wasn't anything too intense because i was stuck with him, for now. He whispered, "you have any siblings?" I shook my head in response, after Isaac died, i was an only child. "Lucky." He said, emotionless, and then he continued, "well, have you ever gotten blamed for something you didn't do? I mean, when I was younger, my brothers always blamed me for finishing the ice-cream, and I'd always get in trouble for it." I remembered the day my mom called the police on me...

After I realized he was waiting for an answer, I nodded my head and said, "Once, in grade one, a boy blamed me for eating his lunch." I lied, he gave me a half smile and then stared at the wall facing us, lost into space. "Well, that's why I'm here." He finally said. "For eating all the ice-cream?" I asked, not as a joke, but I was a bit confused. He laughed, and then stared back at me, his eyes lost deep into mine. I felt a shiver down my spine. It was like he was reading my soul. He blinked and then turned his face to stare at the wall again, he shook his head fiercly, and then said. "No. I just, you won't believe me." He shifted in his spot before he continued, "but, i just, got blamed for something. Something really bad. Something revolting, that I didn't do." He said, he was staring at me again, but not into my eyes, he was studying my face. I don't know why I believed him, he could've been a maniac. But, why was he telling me then? He had nothing to prove to me, I didn't have the key to his freedom. I don't know what it was, whether it was the look that he gave me, like a look a dog that got runned over by a car, or whether it was just because he sounded so, so... I don't know, so innocent. Or whether it was the fact that I could relate to him, I turned away and stared at the wall facing us.


It was the last week of school, and i had my first exam, math. Oh joy. Emma ran up next to me as I was heading inside the school, "Wait up," she called. I could spot her from a mile away, everyone could. Only because of her red hair, it was curly and poofy, and there was tons of it, framing her head perfectly. "Oh. my. god. Lina! I'm freaking out! I tried SO hard to get everything in my brian, but nothing happened! NOTHING!" She paused, to control her breathing, and then continued, "What am I going to do?! I'm going to fail, and then, and then, I'll be a hobo! Oh my god! I'll be poor and i won't be able to go shopping." She whined. I bit my lip so i wouldn't laugh at her and then said, "you'll do fine, Em. You got this." I said, preparing her like a coach would to his team. She looked up at me, her hazel eyes wide with hope, "you really, truly think so?" Before I could reply, she hugged me, her hair suffocating me. I patted her back and she jumped back, screaming. "Tyler, what the hell?! You know I'm freaking out, you can't just pull my hair like that!" I saw him staring at her, entertained. "Cut it out, I just calmed her down." I said, smiling. "Sorry, carrot top. Muscle spasm." He replied, winking at me. She punched him hard on his stomach, and he pretended to be hurt. After she was satisfied with his acting, she turned to me and recited several definitions. I had no idea what she was saying, i just nodded my head encouragingly, assuming that she was right. Tyler ditched us to check out the new hockey equipment Coach Tucker had gotten for next year's team. I heard him whine about not being able to use the new hockey sticks, since he was graduating. Graduation. Everyone else was moping about not seeing their friends since they were seperating and going off to different colleges. But i couldn't have been more excited, all three of us- Emma, Tyler, and I all got accepted into NYU.

We were at Emma's class, Physics 1067. Oh, so that's what she had, I hoped that the definitions were right, because i was never any good in Science. She looked up at me, she wasn't taller than a seventh grader, i felt bad for her so i gave her a big hug and then whispered "you got this, carrot top." She laughed, which calmed her down a bit- thank god. If she wasn't calm, hell would break lose. She glanced inside then back at me, "go, or else i'm going to be late for my exam." It was like sending your child to their first day of school. She smiled apologetically, and then said "good luck." I smiled back and she was off. I headed towards the stairs, and tried to remember all the formulas i memorized.

At noon, we were all released and Emma skipped happily towards me and Tyler, "That was easy!" She exclaimed, me and Tyler both smiled at her. "Well, let's go Em, we got our shift at the bookstore in half an hour." He said, then added, "you want a ride, Lina?" I shook my head, "no, thanks." he smiled at me, before grabbing Emma by the hand and leading her towards his car. She waved at me from the window and then, popped her head back inside before i could wave back. That was the last time I had seen my best friends.

I walked along the side of the road, music from my iPod blasting in my ears, but i couldn't really hear it. I wasn't paying attention, an alley to my left was distracting me. I turned off my iPod and stared at the alley, had it always been there? I never noticed it. Maybe there was a sign blocking it before...I walked towards it, carefully. I had seen enough movies and read enough books to know that an alley wasn't the safest place for a girl to be, alone. But those scenes set place at night. It was noon now, still, i didn't go in. I had to buy some groceries for my mother. My mother. Those words sounded so weird, she never treated me like a daughter. Ever. I was a mistake. She told me, too many times to count.

"You know what you were?" One night she said when she was extremely drunk, more drunk than usual. She took a huge sip before she spoke again, "You were an unwanted miracle," she paused, as if taking in what she had said, and then she laughed. "Did i say miracle? Whoops. Ha! You're not a miracle, you're the worst thing that ever happened to me!" She was screaming now, and then she lowered her tone, took another sip and said, "you were the reason for my strechmarks and my terrible skin, you know that? Hell, i don't even know who your father is, or i would throw you at his doorstep." I wasn't hurt when she said all this, I never had an emotional attachment to her, anyway. "Why didn't you just put me up for adoption?" I asked, harshly. Before she could reply, she passed out. Good. I thought. I hope she drowns in her own spit.

I shook the memory out of my head and continued walking. Focusing on every step so I wouldn't concentrate on my...mother. "HEY!" A familiar voice yelled, where had I heard it before? "Hey, Angelina, wait up!" He yelled, again. The voice was rough, and loud. Where had I heard it? Before I could figure out who it was, a figure ran passed me and stopped to turn around and face me. He had dark skin, and was wearing a black hoodie, with black sweatpants- most likely from goodwill. His face was different from what I remembered, there was a scar under his left eye, and he had a huge blue bruise on his face. His bloodshot eyes were framed with black circles. He looked older, worse. "Hi, Chris." I said, backing up a bit. "Now, don't plan on runnin' away again. You know how we roll, if you owe us, we follow." He said, calmly. I felt a shiver run down my spine. I forgot about that, i owed Chris around $500. "Now, don't look so scared, princess. Other forms of payment can be arranged." He said, softly, so only we could here. He was coming closer to me, I didn't know what to do. "No, that won't be necessary. I'll get you the money. Just give me some time." I said, surprisingly without sounding scared. "You've had one year. Don't make me add taxes." He smiled, showing his fake silver teeth, then continued, "no, I've given you enough time." He was only inches away from me now. His breath stunk of vomit and alcohol. "Just please give me a little more time." My voice cracked, I cleared my throat and spoke again, "just a month." I begged. He smiled, which caused his swollen cheeks to hide his bloodshot eyes. He laughed and then said, "a month? Will that be enough time for you to run away for college? Ha. Don't play games with me, girl. I have all the cheat cards." He whispered. "I'm just a little low on money..." He cut me off. "Do you think i give a damn?!" He said louder, harsher. "You owe me money. Didn't your mommy ever tell you not to mess with dealers?" He laughed, and then said "Oh yeah, she was the reason you took drugs." He looked like he was pleased with himself. He licked his cracked lips and then took a step closer to me. He was so close. Thank god it was crowded. I punched his nose as hard as i could, and then ran into the alley that i had just discovered, screaming. Thankfully, this alley wasn't a dead end. I ran as far and as fast as my lungs would let me and then I collapsed, gasping for air. Where was I? A small, dented sign read 'Littleton'. Littleton? Was that even on the map? I got up, and brushed the dirt off of my pants. I turned to see what I was surrounded by, I had to get out of here. Still gasping, i jogged to a coffee shop nearby to ask for directions.

It was tiny and dusty. I could see spider webs all over the cieling. I shuddered, how did this store even pass the health inspection? I walked slowly towards an old looking woman who was sitting on a rocking chair behind what appered to be a broken, dirty fridge. "Excuse me, ma'am?" I called, still walking slowly towards her. She didn't reply, so i continued talking, "can you please tell me..." I trailed off, i didn't exactly know how to ask her. She seemed so out of it. I continued anyway, "...actually, I was just wondering if you could help me find my way back home?" She didn't respond. She just kept rocking on her chair, acting as if know one was there. After i stopped walking i could hear that she was humming to herself, i felt my hair rising. I've seen enough movies to assume that this woman was a psycho. But then again, they were just movies...still...

I heard a door slam behind me, I gasped and quickly turned around. An old man, no taller than Emma was looking up at me, smiling. This was odd, I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there waiting for him to make a move. "Well, hello there, cutie." He said, his voice was flat. He walked around me to set his bag by his wife, I guess, and then turned around to speak to me again. "Well you looked spooked. What's the matter darlin'? We're just a couple of old folks, we don't bite." He laughed, and then said, "Hell, I don't even got real teeth to bite you." I was backing up towards the door, I can ask someone else for directions. Anybody else. "Now, now. Don't be afraid." He said, he stayed where he was but he stiffened, "well i suppose that wasn't a very funny joke. Now, what'chu need?" I stopped walking, and looked at him. It didn't look like he had a weapon on him, I knew some self defence, but I didn't feel comfortable about hitting an old man. I took a deep breath, "um, well, I came in here and saw your...friend...I just asked her for directions..." I sounded like a little girl, i cleared my throat and straightened up. I didn't want him to know that i was a coward. He glanced at the woman, and took a step closer. "No, this here's my sister, Beth. I suppose you already figured out that she was no help." He sighed, and stared at her as he spoke. "But, i can help you." Something about him didn't seem, normal. But, if he was willing to help, I couldn't say no. I didn't even see any other people around here. "Thanks. Well um, the sign said 'Littleton', and I've never heard of it. I mean, I actually don't know how i wound up here. I just need to get back to Madison avenue." I said, sounding more mature. He just stood there for a while, as if he was waiting for me to say something else. Then he shook his head, "sorry, miss. I can't help you there." Then he turned around and walked into another room, shutting the door behind him. I didn't know if i had to wait or not, so i decided to hang out for a while.

"Screw this," I muttered, after I'd waited five minutes. I walked outside the store to see if I could find any other people here.

It was so deserted here. "Where am i?" I muttered to myself. I swear I was only running for five minutes. How did i manage to get here? I tried to retrace my steps, but nothing looked familiar. I walked around looking inside of all the shops.

Closed. Closed. Closed. I thought to myself. I sighed, and walked around until i saw a bookstore with a light on. I ran to it, and swung open the door. Dust slapped me in the face. I coughed and walked towards a woman that was sitting on a chair at the far right end of the tiny shop. This shop didn't have that many spider webs- thank god. But it had piles of dust everywhere. I held my breath, so i wouldnt inhale any of it.

Thankfully, the corner of the store was nice and clean, so i took a deep breath and cleared my throat. The woman looked up, shocked and then smiled at me. I returned the smile before i said, "hi. This is a cute shop you got here." She looked around, then back up at me. She studied me for a while. "Thank you, darlin'. You look familiar, have i seen you before?" She said, as she gestured me to sit down. She had a slight Jamaican accent when she spoke, and her voice was deep and rough. I fixated on her face, confused. She had dark skin, and her hair was tied into a bandana. Her eyes were framed with dark circles, it looked like she hadn't slept in days. But it was when i saw her birthmark on her right wrist, that I knew exactly who it was. I gasped an jumed up. "Miss Kay?! What're you doing here? I thought you still lived in my building." She looked confused and then i told her my name. "It's me, Angelina." Her eyes grew wide as she recognized who i was. She jumped up, too, and then rushed towards me to give me a big hug. "Lina-" She gasped, and stared at me, "you have grown up to be a fine looking girl!" I smiled at her, and she stared at me, shocked. "This side of town isn't good for a pretty thing like you, Lina." She shook her head, and sat down. "No, no, no. What are you doing here? How's your mama?" I sat back down too, it felt awkward looking down at her. "I kind of, um, ran away from something. Not important. Mom's..." I struggled for an appropriate word to use, "she's the same. What are you doing here, Miss Kay?" She look down on her lap, embarrassed, and then said, "well, i got kicked out. And now I'm livin' with my nephew, he's 'bout your age." I nodded my head, slowly. She looked back up at me and smiled, then shook it off with a worried expression. "You should get outta here, girl." I nodded, "Yeah, can you tell me how to get back to my house?" She thought for a moment, and then said, "if you make a left from my store, you'll see a sign called 'Wolver', follow it and you'll get home." She said with a smile. "Thank you." I said, and returned the smile. It was nice seeing Miss Kay again, she used to babysit me everyday. We both got up, and she hugged me again.

I heard the door swing open, "Ah, shit Auntie, help me out here." A familiar voice spoke, my heart sank. Miss Kay's nephew was Chris? I started to panic. I heard Miss Kay go towards the door, and i quickly found a place to hide myself. I found a huge pile of boxes covered with dust and hid myself behind them. I heard Miss Kay gasp, "what happened to you, sweetie?" She walked a little closer, "Some bi-" Miss Kay cleared her throat, "you better not think about swearin' infront of me." Her voice sounded closer, "Lina? Hm, i guess she used the back door." She murmured to herself. Thank god! There was a back door! I wanted to hop up and run out, but i didn't dare breathe, this shop was too small. I couldn't take a risk. "Now, sit down." Miss Kay ordered, she was farther now. I heard Chris sit down and moan. "What the hell is this?" He growled. I heard Miss Kay sit down and then say, "oh, this must be Lina's bracelet. I guess she forgot it here. What a shame." My eyes found their way to my wrist, where sure enough, my bracelet was missing. My name was written on it, what if Chris saw...

"Lina..." Chris said, I heard him shift in his seat. "Her full name is Angelina, right?" He continued, he sounded surprisingly calm. "Yes, dear. Now tell me what happened to you." Miss Kay said, she sounded worried. Of course she did, for all she knew, Chris got beaten up by a gang, not some girl...        "It's nothing, Auntie. Show me that bracelet again?" He said, still sounding calm. I heard him grab the bracelet, probably examining it. His breathing got heavier, he knows, i thought, what do i do?

I heard him get up and walk, he was so close to me, i was so sure that he found me. "She went out the back door?" He asked, in an even tone. "Yes, dear," Miss Kay sounded confused, "are you going to give it back to her?" I heard him walk closer, then stop again. "Oh, yeah. Angelina and I are friends, don't worry Auntie, i'll tell her you said hi." He was right infront of me, I could see a bit of his face through the boxes. His face was swollen up, and his nose looked more like a rotten tomato, I could see dried up blood in his flaring nostrils. His eyes were barely noticeable, he looked hideous. And it was because of me. I'm so dead, i thought.

I heard him walk fastly to and out the door. Miss Kay cleared her throat. "Lina." Her voice was firm, but she still sounded a bit worried. I didn't dare move. She's an old lady, I thought, maybe she can make herself think that she saw me. She cleared her throat again and walked to the boxes where I was hiding. She took three boxes, one at a time, and threw them to the side so I was in clear sight. "Would you care to get up now?" She sounded old, for the first time, tired. I slid up the wall I was leaning against and dared to make eye contact with her. "Sorry." Was all I said. She looked at me for a while, studying my face. "You're luck you punched him so hard he could barely see," she said, and walked back to the chairs we were sitting on before. I stayed standing there for a while, thinking over all the options I had. Run? I thought, no way, Chris would find me. Ask Miss Kay for help? I already knew the answer to that one. I could run through the front door and go back to the weird guy in the coffee shop. "Angelina, come here." I obeyed. "Sit down." I sat. She sighed; she looked as if she had aged in just a few minutes, I was worried. She looked awful. "Miss Kay, are you alright?!"

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