textbooks // newtmas au

By bookara

93.7K 5.2K 3.4K

newt is a reserved british boy with a past worth escaping // thomas is a track star who also excells academic... More

Fresh Starts and Big Dreams
Welcome To The Glade
Psychology Maybe
Its's Not A Date
Movie Nights and Harsh Realizations
Crowded Isles
Lowkey Disasters
Unneeded Protection
Twist The Knife
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Hungover and Heartbroken
Lay Down Your Arms
I Think I Fell In Love
Big Step
Wait What
Road Trips
Thomas' House
Back to Normal
That's When My Whole World Fell Apart

Newt's House

3.1K 189 162
By bookara

    "Relax, it's gonna be fine Tommy." Newt squeezed his boyfriend's knee in reassurance before shutting off the car and getting out.
    "I'm not nervous!" Thomas protested as he wiped his palms on his jeans.
    "Whatever you say." Newt shook his head as Thomas walked around the car to meet with him.
    Thomas pulled Newt in by his hips and gave him a quick kiss. "I love you."
    Newt smiled and took his hand. "I love you too, now seriously relax."
    "I am relaxed!" Thomas paused for a moment, looking like he was thinking. "Hey should I thank your parents for not using a condom when they were making you?" Thomas laughed as Newt slapped his shoulder.
    "Behave!" Newt hissed as he dragged Thomas to the door.
    "I will! This is actually important to me remember?" Thomas fixed his shirt as Newt let go and knocked on the door.
    Almost instantly it was swung open and a women quickly engulfed Newt in a hug.
    "Newt! I missed you so much, I love you. How's college?" She babbled as she squeezed Newt tighter.
    "Mum...you're crushing my ribs." Newt mumbled as he tried to squirm out of her grasp.
    She instantly let go and her cheeks tinted pink. "Sorry. I missed you."
    Then her gaze fell on Thomas and her entire face lit up.
    "Is this Thomas?" she beamed.
    "Yes mum." Newt groaned as he fixed his hair that was messy from his mom's bear hug.
    "You didn't tell me he was this good-looking!" she gushed.
    "Well I know he's cute, but that's not really something you tell your mom." Newt shook his head as a shit-eating grin took over Thomas' face.
    "It's nice to meet you Mrs...." Thomas started but was cut off by Newt's mother waving her hand.
    "We're not formal, call me Tasha."
    "Okay." Thomas smiled, they weren't even inside yet and he already liked Newt's mom.
    "We can talk more in the house, it's freezing, your poor cheeks are turning pink!" Tasha ushered them through the door, "you two take the couch, I'll make tea!"
    The boys listened and sat next to each other on the couch, their legs gently brushing but not overdoing it.
    "You mom is great, I don't know why I was worried!" Thomas whispered to Newt.
    "I told you, my mom is super laid back. It's hard to make her not like you."
    "Do you think I should sing her    One Direction?"
    "Thomas no."

    "So do you two have any classes together?" Tasha asked as she sipped her tea.
    "Just Psychology, but we spend most of our free time together," Thomas said as his fingers slowly intertwined themselves with Newt's.
    "I have to entertain him basically all day." Newt teased.
    "Nuh uh! I'm not a child!" Thomas protested.
    "You're not?" Newt bit his lip to keep from smiling.
    "Shut up little kitten."
    "Stop calling me that!" Newt glared at him.
    Thomas gave him a side smirk of victory and squeezed his hand.
    Tasha smiled fondly at the two boys. She missed having Newt at home, but now she was starting to understand that sending him away to college was the best thing she ever could have done for her son. "Well you two seem very happy."
    Thomas smiled down at Newt before nodding at his mom. "Your son makes me happy."
    "Bloody sap," Newt muttered. The redness in his cheeks took all the spite out of the words though.
    "So do you like college so far Newt?" Tasha asked as she put her mug on the coffee table.
    Newt smiled as he looked up at his boyfriend. "Yeah. Yeah I love it."
    "I can't believe how many ornaments are on that tree." Thomas laughed as the three admired their work. Thomas' arm was rested loosely on Newt's back, his thumb circling lightly on Newt's skin.
    "I think it's the best tree we've ever decorated." Tasha grinned as she ruffled Newt's hair.
    "Hey! Stop," Newt whined as he hid his face in Thomas' shoulder.
    "I don't know about you boys but I'm exhausted. I'm going to head to my room. I'm so glad you both are here. Thanks for helping me carry the tree in Thomas." Tasha warmly smiled and then disappeared up the stairs.
    "Movie?" Thomas turned to Newt who nodded happily.
    "Wanna watch Love Actually? It's my favorite Christmas movie." Newt asked as he searched through his suitcase to find sweatpants.
    "Sure." Thomas smiled as he tossed one of his hoodies in Newt's direction.
    "You know, I think you have a 'Newt wearing your clothes' fetish." Newt shook his head but pulled on the hoodie anyways. It wasn't like he hated.
    "Shut up maybe I do."
    After they both quickly changed they took place on the couch. Thomas laid down, pulling Newt practically on top of him. Newt's chest was flush against Thomas', his head tucked under his chin.
    Almost 15 minutes into the movie the two were fast asleep.

    Thomas woke up first, his muscles aching from where Newt was laying on them. The blonde boy was still fast asleep, snoring softly on Thomas' chest, his arm still wrapped loosely around his waist.
    Thomas smiled and carefully slid out from under Newt. Newt stirred slightly but stayed asleep. Thomas stretched, slowly gaining feeling back into his aching muscles.
    "You know you're so goddamn small but really heavy." Thomas crawled back onto the couch, hovering over his boyfriend.
    Thomas softly kissed his cheek and rubbed his arm. "Newt, time to wake up."
    Newt hummed and tried to squirm away from Thomas' hand on his arm.
    Thomas laughed and placed another kiss on his cheek, followed by another one on the corner of his mouth.
    "Get up bloody lazy Britt." Thomas said, very poorly impersonating a British accent.
    Newt eyes fluttered open and he flailed his arm out to push Thomas. "Did you seriously just say that?"
    Thomas laughed and kissed his cheek again. "You weren't waking up."
    Newt smiled and shifted himself so he was more comfortable. "If I pretend like I'm asleep will you keep doing that?"
    "But I'm hungry," Thomas whined as he poked Newt's side a few times.
    "Okay okay stop stop!" Newt squirmed as he tried to push Thomas' hand away.
    Thomas smiled and pecked Newt's lips before getting off the couch.
    Newt looked up at him sleepily and stuck his arms out. "Help."
    Thomas shook his head and scooped Newt up, laughing when Newt yelped in surprise.
    "I didn't mean carry me!" Newt weakly protested as he laid his head on Thomas' shoulder.
    "You're small and I wanted food."
    "I'm not that small!"
    They turned the corner into the kitchen and froze when they saw Newt's mom standing there with a full plate of waffles.
    "This isn't what it looks like," Thomas finally said as his hand under Newt's legs tightened.
    Tasha just laughed and put the plate on the island. "Well when you're done holding my son like I used to, breakfast is ready."
    Thomas slowly put Newt down and stared at the food. He looked up at Newt's mom and rubbed the back of his neck. "We thought you were still asleep."
    Tasha laughed. "You boys are strange."
    Newt shook his head and grabbed a waffle, putting it on a plate.
    Thomas watched Tasha leave the kitchen before getting a waffle of his own.
    "Did we scare her off?"
    Newt shook his head and grabbed the maple syrup. "You're the first guy I brought home, you could probably burn this place down and she'd still love you."
    "I'm the first guy you brought home?!" Thomas asked as he turned to look at him.
    Newt stabbed his waffle with his fork. "Yeah don't laugh."
    "I'm not." Thomas grinned as he wrapped his arms around Newt from behind. "Let's hope I'm also the last."

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