my psyco hubby ( raglak os )

Par anaz1994

3.6K 240 73

its an req raglak os abt how physco hubby turns to an lovely hubby Plus



2.2K 147 63
Par anaz1994

     My psycho hubby

Hii guyz anaz here my next os " my psycho hubby " req by user47503907

Well guyz i dont like mens treating woman badly i am opposite to it never encourage it ... But i am really sry this os having such sceens plz bear me cz its an req os i will try my best to convince u all more bak bak lets move to the story

Sceen begins in an maheswari industries , we can see an beautifull interior inside the company , many workers r there except keyboard sound we couldnt hear their breathing sounds too ... Some peoples waiting outside the conferrence room everyone face is showing tension some where go through their files some were adjusting themself some speaking to themself under their breath we can see big board hanging on the wall silence please....

One girl biting her finger in tension another one girl noticed it ...hey wt r u dg ?

She turns towards her then said i am tensed yrr see how many came to attend the interview here ( yes all waiting for an  interview ) how could i get job here

Dont worry yrr if u didnt get this job also fine

Wt r u saying ?

Haan if he rejected u no prblm cz many companies waiting to select peoples whoever rejected by him

Wt ? Hann we done lot of test na before coming to here ...

Haan thats the basic quality for working in other companies everything is perfect ...

Really who is the owner i mean who gonna takes interview of us ?

Did u heared abt laksh maheshwari ... No.1 business man he is just perfect in all he was an role model to many beginners... Thats good

But do u know what?


This is not his real face...

Then ?

I heared something about his life let me tell u wt was happend in his life

Narration in third person pov :

We can see an beautifully decorated mandap groom is sitting there his face revealed to be our laksh his face is having plastered smirk ...

We cant see anyone from his side to attend his mrg...bride relatives only there thats too seven or eight peoples... Some brings brides to mandap nd makes her sit beside him her face revealed to raginii

Shekhar is standing there helplessly his eyes brimmed with tears after saw her in brides attire ... Shomi also there but we couldnt judge her whether she is crying or not giving mixed emotions...

Rituals one by one going on finally mrg were completed pandith said now u both r husband nd wife ...laksh tighten his grip on ragini hand its hurts her she moaned lil nd looked him straightly with her teary eyes ...he is smirking back

Its an bidaai time shekhar asked to arrange everything for bidaii laksh showed his palm no needs we r going

But betta .. He glared shekhar nd said not betta its laksh sir for u he warned him in strict voice shekhar gulped in fear...

Ragini looked him with teary eyes laksh hold ragini hand tightly nd dragged her along with him badly...his grips on her is hurting her alot laksh leave me its paining ragini shouts ... Laksh turns back she dashed on his chest he hold her face tightly dont u dare to order me did u get that ...he push her inside the car nd asked driver to starts the car...

Ragini eyes overflowed with tears ...

Both raglak reached in MM he opend the door loudly ragini scared lot ...she stayed there in the hope someone will take arati to her...laksh turns back he dragged her inside nd pushed her down... Ragini shouts ouch  ...

See dont expect someone will take arati for u , no one is here i send all servants from here cz u came here na to do all household works ...ragini looked him shockedly..

Just remember ur position here no one will takes care u as princess here  anymore like ur dad treats u , u r just an slave here did u get that

Y laksh ? Wt i done with u ? Y did u treating me like this ?

Laksh starts to laugh scarstically r u asking to me ragini gadodia wt u have done with me ?

Now i am standing here alone , no one is there for me cz of u just cz of u damn it

Ragini looking him confusedly wt r u saying laksh ? I cant understand anything

U wanna know the reason hena ok then was happend 10 years back i was in my school me my mumma pappa visited kolkatta to attend an mrg function

While returning to home suddenly someone crossed our car to rescue that person pappa takes turn our car hits on the opposite truck... My mom pappa turns to unconcious i was floating in the pool of blood my head got heavy injury i saw ur father nd shomi face clearly his daughter who crossed our car to save u my pappa takes turn there...may i forgive u but ur pappa didnt helped us to admit in hospital takes u nd his so called wife from there hurridly without caring us

I losted my parents in that accident,if he shows lil mercy on us may my parents will alive now... Laksh said with teary eyes...

Raginii eyes too filled with tears i am really very sry laksh for my pappa mistakes. ....sry do u really thinking ragini ur sry can able to gimme back my parents alive or heal my wounds

She nods noo... 

No hena thats y i trapped ur father businees nd married u forcefully ur pappa wanna die in guilty for his deeds u r gonna pay back for ur pappa he said in rage ....

Now get ready nd bring coffee to me quick he ordered her... Ragini thought she must bear this all cz she deserved it...

Laksh changed to his normal attire ragini came with coffee for him she is still in her same attire...he sipped the coffee his tongue burns in hot wt the hell he shouts nd suffused that hot coffee on her...arrh ragini moan in burning sensation by gid grace most of the coffee fell on her dress lil fell on her hand ...

Go nd bring juice for me he ordered to her ragini rushed to kitchen with teary eyes , she dipped her hand in cold water then blew air on it...she controlling her tears nd starts to make juice for him though her tears overflowing to her cheeks....

She couldnt walk properly in her heavy lehanga by holding juice on one hand somehow she reached there she forward juice to him he takes it from her nd sipped it lightly its source in which fruit u done it ? she replied scardely...he threw that glass in angry how dare u to give me a orange juice i prefer apple juice did u get that...

I will make it for u ... Y should i wait for u no need just clean the floor immediately she nods hmmm ....she is searching some clothes to clean it he moved close to her made her heart beat raised ragini looking him tensdely he slowly removed the shawl from her she scared lil... He threw it down nd asked her to clean the floor with it she is looking him shockingly he moved back to his work...ragini still was in her same attire he ordered to her dont change it till he night time laksh dragged her to his balcony there was an glass door he asked her to sleep on floor he closed the door nd starts to sleep in his luxuarious bed... Ragini looked him with teary eyes she sat on the floor nd slept in tired due to cold she is shivering bad ...

Next day begins ragini got fever still she is sleeping there in same position laksh shout raginii...she jerked nd losted her balance lil

Go nd bring my coffee quick ...she nods weakly , she somehow prepared it for him he drank it nd noticesed her attire go nd change ur clothes ... He said calmly while sipping coffee she said thanks but my clothes

It was in ur room he said... He showed one small room to her...this is ur room she nods ok

Once he takes her out nd intentionally left her middle of road nd asked her come to home by walking

He insulted ragini in his business party

Like this laksh torturing ragini  hell without showing mercy to her ,shekhar tried to contact ragini but laksh never allowed him , laksh will turns to violent more sometimes that time he will beat ragini badly ragini bearing all pains without complaining she is obeying him like a kid

Somewhere laksh couldnt controll himself burst out on her,his angry ruling him doesnt know wr he lost his heart nd wetness  he know well he is torturing ragini like hell but he is helpless infront of his anger the surpricing act was ragini didnt complaining anything 

That was the day ragini cleaning the kitchen she felt some bad vibration she avoided it... Laksh getting ready to go office ragini stopped him for the first time he got angry though he controlled it wt do u want now ? Laksh plz dont go i felt bad like something wrong gonna happen u laksh looked her disbeliefly i wont listen u leave my way he shouts loudly...

Laksh plz listen to me once ragini plead to him wt do u want ragini tdy i have an important presentation leave my way she can sense him turning to violent ok laksh i am not stopping u but atleast plz tie this on ur hand she showed raksha dhaga to him it will save u from all evils she said nd tied on his hand laksh looking her teary eyes he remaind how his mom tie it on his hand in same way .... He stayed there like an statue its showing still his heart is with him only...he flushed out his thought nd left while giving one last look to ragini she is praying to god

In evg ragini was tensed alot she is waiting for laksh... Till he didnt come back tears filled her eyes ...soon she heared an horn sound she rushed out nd saw laksh there unknown pleasure took place in her she run near to him in happy laksh r u ok na ? Y did u late this much ?

He looked her top to bottom nd left to his room without replying to her...... Ragini waited outside hesitately laksh noticed this nd pretented to sleep avoide ragini...

She covered himself in blanket nd left...laksh eyes turns to teary y this girl is showing this much care on me after i done alot with her...she used to hate me na then y ?

He remaind while taking presentation his raksha dhaga stucked on anil he bend down in the force one bullet crossed him...if he stood there in same position that bullet will enter into him...everyone starts to run here nd there in tension laksh catched the person nd show black nd blue to him when he enquired him he confessed opposite dealers hired him to kill laksh... He handovered him to cop laksh looked that dhaga emotionally he can see his mom presence in her....

He tried to sleep but couldnt its far away from him he moved near to ragini room he felt cold there he noticed window is half opend there ragini is shivering in cold he moved to close the window but its very tight he couldnt close it... This girl is so stupid y dont she asked me to change this window ...

He wish to cover herself with blanket atleast... But nothing is there he looked her emotionally i didnt offered anything to her yet then how did she living her without complaining... He banged his hands on the wall he picked her in his arms nd made her lay on his bed he covered herself with his blanket...after saw her sleeping peacefully he felt an unknown pleasure inside him after a long time... He too slept beside her....

Ragini wakeup from bed nd shocked to see her in laksh bed how did i slept here if he saw me this much close to him he will finish me by saying this she rushed to her washroom laksh opend his eyes lil nd smiled in her antics...

From that day laksh trying his best not to show his angry on her sometimes he is shouting on her without his knowledge cz he used to it whenever he is angry showing it to raginii...

Laksh treating her much better nowdays ragini overwhelmed his changes ...

One pleasant day laksh rushed back to home in hurry ragini who was working in kitchen he dragged her forcefully with him she doesnt know wt happend to him suddenly...the way he dragging him is different its not much tighter or soft he takes her to baadi

Ragini surpriced to see that she confused y did he takes me here..he signald her to go inside she is very happy when she walks further many crowds r there her heart starts to beat fast....she saw shekhar dead body there...ragini stunned to see that pappa she screamed loudly... She hugged him nd starts to cry badly laksh legs were stammering ...unknown fear raised in him... Cz his parents dead bodies images flashed on his mind.....some more incident makes him stands there weak... He couldnt see ragini in tears she is crying very badly....but his transe were broked by sharmishta she pushed ragini aside before she hits floor laksh hold her ...ragini r u ok ? He asked to her first time worriedly ...

But ragini didnt bother anything her gaze is in shekhar ... She abt to touch him again shomi pushed her now laksh anger reached in a peak he shouts on her dont u dare to touch my ragini again u.. **** everyone was there shocked to hear it.... I will show u whom am i by saying this

Laksh takes ragini with him with so much care ragini was not in her sense crying badly...laksh laksh my pappa ...she sobbed like a kid

Laksh wiped her tears ragini plz dont cry controll ur emotions she threw herself on him laksh u wont leave me na alone  like my pappa ? She asked to him by clutching his shirt tightly plz laksh dont leave me i will be a good girl i will do everything for u ,beat me scold me ,i dont need anything from u but plz dont leave me alone laksh plz i  am begging to u...i suffered alot live alone i wont leave u cz i love u alot laksh she said with teary eyes laksh couldnt takes it anymore he hugged her back first time wholeheartedly that arrogant psychoic laksh vanished infront of her tears ragini i wont leave u ...i will never ever leave u alone i will be with u always he said patting her back he consoling ragini ....but she faints in his shoulder raginii he shouts while cupping her face tears rolled down to her cheeks...

Lil fb :

Laksh who was working on his company he received one parcel...he opend it some notes r in it..

Its letter from shekhar...he abt to tore it in angry but shekhar clearly mentioned in it plz dont tore it or threw it to dustbin before glance once or else u will regret of ur deeds .

Laksh confused nd starts to read it....

Dear laksh i know y did u married ragini forcefully to take revenge hena but u r wrong laksh...i mean u chose wrong person to take revenge

Laksh confused...

I am saying the truth laksh ragini is my own daughter but she is my first wife janaki daughter... I married her unintrestedly nd lead a lifeless life with her cz i was in love with sharmishta .....unexpectedly janaki died after giving birth to ragini....its tough to me upbring ragini alone so i married sharmishta she too agreed to take care of ragini as her own daughter but day by day her behaviour changed she send ragini to orphanage nd lied to me ragini was missing from that day i starts to search for her but i couldnt find her next swara come into our life she filled ragini place i takes care like an princess ...

That day u saw an child with us na its none other swara shomi blackmailed me if we stayed here anymore we will miss swara too like ragini i was blind in her words thats y i couldnt save ur parents

Years passed stella mother met me who was an head of xyxxxx orphanage she informed to me how shomi left ragini in orphanage ...she said how much ragini survived alone in orphanage..  Shekhar eyes overflowed with tears he bring back ragini to baadi its an great shock to swara nd shomi ....they doesnt know how to send ragini out in this situation u came to our life as a storm when u trapped me in business nd blackmailed us to give my daughter hand ... Shomi understood ur plan so she dragged ragini name in it to rescue her own daughter ..... She again played with my ragini life....she is an innocent soul laksh except pain nd lonelyness she didnt taste what is  love in her life yet ... I hope u will understand me.... Plz dont punish my child anymore for their deeds...

I am trusting u laksh u will take care her thats y i am sharing this with u
( said something muted )....

Hope u will solve this all ... I am leaving laksh enough to live in this cruel world i need an better punishment for trusting them...when u read this letter may i left u all....bye

Take care of my child...


Fb ends :

Laksh hugged ragini more tightly i am really sry bacha for everything i will treat u well hereafter i will respect u nd makes u happy what u deserved he kissed on her forehead
Final rituals were completed ....ragini abt to take shekhar pic shomi stopped her she abt to slap her before that laksh stopped her nd slapped her back...her eyes opend widely in shock

Hey how dare u to slap my mom swara interrupts he turns towards her nd slapped on her both cheeks
She touched her cheeks nd stayed back in fear

How dare u to raise ur hand against on my wife ? He roared he slapped her again

This is for torturing her this much year again one slap this for snatching her father love from her ,this is for hiding ur daughter mistakes slap this is for killing her mother

Everyone eyes opend widely in shock... Wt 😱😱

Laksh ragini muttered yes ragini she is the bloody criminal killed ur mom in delivary ward before she killing u nurse came thats y she left u ...

Ur pappa heared her conversation abt this when she confessed with her mom ...thats y he committed suicide he clearly mentioned her name in his suicide notes ... Now its pay back time shomi he roared

Ragini burst out in tears she looked shomi in disguisting way laksh takes her to his embrace she hide her face in his chest nd cried out....

Laksh called inspector...cop came nd arrest shomi she tried to defend but went in vain...she blamed laksh for forcing ragini to marry him nd how he tortured her inspector enquired ragini ...she said noo i love my husband no one forced her ...laksh looked ragini in amazing way swara shouted on laksh he simply pushed her back...

Now its ur turn to pay back swara for ruining my ur dad left u mom too ...its ur time to spend ur remain life alone...only one thing happend favour to us cz of u guyz
I got my raginii we will spend our remain life happily together... By saying this he took ragini with him

Raglak reached home laksh appointed servants , he shifted ragini things to his room .... His care on ragini increased starts to love her unconditionally ragini overwhelmed with his love in her life she didnt tasted love yet so his love is new to her ...he changed himself thoroughly for her arrogant husband turns to an lovely hubby

Still one doubt is remaining how did she loved me after i done this much to her... He couldnt takes it anymore he asked to her ragini y did u loving me this much when i did nothing to u when i failed to respect u nd give wife position to u ....u didnt complaint to me ever just obeyed all like an kid beared all pain alone i dont deserved ur love ragini

Ragini closed his mouth laksh dont say like that... Who told that u r very bad ? Laksh u didnt done anything in ur presence of mind .. Its all happening cz of ur unbalanced state...

I read ur medical report laksh once i cleaned the room i got to know u starts to react violent after that heavy injury on ur accident 10 years back...u r mentally depressed too when ur parents left u alone thats y lonelyness created an world for u filled with anger nd revenge thats y u behaved like an psycho that doesnt mean u dont have heart nd wetness ...

It was there i saw that in ur eyes whenever i suffered u glared me back first i didnt understood the meaning later i comes to know its was pain ... U couldnt see me in pain thats y u plastered smirk in ur face nd covered urself with anger i let it be nd beared all pains for u cz u r the only person is there for me till my death i  am ready to bear all for u laksh...

He hugged her tightly in happy tq u ragini for understanding me plz dont leave me ....i cant live without u...he cried in her shoulder like a kid ragini caressed his hair like an mom she kissed on his forehead...

Their beautifull life begins..... Arrogant hubby changed into lovable hubby....

Main pov ends

Now sceen came back to office...that girl heared this all while opening her mouth in oval shape...

Sruthiii... That girl announced for an interview she stood up in fear nd walked inside tensedly...

May i come in sir...

Yes come in ...he is checking the file here sruthi looking him top to bottom nd remaind her friend story god wt will he do if i said something wrongly ...

She gulped in fear laksh looking her strangely hello please he showed seat...

She sat hesitately... He gave pen to her then asked her to write something on board ...

She wrote "something " on board she banged her head god he asked me to write something on board but i write something word on board she turns back sheepishly ....laksh said good ... U r appointed

She faints there .... After few minutes she opens her eyes nd saw one lady is infront of her she got up nd looked around she is in laksh room...

Laksh she got concious she said laksh gazs fell on sruthi he smiled in teasing way...

Sry sir she mutterd...ragini i told u na she is same as u ...ragini pout

Sruthi looking her surpricingly r u ragini mam his wife

She nods back...haan

U r looking very beaitifull like angel from heaven... She is blaberring ..
See how she getting ur attention ragini she glared him back he gulped in fear...

Sruthi noticed this...

If u dont mind can u come nd join tomorrow its my lunch time he pointed his table ... Sry sir tq mam tq sir i am leaving... She rushed out in funny way

Both raglak bursted out in laugh in her antics...soon ragini glared laksh
He stopped laughing so she trying to get my attention by praising me

Wt do u mean i am not pretty ?

Laksh pulls her close to him she said u r looking like angel from heaven..its lie

Ragini pout

U r my angel by saying this he kissed on her cheek ragini blushed hardly....

      Screen freezed on their happy face

         The end

Guyz leave ur cmnts...  Abt this os spcr257 i am sry dr if i fail to give more torturing sceen cz i cant see her in such state ... Hope u dont mind guyz leave ur cmnts

Continuer la Lecture

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