
By user07225661

1.2K 64 4

Based off of Bella and Edward going through the darkest part of their lives, on the journey finding out the h... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
final chapter

chapter 7

68 3 1
By user07225661

It was raining out. A lot harder than usual, even for Forks. I couldn't sleep because of the rain, so I walked over to my window. The only light came from hanging lanterns scattered around yards and in places of streetlights. That's when I knew it was a dream. In today's society, everyplace had streetlights.

I heard something scuttle across the floor behind me. I gasped in shock. There was unpolished or lamented, rough wood floors. The ceiling had heavy beams going every which way. I had a four-poster bed. My desk and computer were gone, replaced by a little make up table, complete with mirror and stool. The walls were stone, unlike my room at home which was painted light blue. There was a self-standing wardrobe in the corner of the room, very noble looking and old fashion, which was slightly ajar.

I made my way over to it with the intention of closing it. About half way there I noticed slender white fingers gripping the slightly opened door.

"Hello?" I called, concerned for this person's health. Surely they wouldn't be in a wardrobe if they weren't hurt or at least sick. "Are you okay?" I asked, moving closer.

As I gripped the handle of the wardrobe I got hit with a million images at once. Then the electricity came, stronger then ever.

"Edward!" I shouted, flinging the wardrobe doors open.

I heard a blood-curling, ear-piercing scream. My eyes flew open, and with shock I realized that the scream was mine. I was sitting up. I looked around me. I was back in my regular bedroom, with my computer and desk and light blue walls all back to normal. Edward was staring at me in a mixture of shock and fear.

"Bella," he whispered. "You scared me, I didn't know what was wrong."

"Charlie didn't hear?" That makes me feel real safe, I thought sarcastically.

"Hear what, Bella?" he asked, puzzled. His beautiful face was filled with concern.

"My scream, you didn't hear me scream?" I asked, my voice flooding with panic. There was no way I could've dreamt that scream.

"You didn't scream," he said, worried. "Your eyes and mouth just flew open, then you were sitting up."

"Did you…" I began, but my voice trembled. "Did you feel the electricity?"

"Bella, you were sleeping. I felt or heard nothing." He said. Panic now flooded his voice and made itself aware on his face, also.

A tear slid down my cheek. He pulled me close to him and started hugging me tightly.

"It's okay, it was just a dream," he whispered soothingly. I wasn't sure if I believed that or not.

My eyes scanned the room in the darkness. I then noticed the closet door, slightly ajar. I remembered what I saw before I drifted to sleep. I whimpered pathetically and start climbing higher onto my bed, away from my closet. He looked at me to the closet, me to the closet. He started to get off the bed and go to the closet.

"No, Edward! Don't!" I whispered frantically, on the verge of screaming. I jumped just in time to grab his arm. "Please don't leave me."

"I'm just going to check the closet real quick," he whispered. "I'll be right here."

The same electricity kicked up from my dream, but it only scared me more. More tears silently escaped as I let him go, I had no choice. Just as his hand wrapped around the knob to my closet, a thousand different pictures flashed across my eyes, knocking the wind out of me. I clutched my stomach and called out to Edward to stop him, but it was only a mere whisper and he wasn't paying attention. I couldn't stop him from opening the door.

Silently, I fell from the side of my bed. Just before my head collided with the floor I saw Edward open the closet door. A body, the body of a dead Quileute Elder, fell to the ground in front of him. With that picture plastered all over my brain, my head collided with the floor, and everything went dark.

I opened my eyes slowly. I was in a blindingly white room. The bed was stiff and uncomfortable, there was an IV in my arm, and there was an annoying beeping sound from someplace else on the floor. I had been here enough to know it was a hospital. Charlie was asleep in a recliner chair near my bed. I saw a nurse walked by the little window in my room's door. Once she saw I was awake she walked in.

"Oh, good. You're awake. I'm Dr. Monroe, by the way," she said in a friendly voice.

"Where's Carli – I mean Dr. Cullen?" I asked through the cloudy haze surrounding my brain.

Her smile faltered a little bit. "He's called in sick this week. Flu, poor guy."

"Oh," I figured he was just trying to work out a plan. Then I realized I had no idea why I was even in the hospital. "Why am I…uh…here?" "You fell of your bed and hit your head pretty hard. Do you normally move a lot in your sleep?" she asked, pen and clipboard ready.

"Not really," I answered truthfully.

"Well usually moving in your sleep shows stress andor discomfort about something in your conscious state. We become restless in our subconscious when we have unresolved issues," she explained. "Are you feeling tense or stressed when you're awake? Any boyfriend problems or problems with your father?" she asked.

Charlie somehow was still sound asleep. I glanced at the clock. It was six o'clock at night.

"Have I been out a while?" I asked, shocked.

"Just for today, you're father brought you in really early this morning. But back to the questions." She probed.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "My relationship with Charlie and my boyfriend are just fine," I snapped. My head hurt like crazy and her interview wasn't helping things. Plus a stray bedspring was jabbing me in the back.

She seemed taken aback by my tone. She was obviously expecting me to put on a fake face, like her. "So you have been stressed andor tense?" she concluded.

"Just a little," I didn't bother lying, she had to know by my attitude anyway. "Why does it matter?"

"Well, we certainly don't want you to fall again. This time you weren't seriously harmed, but I don't think we should take any more chances. I'm registering you with one of our psychiatrists."

"No!" I protested. A shrink would just clog up my already limited time with Edward. "I'm not crazy and if you think I am then I think you're the one who needs a psychiatrist!"

"No!" I protested. A shrink would just clog up my already limited time with Edward. "I'm not crazy and if you think I am then I think you're the one who needs a psychiatrist!"

I normally would never have said that, but there was a war going on and Edward was in it. The last thing I needed was appointments with someone who thought me to be mentally unstable.

"You'll only go twice a week. That shouldn't put a hold on your flourishing social life, should it?" she said scathingly. She was also irritated today. "Well if that's all, I have more pressing patients who are actually happy to be treated to deal with. Good day." She got up and left in a huff.

I sighed in defeat and laid back down. I had a throbbing headache now, plus images of what happened before I fell unconscious kept coming back to me. Edward opening the closet, the dream, the dead Elder. I wondered if Edward had moved the Elder, or if he was still in my closet. For possibly the first time in my entire life, listening to the rain helped soothed me. I sighed and rubbed my temples.

I heard a low chuckle. My eyes flew open and scanned the room. It took me a minute to notice that Charlie had woken.

"You surprised me there, Bells. I never thought I would see you get sarcastic with a doctor," he said, once he had caught me eye.

"I thought you were asleep!" I said.

"How was I suppose to sleep with you going crazy on the poor doctor?" he asked, smiling.

I looked away sheepishly.

"You really scared me this morning," he said, looking down. I knew I must have affected him because Charlie usually never expresses his emotions out loud.

"I'm sorry, dad. I guess I just rolled out of bed," I said.

"You've never rolled out of bed before," he mused. "Are you sure you're not keeping something from me? First you faint, then your truck goes God knows where, and now you start falling out of bed? You can tell me anything, Bella. I love you," he said.

I almost told him the truth right then and there. His eyes were so full of emotion for me that all I wanted to do was crawl into his lap. I knew I had to be stronger then that. I already had made a mistake telling Jacob, I couldn't put the Cullens in any more danger. Plus, Charlie was a cop.

"No, dad," I lied, feeling horrible, "There's nothing going on."

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