Kangst for the Soul

By Silvershadow989

185K 3.8K 4.9K

Oneshots about Keith!! Will mostly contain angst but I might add fluff if the mood strikes me. More



13.3K 244 160
By Silvershadow989

I don't own Voltron

He looked worriedly at the red lion, at the particle barrier and the nagging doubt almost swamped him. Did the lion want him? Was he not good enough? Did the princess choose wrong? He then frowned and shook his head, disbanding the thoughts as he summoned his Bayard and shield, turning to taunt the so called sentient lion. He turns back quick enough to block a shot aimed at his chest but another catches him in the side and he fights to stay standing. It burns and he wants to curl up in bubble wrap to stop getting bruises and cuts on skin that's already discoloured and scarred. He takes a deep breath, mutters Shiro's catchphrase and attacks the droids quickly and efficiently. Yet reinforcements arrive and his mind sees the only option to stop them being to open the air lock, the droids would end up in space, the Red lion wouldn't. It would be a win-win situation for Voltron, if he could hold on. Another laser hit his chest plate and he flew backwards towards the control panel. With a thought, his helmet has sealed off his mouth opening and started supplying him with air. So he smirks and opens the bay doors.

As he predicted, the droids are flung out into space, and he would of followed, if not for his hold on the panel. He groans with the effort of hanging on, looking up at the red lion before a piece of debris hits his head hard, making him lose his grip with one hand as his vision goes fuzzy. He struggles to keep hold, trying to grab the console with his other hand, he almost reaches it before another chunk of what must be rock his his already aching head, and sends him flying into space.

He looks around, panicked, and tries to make sense of what's going on. His head is ringing, pounding with the rabid beat of his heart and is side is bleeding - he thinks, it went kinda numb when he first got hit in the head. Then theres a huge white maw opening up in front of him, blue light not helping his headache the red lion swallowed him whole, deposited him on a rather comfy chair, and purred reassuringly in his head, easing the pain. Keith smirked knowingly - feeling exactly what the lion wanted to do - and pushed it forwards.

"Good kitty, let's roll".


He watched with bated breath as the hanger door rolled open, revealing the black lion. The sheer size made him want to hide underneath something. He leant against Red, who purred in his mind helping him shake off the hazy vision that refused to completely go away. His side was still numb, but was starting to throb, hot pulses that make him shake ever so slightly. He was grateful for the black wad of gauze that Red had stocked in it's cockpit, and how it hid the fact that he was wounded. He could feel the lion's worry for him, but he didn't really want others to panic, so he kept quiet, and watched.

He physically couldn't stop the noise that was torn out of his mouth when the Black lion stood up and roared, the sound feeling like someone was stabbing his skull with white hot knives. He whimpered when the other lions roared, because Red's roar was twenty times louder in his head. It made him want to scream. No one noticed though, and then Allura was alerting them that Sendak had entered the atmosphere, and that they needed Voltron right there and then. So he grit his teeth, pushed everything aside and got on with it, like a good soldier was meant to.

"Defenders of the universe huh? That's got a nice ring to it." Shiro said, smiling at the others. Keith couldn't stop the smile stretching across his own face, even as the adrenaline wave he had been riding crashed. His head - which was now hurting too much for him to even attempt to concentrate - his vision was swimming and his side was burning, feeling like it had acid poured on it. The new bruises sustained from the ion cannon, Hunk bashing into him and the force of punching through metal were making themselves established. He attempted to stand up straighter when Red purred quietly - showing the lion's concern. He looked up, vision whiting out briefly when he moved too fast, and, seeing the others heading inside, attempted to follow them. He took a step, stumbled and fell, yet again jarring his head and he groaned quietly. Why did everything hurt so damn much?

He really wasn't aware of the fact that the others came back for him, after he fell. Didn't know that Shiro had carried him to the infirmary where his helmet was pried off along with the rest of his armour. He didn't hear Pidge's worried shout when the gauze that he had haphazardly taped in place was removed. All he knew is that, when he woke up from the cryopod and was given a bar of space chocolate by Hunk, and yelled at by Lance, he felt bad for hiding the fact that he was hurt, he hadn't realised how much they already cared.

Sorry it's short, I wrote this last year and don't really know what to add...

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