
By Darkest_Rose

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Standing on the path, my life flashed before my eyes. The gun directed at me, went off. I could see the flash... More

So it begins
No Humanity
Black abyss
The Night Club
Getting into his head
My Accomplish
Final Fight
Becoming Whole
The End

Capture or Kill

18.8K 1K 101
By Darkest_Rose

Chapter 11

Caine POV

Watching the news about Nico and Lex murder, I know we're going to be brought in. It's not obvious to human but it's obvious to us hunter's that it's a group of vampire's. That's why they can't find any leads. Only soulless vampire's are capable of such killings but I have never seen a group of soulless vampire's in year's cause that much destruction in such a short time scale.

"Caine, the council wants us there as soon as possible" Callie said coming into the room.

"No prize for guessing why" I said nodding at the TV.

"You got it, the team is ready we're just waiting on you" She said eagerly.

Laughing at her enthusiasm, I got up and went to my room and quickly changed into my uniform and went down stairs to meet the others. It must be bad when there calling a team of us in, mostly we just go by ourselves or in groups of two, never a group of six.

The drive only took twenty minute's, you can feel the excitement in the car but also some fear, we haven't come up against a group of soulless vampire's.

Walking into the council's office we sat outside the conference room waiting to be called in.

"Caine, Callie, Jacob, Martin, Luther and Leah it's nice to see all of you, the council is ready for you now" Micheala smiled.

Standing up, we walked into the large conference room, it's not spectacular or grand, it's wall's are a boring beige, with golden colour blinds and a large wooden table sitting in the middle of the room. Taking our usual seats we waited for them to brief us.

"Thank you for coming, as you have probably seen on the news we have quite a problem. But what you're about to hear is going to be as much as a surprise to you and is was to us" Michael said seriously.

We all looked at each other wondering what could be such a surprise to them and us, nothing about this job surprises us.

This time Madison spoke,

"With any destruction of this level we would automatically think it's a group of soulless vampire's. But it's not in this case, a couple of Nico and Lex' s security guards are vampire's and were there that night. We're only dealing with one soulless vampire who has a rare power at a level we have never recorded before"

"One vampire took out their whole security team and killed both men" I asked sceptical.

"That's the thing, she didn't harm any of the security guards, she just used her power against them and went straight for Nico and Lex. She didn't do this on a whim, she built up to that point by scaring them two night's before hand" Madison explained.

"So we're dealing with a female vampire, what's her power? I don't understand why she left the guards alive, soulless vampires would have killed everyone of them" Callie asked the same questions that were going though my mind.

"Her power is Sonokinesis would on a whole other level that we have never seen, she isn't acting like the soulless vampire's we normally meet. But one thing we're certain of is that whatever she has planned it's got to do with Nico and Lex, so we need to watch everyone of their employee's, I'm sure that's where you will find her" Madison said.

"Okay I won't ask why you certain it's to do with them, you have never steered us wrong before, do you have a description of her?" I asked.

"We do, She is about 5 ft 7 or 8, she has dark red hair, green eyes and blood red lips, she has the usual traits of a vampire" Michael said.

"She sounds hot" Jacob whispered.

Giving him a glare, he shut up. It's not the time or place even if most of us are thinking that.

"All the information you will need is in this brief, along with details of accommodation" he said holding out the brief. I guess that's it.

Standing up, I walked towards him and got the brief. We left straight away, no time like the present.

We all went through the brief but I went over every single detail, she has killed the main men, she might not even be after the rest but all the same we have to be prepared. They have a number of warehouses, some close together. But the one thing we all got from the brief is that she has done the world a favour. These men are brutal and remorseless killer's without having the excuse of being a soulless vampire.

By the time we got set up it is already dark, to cover each warehouse we're going to have to split up. I would be nervous doing that if it was a group of vampire's but it's only one, we should be well able to manage.

Sitting on the roof of the warehouse, I watched for anything strange. We all have our ear piece's in so we can communicate if anything happens. Callie and myself are the closest to each other, Leah and Jacob are close to one another and the same with Luther and Martin.

The time dragged with no sign of her but I got an insight on drug and weapon smuggling. These men really are scum. Just as I'm getting comfortable, Callie' s voice came in through my ear piece,

"Caine, she is here, I'm going to make my move" She whispered.

"Okay be careful, I'm on my way" I told her, as I got us and started to climb down.

"Shit, she has killed two of them, Damn she is fast" Callie said just as I heard her gun go off.

Racing to my car, I got in a sped towards the warehouse. Callie hasn't spoken since the gun went off, I have been calling her name during the whole drive. I shouldn't have split us up, not when the council said she is powerful, I shouldn't have put her in the same category as other vampire's. Seeing the turn, I drove down the drive and skidded to a stop just outside the door. Jumping out, I expected to find the worst.

My heart thumped in my chest. Searching for Callie, I found her trying to move and get up. She is alive.

"Callie are you okay?" I asked rushing to her side.

"Yeah, I'm okay just a bit sore, I had her, she didn't even see me coming, but she is quick, her power is something else. But she didn't kill me even though she must have known who I am. Why didn't she kill me?" She asked confused.

"I don't know Callie, nothing about her is making sense" I said as I helped her up.

Looking around, I spotted the two men's bodies on the ground with their throat ripped out. She didn't feed this time. Soulless vampire's thirst is off the scale, they can't resist the opportunity to feed, so why didn't she. The same way Callie should be dead, but whatever changed her mind about her, I'm grateful for, Callie is like a little sister to me.

Helping her into the car, I got out of their as quickly as possible. The last thing we need is to be on the cops radar. Through my ear piece, I called the rest of the team back. The house we're staying in isn't that far away. After ten minutes of a drive, I parked up outside of it and helped Callie inside.

"Are you in much pain?" I asked.

"More bruising that anything, she didn't hit me with full power, just enough to knock me out while she escaped" She reassured me.

"Are you sure?" I double checked.

"Yes now stop worrying, you're supposed to be the big bad ass hunter and really you're just a big teddy bear" She laughed.

"That's stays between you and me" I winked.

The rest of the team arrived shortly after. None of us could figure out why she didn't kill Callie or why she didn't drain those two me. Her moves are calculated, there aren't random attacks, she is choosing these men for a reason.

The next place to look since its a weekend, is a nightclub they always go to. So that's what we're going to try tomorrow.

Falling asleep is harder than I imagined, so many thing' s are going through my mind, this doesn't make any sense, none of it does. Hour's later I finally feel asleep. My dreams we're consumed by images of a faceless girl being shot and falling slowly to the pavement til her body impacted with it. Then it skipped to flashes of red hair and green eyes as the word soon whispered in my ears.

Waking up, I tried to make sense of it, did I read some thing like that in a brief before, did I watch a film that could have been in. But none of that feels right, my heart ached in that dream and the extremed need to protect the girl in it is something I have never felt before.

Old stories from year's ago say that a hunter can dream about their soul mate before they find them, it's means their close. But if my dream is right, my soul mate has been badly hurt maybe even dead. I pushed those thoughts deep down inside me, it turns my stomach to think anything like that could have happened.

It is late by the time we got to the club's entrance. The other's walked in before me, but I stopped. My heart began thumping in my chest, I could feel someone watching me. Looking up, I spotted someone sitting on a motorbike. Then my eyes met hers and my whole world stopped. She is more than I could have ever wished her, she is beautiful, her green eyes widened as they roamed every inch of me, my body burned everywhere her eyes landed. Finally they came back to meet mine. I couldn't pull my eyes from her lips, there full and a beautiful shade of red that matches her hair from the small amount I see.

Just like that the spell broke, she pulled her eyes away from mine and started her bike. She turned and drove off. I did the unmanly thing and ran shouting at her, but it didn't matter she kept going. Standing in the middle of the road, I fell sick, why did she drive off? I know I'm a hunter and she is a vampire but that doesn't make a difference to me.

Callie' s voice echoed in my ear, a whisper at first and then shouting.

"What Callie" I snapped.

"Sorry to disturb you, but you need to get in here, she has killed another two men" She said emotionless, making me feel terrible for snapping.

"Sorry Callie, I'm on my way" I told her.

Then it all fell into place, the council's description, Callie description and the two men inside. She is the vampire I'm hunting, my stomach turned at the thought of hurting her even though I shouldn't feel like this. Looking into her eyes, I know she isn't soulless, well not completely, their is emotion in her eye, soulless vampire's eyes look dead, hers are alive when she looked at me. I need to find her before she kills anymore, I need to save her, I can bring her soul back.

Walking inside the club, I didn't know what to expect, a brutal murder scene like Nico and Lex or a clean one like at the warehouse. I didn't know how I would feel, would it change my mind. Walking up the steps, I walked into the VIP room and to my surprise it is  completely different to any killings a vampire would do, soulless vampires are brutal and vicious killings, the only think I can think of is what did Lex and Nico do to her for her to kill them the way she did, these killings are personal, they did something to her and finding out what could lead me to her.

"Caine none of this is adding up, are the council sure she is a soulless vampire and not one whose beloved was killed and she is taking revenge but then that doesn't add up either because the council would have a record of her" Callie said confused.

"I'm starting to think she isn't what she seems, well not completely soulless, has there ever been a record of a vampire like that?" Luther asked looking just as confused.

"I think we need to find out more about her before we kill her, we should aim to capture and not kill her, once we capture we can decide whether to kill her or bring her to the council for them to make a decision" Leah suggested.

"Agree" we all said.

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