Freedom (Pitch Perfect 3 Cont...

By Britt_Anna_Huh

379K 9.9K 6.8K

Highest Ranking: 1# in Pitchperfect (25/7/18) 1# in Pitchperfect2 (25/7/18) 1# in Pitchperfect3 (01/8/18) 1#... More

Chapter 1 - Im So Stupid
Chapter 2 - Best Friends.
Chapter 3 - Home
Chapter 4 - Shopping Trip
Chapter 5 - Staying In New York?
Chapter 6 - Lunch Date?
Chapter 7 - I'm Sorry
Chapter 8 - Bella Sleepover
Chapter 10 - Make Or Break
Chapter 11 - Let Me Look After You
Chapter 12 - The Party
Chapter 13 - You're Still Beca
Chapter 14 - Remember
Chapter 15 - Whisper
Chapter 16 - Open Arms
Chapter 17 - Other Side Of America
Chapter 18 - Emotional Rollercoaster
Chapter 19 - Out Of 10+ Million People.
Chapter 20 - Pain.
Chapter 21 - Call Her.
Chapter 22 - Blackness.
Chapter 23 - Different Personalities
Chapter 24 - I'm Here Now.
Chapter 25 - One Step At A Time
Chapter 26 - Condition
Chapter 27 - So Close
Chapter 28 - Now Or Never
Chapter 29 - I Will Not Lose You.
Hey Friends.... (Author Confession)
Chapter 30 - Something More Than Friendship.
Chapter 31 - Walls Up
Chapter 32 - You Don't Want This.
Chapter 33 - Dream Or Nightmare...
Chapter 34 - First Day
Chapter 35 - I Like You?
Chapter 36 - Test The Waters
Chapter 37 - Choose
Chapter 38 - YOU
Chapter 39 - Im Bisexual
Chapter 40 - Vet School
Chapter 41 - Bella Catch Up Time?
Chapter 42 - The Job
Chapter 43 - SongWriters
Chapter 44 - Morning Like These
Chapter 45 - Today Is The Day
Chapter 46 - Don't Do This
Chapter 47 - All The Things We Would Never Do
Chapter 48 - It's Okay To Not Be Fine
Chapter 49 - I Promise.
Chapter 50 - Early Birthday Present
Chapter 51 - Seattle
Chapter 52 - The Single
Chapter 53 - Good Timing
Time To Finish The Book?
Chapter 54 - Lake House
Chapter 55 - Beautiful Reality
Chapter 56 - Time to tell her.

Chapter 9 - DreamCatcher

7K 187 37
By Britt_Anna_Huh

Thank you all so much for 1K reads!! It means so much to me for this book to have hit 1000 reads so soon!
As a thank you here is an update that I wasn't planing on posting for another couple of days!
Enjoy x

(Chloe POV)

I know how much Beca hates movies, which is why I can feel her body getting heavy as it falls against my own.

We are about 30 minutes into 'Finding Dory' and I can hear Beca's breathing getting heavier by the minute.

I look to the left to see her head now dropped to the side and is beginning to lean closer to my shoulder.

I take this opportunity to lean further back into the couch so I was slightly more comfortable before I feel her head connect with my shoulder.

I don't know if she is fully asleep or just on the edge of sleep but I don't move, I don't want to risk disturbing her.

I let my eyes flicker around the group of girls, some were snuggled together, some were wrapped in blankets or eating popcorn, but all eyes were trained on the TV.

I pull the blanket that was sitting across my lap up gently, pushing so it was now spread across Beca too.

When I first offered it to her she would take it, by now she doesn't have a choice and she can't complain because she is asleep.

Without moving my arm that she is resting against too much I finally got it spread across her lap so she was now underneath the blanket with me.

I focus my eyes back onto the TV, trying to get my mind back into the movie.

But Beca begins to shift her weight beside me, shifting closer slightly as both of her arms circle around my one arm she is resting against, her fingers are cold as she presses them against my warm forearm.

At first I think I might have woken her up, but she lets out a small sigh and then becomes still once again, not moving a muscle.

I look down at her small figure curled up next to me... when she is asleep she looks a lot less scary and intimidating.

She actually looks kind of cute.... god she would kill me if I ever told her that.

I go to look back at the screen but a set of eyes catch mine.

Cynthia Rose is looking directly back at me, in the dark room I can still see her eyes flickering to Beca and back to me as they are illuminated slightly by the TV light.

It's barley visible, but the smallest smile makes its way onto her face, but it isn't a happy smile.

It looks almost sad... or sympathetic.

I let my eyebrows crease slightly but she just looks away and back to the TV screen. I can feel Beca's warm breath run across the top of my arm as I look away from Cynthia Rose and back to the TV.

(Beca POV)

"Beca? Bec?" I hear her voice first, then I feel her hands gently shaking me, "it's time for bed" she whispers again.

Where am I?

I can feel the events of my dream still running through my memory. My dads face... my moms face... the step monster.

Why do dreams feel real sometimes? Why.

I can still hear her voice in the background of reality, her soothing tone calms me, hearing her voice after a dream like that instantly makes me feel relieved and safe... as if she is going to make everything alright.

"Chloe?" I mumble are I scrunch up my face, my eyebrows forming a frown, "yeah it's me, Come on" She says pulling at my arms gently.

I finally peel my eyes open slowly as I'm met with a dark room. I look around to see I'm sitting on one of the couches in the lounge room at the Bella's house.

Then I remember the sleepover and how we were watching a movie, I must have fallen asleep during it.

I look around on the other couches to see most of the girls have gone, but a couple remained like Jessica and Ashley who were asleep on one couch, and then Amy who was snoring away on another.

"Come on, you'll get a bad back if you sleep here all night, let's get you into a bed" Chloe whispers to me as I look up to see her standing above me.

I look down to see I'm covered by the blanket Chloe had across her when the movie started, "Okay" I whisper back in a groggy tone as as pull my legs around so my feet are planted on the floor.

As Chloe helps me stand up the blanket falls to the floor, "I've already put your bag upstairs so your pyjamas are on the bed" Chloe says as I look at her clothes noticing she had already changed into her pyjamas.

"Okay, thanks" I say as she smiles and steps to the side so I could pass, "what's the time?" I mumble as she turns her head to the side to look past me.

"Ahhh, almost midnight I think, everyone was pretty tired so they called it a night, plus we have a big day tomorrow" She says looking back at me.

"Big day?" I say raising an eyebrow as she smirks, "you're just going to have to wait and see" she winks at me while I roll my eyes and step pass her and begin walking to the stairs.

"Oh, we were given Aubrey and Stacie's old room" she says as I nod before stopping at the bottom of the stairs.

I look back to see Chloe has picked up the blanket that I had dropped on the floor only to walk over and spread it across Amy.

I smile before I turn back around and make my way up the stairs, Chloe said 'we' were given Aubrey and Stacie's old room so I'm assuming that means her and I.

I make my way to the room as quiet as I can, knowing the others are probably trying to get some sleep.

I open the door to see my bag sitting at the end of the bed, my pyjamas on top of the covers.

I look over at the other bed seeing Chloe's bag sitting at the bottom of the bed, I smile knowing Chloe must have organised us to sleep in the same room.

The room isn't much different to how I remember it, the lay out is the same, except the new Bellas who now sleep in here have decorated it a little different.

I grab my pyjamas off the bed and make my way into the small bathroom connected to the bedroom before closing the door behind me.

To be honest I'm kind of glad I'm sleeping in the same room as Chloe tonight. I mean... it's weird I guess but I'm so used to it.

We have been sharing a bed together for so long now and not only am I used to sleeping in the same bed as her but it's also comforting.

I haven't told anyone this because I know they would laugh at me... but....

It's like Chloe is my own personal dream catcher of sorts. They say a dream catcher has positive energy that keeps away the nightmares.

I hate all this cliche stuff but I think it's true, I feel safer with Chloe...

I don't know if it's because she is the only one who knows the full story behind my family, but she makes me feel safe.

And after that dream I just had.... I feel like I need to be near her.

I can't remember everything that happened... but I know it's similar to all the nightmares I've had. He just left us.

He didn't want to be apart of our lives. He broke my mom. He broke me.

All for that woman.

When Chloe woke me from my nightmare... her voice instantly calmed me as she woke me up, she pulled me away from the bad memories.

Once I put my pyjamas on I pick up my old clothes and walk out of the bathroom, I jump slightly seeing a figure by the bed, only to relax seeing it was Chloe.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" she chuckles as I make my way over to my bag, "no it's okay, I just didn't hear you come in" I say as I put my clothes in my bag before sipping it back up.

"Are you Okay?" I look up to see her pulling her bed covers back, "Yeah? Why do you ask?" I say frowning as I walk over to my bed before pulling my own covers back.

"Because you were mumbling in your sleep... did you dream about your father again?" She whispers the last part to me as I climb into bed.

I pause as I sit down with my feet under the covers, I look over to see her sitting with her body facing me, concern written all over her face.

"You were saying his name... " she whispers as I sigh and let my eyes drop, "it was just another dream.... well... memory" I say shaking my head as I look back up at her.

This isn't the first time Chloe has known about me having bad dreams about my father, sometimes she would wake me in the middle of the night because I would talk in my sleep or sometimes she would know by my attitude or the way I act the next day.

"It was the day he left us... it just felt so real" I say as she gives me a sad smile, I suddenly feel bad for telling her this, like I was dropping my problems on her.

"You'll never forget that day, no matter how hard you try. But you also need to remember that you are better off without him in your life. You AND your mom" she says while getting back out of her bed.

I watch as she walks over to my bed before sitting down beside me.

"Bec, if this is starting to affect you again, maybe you should look into getting some help... have you tried talking your mom about it?" She says as my eyes follow her hands which now rest on top of my own.

"I've thought about it, but I don't want to upset her, she's happy" I mumble while I focus on our hands, the way hers instantly warm mine.

"Your happiness is important to her, she would want you to talk to her" Chloe says as I look up into her eyes, seeing them so focused on me.

"Your happiness is important to me as well" She says giving me a small smile, "I'll talk to her" I say not wanting to continue this conversation.

I clear my throat and look away from Chloe, back down to our hands, "Okay.... get some sleep" She says smiling.

She must have picked up that I'm not too keen on this conversation, and the best thing about Chloe is she doesn't push, I look back up at her as she stands up from the bed.

Without even thinking, as soon as Chloe lets go of my hands I reach out to grab her wrist.

"Is it stupid for me to ask if you could stay... like sleep with me?" I ask as Chloe looks back, her eyes flickering down to where my hand holds her wrist.

"I know it sounds silly... but I just don't want to sleep alone right now" I say just in case she thinks it's stupid... even though her bed is like 5 meters away... I just want to be close to her.

"It's not silly.... scoot over" she says smiling as I let go of her wrist, I give her a relieving smile as I shuffle over while she lifts up the covers and slides into the bed beside me.

I wait until she lies down and is comfortable before I lay down myself, Chloe instantly slides her arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer.

I rest my head against her shoulder near her collarbone, my arm instinctively rests across her small waist.

As we begin to lie still, I can feel the gentle thumping of her heartbeat against my cheek, it's a comforting feeling that lulls me back to sleep.

"Goodnight Bec" I hear her whisper gently as she lets her head roll to the side towards me, her temple resting against the top of my head as her breathing begins to slow down.

I'm no longer worried about going to sleep, because I know my dream catcher will keep the bad memories away.

I feel safe and comfortable....

"Goodnight Chlo".

(All Rights Reserved)

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