Short stories

By Fallen_Pumpkin2005

265 3 1

This book is for all my shity ideas More

A death deal
King of the dragon
Regret is not new

Diamond Sky

26 0 0
By Fallen_Pumpkin2005

Here is my story for school it's not finished but the teacher said try to finish it in the last few days so I hope that you like it and yes it's awful in my opinion.


10 years ago

A single scream can mean anything, but the knife was too precise for a scream to be there just death and that's what it did leaving 2 young girls shaking in each others arms while a murderer walked around their house Nexie and Autumn were their names that they wrote on the wall of the closet in blood it was a mix of their blood and their parents.

"I don't want to die Autumn." Nexie cried as loudly as she dared.

"You won't I'll protect you with my life I will die before I let him kill you." Autumn promised Nexie.

"This is going to repeat in 10 years I'll be back and I will kill the new residents after I kill you girls obviously and then it will happen again then I'll die so what do you say." The murder whispered creepily to the girls from just outside the door of the closet they were in.

"I said I'll be back so come out I'm done playing this game." Snarled the murder.

Then he opened the door and killed them now 10 years later it's happening again.

Chapter 1

"Get in here NOW!" Phoenix yelled.

Phantom walked and rolled her eyes at her older sister "You seriously don't care if I got no sleep last night because you said stay up and watch this movie with me you didn't even think I would avoid sleeping because I would dream about THAT!" Phantom complained.

"Sorry ,I thought you didn't mind blood and jumpscares." Phoenix replied her voice full of sass.

"You're almost as full of sass as your idle that stupid actor who is-" Phantom was cut off mid-sentence by a scream.

"HELP shot I NEED SOME HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!" The voice screamed Phoenix's stomach dropped when she walked to see her parents dying "PHANTOM I NEED SOME HELP IF YOU DON'T HELP PEOPLE WILL DIE!!!"

The sight before the 2 girls was awful Phantom ran over and tried to bandage up her and Phoenix's parents but it was no use they were already gone.

The phone rang and Phoenix ran off to grab it she was crying so hard that by the time she got to the she couldn't see through her tears.

She picked up the phone "Hey I'm coming home soon." Her brother said so cheery.

"H-Hi Shadow something bad happened."

"What happened Phoenix?"

"Mom and Dad died right before me and Phantom's eyes."

"No no no no no no this can't be happening.How recently?Did it look really bad or what? Please tell me."

"I walked outside and they were crawling over like zombies then they stopped moving and that was it." Phoenix spoke through all her tears.

"I'm coming home so I can stay make sure you and Phantom are alright." Shadow said tears brimming in his eyes.

"See you soon."

"See you soon sis." The call ended.

Chapter 2

Phantom ran over to Phoenix scared as could possibly be.

"There is a guy with knifes on are lawn." Phantom screamed.

"Come on let's go to the closet no one looks in there." Phoenix suggested.

"Come out come out wherever you are. I'm back to take your lives."

Phoenix and Phantom were cuddled in the closet ,when Phoenix looks at the back wall 2 names were written in blood the names were Nexie and Autumn.

"Phoenix do you think these people died in here from that guy cause I'm scared I want are life to go back to the way it was before."

"Gosh I hope not ,dead people aren't my favorite they tell no tales though I hope we make it."

Footsteps were walking down the hallway just outside the closet the girls breathing got faster ,louder it was going to be their downfall when a bang was heard down the hall followed by a scream.

Phantom looked outside and saw blood running along the floor before it materialized into a set of girls that looked worried.

"We are so sorry I didn't mean to scare you we had to kill that guy before we could back to life but he's already back you 2 should leave unless you want to get pulled into this you might die take you to Nevadia it's a world we visited while we waited for the guy that whose death brought us back to life." The older girl explained.

"Wait what are your names?" Phantom asked.

"My name is Autumn and this is Nexie." The older girl said with her arm around the younger girl.

"While I'm Phoenix."

"And I'm Phantom."

"I guess you wrote your names on the wall for a reason." Phoenix said clearly wanting to know why.

"We didn't want to be forgotten and writing are names was the best idea we had." Nexie had spoke up this time her soft but long black hair is being braided by her sister Autumn, Phantom was staring at the girls like she was reading a book intrigued by the adventure.

Phoenix I was about to say something when a blood curdling scream came from the the closet that the the had just exited.

Chapter 3

"We forgot to close the portal. KLUNK!" Autumn was complaining without even caring that the scream was still loud and raspy.

"A PORTAL!" Phoenix and Phantom yell over the screams which seem even louder than before.

"Yeah we should probably close that." Nexie said walking over to the closet her ears were bleeding from the sound of whoever was screaming on the other side.

"NEXIE GET BACK HERE! IF YOU CONTINUE WALKING YOU WILL DIE! GET BACK HERE!" Autumn screamed through her tears that had just started to fall.

Nexie kept walking her second death right in front of her "Stay safe everyone I love you guys with all my heart fight for me I'll watch over you goodbye."

The portal closed and Nexie was officially gone forever.

Chapter 4

The girls watched as a friend died through that portal it was her end forever no coming back like last time she died Nexie was never coming back Autumn collapsed and screamed for her sister tears streaked her cheeks her body shook from her cries she came back to this world for Nexie now she lost her reason to live.

"I want to join her please let me." Autumn begged.

"I'm sorry but we can't let you do that we need you remember those things that you were talking about earlier." Phoenix tried to take the conversation off of Nexie.

"We have to go to the future you guys would have been dead so the future will have 2 as not in this world anymore. Let's go before I change my mind." Autumn said strictly.

Chapter 5

A little over 9 an a half years later 

"Wow you used powers to go to the future!" Phantom excitedly squealed.

"Let's go." Autumn mumbled.

They walked around for hours until they saw their house a 13 year old girl was crying on the porch and a 15 year old girl was standing next to her something took Phoenix by surprise but she didn't voice her idea something that she will regret.

The 13 year old held a knife "I'm telling you Fallen a problem is rising if we're not carful we will die sis you can't do that to me." "Hollow take a breath calm down if we die we die no need in fighting it." The 15 year old named Fallen tried to help her sister but couldn't.


Here is all I have I just want to relax now bye 

-Autumn 🍁

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