Whore For Hire [Edited Versio...

By Burgundy

2.1K 22 1

Meet Jason. He's 27 years old personal escort with a loving supportive exotic dancer for a wife, a sweet if... More

Whore For Hire [Edited Version]

2.1K 22 1
By Burgundy

The following story is indended for MATURE audiences and has been rated R

All People, places and events are completely fictional and this work is the sole propriety of the author.

I am not the creator nor do i claim any rights to any of the photos seen on the cover or throughtout the chapters

The following contains graphic language and sexual content (you've been forewarned)

Grapic depictions of sexual acts between BoyxBoy, BoyxGirl, GirlxGirl,

BoyxBoyxgirl maybe found within this and subsusequent chapthers.


Meet Jason. He's 27 years old personal escort with a loving supportive exotic dancer for a wife, a sweet if rambuctious 6 year old son, and kooky co-workers he sometimes calls his friends. His life is...colorful to say the least, but he's happy until a confused and unstable client falls decides he wants jason for himself almost destroys them all 

Whore for Hire chapeter 1

"If you wanna do this then shut the hell up and take your clothes off!" What-ever-the-hell-his-name-is jumped in shock at my sudden outburst and finally...finally, shut hell the up. He's been going on and on like this for the past half hour, and I have no interest in what he was saying. Even though i should. I am a whore. He picked me up. He paid me. Now he was supposed to be   me so I could get the hell out of here and pick my wife and son up from my mom's and take them to the mall play place before it closes.

"I'm... Uh I'm sorr.." I cut that stuttering shit off real quick with a raised hand, and the john stumbles back in alarm, making me raise an eyebrow and smirk. Yea I'm intimidating. At 6'5' and with almost 200lbs of pure male muscle. My body was what male models and athletes dream of. And as the boss likes to tell me, "You was born gorgeous, and that's the only reason you're not one of the whores in the basement." No, instead I was considered high class and very expensive. I did everything and I came with everything. Smack, kill, or candy pills; Smoke, swallow, snort, or shoot. We had it all and it could all be yours with a phone call and a stiff fee.

Enter this sorry rich piece of shit right here. Out on a weekday afternoon cheating on Mrs. Sorry rich piece of shit. Yeah, I noticed the wedding ring the newbie was too stupid to take off. He's made a lot of mistakes tonight, I think with an inward sneer and a dark chuckle. Trying to show off for the whore. What a laugh. You've already paid, there's no need to wine and dine me like we're going to prom together. I didn't even have to go all seductive and manipulative on him to find out that:

1. He's married (Duh u closeted dumbass of course you always lose the ring first)

2. He has two almost adult male children (haha married with children I love that show) ( why the f**k would you tell me this?)

3. He's a lawyer at a prominent divorce firm down town (explains the car he picked me up in and how he could afford to pay my prices for a whole night of the works treatment along with goodies he ordered)

Now I know y'all aint as dumb as dipshit over there whose gazing at me with fright added to the hard disgusting look of desire he's worn since I stepped out of the car. Y'all can guess what my boss does with all the information I have to gather after meeting each client. And he gives me a percentage (small in my opinion) of every successful payoff.

Now I imagine right about now that this experience is going nothing like...hold on what's his name...do I really not know it? Shit I'm slipping. I have too much on my mind today, and didn't need to be called in on my ONE day off to blow some guy. Couldn't it at least of have been one of the female clients? They at least tip a whole hell of a lot better than the men. Cheap bastards, I think to myself while frowning and eyeing the guy across the room. Short with an average build that probably used to be much thinner when he was younger than his now 40 something age, and with pale wheat colored hair, a fair complexion and a natural rose blush across his nose. This guy didn't look like slimy cheese, aka a divorce lawyer. But that's a trick I bet he's played often on the unsuspecting. When he glances back my way, I bark a question at him.

"Hey, what you're name again?"

"I...Greg. My name is Greg Kauffman." He says while licking his lips.

4. Greg Kauffman (ok everybody eye roll right now. I mean come on your making this way to easy for us)

"Well Greg don't just stand there looking at me like my high school PE teacher. Pour us a drink while I unpack." I say with an attempt at a smile. I do work in customer service after all; I can't be too rude to the clients, and usually I never am unless they are into that sort of thing. taking the glass from Mike, I let my big rough fingers linger seductively against his, loowered my lids slightly, made my eyes shimmer as if with deep want, and I locked eyes with him for no more than a few seconds before glancing away with a coy look and knowing smirk. It always had the same effect. They'd stare at me all wide eyed and blushing. But not like Bambi because they were always to horny to look that innocent, before taking a deep breath and looking away from temptation, aka me. And he was no different.

Tilting the glass of aged scotch up, I savored the burn from my first sip as I tried to figure out how to get us back on track and me out of here ASAP. Let's see. . . Mr. Greg here wanted a full fantasy night and upgraded it with a perk package. Looking around for my bag, I slowly bend over without bending my knees, making my tight slacks mold to my tight butt cheeks and slide in between a little, displaying the fact that I was probably naked underneath them. I don't even need to look to know that the audience loves me so far. I feel for the side lining and follow the stitching to the secret zipper built in and see what I've been given. Digging around the cramped compartment, I ignored the baggies containing the blue and yellow pill, because from the looks of this guy he won't have any problem getting it up. Seeing the red-yellow-orange and green-yellow maple leaf pills, I pause for a second before stealthily pocketing one of the reddish skittles and slipping it in my mouth before moving on, and settling on the small baggie of coke  for my friend. Tip for success in this business: Really rich people really like their coke stuff. Don't ask me why. I'm just middle class. I don't get them either.

Grabbing my specially polished two-sided Cartier mirror, I swaggered over to the lawyer and shook my empty crystal glass at him.

"Pour us another one and let's get things going." I say with a pseudo leer, watching him shiver before quickly complying with shaking hands.

Placing the glass on the table, I empty some of the coke from the little baggie (I can't believe how much this shit is, I mean they hardly even give you any and the high doesn't last for shit!) onto the mirror, and make two lines for him (he looks like a light weight), and four for myself. I take the refill being handed to me, and take a sip with my eyes on the lawyers face as he follows suit. When he's about to swallow, I quickly reach out and hook my hands on the back pocket of his slacks and pull him close, till his groin was smashed into my hip. He chokes and grabs his nose, but he chubs up in his pants all the same. I smile, take another sip, and palm his ass through the pants as I grind inward with my hip. Greg's head tilts back and his mouth opens slightly, but no sound comes out. Greg's fully hard, and he's making slight grinding motions into my hip. I slide my hands from the base of one cheek and grab the wallet I felt back there. Greg tries to grab me as I'm pulling away, but I hold the wallet up and hold a hand up to his chest before sliding it down and cupping his hard-on and say,

"Chill dude, you didn't pay me to rob you." He settles down quickly (yea of course he does. Pussy), and I open the wallet and pull out one of the $100 bills. I proceed to roll it up before proffering it to him with a little bow and nudge in the direction of the coke covered mirror. He takes the bill, leans over, and does one line; His face almost instantly turns red as rears back grabbing his nose with loud groan. I roll my eyes and raise my brows at him; I happen to know that we only have the smoothest  so there wasn't any need for him to carry on so. He extends the bill to me, and I do three lines in quick succession; feeling my head explode and my heart pound as the effects hit me instantly. Shaking my suddenly hot head and popping my neck, I licked my lips at the feel-good feeling I was having before pushing the bill back at a reluctant Mike who says,

"I think I'm good." I lean forward till my mouth was by his ear, and I just breathe in and out softly as my hands once again reach for his crotch. I unzip and watch his back shake as I reach into his underwear.

"Come on, you only have one line left," I whispered in his ear. And I follow it up with a tiny bite to the lower lobe and a firm squeeze of my hand. He whimpers (maybe in pain, I can't tell), and leans over the table to do his last line. He shakes and coughs a little bit, but it quickly turns to moans as I stroke him from root to tip and back again. Greg's head falls back and his breathing picks up until he's emitting soft pants. Taking the bill from his slack fingers with my free hand, I finished the last of the blow before pocketing the rolled bill and rubbing the remaining residue off the mirror and onto my gums with a finger.

I shrug internally as I look down at Greg's penis and felt not a bit of arousal. Oh well, that why I have and internal spank-bank. I don't always need to think about women to get my juices flowing when I'm with a male client, but it seems this isn't one of those times. So much for the coke and skittles pumping me up. I smiled down at Greg and with my hand wrapped around him lead him over to the king size bed. (For the full scene see the unedited verision located in "my works" reading list.  see Authors note for details)

I let go of Greg and watched him fall forward on the bed struggling, to catch his breath. He crawled to the head of the mattress and turned over before collapsing again with his eyes closed and limbs spread out in a hedonistic sprawl. Not bad, I think to myself with an internal snicker when the theme song from Alvin and the chipmunks began playing.

Greg's eyes shot open in surprise as I fell over my shoes rushing to get my phone out of my discarded pants pockets. Shit, I think to myself in irritation. I usually leave my phone off when I'm working. Grabbing my Android HTC, I sat down on the bed an pressed the call button just as Greg ran his foot down my spine to my ass; making me jump and yell  into the phone receiver. I turn around and glare at him as I clear my throat and say "hello" into the phone.


To be continued


Authors note

As mentioned above all people, places, and events, in this story are completely fictional and made up in the dirty mind of author ,Me, lol. 

In order to make this story accessible to more people I cut some scenes out and changed the content and language just a little bit. The full chapter can be found under my profile in "My Works" reading list. It is restricted and you have to be of age and a fan to access. 

Drugs are everywhere nowadays. Movies, music, and ive even had it in just about every story ive posted on here but NEVER NEVER LET ANY OF THOSE THINGS PERSUDAE OR CONVINCE YOU THAT DRUGS ARE OK OR HARMLESS. It is just fiction made to entertain. Drugs destroy lives and NEVER solve any problem you might be having just make them more difficullt to solve. So please be smart and safe.

Im trying to do things a bit different with this book so Ill be adding links to pictures for each chapter. Some will be so you see what i invision the charactes as others just for adult fun ;-). The picture for this chapter is ( link below) just what Jason's body looks like (what i can show anyways lol) and not of his face because i havent found one that matches him yet. See external link or or address below


Random note I have no idea if Cartier makes a two sided mirror but it sounded cool right.

SOOOO... I at least left the begging for the end haha. Vote and spread the word out there but please above all else COMMENT!!! Id love some feedback (positive/constructive please). Itll help me upload chapter 2 a lot faster. HINT HINT. Thank you for reading

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