Reborn (Sequel to Struck by R...

By CyndyRadke

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The sequel to Struck by Radke, (Reborn), takes places a few years into the future. Jazman is now 15. I advise... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Six

411 13 10
By CyndyRadke

We rushed to the hospital as fast as we could. "Wheres Ronnie?" I said busting in the hospital with Jazman behind me. "Are you Mrs. Radke?" The dr asked. "Yes! Let me see my husband!" I yelled. "You cant see him just yet." The dr said. "You will let me see my father. Its my brithday!" Jazman yelled with tears in her eyes. "We're puting him in a room now. Whens hes in, you can see him." The dr said as he went back to check on things. "Ryan. What am I gunna do?" I said looking at him helpless. "Its gunna be okay." Ryan said hugging me. "Hes everything to me." I said crying. "I know, I know." He said trying to calm me down. "I want my dad!" Jazman said crying even more. I pulled her close to me and hugged her with Ryan. "You can see him now." The dr said as he opened the emergancy doors. I quickly followed him with Ryan and Jazman behind me. "There you go." The dr said pointing at room 57. I rush threw the doors. Ronnie was laying on the bed. He had his eyes open. "Ronnie?" I said nervesly as I rushed to his side. "Yea babe." He manged to say with pain on his face. "How are you feeling?" I asked him as tears fell down my face. "Pretty crapy." He said trying to laugh. "Wheres Jazman?" He said looking around the room. Jazman was in the corner. Frozen by fear that her father was laying in a hospital bed, near death. He was the strongest person in world in her eyes. "Jazman, come here." He said calling for her. She slowly creeped her way next to him. "Jazman, im sorry." He told her. "D-dont be." She mummbled. "I love you and I dont want you to be scared." He said. She started to cry again. "I dont want to see you cry. Your stronger then that." He said with a smile. "Your not scared?" She said looking at him worried. "Not one bit. I know your mother takes good care of you. Ryans here. Hes your godfather for a reason." He explained. "I dont want you to go." Jazman said hugging him.

"Did they dr tell you guys what happend?" Jenn asked Ryan as she came in the room. "Not yet." Ryan told her. Just then the dr came in. "Would you like to know what happend?" The dr said looking at me. I slowly nodded my head as I held Ronnies hand tight. I looked at him and he smiled at me. "Well, we dont know how the accedent happend, but his bleeding inturnaly and we cant stop it. He has a broke pelvis, and cracked skull. Hes paralized from the next down, thats why he hasnt moved much but his head. Hes only breathing from a mechine. Without, he wouldnt be alive and talking right now. He heart beat is very faint." The dr explained to me. "Oh my god." I said hugging Ronnies arm. Ronnie had fallen asleep. "I wouldnt wake him, it would only make thiings worse." The dr said before I tired to wake him back up. "I want to tell my father I love him." Jazman said with hate in her tone and tears streaming down her cheeks. "Be as you will, but he dont have to long."  The dr said as he left the room. "Dad." Jazman said shaking him lightly. The heart monitre slowed as he woke up. "What I miss?" He said looking at her. "I love you." She said crying. "I love you too. Your always my girl, no one elses." He told her. Jazman hugged Ronnie and Ryan took her out of the room. "So, just us now." I said looking at the ground. "Babe, look at me." He said. I loooked up at him. "I know we've fought alittle lately, but I still love you. Always have and always will." He said with a smile. I smiled with tears and kissed him. "I love you too. No matter what. I hate this." I said getting angery. "Dont be mad about it, it was ment to be. You better take care of Jazman." He said laughing. "Of course." I said whiping my eyes. "Its cold." Ronnie said looking at his feet. The moniter started to slow down even more. I linked my fingures with Ronnies. For a second, I felt him squee my hand back. I looked up at him and he closed his eyes. He had this hurt look on his face, but it was gone within seconds. And when it did, the moniters went crazy and an alarm went off. Nurses and drs rushed in and unplugged the mechines. Jazman came running back into the room. I was still holding Ronnies hand. "Oh my god." Jazman said covering her mouth. I looked up at her confussed. She took off running back out of the room. I wanted to go after her, but the other part of me wanted to stay with Ronnie, even tho he was gone.

Ryan and Ron walked into the room about thirty minuites later. "Are you okay?" Ryan asked me. "Yea, im gunna be." I said looking at Ronnie. "Jazmans okay too. Shes in the lobby with Jenn and Maddison." Ryan told me. "Good, good." I said calmly. "What was the last thing he said?" Ron asked me. I looked at Ron then Ronnie. "Its cold." I manged to say as I started to cry again. "Its okay." Ryan said as he hugged me. Ron looked at Ronnie, then left the room. "Shes still trying to get use to you." Ryan said laughing a little. "I know, nows just got a good time to act shy." I told him. "I agree with you." He said.

"Jazman." I said walking into the lobby. She ran up to me and hugged, still cry. "Now Jazman, you got to stop crying. He would want you to stay strong." I said smiling at her. "How?" She asked me. "Ryan invited us to stay at his house for a few nights, to take our mind off things." I said to her. "Alright." Jazman said trying to smile a little. "Good, now go to the bathroom and wash your face. Your makeup is running." I told her. And she did so. "Your taken this a little better now huh?" Jenn asked me. "Trying to. Gotta be strong for Jazman, Ronnie wants that." I said looking up. "He would." She said hugging me. "All better." Jazman said coming back from the bathroom. "You look nice without all that eyeliner." I told her. "Yea, dad always says I look best without makeup. So, im not going to wear it anymore." She said proud. "Thats a good thing." Jenn said smiling at her. "You girls ready?" Ryan asked us coming back out of the hospital room. "Yupp." I said smiling at him. "Maddison?" Ryan said looking at Maddison, who was sitting in the chair still. "Come on, were going to watch a moive." Jazman said taking her hand and leading her outside to the car.

We stopped by our house to grabb a few things. "You need any help?" Jenn asked. "Sure if you'd like." I said getting out of the car. Jenn and Maddison came inside to help us. Jazman and Maddison ran straight upstairs to get a few of her things. "What are you gunna get?" Maddison as Jazman. "Im not sure what im suppouse to get." She said confussed. "How about, your favorite pilliow and blanket. A few clothes. And anything else you can think of." Maddison told her. "Okay. I want my stuff wolf my mom and dad gave me for my 13th birthday. My birthday.." Jazman started to think. "Jazman?" Maddison said looking at her worried. Jazman took a deep breath, then smiled. "Lets go." She said as she started out her room. "Wait. Do you hear that?" Maddison said looking ourside Jazmans window. "Whos that?" Maddison said pointing at a girl smoking against a tree next to their yard talking to some girl. "Isnt that the guy mom talked to when I got my dress?" Jazman said looking at Maddison. "Yea." Maddison said looking at Jazman with a scared look on oer face. "Mom!" Jazman yelled running downstairs.

"Got everything?" Jenn said as I got my bag and started outta mine and Ronnie's room when I hurd Jazman yell and run downstairs. "What is it?" I said looking at her. "You know that guy that stopped you before we went back to get out dresses the other day?" Jazman said panicing. "Yea why?" I said curious. "Hes outside next to my window, leaning on a tree, talking to that girl in the next yard." Jazman said pointing upstairs. We all rushed upstairs to see what was going on. "Theirs no one out there." I said looking out her window. "He was right there! Maddison saw it too!" Jazman said. "I belivie you, but their gone now. Lets get back to the car." I said as we went outside to the car where Ryan was suppose to be. "Wheres Ryan?" Jenn said as she saw the empty car. "Im here." Ryan said wlaked around from the side of the house. "Where did you go?" Maddison asked him. "I saw a guy standing close to the yard, so I chaced him off." He explained. "Oh. Seee!" Jazman said. "Yes, but like I said, hes gone." I told her as we all got into the car. "Whats she talking about?" Ryan asked as we started back to his house. "She saw the guy out her window." I told him. "Oh I see." He said as we counited down the road.

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