textbooks // newtmas au

By bookara

93.7K 5.2K 3.4K

newt is a reserved british boy with a past worth escaping // thomas is a track star who also excells academic... More

Fresh Starts and Big Dreams
Welcome To The Glade
Psychology Maybe
Its's Not A Date
Movie Nights and Harsh Realizations
Crowded Isles
Lowkey Disasters
Unneeded Protection
Twist The Knife
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Hungover and Heartbroken
Lay Down Your Arms
I Think I Fell In Love
Big Step
Road Trips
Newt's House
Thomas' House
Back to Normal
That's When My Whole World Fell Apart

Wait What

3.3K 193 61
By bookara

    "Do you think you passed?" Newt asked as he rested his head on Thomas' shoulder.
    "Course I did," Thomas laughed. "I had a very good study partner."
    Newt threw one of his legs over Thomas so he could straddle him.
    "Lay down," Newt mumbled and gently pushed Thomas so his back lightly hit Newt's mattress.
    Newt grinned and cuddled into his chest, sliding his hands into his hoodie.
    Thomas laughed but wrapped his arms around Newt's waist.
    "I'm cold, don't laugh at me."
    "I'm not!" Thomas smirked as he kissed Newt's head. "When are we leaving tomorrow?"
    "After I wake up, which will be never." Newt said into Thomas' chest.
    Thomas pinched Newt's side which made him flinch.
    "Stoppp." Newt whined as he squirmed away from Thomas' hand.
    "I gotta get a head start on packing or I'll never do it."
    Newt shoved his hands farther up Thomas' hoodie, resting them on his chest. "But you're warm and I'm tired."
    "If I let you sleep in my dorm tonight will you let me go pack?"
    Newt lifted his head up and looked at him. "Fine."
    Thomas smiled and lightly pecked his lips. "Now get off me dork."
    Newt rolled off him and laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling.
    "See you tonight cutie." Thomas smiled before leaving the dorm room.
    "Asshole, now I'm cold." Newt huffed and crossed his arms.
    Newt sat up and rubbed his eyes. He should probably pack too. He was excited to spend break with Thomas, but he couldn't help feeling nervous. He liked him a lot, at school everything was easy, it was like they were in their own private world. He wasn't sure if it would be the same at home.
    "You going home for the holidays?"
Gally asked as he eyed Newt's suitcase.
    "Going to Tommy's actually. You?" Newt asked as he grabbed his jeans out of his drawer and put them in the suitcase.
    "Sounds fun. I'm going home." Gally replied curtly as he sat on his bed.
    Newt cocked his head in confusion. "You alright Gal?"
    "Yeah I'm fine." Gally shrugged as he pulled out his phone and started scrolling through whatever he was looking at.
    "Are you mad at me or something?" Newt asked as he put another folded pair of jeans in his suitcase.
    "Well yeah kinda!" Gally exclaimed as he dropped his phone and turned to face Newt. "You dropped me! As soon as you fell head over heels for Thomas you haven't paid me the least bit of attention! We're roommates Newt and you don't even speak to me anymore!"
    Newt's face fell. "I'm sorry Gally...I didn't even realize. Shit, I'm the worst roommate."
    Gally sighed. "No, you're not. I'm sorry."
    "Yeah, I am! I got so stuck up in Thomas world that I ignored you." Newt sighed and plopped down on his bed.
    "No Newt, stop." Gally shook his head and rubbed his hands over his face.
    Newt looked up at him, frowning. He couldn't stop the guilt spreading through his body.
    "I'm not mad because you ignored me." Gally sighed.
    "I don't get it then."
    "I was jealous." Gally admitted as he looked at the door, almost like he wanted to leave.
    "What?" Newt cocked his head, clearly confused.
    "Yeah, I got jealous because I developed this stupid little crush on you."
    Newt froze. He didn't know what to think. Gally liked him. His roommate had feelings for him and he had no idea how to react.
    Gally stepped back and shook his head. "I didn't try Newt. I thought that once you actually got together with Thomas it'd go away. But it's driving me crazy! I can't stop thinking about you."
    "Gally....I uh. I don't know what to say."
    "Don't say anything then. I-I just thought you should know."
    "For how long?" Newt asked, playing with his hands to try and get the overwhelming feeling of awkwardness in the air.
    Gally shrugged. "Before you and Thomas pulled your heads out of your asses and got together I guess. Maybe a few weeks after we met."
    "I'm sorry," Newt mumbled.
    "It's fine. I'm happy for you. I had my chance and I'm over it. Have fun over break yeah? I'll text you on Christmas." Gally gave Newt a half smile as he grabbed his coat and quickly exited the room.
    Newt stared at the closed door for several minutes before getting angry. He groaned and threw his pillow on the floor. He took a few deep breaths and continued packing, folding his clothes to calm himself down. He packed his suitcase until it couldn't fit anything else. He zipped it up and grabbed his keys. He didn't really want to be in the room anymore, so he grabbed his stuff and rolled his suitcase down the hall to Thomas' dorm.
    When he got there, he banged on the door. Moments later it was opened by a very confused looking Thomas.
    "Hey Tommy." Newt gave him a half smile as he gestured to his suitcase. "I finished packing, mind if I stay over here?"
    "Yeah, of course." Thomas' gaze skirted over his boyfriends' face. "Hey are you alright Newt?"
    Newt nodded and entered the dorm, pulling his rolling suitcase behind him.
    Newt nodded his head at Minho, who was sitting on his bed.
    Thomas' suitcase was taking up his whole bed so Minho patted the spot next to him. "Come sit little Newt."
    Newt complied, sitting next to the buff boy who slung his arm around Newt's shoulders.
    "Hey you sure you're okay kid? You're quiet." Minho asked as he lightly shook Newt.
    Thomas looked over at that and stared at Minho's hand on Newt's arm.
    "Relax Thomas. I'm not trying to steal him." Minho said as he carefully removed his arm from around Newt. "Your boyfriend is jealous as fuck."
    Thomas shook his head but sat down on the other side of Newt. "One, I'm not jealous of you Minho. Two, Newt seriously, what's going on?"
    Newt sighed and messed up his hair with his fingers. "I had a stupid fight with Gally."
    "Roommate right?"
    Newt nodded and rested his head on Thomas' shoulder.
    "Happy now Tommy? He's not touching me anymore." Minho lightly laughed, clearly trying to lighten the mood.
    Thomas rolled his eyes but put his arm around Newt. "What was it about?"
    "It was just stupid." Newt insisted. "He said he likes me or whatever."
    Minho's eyes widened and he turned to watch Thomas carefully.
    "I'm sorry, what?"
    Newt shrugged. "He said he liked me or something and then he just left."
    "You're all packed right?" Thomas asked as he eyed Newt's suitcase.
    Newt nodded as he looked up at Thomas. "Yeah why?"
    "I think you should stay here until tomorrow."
    "Tommy it's fine, Gall-"
    "You wanted to sleep here anyways right?" Thomas cut him off.
    "Well yeah bu-"
    "Newt, I'm a jealous person so I'd really like it if you stayed here."
    "Told you he was jealous," Minho mumbled, earning a smack from Thomas.
    "Shut up Minho."
    Newt sighed but adjusted his head on Thomas' shoulder. "Yeah alright Tommy."
    Minho clasped his hands together, trying to ease the tension. "Why don't we watch a movie?"
    "Movie sounds good," Thomas said as he stretched and got off the bed to put his suitcase on the floor.
    Newt got up too and stood behind Thomas. "Are you mad at me Tommy?"
    Thomas shook his head and turned around to face him. "Why would I be mad at you?"
    Newt shrugged and played with the hem of his shirt.
    Thomas leaned over and softly pecked his lips. "Not your fault."
    Minho started dramatically gagging which made Newt laugh. Thomas flipped him off over his shoulder as he finished cleaning off his bed.
    When he was done he sat down and patted between his legs. "Come on Newt, let's try to not make Minho too jealous."
    "There's no way in hell I'd be jealous of you two."
    Newt shook his head and sat between Thomas' legs, leaning his back on his chest. Thomas wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed the back of his neck.
    "If I see a dick, I'm shooting both of you." Minho warned as Thomas laughed.
    "Yeah okay like we'd give you a free show." Thomas shot back making Minho scoff.
    "We did give everyone in the parking lot a free show," Newt mumbled making Minho quickly turn his head.
    "You got some in the back of your car?" Minho asked, looking amazed.
    Thomas winked at him and Minho reached his hand over, which Thomas hit in a high five.
    "Seriously you two?" Newt shook his head.
    "What? He's getting more then me."
    "Just turn on the TV."
    Thomas smiled and kissed Newt's cheek. "If it means anything, it was the best fuck of my life."
    Minho glared at them. "I'm serious you guys! No under-the-blanket-hand jobs."
    Both Newt and Thomas held up their middle fingers in Minho's direction.

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