Too Burnt Out to Fly

By chaoticevie273

279 19 14

7 SPOILERS Delphi had been released from Azkaban. She had thought it was all over. Of course, her nightmares... More



50 4 7
By chaoticevie273

8 Years Later


Delphi smiled and took a deep breath, fingering the book in her hands. She thought about what Albus had asked her to do, going over it again and again, and smiled to herself. Part of her struggled to believe that she was here, now. After everything. She put the book down again and tried to concentrate on something else. Orpha, Delphi and Gem's snake, came slithering over the shelf behind Delphi, onto Delphi's shoulder. Gem had suggested getting a snake when they had been looking for a pet and they had remembered that they were both Parselmouths. She had said it might make good company. Delphi stroked Orpha's head and looked across the shop. There was a little girl looking at her nervously. Her mother whispered something to her, somewhat angrily, and the girl turned away quickly. A few minutes later, when she came to the counter with a book, she was still subdued as she handed over her money, not making eye-contact.
"Are you okay?" Delphi asked as she wrapped the book up.
"Mummy says I'm not supposed to stare at your wrists," the girl said nervously. Delphi smiled. She finished wrapping the book and came out from behind the counter, crouching down and giving the girl her book. She then held out her hands, showing the girl the scars that she now showed visibly. She was proud of them. Even the small line on the inside of her wrist.
"It's all right to look at my scars," Delphi said, smiling at the spidery shapes that now covered most of her left arm.
"Did they hurt?" the girl whispered. Delphi nodded.
"They hurt me on the inside too," she said quietly, "That book you chose – The Tales of Beedle the Bard - that was my favourite book when I learnt to read." The girl smiled.
"Your scars are very pretty," she whispered.
"Thank you," Delphi smiled back, "I've got to go back to helping people now but enjoy your book." The girl nodded eagerly and hurried back to her mother. Delphi stood up and walked back behind the counter. She glanced at the book Albus had asked for and then she looked back at the door, which Albus and Scorpius had just come through, hand in hand, as always. Scorpius stopped and picked up a book and Albus shook his head, pulling him towards the counter.
"Hello, Delphi," Albus smiled as they reached her.
"Hi," Delphi smiled back, trying to blink back the tears swimming in her eyes, "I've got your book, Albus," she handed him the book.
"Shadows and Spirits," Scorpius read off the cover, "Can I have a look?" Albus smiled and gave him the book. Scorpius frowned as he took it – it was held open by something small but noticeable, "What's inside this book?" he asked.
"I think you should find out," Albus said, quietly and slightly nervously, "Don't you?" Scorpius opened it and gasped – inside the book, there was a golden ring. Scorpius looked at it and turned to Albus.
"Are this...are you serious?" he gasped. Albus nodded, biting his lip.
"I'm deadly serious," he whispered. Delphi felt tears beginning to pool in her eyes again, but she didn't hold them back this time. Scorpius nodded.
"Yes," he whispered, "Yes. A hundred times over. Yes." Albus smiled gratefully and took the ring, sliding it onto Scorpius' finger. They kissed, both crying now, and hugged each other tightly and Delphi could feel tears of pure joy sliding down her face. She couldn't believe she was here, watching two of her best friends getting the story they deserved. Because they deserved to be happy.

The Wedding

"There is just one more thing I want to say," Albus smiled, tears in his eyes. Delphi, as always, still found it hard to believe that she was sitting here, listening to Albus making his speech at his wedding reception. Even, after everything, a very small part of her thought she might not be welcome. But, of course, she was. Still, it felt surreal now that she was sat in the small marquee, bathed in pink twilight. Albus wiped his eyes again, "I want to thank two people," he smiled, "First, Rose. On our first day at Hogwarts, I'm not going to lie, you really annoyed me." Rose laughed, along with the rest of the guests, "We got on the train and you were incredibly confident. I, on the other hand, was utterly terrified. You only made it worse when you told me that we needed to make our lifelong friends, then and there. Ironically, I got off that train with the boy who is now my husband," Albus squeezed Scorpius' hand, "I don't know who you walked off with."
"No one," Rose laughed, and a few other people chuckled.
"Well, thank you," Albus said. He turned to look at Delphi, "My second thank you goes to you, Delphi." Delphi frowned in confusion, "I know you feel like you crashed into our lives and destroyed everything, but where would we be if you hadn't? Scorpius and I would never have been forced into a situation where we grew closer. My dad and I would have lost each other completely. Scorpius would still be the bullied subject of rumours. You came into our lives and that changed them infinitely for the better. So, thank you. Thank you to everyone who helped us find happiness," he sat down. Delphi clapped along with everyone else but, inside, she was numb with joy. It was another reminder that she was one of them.

Albus and Scorpius had their first dance a few minutes later. Delphi watched them sway together, still lost in their own world. The song was gentle, meaningful. Delphi felt as if it applied to them slightly, the whole idea of finding each other, even when they had been apart. Gem nudged her.
"I'm going to get a drink," she said, "Do you want anything?"
"Something without alcohol, please," Delphi smiled.
"No alcohol," Gem rolled her eyes jokily, "No magic. No alcohol. What next?"
"No dancing," Delphi laughed. Gem stepped back in mock-horror. Delphi grinned, "I have no coordination for that sort of stuff. None at all. I used to, but that's long gone."
"I know," Gem grinned back, "It's a miracle the books don't all drown when you clean." Delphi laughed, "So, no alcohol?"
"Thanks," Delphi smiled as Gem wandered off. Delphi looked back at the dance floor. More people were dancing now, Albus and Scorpius still in the middle, lost in their own world. Albus was right, Delphi realised; she might have crashed into this world, but she had no idea what it would be without her.
"Are you okay?" someone behind her asked. Delphi turned to see a tall, black man, his long hair drawn into a neat ponytail, walking over, "Is your arm all right?" Delphi realised that she had been absent-mindedly tracing the scars on her left arm.
"Oh, yeah" Delphi smiled, putting her hand in her lap, "Yeah, I'm fine."
"Okay," he sat down, "I'm Phin."
"Delphi," Delphi smiled.
"I know," Phin said.
"Yeah," Delphi muttered, trying to avoid the conversation that they were approaching, "How do you know Albus and Scorpius?"
"I'm a friend of Scorpius'," Phin said, "I helped Albus through some difficulties to do with everything that had happened." Delphi nodded, looking down at her wrist, "I didn't mean to upset you," Phin said quietly.
"You didn't," Delphi said, unsure if she was lying, "It's normal."
"I got you a lemonade," Gem was back. Delphi took the glass and sipped it slowly, grateful for the interruption, "How are you doing, Phin?"
"Good," Phin smiled, "You?"
"Same as always," Gem smiled, "Shame we lost touch."
"I'm around Hogsmeade a lot," Phin smiled.
"Don't get any ideas," Gem laughed, "I said no last time. And Delphi will almost definitely say no," she said it jokingly, but Delphi could tell that Gem could see the thoughts going around Delphi's head and was trying to calm her with something normal.
"Don't worry," Phin looked back at Delphi, "I won't." Delphi had stopped listening. She watched as Albus and Scorpius danced together in the centre of the twilight. She knew they deserved the happiness that they had. Because they had earnt. And she began to realise that, if happiness was something that needed to be earnt, then she had earnt it too.

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