Adventures of Faith the Slayer

由 Leen_PhoenixRae

3.8K 49 4

A series of crossover one-shots featuring my favourite bad girl slayer, Faith, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer... 更多

I. Misbegotten Plan
II. Guarding Faith
III. Working Out
IV. Of Slayers & Aliens
V. the Bourne Slayer
VI Quick Study
VII. Broadswords & Stakes
VIII. Faith's Dark Knight Interlude
IX. Faith's Empath
X. Have a Little Faith
XI. CSI Faith
XIII. Saving Faith
XIV. Die Hard Faith Style
XV. Faith & Booth
XVI. Tommy's Newfound Faith

XII. Faith the Babysitter

150 2 0
由 Leen_PhoenixRae

Disclaimer:  None of these characters belong to me.  They belong to their respective creators.  I'm merely borrowing them to satisfy this nagging plot bunny in my head.

Spoilers/Timeline:  Post Season 7 of BtVS; Post Season 4 of the Pretender & disregarding the two made-for-TV movies

Summary:  Faith babysits her Watcher's old friend's daughter.

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JUST ONE TINY FAVOUR, FAITH, WHILE I help an old friend," was what her watcher, Jarod, asked of her when they found themselves in Delaware of all places.  But now that she thought about it, them taking off to Delaware soon after Jarod received that mystery call two nights ago while they were out patrolling might be the reason they are here now.  The last time she was in Delaware she barely made it out alive, but thanks to Angelo's help and Jarod's quick thinking, her neck was spared from being parted with the rest of her when Jarod arrived with the cavalry (meaning Buffy and the Potentials) to save hers and Angelo's hides.

"Remind me to learn to say no the next time he asks nicely," she mumbled to herself as she sat through Because I Said So, Debbie Broots' choice of movie to watch while they stay at home and wait for her daddy and Jarod return back from wherever they went to.  She asked J if he needed her assistance, but he told her where he and Broots (Debbie's father, duh!) were going wasn't somewhere she ought to be nor should she get involved with.

"I don't think you'll be able to say no to Jarod," came the reply from her teenage companion who was only a couple or so years younger than Dawn.

Faith cocked an eyebrow and looked at the dark haired girl slouched down on the quite comfortable couch in the two-bedroom apartment that Broots proudly calls home to him and his daughter.

"What are you talking about?"

Debbie tore her eyes from the flat screen LCD TV and met Faith's.  "Are you blind or something?  Jarod's a real hottie," she told her sitter matter-of-factly.  "If I was you and he asked me to do him a favour, saying 'no' to him would be far from my mind.  Especially when he puts on that charm of his."  She turned her attention back on the screen and ignored her companion.

Unbeknownst to the teenager, she gave Faith something to think about and consider about her watcher.  Really she has been majorly crushing on Jarod ever since he became a part of their wacky group in Cleveland.  But she'd be damned if she do so much as act on this so-called attraction of hers towards her watcher.  She doesn't want to screw-up something that was going so good for her after such a long time of dealing with bad lucks and bad karmas.

Debbie watched the brunette Slayer from the corner of her eyes.  A ghost of a knowing grin appeared on her lips.  She knew it.  Everybody thought she was too young to know about like, want and probably love, but from the moment she was introduced to Faith and she saw how the petite bad girl and her father's somewhat friend (up to this day she doesn't know exactly what type of relationship her father shares with Jarod, but she knew Jarod wouldn't do anything to harm her father or take him away from her) interact and sparks were flying like it was the fourth of July!


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