single person role play

By author-chan02

139 1 4

do you want to role play with different people i try really hard to keep rules and the form as simple and sma... More

vampire boy
Werewolf boy
Werewolf Girl
Yandere boy

vampire girl

15 0 0
By author-chan02

name: " scarlet but its not like it will matter here soon"
age " I'm 16 now stop screaming before i finish you here"
species: "here how about you tell me" shows fangs and yellow eyes
gender: "you blind I have boobs and a... NO wait stop I don't have to tell you anything!" female
sexuality: "you really want to know... fine i'm bi, there you happy"
appearance: " are you blind or something?" in media
powers: " there you go now your asking the good questions I have super speed and strength."

option one:
You have never believed in vampires and fairy tales but one night while you were walking home you heard strange noises then suddenly out of nowhere you were grabbed and face to face with a female showing her fangs "finally dinner is served" she was about to stick her fangs into you... what do you do???

option two: make it up

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