The Chemistry of Loving You (...

By greatwizard14

972K 30.3K 8.2K

I am the famous and great... Luke Fayne Lewis. Well, if your definition of "famous" means you're the center o... More

The Chemistry of Loving You (Romantic Comedy)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 25*
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 28*
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 36*
Chapter 37 (last chapter)
The Anatomy Of Seducing You (TAOSY)

Chapter 7

25.8K 876 221
By greatwizard14

greatwizard14: Welcome to the chapter 7 of TCOLY ^_^ I hope you'll love it. 

Brace yourself for the Big revelation of Luke's evil plan! 

Since no one has guessed his plan right. I will dedicate this chapter to vee_ano.

---> Welcome the new hot Luke. Play the song 'Fancy' by Iggy Azalea, you'll know it where part you should play it.

Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share :) Enjoy!



Luke's POV

                                        Luke Lewis Version 2.0

The morning sunlight seeping through my windows and hitting my face. I used my pillow to shield my eyes from the sudden burst of light. My hands reached the blanket and I tucked it over my head then continued sleeping.

Something tugging my blanket on my feet forcing to get it off of me so I clutched it harder. I was still under the blanket and my eyes are not open yet. What the hell is this thing? I don’t have any dogs or pet.

The thing tried it harder to yank the blanket out of me but I held it firmly. We’re having now a tug of war and the blanket was almost out of my head.

With final hard tug that bothersome thing won. The morning coldness wrapped my body. I don’t have any clothes except for my boxer. I quickly opened my eyes. Bad move, my eyes hurt exposed to too much light. I closed my eyes again then reached for the curtains then closed it.

“Nice view” someone greeted me. I looked up to see Sarah and Jane smiling at me. My brain processed to what they talking about. I slowly looked down at my body. Shit! I forgot I don’t wear anything. I hurriedly covered my chest using my hands. Then I blushed furiously when I noticed I have a morning wood so I snatched up my pillow to hide it.

They chuckled and giggled. I glared at them fiery. Who the hell they think they are barging in my room and breaking my privacy?

“What do you think you’re doing?” I asked them in irritation.

“Waking you up, duh” Sarah answered me obviously. I rolled my eyes. She knows what I’m talking about.

“Why you two are here in my room early in the morning harassing me?” I pointed each of them waiting for explanation.

“FYI, it’s not early. It’s already 10 o’clock. You need to hurry up and dress casual because you have your last eye check-up then we’ll go to the mall for shopping. We’ll wait you in the living room and you better be there in 10 minutes” Jane commanded me.

I tried to protest but they quickly left the room not letting me to speak. What the hell they doing? It’s not fair to wake me up then ordered something like an army officer.  I don’t even agree with them to this make over.

I forgot that today I have my last appointment with Dr Williams. I’m so happy that I don’t need to worry about my glasses anymore.

I climbed out of the bed then went to the bathroom. I showered and brushed my teeth quickly. I wrapped my towel around my waist then headed to my closet. I chose my usual attire because my clothes are almost similar. I don’t have so much choice. My family is just average middle class. My dad left us enough money for me and my mom.

I wore my glasses on then picked up my wallet on my desk and put it to my pocket. I ran downstairs to see Jane and Sarah talking to my mom in the living room. They stopped when they heard my footsteps and turned their attention to me.

“Good morning mom” I walked toward her and kissed her cheek. She greeted me back.

“You need to eat your breakfast before you go sweetie. I’m so glad that you can finally remove your eyeglasses permanently” My mom said with glint of joy in her eyes.

“Thanks mom” I hugged her.

I released her then walked to the kitchen. My mom always saves up my breakfast every weekend. She doesn’t bother to wake me up in the morning except for school days because she knows I don’t want to and I’m deep sleeper.

I ate my breakfast immediately. After that I went back to the living room then called Jane and Sarah. My mom gave me 400 dollars for the appointment and for shopping. I don’t even know what Sarah and Jane had told to my mom about the makeover. I hope they know what the hell they doing.

We walked outside and the warm sun is up high in the cloudless blue sky contrasting the cold stream of wind.  Nice weather for our plans for today. It’s like the nature was giving us its blessing.

I glanced at my watch and the time was half hour past 10 o’clock. I have appointment with Dr Williams in his private eye clinic at 11 AM. It will take us 20 minutes’ drive. I hopped inside on passenger’s seat then Jane was on the back.

Sarah turned the key then the smooth sound of engine roared. We drove out of our house in a swift motion. I held my seatbelt tightly then looked to Sarah. I prayed that she’s not trying to kill us. After minutes of driving we’re out of our village. We are now at the main highway so Sarah has a steady speed.

I forced myself to look outside and tried to ease my mind. I’m not sure what will be the outcome of this whole transformation thing they planning to do. But I want it to be good. My mind shifted off to what had happened in the past whole week.

There so many things had happened, both good and bad. I don’t know what to prioritize first but I should stick to my plan in order to get my Ethan back. ‘Hey! He’s not yours’. My conscience shouted at me. ‘Not yet’ I countered, and then shut off this annoying pessimist side of me. I diverted my attention then looked to Jane which scribbling her phone’s screen. Then I noticed something.

“Where’s Jacob? You’re supposed to go with him” I asked her.

“Oh. The plan was changed. Don’t worry he’ll see you tonight. It’s our girl’s day. Am I right Sarah?” Sarah nodded then gazed at her through the rear view mirror. They stared at each other having a silent conversation. Then they both slowly smiled evilly. Ugh! I hate that.

I turned the radio on and switched the stations until I found a good music. Fancy by Iggy Azalea was playing. I have a sudden good idea. I rolled the window on my side and the gush of chilly air blasted on my face. I wait for the chorus.

“I’m so fancy 

You already know

I’m in the fast lane  

From L.A. to Tokyo"                                                                                                                                             

I sang at the top of my lungs. Jane and Sarah laughed but sang along with me.

"I’m so fancy 

Can’t you taste this gold

Remember my name, ‘bout to blow-oh-oh-oh”

We sang like crazy for the rest of the drive. We reached our destination in time. Sarah parked the car on the front of the clinic then we got out of the car. We entered the clinic to be greeted by Dr Williams’ assistant.

We sat down on the sofa in the lobby and waited for my name to be called. Different kinds of glasses and contact lenses are displayed around. I saw some stylish eye glasses that caught my attention. I picked up a magazine resting on the table then started reading it to make myself occupied.

Finally, it’s my turn so I went to Dr Williams’ office. His office is very spacious filled with different eye equipment, charts, etc. I sat on the chair on his front desk.

“How are you Luke?” He asked.

“I’m perfectly fine Dr Williams” I answered politely.

“This is our last session and I am so glad on your progress in the whole sessions. Can we start now?” I nodded then we proceed to different eye tests again.

My last test was the eye distance vision using the Snellen chart. We had two tries with and without my glasses on. My eyesight was almost the same even without my glasses. He made me read the letters from the chart 20 feet away then farther until 40 feet. I can read also the letters from that distance.

After we finished everything, Dr Williams told me the result. He said that I can permanently remove my glasses from now on. I jumped in joy when I heard it. I shook his hand then thank him for everything he did for me.

He prescribed me some eye supplement I should take for a week. I headed out of his office with a grin plastered on my face. I saw Jane and Sarah paying for something on the cashier. I saw Sarah holding a black sunglass then put it inside her bag.

I walked towards them and asked what they doing but they both shrugged. They kept complementing my hazel brown eyes without my glasses. After I paid, we headed outside to Sarah’s car. We got in then drove off.

“So, where to next?” I asked them once we’re out of the clinic.

“We’re going to the mall for your shopping” Jane answered me. I was still not fully convinced with this make over but part of me was excited.

I don’t know but maybe I was tired of my appearance. I’m just not good at fashion. Some people says I looked good and I have a built body but not too muscular. And they always said I should change how the way I dress.

I don’t care what they said and thought about me. What matters to me is Ethan’s thought about me. But after what happened yesterday, I guess they are possibly right.

Our physical appearance will make difference to what will people think of us. Even though if you’re handsome or pretty but you sucks the way you bring yourself and you don’t have the appeal, everything will be useless.

I sighed, I wish after all this Ethan would notice me as potential boyfriend or he’ll get a sudden attraction to me. But that will never happen, I guess it will only happen in my dreams. Maybe my only chance is my last secret weapon.

I looked ahead and we’re almost at the mall. Sarah turned the car to the side where the parking lot is. After we parked she turned the engine off.

“Luke, you’re ready for this?” Sarah asked while unbuckling the seatbelt.

“Yeah, so hurry up before I change my mind” I told them. They both giggled and then climbed out of the car.

I followed them toward the mall. We walked in to the entrance and the mall is crowded as usual because today is Saturday. Mostly teenagers hanging around with their friends like us. This is perfect place for anyone want to see hot guys. Hmm they’re almost everywhere. Stop it! you pervert.

Jane dragged me because I stopped walking toward the men’s section. Sarah and Jane picked everything they want me to wear. I walked toward the changing room holding a bunch of clothes and they followed me. I wore each pair they want me to then got out to let them see it.

After hours of shopping they finally told me that we’re done. They insisted me to wear the maroon skinny jeans, gray long sleeve with hood and matching dirty white vans.

We bought two new shoes, a black boots, long sleeve shirts and some fit tees. I got tapered, slim and skinny jeans in different colors. They also told me to buy a blazer for the party tonight. We also bought Gucci cologne for me.

After we finished buying everything we need. We’re too exhausted and it’s already 3 pm and we haven’t had lunch yet so we went to the food court. We grabbed our food then went to our table and started eating hungrily.

“So, how’s your feeling with your new look” Jane questioned me while eating.

“Not much, same as always even though I feel odd without my eye glasses” I replied.

“Not much huh? Have you seen your look now? You're fucking hot. You can get any girls and guys you want. If you’re not gay I will go for you. Look around you, girls were practically eye raping you” Sarah said.

I let my eyes peered around and she’s right.  Girls and some guys were eyeing me shamelessly. A group of girls kept glancing in my direction while talking and murmuring. They giggled when they saw me I was looking at them. I looked away quickly. Ew! If they only knew.

 “See? And we’re not even done with your hair” Sarah smirked.

“What will you do with my hair? There’s nothing wrong with it” I pouted then folded my arms.

“Oh. Just leave it to us” Jane said then winked at me. I face palmed. I thought we’re already done.

After we finished eating we went to hair shop and they bought everything they needed. I’m still getting use to the looks and stares I get from everyone. I feel my self-confidence was boosting.

Finally they were done and we headed outside toward the parking lot. Each of us was holding paper bags from everything we bought. We put all of them to the backseat besides Jane then drove out of the mall.

We reached our house after minutes of driving. We got out of the car with everything we bought then headed to my house. I opened the door then Jane and Sarah followed me inside.

My mom was sitting on the couch in the living room reading something. She looked up and I smiled at her. She gasped in surprise.

We walked toward her and she stood up then held my face. I stared at her questioningly.

“Is this really you Luke?” she asked in astonishment.

“Yeah mom. I’m still your cute and funny son” I smiled then posed. They laughed.

“You’re so handsome. I don’t even recognise you at first. You really did a great job on Luke” My mom told to Sarah and Jane while grinning.

“Hey! I’m not ugly before” I pouted. They looked at me then laughed again.

“You’re not but you suck at fashion” Sarah said “Besides we’re not done with your hair”

My mom asked them if they want to stay for dinner but they declined the offer. They told her that they still need to go home and prepare for the party.

We went upstairs with everything we bought then entered my room. I set down them to my bed then they help me to organized everything and put them in place. My closet was almost full with my new clothes.

They made me remove my shirt in order for them to work easily with my hair. We went to my bathroom and I sat down on stool in front of the mirror then let them do the magic.

“What you’re going to do?” I asked them curiously.

“Why question everything? Just leave it to us” Sarah smirked then they turned around my stool so that I can’t see myself in the mirror.

I kept my mouth shut afraid they’ll cut my ears off if I complained. They can be so scary anytime they want. And I don’t want that to see. And girls sometimes do the nastier things than men.

A half hour passed and they ended my misery sitting on the stool. My back was stiffed.

“Turn around” Sarah commanded pleased with their work.

I stood up and turned my body. I stared at myself in amazement. I don’t even recognize whose staring back at me.

My hair was dyed in a light brown like brunette masking my original black hair. It was styled straight upward to make everyone see my face clearly. My new haircut and hairstyle made my hazel brown eyes stand out more.

It was like I was looking on someone else. Like a model came out from the magazine. I gazed farther down then stared at my perfect body. I am fit and I have abs. My body is not like those whose muscles were ripped and bulging. And those persons are not my type.

My mouth was hanging open to the image of a Greek god. Hmm I wanna marry myself. Um… how that works?

“You know Luke, I’m just holding back my urge to rape you right now” Sarah said then licked her lips.

 Ew! I made a disgusted face and they giggled at that. I put my shirt back quickly.

We headed back to my room and talked for a while. We chat randomly about something. Around 5 pm they left and told me they’ll be back after dinner. We decided to only have one ride for the party and that’ll be Jacob. Sarah said that we should go there as a group for more impact and major entrance.

After they left I made sure that my door is fully locked. I walked towards my bookshelf then glanced at my door for the last time. I removed all the books in the top shelf. A metal box filled with numbers was hidden behind it. I entered the combination and open my secret compartment.

Different chemicals and other science laboratory apparatus were stored inside it. Some of my old experiments were still there. I still have doubts even with my new look, Ethan will remain straight as ever.

My hand trailed and I picked my last project that will make Ethan mine. PFE#7 was labelled on it. I was holding an Erlenmeyer flask filled with serum. I smiled evilly because it was a love potion.    

 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ 










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The Big Event will happen on the next chapter :)

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