Exactly What I've Been Waitin...

By jerrieisgoals

82.8K 2.9K 820

\_(ツ)_/¯ Started: 04/04/18 Finished : 03/30/19 More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 5

3.3K 122 21
By jerrieisgoals

A/N: So, I tried making a cute chapter...

When Leigh got home, she found Perrie sitting on her couch. "I think you got the wrong house."

"André just needed to leave for a few minutes while I wait for some papers for work," the blonde explained. "Where have you been young lady?!" she asked, crossing her arms across her chest, acting like parent.

"So just to be clear, we're both alone right now?"

"Yep," Perrie confirmed, popping the 'p'.

Leigh then took her purse from her shoulder and started attacking the blonde, "What entered in that blonde head of yours that made you decide to kiss Jade?!" she bellowed.

"Ow! Ow! Stop, Leigh. Leigh, stop. Ow! Dammit! That hurts, it has buckles and stones! Ow, Gosh, stop it!" she begged, her hands attempting to block the older girl's hits.

"You kissed Jade, stupid, and now she's stupid! I can't believe you!" Leigh finally stopped her assault and fell beside her on the couch.

"Leigh..." she sighed. "I'm not a bad person."

Leigh laughed out loud. "Really? Because I have a few sources telling me differently. What were you thinking Pez? Kissing Jade. Jade is the worst person to kiss."

"Her lips say differently," Perrie chuckled, rubbing her own.

"Not in that sense." She groaned, still wrapping her head around the idea of her two best friends kissing. "People love Jade. They get her, and always come back for more. She's a great girlfriend, Pez. That's the keyword – girlfriend."

"And I'm a great girlfriend as well. Do you want references?"

"Jade is a product of romance and that's how she lives her life. She's not someone you just have sex with and entertain yourself. She's someone you make promises to, she's someone you fall in love with, she's someone you commit yourself to."

"Hey, hey, hey," The blonde raised her hands, palms out. "When I'm with someone, I'm only with one person. I don't cheat. I think cheaters are bastards."

Leigh sighed and stood up. "If you hurt her, you're going to get more than a bag in the face. I'm warning you Perrie, if you're going through with this, it's all or nothing; nothing in between."

"Whoa, wait a minute," Perrie's brows knitted in a frown, "Why are you picking her side?!" she asked, her voice slightly raised.

"I am not any picking side! Don't get me involved! But let's face facts, Perrie. When the going gets tough, it'll be Jade who gets the shorter end of the stick." Leigh explained. "Look, I'm not trying to get in between - whatever it is that you two have.  All I'm trying to prevent is you fucking Jade's feelings just because you're unsure about yours."

Saturday was a half day for them. Both Jade and Perrie don't make it to dinner that night. Jade stayed home, just wanting to be alone, and Perrie did the same. It was great to have friends, but sometimes, even on the odd times, some need a break.

Jade was in her boxer shorts and tank top as heat blasted in her place. The temperature was dropping, signalling the heater. She took a seat on her sofa with a large glass of wine, and used her remote control to dim the lights and turn on the music. Now this was relaxing.

"Amelia, it's your mother!"

She didn't hear the door open, or anyone enter, which could be dangerous. But everyone needs a little danger sometimes. This was not it. Jade opened her eyes as her mother fell down beside her. "Hi, baby. Uh-oh, glass of wine, dim lights, fireplace and blasting music. You're having love troubles."

"What!? Mam," she turned down the music. "There's nothing wrong."

"Then shouldn't you be at your friend's house? Whose house is this week?"

Jade sighed in defeat, seeing no point in further denying since her mom can always see through her bluff. Damn you, Norma. "Mam, have you ever kissed a friend? Thought about someone more than just a friend?"

"And this girl is...?" Norma sat up right and pushed her daughter onto her lap, stroking her hair.

Jade laughed, "I can't tell you, Mam."

"Okay, what can you tell me?"

Jade took a deep breath. "There's this girl that I have known for a really long time and I've come to trust and –" she paused, her mind trying to come up with a way to explain everything without revealing too much information. "And one night we share this amazing moment which translates to something more amazing. And I don't know what to do." She finished, her voice cracking a bit at the end.

"I know this is going to sound cliché and overused, but it's cliché for a reason. When it comes to dealings with the heart, you need to follow your heart. You can't ask me, sweetheart. Everyone has their own story to live out. But when you are ready to tell me who it is and how it ends up, you know I'm always here for you."

"You and another four," she chuckled, sitting up. "You always know what to say."

"I hear it's genetic. Okay, well your stepfather might burn the house down if I'm away too long. Don't be a stranger, honey. I love you, and see you soon."

Jade nodded. "Bye, Mam." When the door closed, she figured it was time to take her mother and friend's advice. Nothing was going to get done if she sat there and wondering with her large glass of alcohol. She needed to follow your heart all the way to Perrie.

The drive didn't take longer than ten minutes, but the anticipation made it appear longer. She hesitated while she was in the car, but finally moved her feet towards the large house she's grown comfortable over the years, but estranged in a few moments. Her hands were shaking and all the thoughts swirling in her mind was giving her a headache. After a few moments of mentally preparing herself, Jade was finally able to knock her door.

There she was, standing before the brunette in all her feminine glory. She was in casual attire, Jade noticed – wearing a white tinsel jumper and designer jeans, finishing her look with a messy bun. "Hi," she smiled.

"I didn't think you'd be coming up. After ten minutes of watching you psyche yourself up in that car, I gave up." Perrie moved to the left so that the smaller girl could enter. "I can see that you're not at Jesy's tonight."

Jade removed her coat, making her way to the living room. "Yeah, well, you're not either. I was actually working late. Another deadline."

"At home?" The blonde threw a can of iced tea to her. "Because I stopped by the shop and you weren't there."

She stopped by the shop? As in she was thinking about her? Okay, stop it, she prompted. If you're going to talk to her, you need to keep your head straight. "We need to talk about some stuff."

"Really? Because I think Leigh did a lot of talking."


"Oh yeah," she turned her right hand to show Jade the inside of her wrist that had a little scar. "You see that? the buckle of her bag gave it to me. When she was beating the crap out of me! What were you thinking?!"

"What was I thinking? What were you thinking?" She said, getting defensive. "My best friend was just trying to protect me and be a friend, something you weren't doing."

"I disagree. I think I was being very friendly."

Jade laughed. "Don't try to be funny." Her tone now becoming more serious. "I'm not in the mood for funny. You went all flirty with me, jumping my car, rubbing my shoulders, eating my pasta, lending me your parka and then – "

Perrie laughed, taking a seat on her couch, crossing her legs. "Right, I should've just waved you off as I passed you on the side of the road. And as for the parka thing, you were turning blue with the amount of snow we were getting. And I was hungry, so I ate your pasta."

"And the rest?"

The blonde sighed, her resolve about to crumble, "You looked tired and knotted up. I loosened you up. You were okay with it at the time."

"And then?"

"Fine, there was an 'and then'. You were there, I was there, so and then it happened. It's not like I jumped on you and started ripping your clothes off. And you didn't exactly try to push me away. We just...locked lips for a second or two."

"Locked lips? Are you twelve?"

"Hey, I wasn't kissing anyone when I was twelve. That was you," the blonde shot back at her.

Jade's jaw dropped. The brunette came here all relaxed and civilized and here was the blonde, throwing all of it back in her face, with her being sane and calm. This was definitely not how she thought it'd be like, but then, nothing ever is. "Well, you kissed me."

"We kissed each other."

"You started it."

"Now who's twelve?" Perrie teased.

"But you made the move, Pez. You got all cozy on the stairs, you rubbed my back. You kissed me."

The blonde laughed. "Guilty at all counts." Her hands were opened, as if she was showing her something. "You just have that mouth, and I wanted it." Her eyes grew dark with desire. But her posture stayed cool. "I thought I was pretty clear about that. you didn't scream for help, so I took the bait. Hang me." She shrugged.

"You wanted it? Like a piece of meat?" The brunette's hands tightened into fists.

"That's not what I meant." Perrie uncrossed her feet and stood.

"Fine. You explained the kiss, but now we're acting weird around each other. Us skipping our weekly tradition is ridiculous, don't you think. So yes, I lied. I wasn't working, but why weren't you there. This wasn't supposed to become awkward. All I'm asking is what is this. You kissed me. We kissed each other, and now we can't fulfill a tradition I started ten years ago?"

Jade's eyes were so vulnerable when she asked the question. Her lips pursed and there it was. The ache, the desire in the blonde's gut telling her she wanted Jade. She did, she wanted the brunette. The brunette was killing her by wearing those tight leggings and an oversized sweatshirt. What was she thinking? Showing off her great legs, but hiding those luscious curves? Making the blonde want nothing else but to solve the mystery of that body being hidden.

Perrie's eyes then wandered over to her hair. Those long, wavy locks teased her senses; wanting to feel it over her body, feel her hands tangled within them. And her neck. God, her neck. Everyone thinks it's the great body that gets anyone going. Of course, the body is factor, but the real deal is the neck. The curvature of her neck, all she wanted to do was run her lips over that sensitive part and hear her moan, feel her grab hold of her just to keep up. The blonde wanted to bury herself in the crook of her neck.

All these ideas needed to turn into something. "Screw it," she muttered, walking towards the brunette, grabbing the pop can from her hands and dropping it to the floor, not caring if it was full. Perrie grabbed her, plundering her forward and up to her toes. The blonde used her teeth, one quick, impatient bite on her lower lips that got the brunette parting in response. Nothing mattered, not when Perrie's tongue found hers and the taste of the brunette sizzled along her senses like a wire in the blood.

Jade reached up and tangled her fingers into her blonde locks, holding her head as she kissed her back and met demand with demand. Her hips rose up to thrust against the blonde's as her taste and smell invaded her like a drug.

Stop. Can't. Shouldn't. Those were the words running through Jade's mind, but her body rejected any thoughts. It was like being drenched in summer, the heat and the wet. All her logical, sensible, rational thought vaporized as her body leaped from the frustration to shock to fevered response.

The blonde pushed her backward, not exactly knowing where she was going, but she didn't care. All that mattered was that they were together, her door was locked and they had all the privacy they needed.

As the blonde was blindly leading them backward, Jade's back hit against the wall, hard, causing her to jump. The blonde pulled back when she felt the reaction, "Are you okay?"

It didn't matter. Jade dug her fingers into her blonde locks and pulled her lips back to hers. The brunette's skin burned as all the pent up desire she'd buried deep burst out of her body in a flood of heat. She was ravenous for the blonde's taste, for her hands to strip off her clothes and take her right there against the wall.

The blonde's hands were on her back, roaming down to the curvature of her buttocks, then behind her thighs and pulled her up. With an easy grace, she climbed the stairs, heading straight to her bedroom as her hand starts to creep up inside the brunette's shirt to feel her tight stomach. Jade did the rest of the job pulling it over her head and throwing it down on the floor.

Inside the bedroom, the blonde tossed the girl on the bed and started to strip herself from her clothes. Shedding her shirt and throwing it on the bedroom floor and sliding off her jeans in one swift motion, leaving her with only her undergarments on. All of this was done as the brunette sprawled in the center of the bed and stared at her as if she were her own private dancer.

Nope, she was even better.

Barely any fabric marred the endless curve of warm, porcelain flesh. Her breasts, despite of being concealed by her bra, were lush and made for human touch. Her hips formed the ancient hourglass figure artists based fantasies on instead of sharp bones that dictated the current fashion. Miles of long legs. Her toned thighs were masked in between by a tiny scrap of fire engine red she had pulled on with no one in mind but herself. The brunette's fingers curled into her palms as her fantasy joined her on the bed and settled against her.

"Your turn." The blonde's voice scraped like sandpaper over her ears, one side rough, and the other smooth. Her hands settled on the brunette's hips. She grasped the delicate fabric of her tights at both sides and began to work it down over her thighs, calves, then tore it away from her and tossed the clothing to the floor. The sense of urgency coming back to the blonde. Perrie dipped her mouth and nibbled at the sensitive part below the brunette's chin where she could feel her pulse beating for her to take her. Once satisfied with the mark she left, she intended to flip Jade over so she could be on top. Instead, she threw her off the bed, taking herself with her.

Jade's body slammed on the gound, "Ow!"

"Shit!" Perrie cursed, pulling the brunette into a sitting position on her lap. "Oh gosh, are you okay?"

Jade started laughing, "I have to sign a waiver just to sleep with you," she joked. That was exactly who the brunette was, playing it off as a joke. Her hand cradled her back.

Perrie pulled her hand away, and replaced it with her own, massaging it gently. "Oh god," she swore. "I'm so sorry."

The brunette dropped her head on her shoulder, still straddling her lap, laughing. "What were you thinking? Throwing me off the bed?!"

Perrie rubbed her face with her free hand while massaging the brunette's back with her other hand. "I was supposed to throw you on top, not up and over. You could stop laughing now," she groaned. "It's putting a stench to my ego."

Jade's laugh faltered. "What are we doing?" She finally said, passion washing out of her system and logic coming back to her. Jade stood up from her lap and started pulling on her tights.

"Well, if I have to explain, I'm not doing it right."

"No, really. Look at us," she peered down looking at her lacy bra which barely concealed her breasts.

"Believe me, baby, I was. I am. I want to keep doing that. You have this seriously amazing body, I just wanted to..."

"Yeah, I got that. You too, honey," she pointed to the blonde's toned abs and arms. "We got off track here." She sighed, running her hand through her now messed up hair. "We can't do this. Not like this. We need to take time and think it over. Mull it over, agree and disagree a couple of times. We're friends, Pez."

"And I'll say this again, I'm being pretty damn friendly."

"Yeah, we are. And we have friends who are friends. So many connections, more than I knew since last week. And as much as I'd like to say 'what the hell, let's try out me on top, then me on bottom and take some creative positions on round three..."

Perrie dropped her head, "Jadey, you're killing me."

She laughed, "Sex isn't a massage on the back stairs, it's not a moment under a hood, or a really amazing kiss at a wedding reception. So we need to think it over and so on before we decide. I refuse to put our friendship on hold because right now, I really want to hop on that bed with you and try those three positions. But you're too important."

Perrie heaved a sigh. "I wish you hadn't said that. You're important to me too. You always have been."

"Then it's agreed. We take time to think this through, whatever it is." Jade walked to the bedroom door, still without her shirt on as the blonde puts on her robe.

"You have no idea how sorry I am to see you walk away like that," Perrie hopped in front of her to grab the brunette's shirt off the floor, and place it over her head, pulling her hair back out.

"Yeah, I do too. About as sorry as I am to do it." They walked to her front door, and the blonde opened it, feeling her body tighten at the breeze against her legs. Jade placed her hand on the blonde's chest. "If it's any consolation, I'm going to have a miserable night thinking about what would've happened if you didn't throw me off the bed."

She laughed, "It isn't, because I'm going to have the same."

Jade leaned forward and kissed her lips. "Well," she broke the kiss and tapped her chest pulling away from her embrace. "You started it," she winked before walking away towards her car.

Jade made sure to sway her hips just a little more than she would've normally just to pay her back for throwing her off the bed. Her entrance into her car was slow and seductive, throwing her hair to the other side of her shoulder and revealing her neck, running her fingers down that spot that the blonde had kissed. She turned her head and smiled, making sure the blonde dreamed about what she was missing.

A/N: Keyword: tried

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