By honeeylovee

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"My heart is torn between two. I love them both. I have to let one go" . . Jazmin thought she found everyth... More

Chapter One Intro: Sunset Views (Diary)
Chapter Two: Jacksonville (Diary)
Chapter Three: First Night In Redwood-Ville
Chapter Four: The Next Door Neighbor
Chapter Five: Senior Year
Chapter Six: Bright Stars
Chapter Seven: Late Night Thoughts
Chapter Eight: Letting Demons Out
Chapter Nine: A New Vibe
Chapter Ten: Mixed Emotions
Chapter Eleven: The Heartbreak
Chapter Twelve: Me Myself & I
Chapter Thirteen: School Project
Chapter Fourteen: War Declared
Chapter Fifteen: School Field Trip
Chapter Sixteen: The Healer
Chapter Seventeen: Take Me To Paradise
Chapter Eighteen: Facing Reality
Chapter Nineteen: Troubling Young Love
Chapter Twenty: Mending A Shattered Heart
Chapter Twenty-One: A Chance On Bad
Chapter Twenty-Two: Rumors
Chapter Twenty-Three: Rage
Chapter Twenty-Four: Burning Passion
Chapter Twenty-Five: A Dangerous Ex
Chapter Twenty-Six: Faded Memories
Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Vivid Nightmare
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Aching Hearts
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Singing The Blues
Chapter Thirty: Singing The Blues (pt.2)
Chapter Thirty-One: Letting Go
Chapter Thirty-Two: An Old Friend
Chapter Thirty-Three: A Ghost From The Past
Chapter Thirty-Four: Secrets (Pt.1)
Chapter Thirty-Five: Secrets (Pt.2)
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Open Wound
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Time Heals
Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Night Of Romance
Chapter Forty: Unfortunate Event
Chapter Forty-One: A Lustful Kiss?
Chapter Forty-Two: Bad Lies
Chapter Forty-Three: The Call
Chapter Forty-Four: Deception
Chapter Forty-Five: The Proposal
Chapter Forty-Six: The Hide Out (Pt.1)
Chapter Forty-Seven: The Hide Out (Pt.2)
Chapter Forty-Eight: The Decision
Chapter Forty-Nine: The Capture
Chapter Fifty: A Dreadful Death
Chapter Fifty-One: Ticking Bomb
Chapter Fifty-Two: Life Goes On
Chapter Fifty-Three: Birth To A New Beginning
Chapter Fifty-Four: The Agreement
Chapter Fifty-Five: Back To A Loving Home
Chapter Fifty-Six: Birthday Surprise
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Confession
Chapter Fifty-Eight: A Passionate Night
Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Halloween Party
Chapter Sixty: Calling It Quits?
Chapter Sixty-One: The Reason Comes Out
Chapter Sixty-Two: The Return
Chapter Sixty-Three: Out For Blood
Chapter Sixty-Four: The Choice
Chapter Sixty-Five: Closing Two Chapters
Chapter Sixty-Six: A New Home
Chapter Sixty-Seven: Fateful Accident
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Farewell My Love
Chapter Sixty-Nine: A Life Changing Decision
Chapter Seventy: Sunset Views In Jacksonville

Chapter Thirty-Six: The Offer

188 8 1
By honeeylovee

On the following morning I did my best to try and avoid my mother. Luckily for me she had gone to her bakery shop and wouldn't be home until later at night. I couldn't face her after the way I disrespected her. All the mixed feelings I bottled inside me for so long just bursted out of me that night. I wasn't planning on going through a bad break-up and also dealing with the sudden return of my dad all at once. It was all too much to handle. With no school due to a holiday I got dressed to meet up with Amy at a coffee shop nearby. I needed all the distraction I could possibly get. Staying inside my room constantly looking out my window towards James house wasn't going to help me out at all.

As I was heading out I noticed Ms. Emma locking her front door in a hurry. I waved hello to her and noticed her puffy red eyes when she turned to wave back with hardly a smile on her face. I immediately worried wondering if it could be related to James. So I walked over to her while she got inside her car.

Jazmin- Hey Ms. Emma..

Emma- Hello Jazmin..

Jazmin- Um how are you doing?

Emma- I'm in a bit of a hurry Hun.

Jazmin- Okay have a good day..

Emma- You too.

Jazmin- Wait Ms. Emma!

Emma- Yes?

Jazmin- Um..I haven't seen James these past days..I was wondering if he was okay?

Emma- He is...I gotta go now sweety. See you.

I moved to the side as she drove off in a hurry. There was something definitely off. I had a bad feeling.


Security- You have a visitor.

James- I don't give a shit

Security- Watch your mouth boy!

James- ...Or What tough guy!!?

Richard- You are hanging on thin thread young man.

James- Who the fuck are you?

Richard- When you talk to me you address me as Mr. Kingsley or Sir. You do not disrespect me or use fowl language around me. Are we clear?

James- Haha is this guy foreal?...Who the fuck do you think you are?...Get the fuck outta here with your high class bullshit.

Richard- I've dealt with young foolish punks like yourself. Who think by running their mouth makes them tough. You want to know what makes a real man tough?

James- ...Please enlighten me

Richard- Power.

James- Listen I don't have shit to pay you for your services alright?..I don't need no damn lawyer..Let the system fuck me over..I don't give a shit..

Richard- You have attitude and ambition kid. The kind that can take you far.

James- I didn't ask for your opinion about me..So save it.

He stared me down as if he was deeply thinking something. I didn't know who the fuck this guy was and I didn't care. I was broke and in deep shit. I had lost all the drugs I was suppose to sell. When the dude that supplies me finds out, Ima be good as dead. Shit I'm better of locked up then free out there in the streets.

James- Why the fuck are you looking at me like that?..

Richard- You remind me of someone.

James- I doubt it..My kind doesn't mix with your kind..All you rich folks act like you are all high and mighty..Just a bunch of clowns that's what you guys are..

Richard- You too could have all this power. If only you played your cards right.

James- *Sighs...Make yourself clearer..I'm not following. What do you want with me?

Richard- I'm feeling extra generous today. Tell you what I'll make you an offer. If you take it you can walk out of this cell as an innocent young man with a clean record of course.

James- And if I don't take it?

Richard- You are a clever smart young man. You won't reject my offer.

James- Who are you man?

Richard- Address me the way I requested you too. If you fail to do so I will walk out and any possible way of you leaving this place will be automatically denied.

James- *Rolls Eyes...Alright I'm up for the offer..Whatever it is..I'm sure it can't be worse then this place..

Richard- That's much better. Now that we've made some progress you will be out of this cell in exactly 5 minutes after I leave. There will be a chauffeur waiting for you outside the main gate.

James- Okay? I go home after?

Richard- You will be brought to my office and there we will discuss what I want in return for your freedom. There is no need for you to know anymore details then the one's you've been given. Understood?

James- Whatever man...I mean 'SIR.' ...Anything to get me out of this shit hole..I mean crap hole..or is crap a bad word for your sensitive ears? ..Haha

Richard- Mister Dawson I don't give second chances neither do I like repeating myself. Shall I reconsider my offer? Including your freedom?

James- Relax it was just a-

Richard- I don't do jokes either. I don't play around. I'm a business man Mister Dawson..A very powerful one indeed. You don't want to upset me.

James- (What a fucking clown)...Alright..GOT IT...You don't do jokes...

Richard- See you in my office.

James- Woopee can't wait..*Sighs


Amy- So what do you plan on doing?..You can't avoid it forever Jaz.

Jazmin- I know..I know..UGH..Why is my life so damn complicated..I swear ever since I came to this town it has been giving me nothing but trouble..

Amy- Don't say that..This town also gave you two best-friends who love you sooo much and enjoy your company as much as you secretly enjoy ours!

Jazmin- You couldn't be more right about that! Except for the secret part...I actually love you girls Loudly!

Her phone began to ring startling us both. "Oh my gosh it's Jean!" She shouted in total excitement. I had never seen Amy gushing over a guy before. It was so adorable to see her in love. I decided to give her some privacy and headed outside meanwhile she took the call in her bedroom.


Richard- So you're suggesting I'm wrong?

Dr. Flora- Mr. Kingsley I understand and pardon me if you think I'm being rude but I have had many patients throughout all these years..After all you are talking about something that occurred 17 years ago.

Richard- I am not wrong Dr. Flora. Your betrayal will cost you.

Dr. Flora- Mr. Kingsley I'm sorry please..I beg you forgive me!

Richard- Franco walk Dr. Flora to her car. Give her our special treatment.

Franco- My pleasure Sir.

Dr. Flora- N-no-No please! I have a son! Please I beg you for forgiveness!!

Richard- Get her outta here.

Franco roughly pulled Doctor Flora out of his office as Richard's secretary walked inside. "Mr. Kingsley you have a young man outside..Says he is here to see you".

Richard- Send him in.

James- Gotta hand it to you rich folks...Always having the best shit in the world..I mean look at your office it's bigger than my bedroom..

Richard- Have a seat Mister Dawson before I lose the little patience I have with you.

James- If you say that because of the 'S-word' I just said..Pardon me it's in my blood. *Smirks

Richard- I am not one to play games or to make a fool out of.

James- *Sighs....So are you going to tell me why I'm here or what?

Richard- I want you to work for me.

James- You're kidding right?

Richard- Do I look like a man of jokes?

James- (Sure look like a damn clown to me)..No Sir. you don't.

Richard- The ambition you got within you will take you to far places in life. You're street smart. That's already an advantage.

James- Listen man..I mean SIR..I don't think you know who I am..I don't work for people like you..Sitting behind a desk all day taking calls and kissing ass to the higher ups..Isn't my cup of tea.

Richard- Stupidity does not suit you young man. So do not try that again.

James- What I say?

Richard- I do not want you among the rest of my employees here. You will have to work your way up for a position like theirs. What I want you to do is easy. Something you already know how to do. I'm informed about your reputation in the streets.

James- What!?..You want me to sell for you!?

Richard- I am a business man Mister Dawson. I do not settle for little. Along the way you obtain awareness of other options and the extreme profit you can collect from it. Sometimes you just gotta risk a little to gain a lot.

James- I wouldn't have thought you made those type of deals..

Richard- See that is where you fail. You don't think at all. If you did you wouldn't have gotten caught. I am giving you a second opportunity to make a name out of yourself. Build a name everyone will respect and remember with fear.

James- Why are you trying to help me?

Richard- I see potential in you. That will be a good thing for my business. Like I said to you before. I can use people like you.

James- Hmm..What are the pros and cons ..

Richard- There is no cons. Only pros. You agree to work for me you will automatically receive everything you need for the type of business I want you to professionally handle for me.

James- I thought I would be selling out in the streets?

Richard- You will be working for the big men now. I am no ordinary drug dealer. 

James- Well can I know exactly what you need me to do?

Richard- First we can start with your disappearance.

James- What?

Richard- I need you to leave town with your mother for a while. You will be leaving to Maple City. Don't worry about the expenses. Everything will be covered. Once you are there you will receive further instructions.

James- Yeah..So that would be when 'Boss'..

Richard- I need you gone before tomorrow's sunrise.

James- Nah...That's too damn soon..I still got a lot to do here..

Richard- You have nobody here besides your mother. Who will be going with you so therefore you don't have a reason to stay. Or do you Mister Dawson?

James- (I guess not anymore)...What about school?..Graduation is around the corner..

Richard- You keep on surprising me. With your poor school record graduating is out of this question. However I do have plans for you in Redwood-Ville. I am certain you will prosper and accomplish all the tasks that will be thrown your way where I am sending you.

James- So that means..

Richard- I don't need you to leave this town forever Mister Dawson. You will be able to come back once you finish what I have assigned for you to do there. When I feel you are ready to come back and depending on your hard work and determination. I'll consider having you work for me in my company.

James- Okay so that sounds like I'll be gone only for a couple of weeks? Maybe even days?

Richard- Several months Mister Dawson. Do you agree?

James- (Beats being in the pin)...Yes I agree.

Richard- Perfect. From now on you will only Breathe. Think. and Live my tasks. Nothing will be more important than to accomplish the task giving to you. Are we clear?

James- Crystal Clear. But what will I tell my mom?..She has her job here and..

Richard- Don't worry so much about your Mother. I'm sure she'll agree to move. Anything to keep you out of trouble. Oh and Mister Dawson. There is a new bank account under your name with a great amount of money to have you start out. Don't let me down.

James- Wait..How did you know I'd agree to all this?

Richard- Only a fool would have preferred to rot in prison.

James- You're right about that..But there's something I think you need to know..I owe some dangerous dudes a lot of money because of what I got confiscated..

Richard- Don't worry about them. They've been dealt with. As of today you don't owe anyone anything besides me. Are we clear?

James- Yes Sir.



Amy- Okay so get ready because we are going out!

Jazmin- What?

Amy- You heard me..I got us a double date!

Jazmin- Amy..I don't want-

Amy- Ah-uh..I won't take a no for an answer..

Jazmin- Amy I really don't feel like going out..

Amy- You're here aren't you?..

Jazmin- I mean like dating..Ugh I'll just go back home..

Amy- No Jaz don't go..Look I did this because I know you need the distraction..I'm not asking you to hook up with the guy..All I want is for you to come with us to the movies..That is all.

Jazmin- I don't know Amy..

Amy- Pretty please??!..I promise we'll leave if you are not enjoying your time.

Jazmin- Promise?

Amy- I pinky promise!

Jazmin- Haha..Who does pinky promises now a days..Only you would Amy..

Amy- *Smiles...Well I at least managed to get a laugh out of you..So what do you say?

Jazmin- *Sighs....(I hope I don't regret this)...Fine I'll go.

Amy- Yay!

Suddenly her bedroom door opened and an older pretty blonde walked inside. "Amy two hot guys are asking for you in the front..Dad's almost home and you know he doesn't like guys around here". I raised my eyes in shock as I heard Amy's sister mention our double dates being here already. "Belen this is my best-friend Jazmin" Amy said as I smiled and shook her sisters hand. "I'm Amy's older sister nice to meet you. If you girls are planning to hangout with those cuties I suggest you head out now before Dad comes home. He won't be too happy to see them outside our house".

Amy- Yeah we're going can you please tell them that?

Belen- Sure.

She left the room as I turned to look at Amy I saw her freaking out about what shoes to pair with her light yellow flowery dress.

Jazmin- I didn't know you had an older sister? She's really pretty Amy..

Amy- Yeah she doesn't live here anymore..She moved to Maple City for college...

Jazmin- Oh cool..

After she had finally found the right shoes to match her outfit we headed outside to meet the guys.

Jean- Hey Amy

Amy- Hi Jean!..I want you to meet one of my best friends..

Jean- Hi nice to meet ya.

He wasn't bad looking at all a few inches shorter than me but perfect height for Amy. He had blonde hair nicely combed back and beautiful green eyes. Definitely Amy's type. They both looked so cute together.

Jazmin- Hi..

Jean- I brought a friend with me I'd like you to meet...Oh look here he comes..

Miles- Jazmin??

Jazmin- You're my date??

Amy- (Oh oh)

Jean- Awesome you two know each other this will be better..Right?

Miles- Yeah she goes to my school..

Jean- Well at least it won't be awkward between you two..After all it is a double date.

Amy- Um..Jean I don't think Jazmin will want to go..

Jazmin- No it's fine Amy...Of course I'll still go...

Miles- I'll understand if you don't want to come along..I can actually drop you off home Jazmin I don't mind...

Jean- Did I miss something here?

Amy- Miles is friends with some prick that broke my best friends heart....Oops I'm sorry Jazmin I shouldn't have said anything ..

Jazmin- (Geez Amy..)...I was actually the one to mess up the relationship but that's off topic..Point is I'm comfortable with tagging along with you guys..But Miles lets just not call it a date.

Last thing I needed was James finding out I'm out on a date with his best friend. He already thought the worse about me. But there wasn't any reason to drag his friend along too.

Miles- I understand..

Jean- Sooo just to be clear we are all good to go?..

Amy- Yes..I'm getting shot gun!

Jean- Um Amy..Miles is driving..I wrecked my car remember?

Amy- Oh yeah..I totally forgot..

Jazmin- You can still sit in the front Amy I don't mind..

Jean- Well...

Amy- *Shy Smile...I think I'll sit in the back with Jean.

Things were a bit awkward at first only because Amy and Jean couldn't keep their eyes off each other. I felt happy for Amy but I couldn't wait to go home. It's not that I wasn't having fun with Miles but it scared me to think of the possibility of bumping into James. I didn't want him thinking I was some sorta back-stabbing slut who not only cheated on him but is now out and about with his best friend. I also didn't want to cause trouble between them both. I was aware of their brotherly bond.

After a while of eating popcorn and pointing out the bad jokes and scenes of the movie we watched. We headed back home. Miles dropped off Amy and Jean first and then we drove off to my house. On the way there we spoke about our future plans in life. He told me his goal was to study for a Law firm and eventually become a Lawyer. He also mentioned wanting to find the right girl that would become his wife someday and have kids. The way he spoke about life and everything he wanted to accomplish in it made me see him differently.

He was such a sweet guy and charming but also very smart and ambitious. He wanted to help people and be someone great that his kids one day would look up too. He was a perfect example of not judging someone by his or her cover. If I hadn't met him and gotten to know him as a good friend I would've thought he was just as arrogant and self-centered as James. He turned out to be the total opposite. I couldn't understand how they were such close friends when they were so different.

Miles- Well we're here..

Jazmin- Thanks again for such a great time Miles..I really had fun.

Miles- No need to thank me..I enjoyed my time with you also..I mean ..With everyone else too you know..

Jazmin- ...Of course..

Miles- (Damn she is so beautiful)..

Jazmin- (Why is he just staring?)....Miles?..You Okay?

Miles- (Shit)..*Clears Throat...Yeah ..Uh here let me open the door for you.

Jazmin- (Well that was weird..)...Thanks again for tonight...and Miles..

Miles- Yes?

Jazmin- Thanks for not making this night about James..

Miles- Um..I'm not sure why you say that?

Jazmin- I know he's your best-friend and all but thank you for not picking sides or bringing him up at all tonight...I needed the distraction and I had fun with you..

I reached over to him and gave him a friendly hug.

Miles- (Having her so close to me made me feel some type of way..I've had girls before but none of them ever made me feel the way she did..I felt nervous just having her around..She means more to me then just looks)....I'm not only a friend to him..I am also a friend to you...I'll always be here for you no matter what..You can always count on me.

"Well aren't you both such a pretty looking couple" That all too familiar voice spoke from behind me. I turned around to find James clapping his hands with a smirk on his face. Though clearly hiding his rage behind it.

Miles- (Fuck..)...Hey bro..I didn't know you were back..

James- Does it upset you? Am I interrupting?

Jazmin- *Rolls Eyes..I'll see you at school Miles..Thanks again for today I had fun.

James- Haha..It's just never enough huh?

Miles- Hey come on man..It's not what you're thinking..

James- Just answer me this one question 'Bro'..What sorry as story did she tell you to make you believe you'll be the only one hittin it? Because there's no such thing as enough dick ain't that right Tiger?

Miles- James shut the fuck up!!

James- ...Truth hurts don't it Jazmin..That's why you're so quite..Where you leave your tongue at? Stuck in Miles dick?

"I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Miles shouted as he threw a punch across James face. "Miles stop!!" I quickly grabbed him from the arms and pulled him back.

James- Gotta hand it to you..Didn't think your balls had dropped till now..Since you think you a man now..Let's go! I got enough fight in me to last all night 'BRO'.

Jazmin- James that's enough!!

Miles- I don't want to fight you...If you just hear us out..

Jazmin- We don't owe him any explanation Miles..Just please go..I don't want any trouble..

James- Yeah Listen to her and run like a little bitch..

Miles- Call me if you need anything Jazmin..

James- Haha...So y'all exchanged numbers and shit...How cute..

Miles- Whatever man..Hit me up when you're not pissed off anymore so we can talk about this..Later

I turned to look at James who had a dark fury glare in his eyes. Without saying anything at all I turned away from him and walked towards my door. Suddenly he grabbed me from the arm and took me to a tree next to my house. The tree branches covered the moonlight forming a dark shadow around it. He pinned me against the tree trunk making it hard for me to move. "Back off me James!!" I yelled at him trying to break loose from his tight grip. He leaned his head forward coming closer to me. Our lips were only few inches away from touching. I saw the look in his eyes change towards me. He had calmed down and only seemed to be upset but not angry anymore. I couldn't hold back my tears and anger much longer.

Jazmin- Why do you do this to me!? I know you hate me! Just please leave me alone! I don't wanna do this anymore..Can't you see how much I'm hurting over you!

He suddenly caressed my face with his hand wiping the tears off my cheeks. I looked at him with my eyes full of sadness. He then leaned his forehead onto mine and whispered to me saying "You're hurting? I'm silently dying inside". Just as we were both craving it though afraid to make the first move. His lips suddenly claimed mine one more time.

We kissed with passion while he loosened his grip and slowly moved his arms towards my back pushing me closer to him. As we kissed the hurtful words he said about me and the way he would look at me when he would call me names resurfaced inside my mind. 'He wasn't kissing me because he loved me...He was doing it to prove a point..That I was easy to him' I silently thought with tears falling from my eyes.

Jazmin- James stop..

James- Why??...Is it because I'm not Jake?..Or that fucker I saw you with the other night?..Oh I know it's because of Miles..Which one is it Jazmin?? Huh!?

Jazmin- NO! IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU! Can't you see what you're doing to me!..

James- Me?!..You have issues..

Jazmin- It's always a joke to you!..You could never take a conversation seriously!


He turned away from me. I knew he still felt a great amount of pain. I felt broken as well.

James- This was a mistake...I don't need more shit on my plate to deal with...I gotta go..

I quickly stopped him by wrapping my arms around his waist. I rested my head against his back and said "I love you James..I can't stop thinking about you..I miss your touch your kisses the way you held me..I miss everything about you..I can't deal with this distance..I NEED YOU".

James- You don't know what your saying..

Jazmin- YES I DO!..I don't want to let you go..Please give me a chance to clear what happened that night with Jake..

He stayed silent as I held tighter onto him afraid he would leave.

Jazmin- I'll get on my knees if that's what you really want..I'll beg you to listen! but please don't go..

As I'm holding onto him I felt his hands pull my arms off him. I could barely stand still my legs were weakening. I watched as he moved a couple steps away still giving his back to me. I couldn't move any further. If I did I was going to collapse onto the floor. I didn't have strength left in me to take anymore of his rejection. Nor could I watch him walk away from me. So I closed my eyes and visualized the day I first met him. The days we were so happy together. The times he made me his under the sheets. I had to hold onto those sweet memories because that's all I had left now. 'No matter where life takes us..I'll always love you James Dawson.' I whispered underneath my breath as I no longer felt his presence.

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