The New Girl

By GleeForever213

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This is the first book in the 'New Girl' series! I'm not good at summaries so here is the disclaimer. Disclai... More

The New Girl
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Christmas Break Part 1
Christmas Break Part 2
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Sequel Info!

Chapter 11

4.6K 99 17
By GleeForever213


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I was changing my shirt in the boys locker room after football practice when Mike and Artie walked in. They right walked up to Karofsky and started talking.

"Stop picking on Kurt." Artie said.

"You mind, I'm changing." Karofsky said buckling his belt

"We're serious." Mike said, glaring at him

"Just leave him alone." Artie said.

"Look, if he wants to be a homo, whatever, just don't rub it in my face."

"This is a warning, just back off alright?" Mike said getting in his face.

"You back off." Karofsky pushed him and he fell back towards Artie's chair and he fell out of it.

"HEY!" I yelled and attacked him. I pushed him against the lockers. I heard Puck ask Artie if he was okay as I punched Karofsky in the face a couple of times and he kicked me in the knee. He got two punches in and then I punched him in the nose and eye. Then he got on top of me as Coach Jackson came in

"Hey, what the hell is going on here!" Coach yelled. He pulled Karofsky off of me and pulled him out of the room. I was still on the floor, breathing hard, mad as hell.

"You alright Sam?" Puck asked.

"Yeah." I tried to stand but my knee gave out. Mike caught me before I could hit the floor again.

"Yeah, no you're not. Lets go to the nurse's office."

"No, I don't want to go there, lets just go to the choir room." They nodded, Puck came over and Mike and him helped me walk to the choir room.

Artie's POV

I took out my phone and texted Kitty.

Hey, I need you to go get some ice.~Artie Abrams

Um, Okay. But why?~Kitty Wilde 

You'll see, just please get some ice and take it to the choir room.~Artie Abrams

Okay~Kitty Wilde

Third Person POV

Everyone was already in the choir room, except Sam, Puck, Mike and Artie. For some reason, Kitty had a lot of ice with her.

"Hey guys, where's Puck, Mike, Artie and Sam?" Mr. Schue asked. Everyone shrugged.

"Last I saw 'em, they were in the guys locker room." Jake said.

"Ow, watch it Artie." A voice down the hall said and then the four boys came in.

"Oh my god, what the hell happened to you Sam?" Brenda exclaimed. Puck and Mike sat him down in one of the chairs in the front row.

"So that's what the ice is for, huh." Kitty said and brought the ice over to them. Sam had a busted lip and a black eye.

"Artie and I were telling Karofsky to stop picking on Kurt and he pushed me. I fell onto Artie's chair and he fell out of it. Sam attacked him."

"Yeah, he looked like an animal!"Puck said.

"More like a manimal" Artie said.

"What happened during the fight exactly?" Mr. Schue asked and pulled up a seat in front of Sam. Brenda was wiping his bleeding lip and holding an ice pack up to his black eye.

"Well, I saw him push Mike and I attacked him. Y'all know I don't like it when people bully my friends, or anyone else for that matter. Anyway, I got in a few good licks, and he punched me twice and kicked me in the leg. Chris came in and pulled him off of me." Sam said,wincing.

"Huh, I don't know what to say. I'm happy you got him to back off, I just wish you didn't get hurt." Brenda said. Sam smiled, and winced again.

"You need to go to the nurse's office Sam."

"No, that woman is freaky. She's all up on me and stuff." He shuddered.

"What, are you just going to deal with pain for the rest of the day?"

"Yep. I can handle it. I've dealt with worse." Mr. Schue looked at him. Then he looked at Kurt.

"Are you okay Kurt?" He put his hand on his shoulder.Kurt nodded.

"Thanks, all of you. Especially you Sam." Sam smiled at him. Then he frowned.

"Now I have to pee." The boys looked at each other.

"Not it!"

"What the hell are y'all talking about? I can go myself." He said. He stood up and hopped, literally, on one leg, toward the door. Brenda got up, glared at the boys, and followed him. She wrapped her arm around his waist.

 Brenda' s POV

I wrapped my arm around Sam's waist and helped him walk. He looked down at me and smiled.

"I think it was really brave. What you did for Kurt." I said.

"Thanks, someone had to do it. One day, I'ma stick my foot up his ass." I laughed.

"Brenda? Sam?" I saw Mama walking down the hall, coming towards us. "What happened Sam?" We helped him to the bathroom, and he said he got it from there. Mama and I waited in the hall way and I explained what happened.


"I know. You should have seen him when he first came in. He had to be supported by Puck and Mike." I said. Sam then came out of the bathroom.

"Alright. Lets go get you two's stuff." Mama said as we helped Sam back to the Choir room.


"I'm signing y'all out. Remember when Jimmy had to have surgery on his knee?" I nodded. "Well, he hurt it playing football. And if Sam's was kicked so hard he can't walk, he needs to get it checked, and I don't want it getting worse." Sam groaned. I laughed.

"Can we at least stay until after Glee is over?" Sam asked, giving Mama the puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, we'll stay. But you have to sit and put your leg up." He nodded.



I was sitting in the middle of the back seat, and Sam had the front seat leaned back so he could look at me. I smiled at him.

"Did you text your mom Sam?" Mama asked.

"Yes ma'am. She said she's on her way to pick me up from your house." Mama nodded.

"So, what do you want to do when you graduate?" Mama asked.

"Well, I don't really know. When I was younger, I wanted to be a male model, but I've taken an interest to acting, and of course, singing." Sam said.

"Same here. I want to be a singer/actress after school." I said.

"Y'all should make some videos of you singing together." Mama suggested. "And put it on YouTube or something."

"I'll put one of me on there, I don't know if he'll want to though." I said and looked at him. He nodded and I smiled.

"As soon as he gets better we'll put one on." I said."Wait, I thought your mom was working today?" I asked.

"Well, she kind of, uh, lost her job yesterday. And I found out that I'm gonna get another little brother or little sister." He said.

"Really? That's great!"

"Yeah, I can't wait. It's just she's been waking me up with all of the puking. And my room is right beside the bathroom." He shuddered. I laughed.

"I know. If I heard someone puking, I probably would too." He laughed. He pulled his pant leg up and I almost gagged when I saw his knee.

"Oi, that looks nasty." Sam said, cringing himself. Mama looked over.

"Hopefully it's just badly bruised." Sam nodded.


"Okay, after studying the X-Rays, fortunately, your knee cap is badly bruised. You won't need any surgery. We're giving you some pain killers, they make you sleepy but they stop the pain. And you have to use crutches." Sam groaned but nodded. We left the hospital and headed back to my house. We were going to pick Mama, Chris, Kevin and Pa and then we're going back to Sam's house. Mary, Sam's mom, invited us to have dinner with them. As soon as she told me it was going to be lasagna, I begged Mama to go.

"So..." Sam said.

"So...Our family's are about to meet."


"This is going to be..."

"Interesting." He finished for me. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, while we were sitting at a red light. It turned green and I turned down the road going to my house.

 "The woods out here remind me of home. And going hunting with my dad." I said.

"Well, if you want to, you can come hunting with me and my dad one weekend."

"I'd like that." I smiled. I turned into the drive way, put the car in park and got out. I helped Sam get out and we went into the house.

"Mama! We here! Let's go! I got's to seem them kids!" I heard her laugh as she came down the steps.

"I'm ready! I'm ready! Calm down! Pa can't come today, he has to work again. Chris and Kevin are gonna meet us there."

I nodded.

"Let's go!"


"Hi, I'm Brenda's mom." Mama said.

"Hi, I'm Mary, and this is Dwight." Mary said. They shook hands. "The food isn't done yet, so lets sit in the living room. Sam, you are going to sit on the couch with your leg up. If you don't, I'ma smack your behind." I giggled as Sam wobbled into the living room really fast.

"Brenda!" Stacy yelled. I picked her up and sat beside Sam. Mama, Chris, and Kevin sat on the other couch and Dwight and Mary sat in the love seat.

"So, tell me about this Sam. Your mother didn't explain it to me." Dwight said looking at Sam. Sam sighed and told him. I looked at Dwight and I thought he was about to yell at him, but then he grinned.

"That's my boy!" I laughed, and Sam grinned. Sam looked exactly like his dad, but with big lips. I still don't know whose lips he's got. Mary looked at mama.

"So, according to out son, your daughter is amazingly beautiful, which she is." Sam and I blushed.

"Thanks you." I said.

"Brenda has a boyfriend, Brenda has a boyfriend, Brenda has a boyfriend!" Chris and Kevin sang. I glared at them.

"So, Chris your engaged to Lauren and Jimmy has Megan. The crazy lunatic." I mumbled the last part. "And if you start singing it again, I'll seriously hurt you." I said. They nodded.

"So, where did y'all live before you moved here?" Mary asked mama.

"We lived in South Carolina, Darlington actually." She answered.

"We went there when I was pregnant with Sam. I had him there."

"Say what now?" Sam asked, interested, he was playing with my hair.

"Yeah, the little shit was born a month early, and I was 19." She said. "He was born at McLeod Hospital."

"That's where Brenda and Kevin were born. I had an epidural and they were born before it even started working." Mama said. I grinned at her. She rolled her eyes. Dwight and Mary laughed. I looked over at Chris and Kevin. They were having a poke war. I shook my head.

"Before we moved here when Sam was, how old were you?" Dwight asked.

"I was 15 dad." Sam rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, we moved here from Nashville Tennessee." I slapped Sam on the arm.


"You didn't tell me you were from Nashville!"

"Well, you didn't ask!" I laughed." Hey, Mama, you should show them your Elvis collection."

"I will, if they want to see it, after dinner."

"She's says that when I move out, she's turning my room into her Elvis room." Sam said.

"I am! You should show them your Elvis impression."

"Nah, nah. It sucks."

"Come on Sammy! I'm not going to watch Avatar with you anymore if you don't!" I threatened.

"Fine, fine. Thank you, thank you very much." I laughed.

"That was good!" I said and kissed his cheek. I heard a little ding coming from the kitchen.

"The food is probably done." Mary said and went to check. "Alright! It's done. Y'all can come eat!" Sam, despite his leg, was the first one up and in the kitchen. I laughed and shook my head at him. I looked at Stacy and we said at the same time,


"Hey! You girls and your talking at the same time thing is freaking me out!" Sam yelled from the kitchen. I looked at her again.

"Shut up Sammy!" We yelled at the same time. He groaned. I smiled and together, Stacy and I agreed to say the same thing at the same time, just to freak him out.

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