Dating The Fame

By _Leahh

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Can Genesis deal with the slander from the media, obsessive stalkers, betrayal and the trust issues? All of t... More

Chapter 1: G Shit
Chapter 2: Drunken
Chapter 3: Making A Move
Chapter 4: Don't Mind
Chapter 5: All The Stars
Chapter 6: Cravings
Chapter 7: I Am Not
Chapter 8: The Kiss
Chapter 9: Gardening Tool
Chapter 10: Brother
Chapter 11: Mine
Chapter 12: Meeting the Fam
Chapter 13: Twitter Fingers
Chapter 14: NYC
Chapter 15: Intimacy
Chapter 16: Should've Told You
Chapter 17: Body II Body
Chapter 18: Blondie
My Heart
Chapter 19: Past
Chapter 20: Leaked
Chapter 21: Don't Look Back
Chapter 22: You Should Stay
Chapter 23: Different Now
Chapter 24: Serenity
Chapter 25: The Weekend
Chapter 26: The Awards
Chapter 27: Opportunites
Chapter 28: Controlling
Chapter 29: Desperado
Chapter 30: Tore Up
Chapter 31: Moving On
Chapter 32: Kick off
Chapter 33: Pride
Chapter 34: Monica
Chapter 35: Twenty-Three
Chapter 36: Twenty Three pt. 2
Chapter 37: Timing is Everything
Chapter 38: Mistake
Chapter 39: Chill Bill
Chapter 40: Substance
Chapter 41: Circle of Life
Chapter 42: Holiday
Chapter 43: VA


7.2K 150 36
By _Leahh


"If I don't get some food in my stomach then somebody is going to turn up missing."

I groaned as I followed Serenity, my best friend, around the Ralph Lauren store. The plan was for her to exchange some shirts that she just got for Christmas, but instead we've been at this shopping center for three consecutive hours.

"Chill, kimbo slice, I'm ready to check out." Serenity says as she grabs another v neck t-shirt.

Serenity and I have been friends since High School when I first moved down to Henderson, Nevada. Back then, I sort of stayed close to my cousins—Logan and Wyatt—until Serenity and I got grouped together for a project one day. Since then we sort of bonded instantly.

"And why the hell you park so far away? It's too damn cold for this." Serenity spat as we headed out to the partially full parking lot.

"Don't act like you don't need the exercise." I teased as I pulled out my phone from my back pocket seeing I had a message on my Instagram account.

Grinning, I knew it couldn't be no one other than TJ. He was the only person I communicated with through the social media app. Even though we have each other's number, since we originally became friends through the app it became second nature.


Yoo, where you at?

Just left the mall with Serene. Why?

I'm in the area. Meet me.

"TJ's in town." I gushed as we got into my Lexus. TJ was like a close guy friend to me.

A little after my break up with Raheem, TJ followed me on Instagram and messaged me about how much he liked the content of my page. Which eventually he told me it was code for him saying how attractive he thought I was. Though, I didn't know TJ's intentions when he messaged me; the conversation started off very casual. Before I knew it, he became some one I grown to love talking to. His personality and mine equally vibe off one another and he has help me with my heart break.

"So now I have to be a third wheel again?" Serenity kiss her teeth.

I laughed. "What? I thought we all had fun the last time. TJ likes you!"

"Okay but he really likes you. Your radar must be off sis, because he is definitely feeling you."

"Whatever, TJ knows I'm not looking for a relationship right now." I spoke, mainly to assure myself. "Anyway, he's going to meet us at the Burger Joint." I say while tapping across the screen, writing the message.

Sometimes I do feel as if TJ likes me more than a friend. That's why whenever he wants to hang out I always make sure it's someone else around with us; just to prevent any awkward encounters. If it wasn't Serenity it was Logan, if it wasn't Logan it was Wyatt but I only used Wyatt once since he ditched me the minute he saw another female.

We arrived at the diner first and decided to take a table that was outside. Serenity hated it but I actually think it's a pretty day outside and only slightly cold which is unusual for Nevada but I didn't mind it.

"Aye, shorty!" My attention turned from my phone towards the door where TJ walked towards me with a grin on his face. I smile and stood up to give him a hug. One thing I had to admit, TJ is a handsome brown-skin man. His teeth were perfectly straight and collegiate white while his lips kept a pink color onto them. Then he has incredibly high cheekbones that whenever he grins his goofy grin, dimple forms in his cheeks.

"How many times do I have to tell you I'm average height, dammit." I mumbled as I slapped his bicep.

"Yeah, whatever." He laughs as he wrapped his arm around my lower back for a hug. "It's been too long."

"It's been three weeks." I snickered. "And we literally talk everyday."

"Damn, so a nigga can't miss seeing you now?" He says while pretending to be hurt. "You see how your friend does me?" He questions Serenity as they share a brief embrace.

"She a trip." Serenity shrugs.

"Speaking of friends, how come we always hanging out with my friends? We've been friends for four months and I never met your boys. So who really a trip, Teetee?"

TJ mugs me as I smirk. "Didn't I say don't call me that? T and J is already a nickname, I don't need another one." He says while throwing straw paper at me.

"Don't avoid the question, T and J." I mock while giggling. Many of the times we text each other TJ would mention his friends, but I never actually seen them or knew any of their names. Whenever he refers to one he just says 'the homie'.

"I ain't know you wanted to meet them niggas. They really ain't that special." He mutters while slouching down in his seat. I purse my lips.

"Wow, talking down on your friends are we?" Serenity says sarcastically.

"Exactly!" I laugh. "So you're saying you don't bring them around because they're lame?"

"I didn't say that. I'm just saying I didn't know you wanted to meet them." He retorts while kissing his teeth.

"Well, why not? Maybe we could all get together and do something." I suggest.

"Partay!" Serenity danced in her seat while sticking her tongue out. TJ and I laugh as he shakes his head.

"Y'all a trip." He chuckles.


I pursed my lips as I sat in the living room, getting lectured by my parents as usual. Since I recently just graduated college with a degree in Education, they expect for me to have my whole life planned out but I don't. I'm so used to them choosing my way that I don't know exactly what I want to do.

"So you just expect to move back in and chill for a while?" My dad questioned.

"I mean, yeah. At least until I find a place on my own."

"A place? You barely got a job! Picking and choosing when you want to work at that The Goodies Bakery is not a real job." My dad growls.

"Like I was saying, a coworker of mine was just telling me about this flight attendant job that is opening up. I really think you should apply, Genesis." My mom says. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I thought we agreed on me being a teacher?"

I felt like a sixteen year old child whenever it came to them. For some reason, I fear of disapproval so I picked a major that I thought would make them happy.

"Well, with this job you can make more and travel all around the world while doing so. It's a perfect job for someone as young as you." She egged on.

"I don't know. I don't really like flying like that because my ears pop." I sighed.

"They have something for that, I'm sure." My dad retorts.

The front door then swung open revealing my younger sister, Giana who just came home from school.

"Uh oh, what are y'all talking about?" She questioned noticing our parents sitting in front of me. "Oh my gosh, Genesis are you pregnant?!" She gasps.

"What? Hell no!" We all exclaimed causing Giana to laugh.

"Well thank god." She said before jogging up the stairs to her room.

Giana is sixteen and at her prime of high school. Although she keeps outstanding grades to keep my parents proud, I notice she tries to sneak off to parties every now and then. Considering everything I was doing at that age, I don't even blame her.

"What do she know about someone being pregnant?" My dad grumbled.

"Oh, you haven't given her 'the talk' yet?" I instigated using air quotes. They both raised their eyebrow. "Well, you guys might want to get on that." I chuckled.

"What are you talking about? Gia is fine." My mom assured.

"Mama, the girl favorite show to watch is Being Mary Jane. And have you seen all the sex that's on that show? I'm just saying." I held my hands up in surrender.

My dad cleared his throat as he shot up out his seat.

"Giana, come here please!"

I was only trying to turn to attention away from me and unfortunately Giana had to be the victim.

"That's my cue." I grabbed my phone and keys before making my way up the stairs. As I walked up, Giana walked out her room.

"What daddy want?" She questioned with a confused look on his face.

"I don't know, I'm sure its nothing." I smiled while tapping her shoulder causing her to sigh.

Snickering to myself, I closed my bed room door and locked it. Living with my parents wasn't all too bad, I just hope it's only temporary before they try to get me to pay bills. As I flopped down on my bed, my laptop started to chirp indicating I had a FaceTime call. It was Logan which I'm sure she was only calling to curse me out. Once I accepted the call, the screen popped up of her being in her car.

"What's up, Lo."

"I'ma beat your ass for going to Burger Joint without me, bitch."

I laugh. "Serenity told you? We only went to meet up with TJ, and I thought you had to work."

"You act like work ever stopped me before." She scoffs, I shake my head.

"I forgot." I snickered. Logan was the type to get away with anything no matter the occasion. She has a way with her words to get whatever.

"Anyway, is TJ in town or was he just driving through from Cali?" She asks.

I shrugged. "I think he's in town for the week. This is him texting me right now." I mentioned as my phone dings.

One of my patna's throwing a pool party tomorrow. Come thru.

"What he say?"

"His friend is throwing a pool party tomorrow." I replied while typing my response.

"A pool party in January? Whateva, I'm down." Logan added as she honked her horn. "The light is green-moooove!"

"I wasn't asking you first of all." I snickered completely ignoring her massive road rage outbursts.

We'll be there.

"You know your ass wasn't going to go without me anyway." Logan remarks.

A part of me could guess that TJ only invited me because of my interrogation about his friends. I just find it weird that we've hung out so much and he has yet to bring anyone around me. I hope it wasn't because he is ashamed of me somehow. But i'll find out tomorrow.

Short but it'll get better..

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