Don't You Dare: A Synyster Ga...

By ampersandasterisk

35.8K 1.2K 564

WARNING: A very smutty story based on a very smutty dream. What started as something simple turned into some... More

Introduction & Prologue
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Nine

1K 33 7
By ampersandasterisk

The guys sauntered off stage with smiles spread across all of their faces. Despite being heavily intoxicated since the early afternoon, they just put on a great show. The crowd was very energetic, dancing, moshing, singing along, crowd surfing, and stage diving all throughout their entire set. In return, the guys had a blast and felt really good about where they were heading as a band.

"That was incredible!" Matt shouted, pulling his sweaty shirt over his head.

"Probably the best show we've had the whole tour," Brian commented, still smiling as they walked into the green room.

"They're getting better and better each night," Zack noted proudly.

After freshening up and cooling off, all five of the guys joined Aubrey at the merch table, hanging out with fans, taking pictures, and signing CDs. She sat back and let them take over, selling their own merchandise to their supportive fans. She enjoyed watching them interact, being a balanced mix of their true selves and their stage personas.

Matt was talkative, wanting to hear every story that an overzealous fan wanted to tell him. Johnny was surprisingly shy, very humbled and appreciative of everyone's praise. Brian was answering question upon question that a guitar-playing fan was asking. Jimmy was cracking jokes and photobombing all the pictures that Zack was taking with fans.

Valary helped Aubrey pack up all the merch while the guys continued to hang out with their fans. They were both so happy to see the guys so ecstatic and even happier to see how eager their fans were to talk to them.

"Is there a fun bar or club nearby?" Aubrey heard Johnny ask as she and Val walked past them, carrying boxes to the bus.

"Here we go," Val laughed as they exited out the back of the venue and walked the few steps to the bus.

"They had such a good night," Aubrey said, setting the boxes into the storage compartment. "If they want to go out, I'm all for it."

"You're right. They deserve it," Val agreed as they headed back into the venue.

It didn't take long for the guys to part with their fans and head out to a nearby club that was recommended by a female fan, who Aubrey assumed would probably show up to party with the guys later.

When they entered the club, they were immediately hit by thumping bass, flashing lights, and moving bodies.

"Drinks!" Jimmy shouted, pointing to the bar and turning in that direction, leading the rest of his band to the beverages.

"They never want to go to fun places like this!" Val exclaimed excitedly as she pulled Aubrey onto the dancefloor. "All they ever want to do is drink but I love to dance!"

"Me too," Aubrey agreed with a smile, dancing alongside her friend.

Matt joined them first, dancing over to them, carrying a drink in each hand. Aubrey assumed one was for him and one was for Valary, but she was pleasantly surprised when he handed one to Val and the other to her.

"Thank you!" She said appreciatively.

He nodded in acknowledgement then told her, "Long Island Iced Tea!"

"Perfect!" She commented, taking a long sip of the beverage.

Zack joined them next carrying two beers, handing one to Matt and taking a sip of his own as he danced with Aubrey. She moved her body, swaying her hips on him as he bounced to the beat. Val and Matt danced beside them. Brian and Johnny joined them next, followed by Jimmy who had a drink in each hand, both for himself.

Brian and Matt danced on Val while Zack and Johnny danced with Aubrey. Jimmy, content as always, danced with everyone - himself, strangers, his friends.

The alcohol released a lot of Aubrey's inhibition and had her feeling relaxed. She moved around, dancing with Val, dancing with Matt, dancing with Zack and Johnny and Jimmy. But regardless of who she was dancing with, she had her eye on Brian all night.

Likewise, he found himself unable to take his eyes off of her all night. She wore a short black, long-sleeve dress and her legs looked killer. Her hair was down, waving all around as she swayed. She was having fun, smiling, dancing. She looked beautiful.

She and Val danced playfully with all the guys all night, so no one thought anything of it when Aubrey strutted her way over to Brian and began shaking her hips on him.

For the most part, all of the dancing between the girls and the guys had been fun, platonic, and innocent, but the second Brian got his hands on Aubrey, he was a goner. The way she looked him in the eye and rolled her shoulders and swayed her hips. The way she positioned herself just close enough to be intimate without actually touching him.

"I need refills!" Jimmy shouted to Zack as he held up an empty glass in each hand. Zack nodded and lifted his empty beer bottle up in agreement then they left to get new drinks.

Val grabbed Aubrey's arm and leaned in to holler in her ear. "We're gonna head out to the car for a bit," she laughed, somewhat sheepishly. "Don't let anyone come to the car for at least thirty minutes."

Aubrey winked. "You got it."

She watched as Val dragged Matt out of the club.

Johnny was dancing with some random girl, so drunk he probably couldn't see straight, focused on the girl who was shaking her ass on his thigh.

Aubrey took that opportunity to get even closer to Brian, throwing an arm around his neck, staring him down as she rolled her body on his.

He didn't dance behind her, grinding on her like a hormonal teenager. Instead he danced with her, facing her, keeping a hand on her waist but not holding her to him. He moved his body with hers to the beat of the music, being playful but respectful. She smiled and he returned the gesture. He was having fun, for the first time in a long time. He didn't dance much, but he appreciated having a reason to be let loose. And specifically, to let loose with her.

When he pulled her body closer and pressed his forehead against hers, the mood turned intimate.

It was turning her on immensely. And unfortunately, alcohol furthered her inhibitions, causing her to roll her body against his as they danced. She nearly took his breath away as he felt her against him. He had to remind himself over and over that they were in public, that their friends were merely feet away. Hell, he was probably already risking too much by dancing with her, especially this close. But he had tunnel vision. He needed to get her alone. Now.

Before anyone could return and before Johnny could notice, Brian grabbed Aubrey's hand and pulled her through the crowd. Elation rose in the pit of her stomach and the warm space between her thighs ached in anticipation of what she knew was coming.

His eyes scanned the room erratically and when he found what he was looking for, he booked it in that direction. He quickly threw open the door to the men's restroom, locking it behind him then bent over briefly to check under the stalls for any others.

When the coast was clear, he turned around to Aubrey, immediately closing the gap between them. She wrapped her arms around his neck then sighed into his mouth. His hands immediately went to her hips, gripping them roughly. God, he loved her hips. Their tongues met, tangling in each other's mouths. A sense of desperation built up inside of them both.

He pushed his hips forward into hers, shoving her back up against the bathroom counter. His lips flew from her mouth to her neck and she instinctively tilted her head back, giving him better access to the sensitive area. His lips trailed up to her jaw, just beneath her ear.

He briefly removed his lips from her neck then quickly moved his hands below her butt and lifted her up, setting her down on top of the counter, just at the edge.

She grabbed his face, pulling it to hers and kissing him roughly again, immediately forcing her tongue into his mouth. His hands ran up her smooth bare thighs and under her dress as their tongues danced. He slid his hands to her backside, where he discovered that she was wearing a thong under her dress. He groaned with pleasure into her mouth, tugging on the thin material.

She moved her hands, pushing them down against the counter to lift herself up slightly so Brian could quickly slide her underwear off of her butt. He pulled them all the way down her thighs then carefully slipped them over her shoes and tucked them into his pocket before he attached his lips back to hers. Clumsily, he unbuckled and unzipped his pants and pushed them down along with his underwear. The clothes fell to the floor around his ankles.

They shared a sense of urgency, bypassing all typical foreplay to not waste any time, as their moment alone would likely not last very long.

Brian moved between Aubrey's legs and pushed up her dress to get it out of his way, causing her to slightly shiver at his touch.

He lined himself up at her entrance. They both watched as he slowly pushed himself inside of her.

He glanced up at her and when his eyes met hers, his body and mind went into autopilot.

He pressed his lips to hers roughly, bringing one hand behind her neck and the other on her hip, beneath her dress, to hold her steady as he began pumping into her. She ran her hands under his shirt, resting them on his bare sides to steady herself even more as he picked up his pace.

Overwhelmed by the feeling, he broke away from her lips, but pressed his forehead to hers to maintain closeness.

"God," he breathed, unsure of how his legs didn't collapse beneath him from the pleasure.

A familiar tingling sensation began building in the pit of Aubrey's stomach, quicker than it ever has before. She bucked her hips to meet his thrusts as best as she could, mostly restricted by the surface of the counter. Brian shut his eyes tight, relishing in the feeling of her gyrating with his hand on her hip as he held her steady.

A moan escaped her mouth; the feeling intensified every time he slammed into her.

Her entire body tensed up as she felt the impending climax get closer. Her hands squeezed his bare sides, and Brian maintained his quick pace, able to read through her body language that she liked what he was doing, which made him throb inside of her.

As the burst of pleasure exploded throughout every inch of her body, she threw her head back, causing Brian to hold onto her neck tighter to keep her close. Her back arched as her torso rolled with the waves of her orgasm. Her loud moans rocketed through the bathroom as her vision blurred and her mind shut off.

The sights, sounds, and feelings of her orgasm sent Brian over the edge. He dug his fingertips into her skin. Hearing her whimper in delight, feeling her muscles pulsate in waves around him and her hands grip his sides, seeing her hips buck uncontrollably against him.

He pulled her closer, pressing his face into her neck as he slammed into her until he was hit with his own orgasm. He grunted into her neck, unloading inside of her as fireworks of bliss went off and exploded outwardly inside his body.

His body finally relaxed as they both panted, trying to catch their breath as they came down from their euphoric highs.

Aubrey caressed the back of his head affectionately then leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on the top of his head as he breathed heavily into her neck. He stayed like that for a moment, limp inside of her, trying to steady his heartbeat.

The sound of someone banging on the bathroom door snapped them out of their haze.

"Shit," Brian grunted, slipping out of her and helping her off the counter. He quickly pulled up his pants. She cleaned herself up, straightened her dress, and looked around for her underwear but didn't see them anywhere. She didn't put up much of a fight for them because embarrassingly enough, it wouldn't be the first time she left her underwear behind somewhere.

She hurried over to the door with Brian, hiding behind him to shield herself from the embarrassment of being caught in the men's bathroom.

When Brian opened the bathroom door, he was faced with the unexpected. Johnny. Standing right in front of him.

"Gates?" Johnny questioned as he tried to step into the bathroom but Brian was still standing in the doorway, frozen.

Aubrey's eyes widened, hidden by Brian's torso, as she recognized the voice in front of them.

"What're you doing? Why'd you lock the door?" Johnny asked, bemused and skeptical of his friend's strange actions and even stranger demeanor.

Brian didn't say a word. His brain raced with an excuse, a way to get out of the bathroom and get Aubrey out of the bathroom without Johnny seeing.

"Okaaay. Move, dick," Johnny spat, shoving Brian out of the way and revealing Aubrey behind him, looking like a deer in headlights.

"AC? What are you..." Johnny trailed off as his eyes widened. He looked over at Brian then back to Aubrey. Then back to Brian. Then back to Aubrey.

She looked down at her feet sheepishly, silently confirming Johnny's growing suspicion.

Johnny's jaw dropped as the realization hit him, and he screeched. "Holy shit!"

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