Yukio x Rin

נכתב על ידי Kitten1134

49.1K 1.1K 765

(Title will be changed when I think of a better one) Blue Exorcist AU What if... Rin and Yukio aren't blood... עוד

~ Prologue ~


7.3K 161 124
נכתב על ידי Kitten1134

(Rin's p.o.v)

After yesterday, I've decided.

I'm going to become an exorcist just like the old man!

After seeing how Shiro and all the guys at the monastery nearly died trying to protect from Satan and the demons who came after me. I figured that no one would have to risk their lives trying to protect me if I learned to protect myself.

I asked Shiro. He said it was a crazy and risky idea. That purposely getting closer to the Vatican when they're the ones me and my mom were hiding from would never turn out well.
But then I told him my side of the story, how I wanted to fight and learn how to defend myself. He looked a little more comfortable with the thought of me being able to fight off demons myself as well.

He said that it was ok, but under these conditions:
No one can know I'm the son of Satan.
No one can know about my powers.
No one can know I'm the baby who was supposed to be executed 16 years ago. Or that would put both my, and Shiro's life in danger. Since they didn't know that Shiro never executed me like he was told to.

He told me about his friend who was also his partner and runs an exorcist training school and to pack my things since the exorcist school is not close to home.

I hugged him and thanked him profusely and ran to my room. I could hear Shiro let out a deep sigh. "What the hell did I just do?" I heard him say to himself. Maybe he was regretting letting me go back to real school. Or maybe he regretted letting me go to an exorcist school.


~Two week time skip~

Shiro gave me the phone number of his friend, and told me to wait outside.
I dialled the number and held the phone to my ear. Which was stranger because I could've sworn I heard a phone ring behind me.
"Hello~" the voice echoed. I turned around behind me to see where that voice was coming from. I jumped and shrieked when I saw a man standing right I front of me.

"You must be Rin?" He asked me. I just nodded. He laughed, it sounded dark and creepy. He had weird purple hair, pointed ears like me and white clown suit.

"My name is sir Mephisto Pheles."

Mephistopheles? As in like the devil?

"That's a very unique name" I said.

A man opened the door of I pink limo which I didn't know was behind me either. He called the clown 'Faust'.

"I thought you said your name was..."

"In public I go by the name John Faust. Now get into the car." He said pushing me inside.

"Wait? You want me to ride inside of this?! No way I'm gonna be seen coming out of a pink limousine!"

"Do you want to become an exorcist or not?" He asked. I huffed and mumbled a 'fine' and went inside.


We got out of the big car. I looked up at the large building we stood in front of.

"Woah! This place is huge!"

"Yes, it is. Welcome to true cross."

"True cross?!" I whipped my head towards him. "This is the school Yukio goes to."

"Yes, I am aware."

I'm going to go to the same school as Yuki? Now I'm gonna get to be around him almost all the time!

"But isn't true cross some kind of prestigious fancy expensive school? How am I affording this?" I asked.

"You're not, I'm paying for you to be here. I'm the head master so the money would mostly come back to me."

"Really? That's nice of you." He smirked. "But I'm not a smart person, how am I gonna make it around here?"

"Mm, I'll sign you up for easier classes."

I nodded.

"Oh, and there are some rules. The fangs, and pointed ears can be explained, even leave your tail out of you wish, but absolutely no blue flames. No one is to know you're the son of Satan. That means no drawing your sword in front of others. Oh, and people are not to know about your mother, or it will be easy to figure out who you are." I nodded again. "Your classes don't start until next week, but cram school starts today after school."

"Cram school?"

"You're exorcist classes. They start today. Well, I'm off to the assembly. There is no need for you to go." He said some words I don't understand and looted away in a cloud of purple smoke. I coughed and fanned it away.

Assembly, huh?


"This years class representative, Yukio Okumura." Everyone was clapping for him. I overheard some girls talking about how smart and cute he was. Which made me feel a twinge of jealousy. Yukio is mine!

Class rep? Yukio is so smart! He must be even smarter than I thought to be class rep! Yukio's gonna be a doctor some day, I just know it.


Mephisto gave me a special key and told me that it would be wise to never loose it. So I kept it on a key chain. I used it to open up a random door, when I walked inside I was in this really huge hallway. It was decorated and looked very fancy. True cross is a really cool place. I'm not gonna last a week....

I walked up to the class room, this was the place Mephisto told me to go, I think.
I walked inside.
There weren't that many people in this classroom. Maybe this class isn't too popular. There was three boys sitting near the back. One who was small and nerdy looking. His head was shaved, he wore glasses and looked very fragile. Like china glass, if china glass were a person.

There was another boy sitting on the desk. He had pink hair and brown eyes. He was laughing about something but stopped when he saw me.
There was this other boy sitting next to the nerdy frigile one. He had a blonde streak in his hair, piercings and tough look on his face. He looks really badass. And handsome, but I'm with Yuki. 

There was a girl with purple hair, red eyes and funny looking eyebrows. She was sitting next to another girl with short brown hair.

There was another girl sitting behind them with short blonde hair, she was wearing a kimono. She had a sweet smile on her face, she looked nice.

There was this other kid with blonde hair and a puppet. He kinda freaks me out...

Everyone's eyes were on me.

This place is starting to make me remember why I dropped out of school.
I hate being around people...

They were making me feel all nervous inside.

I sat down next to the blonde girl since she looked the least threatening. 

The other kids watched me as I took a seat.

"H-hi!" I turned towards the blonde girl, she looked nervous.

"Hey." I said, I turned back toward the front of the room.

"U-um... My name is Shiemi. A-are you new here?" She asked. She was shaking slightly.

"Yeah. my name's Rin." I said trying my best to smile. its hard to smile when you're in a place you don't want to be.

"H-hi Rin. I'm new here as well." I nodded. "w-would you like to be m-my friend!?"

My eyes widened. I never had friends before, so I guess I'm in no position to say no.


"r-really?" she said sounding surprised. Why is she so surprised? She's the one who asked me.

"Sure, I mean, why not..."

"Yay." She said clapping her hands together excitedly. "My first friend."

Just then the teacher walked in.

"Good morning class, sorry I'm a bit late." Our teacher came in holding stacks of paper.

Is that....YUKI?!

I think my eyeballs burst out of their sockets.

"My name is Yukio Okumura, and although I am a first year like you, I'm already an exorcist and more than qualified to teach. I will be your teacher in demon pharmacology."

"YUKIO?!" I yelled getting up from my seat. "What are you doing here?!"

"As I said before, I will be your teacher. " I sat back down and crossed my arms. What happened to being a doctor? He never told me he was a teacher. Or an exorcist... What the hell happened to telling each other everything because apparently "that's what a relationship is all about".

"Ok, raise your hand if you haven't received a temp taint.

A few students raised their hands.

What's a temp taint?

He poured some blood into a test tube and mixed it with some milk.

"This mixture is used for summoning hob goblins, they're perfect for this activity because their relatively easy to handle."

I wouldn't he tell me about being an exorcist?? What other stuff is he keeping from me?! He's the one who gets mad at me whenever I don't tell him something! That's makes him...a giant hypocrite!
Now that I think about it, he rarely tells me anything! Whenever we're alone together he usually just asks me about my day, and how I'm feeling. But whenever I ask him about how his day was, his answers are vague! That's it! I've had it with him!

"Just one drop of this stuff should be enough to-"

"Yukio!" I yelled.

He looked kind of shocked, but he quickly recovered.

"I'd prefer if you refer to me as 'Okumura-sensei during class hours-"

"Cut the bull shit!" Ever one gaped at me when I swore at the teacher. "What's this about being an exorcist?!" I stormed up to him. "What happened to studying to become a doctor?! Or is that another one of your lies!"

"Please Rin, leave this until after class. You're making a scene-" he said softly so only I can hear him.

"Don't tell me not to make a scene!!" I slapped away his hand that he used to reach for me.

*glass breaking sounds*

We looked down at the shattered test tube.
"Oh dear-" was all Yukio said before swarms of hob goblins appeared. Some of the students got small cuts and scratches and screamed when they were able to see all the hobgoblins coming after them.

Yukio grabbed a gun and started shooting hob goblins. "Everybody out of the class" everybody left class but me. "Rin! What're you doing? Get out with the rest of the students!"

"No! It's my fault you dropped that thing!" Once all of the students were gone I drew my sword and started slashing hob goblins whiles Yukio shot others. He shot this one giant hob goblin with a small crown.

Soon all of them were dead or left.

"Rin? What are you doing here?" He asked breathing heavily.

"What does it look like, I'm becoming an exorcist."

"No, you're not."

"What? Why? You can't tell me what I can and can't do!"

"It's too dangerous for you. A demon, in a class full of exorcists."

"It's not to dangerous, I can take care of myself now. And besides, Shiro said I can come."

"He did, did he." He said with a stern look on his face. I've never seen him look this coldhearted before. I took a step away from him.

"Rin.." He said coming closer to me, he reached his hand out to cup my face.

"Don't touch me." I slapped his hand away. He looked surprised. "I'm still mad at you."

"Rin I-"

"You lied to me! You filthy no good liar!"


"You told me you were at true cross to become a doctor! You never mentioned anything about exorcists, or demons, or being a teacher!"

"You're mad at me for being an exorcist?"

"No! Baka! I'm mad at you for lying to me all these years! What happened to 'people in relationships don't keep secrets from each other'?!"

"I'm -"

"I thought you cared about me..."

"I do sweet heart."

"No you don't, if you did, you would've just told me the truth. Do you not trust me enough to tell me things?"

"I only kept the truth from you to protect you."

"...Protect me from what?!" I said in an exasperated expression. "From the demons? I'm their prince! What the hell are they going to do to me that I need to worry about? That's so serious you need to lie about becoming an exorcist to protect me? What is there to protect me from?!"


"Don't "Rin" me, I'm leaving!" I ran out of the class room.

Extra: don't need to read this if you don't want to.

My logic for how things are in this fanfic.

-If Yuri didn't die during birth, she'd want Rin not to be ashamed of who he is and make sure he knew of his heritage

-if he knew he was the son of Satan the whole time, he wouldn't have snapped at Shiro when he found out he was adopted and the son of Satan.

-if he didn't snap at Shiro, Shiro wouldn't have gotten possessed and die.

-if Shiro didn't die, there would be no need for Yukio to go to the shop
with Rin since Shiro and Yukio would've went before hand. Shiro probably would've gotten that plant demon out of shiemi's legs. Then maybe she would probably be already at the cram school without having to meet Rin first and deciding to become an exorcist after. I don't think any of that made sense, probably only makes sense in my messed up mind.

-if Shiro wasn't dead, Kuro would still be Shiro's familiar

-oh, and if Rin already knew who he was and already learned how to accept it, there would be no need for him to be all depressed and angry all the time. He'd probably be all "yeah, I'm the son of Satan, your point is?"

המשך קריאה

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